Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Additionally the federal government has asked this company to produce 20 million tablets, so this has some hope.

Amneal Pharmaceuticals accelerates hydroxychloroquine sulfate production in response to COVID-19 outbreak (3.57 +0.38) :
Amneal Pharmaceuticals is responding to the national COVID-19 health emergency by building on its existing supply of hydroxychloroquine sulfate. Amneal is ramping up production of hydroxychloroquine sulfate at several of its manufacturing sites and expects to produce approx. 20 mln tablets between now and mid-April. Those tablets will be made available nationwide through Amneal's existing retail and wholesale customers, as well as through direct sales to larger institutions in need.
Today, Amneal's hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets are approved by the FDA to treat malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, childhood arthritis, and other autoimmune diseases. Hydroxychloroquine is not approved for the treatment of COVID-19; however, it has been identified as a possible treatment for COVID-19, and the US government has requested its immediate availability.
Mr King on, like Mr Icke, doesn't believe the coronavirus hype - but he thinks it's the good guys behind it! I sure hope he's right!

But if it's the good guys behind it - including, he says, Xi of China, then why have so many people died in China and Italy?

That's a drop in the bucket compared to the number of people who die each year from old age, disease, accidents, etc. I read somewhere recently that three million people die every year in the U.S. from old age and age-related diseases. That sounds like an underestimate if anything given that our population is now pushing 330 million.
Pretty funny article in the liberal Atlantic called "Celebrities Have Never Been Less Entertaining." Here's the set-up for a gag-inducing celebrity sing-a-long of John Lennon's infamous communist anthem:

"One clear fact, however, might comfort the conspiratorial mind: The celebrities definitely, definitely are not in charge right now. For evidence, turn to the instantly infamous clip of stars singing John Lennon’s “Imagine.” Or rather don’t turn to it; you’ll be happier having not watched. The Wonder Woman actor Gal Gadot rang up a famous crew including Natalie Portman, Jamie Dornan, Sia, Pedro Pascal, Zoë Kravitz, Sarah Silverman, Leslie Odom Jr., Jimmy Fallon, Will Ferrell, Norah Jones, and Cara Delevingne to record clips of themselves singing lyrics about a world without war or possessions. Most of these people are not vocal talents; most of them very much enjoy that we live in a world of possessions. Literally and figuratively tone-deaf, edited with the finesse of a middle schooler making a vacation slideshow on 2002 software, this “Imagine” somehow made a global pandemic feel even more hopeless than it already does. One thing to hope for in these dark times is that coronavirus #content will one day be forgotten as we resume our regularly scheduled programming. For now, Hollywood’s elite personae have isolated in spacious and well-stocked estates from which they are posting videos attempting to cheer up the masses. It’s interesting, if not always reassuring, to see these folks ply their crafts unmediated, without the screenwriters and film editors and cinematographers who typically help shape their images. Millions are tuning in. But often what they are finding is no more remarkable than whatever is happening in the viewer’s own living room. It’s like that old Us Weekly motto “Stars—They’re Just Like Us!” has been made law. The live-streams I’ve watched in the past few days of pop stars and TV actors and mildly famous drag queens make them appear equally bored and equally technologically inept."

Here's the singalong:
"Hollywood’s elite personae have isolated in spacious and well-stocked estates from which they are posting videos attempting to cheer up the masses."

Ha ha! I'll skip that link tho thank you. I don't think i can deal with Sarah Silverman and her friends singing to me!
That's a drop in the bucket compared to the number of people who die each year from old age, disease, accidents, etc. I read somewhere recently that three million people die every year in the U.S. from old age and age-related diseases. That sounds like an underestimate if anything given that our population is now pushing 330 million.

Right. They say that it is mostly elderly and people with other ailments that are dying here. Many such people die all the time. But what about northern Italy?
Right. They say that it is mostly elderly and people with other ailments that are dying here. Many such people die all the time. But what about northern Italy?

I'm not sure about Italy, but 5,476 deaths so far in a country with a large population like Italy has is still a very small number, and most, maybe nearly all, are in their 80s and older. In all the fearmongering I've yet to see anything that shows that this virus is a danger to any groups other than the ones that are always the most susceptible to the flu.
Bodies are piling up by the hundreds per day in China, Italy, France, and Spain and the USA is also starting to approach the 100-deaths-per-day mark. The local authorities in China and Italy and soon other nations are not able to process all the dead bodies in the streets. With a pandemic like this, increase in deaths and cases will not increase in a predictable linear fashion, rather, as there are more cases and more deaths, the healthcare infrastructure becomes stretched and increasingly less able to respond and spreading is heightened because there are more cases. Similar to a "domino" effect, where one check fails, and then suddenly all the checks in place fail. So, it is possible that if today USA has 100 deaths (which is approximately where USA is sitting), tomorrow there could be 200, and then 500, and then 1,000, then if things really get out of control 5, 10, 15, 20, or even 25,000 deaths per day. Major American cities and States are already announcing they do not have the infrastructure, personnel, or equipment to deal with this impending massacre.

And make no mistake gentleman, a bloodbath, or massacre is in fact what it is.

