Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Great posts White Lightning! The Psalm and the quotes are great additions to the thread mate.
Even though I've been critical of Trump here in the last year so I must say that I'm fairly pleased with the way he is handling the situation and the leadership he's providing right now. I think in this time he's the right man to lead us even with all his flaws and quirks, and I couldn't even imagine the leftist Democrats leading us right now through this chaos.
Fiat money being "printed" at a furious rate, and I could use some. I still think that ultimately the entire goal of the media-deep state-manufactured hysteria is to get rid of Trump, "Orange Man Bad" by tanking the economy and blaming everything having to do with the virus on him. They might succeed in the latter but not the former.

Here in the real world, things are tough. The company I work for caters to the event industry, which is entirely shut down. No sales = no income. My oldest kids work in the service industry, waiting and bartending. All restaurants in Jackson County, MO are shut down for 30 days. No income. We are all applying for unemployment or partial unemployment, but if this keeps up, it's gonna be hard to make the mortgage payment or to eat. Still trying to hustle for business from my home office while listing everything I can on eBay to make a few bucks.
Wait to this virus gets into the prison systems you will see numbers jump like crazy.
Not trying to scare you guys. Just want a few more people to wake up. So many walking zombies that cannot see what is being done to us. It is so obvious for those with eyes to see.

I would not do any vaccine guys. Not even if forced to. In the spanish flu around a century ago the majority of people who took the vacines died. Something to think about?
Not trying to scare you guys. Just want a few more people to wake up. So many walking zombies that cannot see what is being done to us. It is so obvious for those with eyes to see.

I would not do any vaccine guys. Not even if forced to. In the spanish flu around a century ago the majority of people who took the vacines died. Something to think about?

Naw it was the same people responsible for MOST of the flues that have spread around the world. Don't know if you consider National Geographic a 'reputable' source but the article was written in 2014.
My wife and I just came back fro walking to do an errand. One woman we spoke to worked in a store and was hysterical that she wouldn't have anything if she was laid off that job (she'd already lost her other job. As an older man, I assure you all this is a conjob. The govt. and media are up to something. Yes, there's flu going around but most people today hav defective immune systems brought on by seldom going out doors. You don't have to believe me but I assure you that's the case. Stop living that way and you'll notice immediately how different your life becomes. They touting four people here in NJ from one family who died (they were picture), one was in her 70s and the others, somewhat younger (50+yrs.old) were not in the best of health (just by eye). nobody should isolate anymore. Get outdoors any way you can - this is key. A good thing I think, here in NJ is the children are out from under the thumb of their Marxist handlers/teachers and they're beginning to be seen on the streets - thank God.
If WestSide is following this thread I would appreciate it if he'd inform us what it's like for everyone now being under "house arrest" in Cali. Same now in N.Y. and another state that slipped my mind.

This is what the control freaks have dreamed of. I wonder how long people are going to put up with this entirely overblown powergrab without rebelling in some wonderful form or another.
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I'm hearing of a possible nationwide quarantine for the whole United States starting on Saturday. They will lock down the border with Mexico and Canada too starting in 2 days. To all my friends here, please try to get whatever you can for yourself and your family in the next 2 days. Not sure how this will be enforced but national guard has been activated. Just be safe gentlemen and have more than enough supplies for yourself and your family. It may be a long quarantine. The whole thing is just evil. Fresh air is what keeps people healthy. Just wanted to get the word out in advance. Stay safe guys.
I'm hearing of a possible nationwide quarantine for the whole United States starting on Saturday. They will lock down the border with Mexico and Canada too starting in 2 days. To all my friends here, please try to get whatever you can for yourself and your family in the next 2 days. Not sure how this will be enforced but national guard has been activated. Just be safe gentlemen and have more than enough supplies for yourself and your family. It may be a long quarantine. The whole thing is just evil. Fresh air is what keeps people healthy. Just wanted to get the word out in advance. Stay safe guys.

Finally close down our borders for an overblown flu going around. LOL
I'm hearing of a possible nationwide quarantine for the whole United States starting on Saturday. They will lock down the border with Mexico and Canada too starting in 2 days. To all my friends here, please try to get whatever you can for yourself and your family in the next 2 days. Not sure how this will be enforced but national guard has been activated. Just be safe gentlemen and have more than enough supplies for yourself and your family. It may be a long quarantine. The whole thing is just evil. Fresh air is what keeps people healthy. Just wanted to get the word out in advance. Stay safe guys.
I just can't wait until the nitwits in charge try to enforce this idiocy in NYC - this'll be great comedy - 100% unemforcable.
Please take the time to watch this guys. It may sound crazy but it's true. 5G is the danger in the near future. Please do not bring this into any of your homes. Stay with 4G. This is a military weapon.

If WestSide is following this thread I would appreciate it if he'd inform us what it's like for everyone now being under "house arrest" in Cali. Same now in N.Y. and another state that slipped my mind.

