Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Listen goy, it’s totally normal for extremely fit, 20-something year olds to drop dead from heart attacks. It’s always been that way and you’d be crazy to insinuate otherwise.

I'm a baaaad gooooooyyy.
The hospital where my wife used to work as a nurse is now requiring all visitors to wear goggles (in addition to face masks, of course) because apparently according to CNN or somebody Covid-1984 can get in through the eyes. Look for this to be the next executive order Let's Go Brandon puts out for air travel - passengers on planes can't just stop at wearing masks, they'll have to wear goggles too.

Every step from our overlords is one more liberty taken away from us. Those who fell for the "just get the jab/wear a mask/do this one last thing they ask of us and then we can get our freedom back" narrative are slowly realizing that it was all a pack of lies. And the tyranny will never stop until there's mass disobedience. If things ever get back to normal it won't be because we were guided into it, it will be because we stood up and took our freedom back.
Just saw a float during Rose Bowl Parade. "Vaccinate out World"

Propaganda never stops. Then Air Force Float goes by and cheesy woman announcer declares the obligatory "Our Armed Forces does such a good job of protecting us from the World! "

Gimme a ****** break. Faux Patriotism and a faux "pandemic" is modern America.
Not to mention all the retards wearing masks outside to view a parade, ha!
Now the parade is getting a performance from black "country" singer from Delaware. **** America lol.
Just saw a float during Rose Bowl Parade. "Vaccinate out World"

Propaganda never stops. Then Air Force Float goes by and cheesy woman announcer declares the obligatory "Our Armed Forces does such a good job of protecting us from the World! "

Gimme a ****** break. Faux Patriotism and a faux "pandemic" is modern America.
Your post said the banner read: vaccinate out world"...Was it "out" or "our"? Either way, it sounds creepy.
No prob! Happy New Year mate!
The Rose Parade has always been lighthearted, neutral, and apolitical...until now. There's really nothing the woketurds respect enough not to ruin.
Now they are taking the kids away from parents all around the world slowly. I can't believe the parents didn't fight. All this for a fake disease. Separate families
possibly forever for a cold. We are very near the end of the world if things don't change fast. God will not allow this to continue but how can humanity allow it? They want us all dead. This is an all out war against every human being on earth.
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Now they are taking the kids away from parents all around the world slowly. I can't believe the parents didn't fight. All this for a fake disease. Separate families
possibly forever for a cold. We aer very near the end of the world if things don't change fast. God will not allow this to continue but how can humanity allow it? They want us all dead. This is an all out war against every human being on earth.
Probably the most evil thing an authority can do is take someone's child away. In a twisted way it's more tyrannical than abortion.

These are dark days. We have entered into a new dark time in human history. We must realize that we are not guaranteed specifically to be delivered from this by God in our lifetime. We can't tell ourselves we are certain of our interpretations of eschatological events in a given time frame, such as the days we are in. We have to live like there's no tomorrow and yet be diligent as if what we do today will affect others a hundred years from now. Christ may not return for a very long time. We do not know the exact time even if in our trouble we wish it were right around the corner. We may be just going through trials of much pain and sorrow like thousands of saints of the past. We just have live by the strength of Christ in and through us. We cannot tell ourselves His return is eminent for certain.
Air New Zealand has now banned all food and drinks aboard its planes so that passengers will keep their masks on all the time. I hope America has more sense than that but with Sleepy Joe Biden and Camel Toe Harris I have my fears.
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