It's all going to roll like burning sh1t rolling down a hill from here.

Russia and Saudi Arabia are 2 large nations which have posted some of the lowest rates of cases and deaths from Covid-19 and that is because they were not hindered by organized leftists, political correctness, a desire to appear non-racist, and a fallacious concept of keeping the borders open at all costs. Russia adopted aggressive measures early, closing its borders and to date only has 1 death (compared to 400 for USA, or 5000+ for Italy). Saudi Arabia completely suspended all international travel early on, and as a result the Covid-19 is almost non-existent there.

Just remember that Western nations like Italy, France, Germany, USA, Canada, UK and so on had more than a month or even 2 months to take an action from the time when the virus began spreading in China and even other nations, but ultimately the governments in these Western nations collectively let their citizenry down and did nothing. In comparison, Russia and Saudi Arabia had closed its borders and imposed travel restrictions weeks or even months before these countries did. Unfortunately now the citizens of these nations will pay in blood for the bad decisions of their governments.

This is not a hoax. It's a total "Sh1t Show" of epic proportions, but it's not a hoax. The dead bodies are real and until we see some crisis actors ala Sandy Hook, 9/11, Columbine, Boston Bombing, or the Bin Laden Assassination we know things are for real. Could this virus have been manufactured by the Chinese as a way to destroy American or European or other worldly economies? Absolutely. Could the virus have been manufactured by the Americans and put in China? Possibly. The Chinese and Americans recently had trade discussions that fell apart, and now that the American economy is fcuking nosediving, the Chinese are buying up the American stock market.

The virus is one half of the battle but the other half will be the long-lasting economic implications of this. Thousands have died in Italy, thousands more will die in UK, France, Netherlands etc., and the EU has been unable to assist Italy in any meaningful capacity. The EU is going to have some serious explaining to do after this and may end up being completely dissolved as a currency and economic union. Open border travel in Europe may be reduced after this. Governments in the West are now creating fake money out of thin air, almost like magical Monopoly money and the near term effects of that will be that it devalues all existing money in circulation. Debts in the Western World have been paused but will in fact be cancelled and the taxpayer will ultimately end up absorbing that burden. The value of currency is going to go way down. Parts of the USA have been locked down, and it is a matter of time before the entire country and almost all countries are locked down. Small businesses cannot survive months without cashflow. A lot of them will be out of business. We're looking at possibly 90% unemployment in the short term. USA, UK, Canada, and German GDP loss and job loss #'s to be released will be the worst in the history of humanity. The stock market has posted the 2nd worst day in all of human history as well as more in the top-10. People with money in the markets have easily lost 30-40% of their wealth in the past 14 days.

Some people are panic buying bitcoin, digital currencies, or stocks in businesses they suspect will rebound (VISA, Delta Airlines, China Airlines) or the real kicker and new gold standard stocks in companies manufacturing N95 protective masks.

This is a total fcuking unmitigated global disaster on the scale of 1929 and if the virus doesn't kill us off, we're all going to be broke after this anyway. We could be looking at the end of civilization as we know it, and those country guys with guns who hunt are looking pretty smart right now because there is a real possibility the grocery stores run out of food. Oh yeah, all our medicine is made using materials that China has a trade monopoly on. Yay international trade.

Welcome to the "Sh1t Show".

This is a bloodbath!
CovidCrisis - just curious what made you just start posting here with this being a sports forum. How did you find the site? Some of your takes I do agree with but I don't think it's going to be as bad as you are stating - there will be deaths but mostly older people/folks with underlying conditions.
"Bodies are piling up by the hundreds per day in China, Italy, France, and Spain and the USA is also starting to approach the 100-deaths-per-day mark. "

Where is your evidence for that, please? it seems China has it under control, so much so that they are starting up some factories in the hardest hit province, and sending medical personnel and equipment to Italy to help them out.

"USA is also starting to approach the 100-deaths-per-day mark"

On any average day 7,452 people die in the USA.

I just spoke to a friend of mine who works in a hospital in Phoenix, AZ. He said so far they've had zero cases.
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Mark Dice on healthy celebrities getting tested.

CovidCrisis - just curious what made you just start posting here with this being a sports forum. How did you find the site? Some of your takes I do agree with but I don't think it's going to be as bad as you are stating - there will be deaths but mostly older people/folks with underlying conditions.
Exactly. And speaking of a shitshow your username (CovidCrisis) makes me curious why you just showed up here. Your bleak take on this whole thing is suspicious and I am a realist as anyone can tell by my own username. "Statistics" are something Mark Twain had the best take on I've ever heard or read. If you don't know what he said look it up. I agree with it wholeheartedly.
Looking at the positives during this crisis:


Exactly. And speaking of a shitshow your username (CovidCrisis) makes me curious why you just showed up here. Your bleak take on this whole thing is suspicious and I am a realist as anyone can tell by my own username. "Statistics" are something Mark Twain had the best take on I've ever heard or read. If you don't know what he said look it up. I agree with it wholeheartedly.

His take is on the situation is downright utopian compared to yours. Look, why drive off a new poster? It's not like we're flooded with them; in fact the lack of them is the biggest reason why posting has declined so much.

