Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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This thread is 67 pages long. Most people that die of covid actually die from other things. One study out of England recently said 9 out of every 10 persons
dieing from covid was fully vaccinated. You have alot of reading if you want to know the truth. If not don't worry and just do what the who and cdc says. Remember
it's all about your health. These people really care about us. They are all eugenists. I will leave it there. There is more than enough info for anyone to read just hear
in all of this pages of articles and videos.

Got it, just curious about, "They want to force injections on the whole world for two reasons. One is
sickness and death for depopulation. The second is total control of all aspects of society including ending property rights, one world fake religion, one world govt, and one world cashless digital currency. They also want everyone one earth to get whatever vaccines every 6 months for the rest of your life till your dead. They control your body and mind"

Who are the they, they who?
I was at the barber shop today. The guy in the chair next to me was a P.A. at a local urgent care center. I overheard him telling the stylist that almost all of the new Covid cases he sees are vaccinated. He said the vaccine is basically worthless.
I was at the barber shop today. The guy in the chair next to me was a P.A. at a local urgent care center. I overheard him telling the stylist that almost all of the new Covid cases he sees are vaccinated. He said the vaccine is basically worthless.

So covid is real, do think that's pretty obvious.
Got it, just curious about, "They want to force injections on the whole world for two reasons. One is
sickness and death for depopulation. The second is total control of all aspects of society including ending property rights, one world fake religion, one world govt, and one world cashless digital currency. They also want everyone one earth to get whatever vaccines every 6 months for the rest of your life till your dead. They control your body and mind"

Who are the they, they who?

The Elite, the Cabal, the N.W.O. and they go by other names. They run everything. That's why all the governments do what their told and they all act in lockstep.
The Elite, the Cabal, the N.W.O. and they go by other names. They run everything. That's why all the governments do what their told and they all act in lockstep.

As of right now all that is news to me, so I have no opinions because I simply know nothing about any of that. Yep, totally ignorant. So when that happens it is time to do my research, my homework, being retired always looking for things to do things to learn. So it's The Elite, The Cabal, The N.W.O. who are responsible for all this. they are responsible for Joe Biden, whoa!!!!
Great meme, WW.
The string-pullers are about as trustworthy as ol' Jim.

People need to wake up. I am trying to warn everyone I know. I was in another state a couple of days ago and had a couple of the staff members who were basically cashiers try to get me to put on a mask in order to make a purchase. By the end of the conversation after making my purchase without a mask, my last statement to the lady in charge was to "Have fun staying duped."

Everybody needs to resist this whole thing in every way they can.
Yeah, the real common cold. I have a few close family members tested positive. None of them had any problem with it.

And the flu. Every year in the US up to 60,000 people die of the flu. Last year almost no one died of the flu in the US. Can u guess why? Also, the US mortality rate for 2020 and 2021 was pretty average. Some "pandemic".
Common sense COVID questions for Liberals:

1. If the virus is super dangerous, why is the Border wide open?

2. If your jab works, why do I need one?

3. If your jab doesn’t work, why do I need one?

4. If you support "my body my choice", why are you forcing people to get the jab?
I happened to catch a few minutes of the Jim Rome show the other day and he promoted his podcast with Dana White. White is always interesting so I looked it up and Dana red pilled Rome on ivermectin and mononuclear anti bodies. Just search Jim Rome podcast.
In spite of the best efforts of the fedgov and the fake news media, the truth is getting out there!

A Majority of Americans are ‘Anti-Vaxxers’

Hey, quit bitchin. Just get the vax, man!

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Hey, quit bitchin. Just get the vax, man!

Couldn't have happened to a "nicer" (NOT!) guy. It wouldn't be so fitting if these Leftist idiots wouldn't try to manipulate and moralize everybody. They couldn't moralize a demon in the lowest Tartarus.
Immediately after it was deleted: "Nothing to see here folks (literally). Move along now."

It's alway the same with all their false flag shows. They expect the suckers to have 30 second attention spans and not remember anything. Me, i have a bad habit of remembering things they don't want remembered, like when this schtick first started they tried to foment panic by showing guys in China collapsing in mid stride from "covid # 19".
Couldn't have happened to a "nicer" (NOT!) guy. It wouldn't be so fitting if these Leftist idiots wouldn't try to manipulate and moralize everybody. They couldn't moralize a demon in the lowest Tartarus.

R u in Australia? Did u know that radio guy? Was he a notorious leftist? Most of them r of course.
Nope. Just judging by his past talking points I'm sure he was a Lefty.
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