This is what the control freaks have dreamed of. I wonder how long people are going to put up with this entirely overblown powergrab without rebelling in some wonderful form or another.
There has been a dramatic decrease in traffic on the roadways and freeways. It looks like Sunday morning everywhere and every day. There few ppl walking about. There is only to go food at restaurants. Gasoline is coming way down. I have hunkered down, when not going to work as an essential worker. I would estimate approximately 75% have heeded the advice to stay home. Which is huge. Since all gyms are closed I have been going on brisk walks of 30 minutes with the hope of getting my running legs back. At home, I am doing sit ups, pull ups, dips between two chairs and started skipping rope.
If WestSide is following this thread I would appreciate it if he'd inform us what it's like for everyone now being under "house arrest" in Cali. Same now in N.Y. and another state that slipped my mind.

This is what the control freaks have dreamed of. I wonder how long people are going to put up with this entirely overblown powergrab without rebelling in some wonderful form or another.
Some of my neighbors employed by Hollyweird film industry have been let go. Total change in lifestyle for some. No job, at home with wife and kids 24/7 until further notice. It must take some time to get used to.
Fiat money being "printed" at a furious rate, and I could use some. I still think that ultimately the entire goal of the media-deep state-manufactured hysteria is to get rid of Trump, "Orange Man Bad" by tanking the economy and blaming everything having to do with the virus on him. They might succeed in the latter but not the former.

Here in the real world, things are tough. The company I work for caters to the event industry, which is entirely shut down. No sales = no income. My oldest kids work in the service industry, waiting and bartending. All restaurants in Jackson County, MO are shut down for 30 days. No income. We are all applying for unemployment or partial unemployment, but if this keeps up, it's gonna be hard to make the mortgage payment or to eat. Still trying to hustle for business from my home office while listing everything I can on eBay to make a few bucks.
Hang in their Football Dad, I suspect you will be receiving 3000 if you're married in a couple of weeks from the Fed during this crisis.
As TomIron says, it's a conjob. All of this for a virus that is not really that "deadly". According to the CDC we have already had 23,000 deaths so far this flu season from the yearly influenza strain. There is nothing unusual about this number, tragic though it is. Do we shut the whole damn country down every year because of it?

Spring breakers in Florida are being kicked off of the beaches because they could spread the coronavirus to grandma and grandpa. Well, the seasonal flu is every bit as deadly to gramps as the Wuhan virus, plus it is also a prime killer of kids under 5, who are wholly unaffected by the "most deadly COVID-19".

The deep state and the media, along with the (((usual suspects))) on the globalist side created this panic to tank the economy, enrich themselves and punish the hoi polloi. How dare you try to limit their schemes? We'll show you!
Flu has a death rate of .1% ...theres 327 million people in the US. Coronavirus has a death rate of somewhere around three percent. If 30 to 70 percent of the population is infected, that is between 2.9 and 6.8 million direct deaths. If that still doesn't bother you, between 98 and 228 million people would be infected. If ten percent of those require hospitalization that is between 9.8 and 22.8 million hospital beds. The total number of staffed hospital beds in the US is about 924 thousand. The healthcare system would be brought to its knees and then the indirect deaths of patients who can no longer receive care for other illnesses and injuries start piling up. The danger is real. Italy didn't prepare and about 8 percent are dying compared to Germany which took preventive measures, only 20 have died so far. I don't think Trump would go along with shutting everything down for "just another cold"

I think China was trying to silence people for speaking out about how bad it was because they wanted it to also infect the Western world and cripple our economy. We should have closed borders a long time ago.
As TomIron says, it's a conjob. All of this for a virus that is not really that "deadly". According to the CDC we have already had 23,000 deaths so far this flu season from the yearly influenza strain. There is nothing unusual about this number, tragic though it is. Do we shut the whole damn country down every year because of it?

Spring breakers in Florida are being kicked off of the beaches because they could spread the coronavirus to grandma and grandpa. Well, the seasonal flu is every bit as deadly to gramps as the Wuhan virus, plus it is also a prime killer of kids under 5, who are wholly unaffected by the "most deadly COVID-19".

The deep state and the media, along with the (((usual suspects))) on the globalist side created this panic to tank the economy, enrich themselves and punish the hoi polloi. How dare you try to limit their schemes? We'll show you!
Another reason for the panic other than the great point made by Dwid, is that currently, there is no vaccine for it. Those are major reasons for the panic.
Other than staying to yourself (which is my loner lifestyle already), the absolute best advice is to turn off the jewbox completely. It is their tool to spread the hype and fearmongering. The freak out response that people are buying into is exactly what our enemies want.

Some of you here are apparently scared spitless. The response of overreacting is worse than this hyped up virus and our economy is being wrecked which is the far greater tragedy.
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