If he's a troll then that will be obvious over time, which is a call for me and the mods. I don't agree with everything he's written, but absolutely no one knows how this is going to play out and I appreciate his input, just as I appreciate yours and everyone else's. Maybe after this crisis abates he'll post on sports, maybe not. But like it or not the coronavirus has supplanted everything else for the time being, including sports, and I find his posts intelligently written.
Not sure how Harvey Weinstein can not only get tested but also have his tests back already confirming the Corona Virus. But he has and this Clown-Show rolls on.

Not trying to ruffle feathers but my first instinct was “troll” as well. Its going to sound dumb until you see the pattern a lot, but Im 100% convinced that these are mainly AI. You see it more on reddit and youtube comments. Another dead give away is how quickly they respond or pull up random threads from a decade ago. They used to be easier to spot because of not having a sense of timing or relevance, but now they are advanced.
Not sure how Harvey Weinstein can not only get tested but also have his tests back already confirming the Corona Virus. But he has and this Clown-Show rolls on.

Not trying to ruffle feathers but my first instinct was “troll” as well. Its going to sound dumb until you see the pattern a lot, but Im 100% convinced that these are mainly AI. You see it more on reddit and youtube comments. Another dead give away is how quickly they respond or pull up random threads from a decade ago. They used to be easier to spot because of not having a sense of timing or relevance, but now they are advanced.

It's possible, but after almost 16 years of moderating CF I'd like to think I have a pretty good handle on these things. Over a bit of time a definitive judgment can be made. What if he isn't a troll and a potential good poster doesn't post again?

Hunches about someone being a troll should be pursued by sending a pm to me or White Lightning.
I did not mean to imply he was a troll - I do agree with some of what he is saying for sure. I just find it interesting that here out of all places someone would just start posting about the COVID-19.
Fair points, it would suck to not hear from more new posters who contribute ideas out of fear of being labelled a shill.
One thing Im sure of though is that they are trying to cause a panic. Which in turn overwhelms the healthcare system. Bodies are not piling up dead on the street yet because of this virus simply because of the effects of the virus. Its strange how the entire world and all 50 states are rolling out the same exact playbook? Nations cant figure out how to make gloves or masks for hospitals but all magically have drones enforcing the quarantine.

A lot of us are in fear of losing our jobs and then having the economy collapse. Then there is the whole civil unrest of “youths” thats probably already happening and covered up. This is the first time Ive ever bought ammo, just to have at home. Not trying to be a pants-pisser or anything, its just that so far this response doesn't seem to match the already skewed data.
Where is your evidence for that, please? it seems China has it under control, so much so that they are starting up some factories in the hardest hit province, and sending medical personnel and equipment to Italy to help them out.

Within the past 24 hours, Italy has recorded 651 Covid-19 deaths, Spain has recorded 375 Covid-19 deaths, France has recorded 112 deaths, USA has also recorded 112 deaths. In the case of Italy the situation is out of control. Based on exponentially increasing death rates, it appears to be turning out of control in Spain, France, USA, and possibly UK, Netherlands, Iran and Philippines as well.

Italy has had about 4 days in a row where daily Covid-19 deaths have exceeded 500. Spain and France have also numbered in the hundreds of deaths per day as of late. It is important to note that if anything these deathrates are underestimates, as if you Google, you can find reports of Italian nurses claiming that they have "stopped counting the dead bodies".

You are correct that China seems to have contained the spread and deaths associated with Covid-19, but keep in mind they instituted an armed military lockdown to achieve that. Similar measures are unlikely to fly in Europe or North America as easily, so the problems will likely be worse there. As it stands, the disease has originated in China, but predictably due to open borders and organized leftist policies has flourished mainly in Europe.

Additionally the federal government has asked this company to produce 20 million tablets, so this has some hope.

Amneal Pharmaceuticals accelerates hydroxychloroquine sulfate production in response to COVID-19 outbreak (3.57 +0.38) :
Amneal Pharmaceuticals is responding to the national COVID-19 health emergency by building on its existing supply of hydroxychloroquine sulfate. Amneal is ramping up production of hydroxychloroquine sulfate at several of its manufacturing sites and expects to produce approx. 20 mln tablets between now and mid-April. Those tablets will be made available nationwide through Amneal's existing retail and wholesale customers, as well as through direct sales to larger institutions in need.
Today, Amneal's hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets are approved by the FDA to treat malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, childhood arthritis, and other autoimmune diseases. Hydroxychloroquine is not approved for the treatment of COVID-19; however, it has been identified as a possible treatment for COVID-19, and the US government has requested its immediate availability.
I wonder if this is the same drug they gave us back in 71&72 to prevent us from getting malaria in Viet Nam. I know one thing it would give you was diarrheal for a couple of days.
I did not mean to imply he was a troll - I do agree with some of what he is saying for sure. I just find it interesting that here out of all places someone would just start posting about the COVID-19.

I agree, you didn't. BFU's post following yours was the one I mentioned in my post above. But new posters on any forum are usually sensitive to how their initial posts are accepted before they feel comfortable. Veteran posters with thousands of posts questioning them sometimes is all it takes for them to leave and not come back.
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