Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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There hasn't been a single case so far in this county (Butte). The only epidemic I've noticed is a wave of poop and toilet paper memes and jokes on Facebook. It's really gotten out of hand. A couple "friends" on my feed have always had a thing for the scatological and they've really gone to town with this. I might quarentine myself for a while from FB till this wave of TP jokes passes.

A lot of people are just absolute pigs. My theory is if you don't develop a sense of hygiene some time in adolescence you never will. Too many don't.

However this all shakes out my opinion of the human race will have taken another major hit.
Flu has a death rate of .1% ...theres 327 million people in the US. Coronavirus has a death rate of somewhere around three percent. If 30 to 70 percent of the population is infected, that is between 2.9 and 6.8 million direct deaths. If that still doesn't bother you, between 98 and 228 million people would be infected. If ten percent of those require hospitalization that is between 9.8 and 22.8 million hospital beds. The total number of staffed hospital beds in the US is about 924 thousand. The healthcare system would be brought to its knees and then the indirect deaths of patients who can no longer receive care for other illnesses and injuries start piling up. The danger is real. Italy didn't prepare and about 8 percent are dying compared to Germany which took preventive measures, only 20 have died so far. I don't think Trump would go along with shutting everything down for "just another cold"

I think China was trying to silence people for speaking out about how bad it was because they wanted it to also infect the Western world and cripple our economy. We should have closed borders a long time ago.
I don't believe that's a true percentage especially not for anyone under 60 without an already compromised immune system. Italy has an older population, and that percentage is also probably inflated anyway. The flu kicks Italy's ass too.
I don't believe that's a true percentage especially not for anyone under 60 without an already compromised immune system. Italy has an older population, and that percentage is also probably inflated anyway. The flu kicks Italy's ass too.
Even if you go with the lowest figures, 1 percent is 10 times worse than the flu. Not to mention the studies show it's twice as contagious and many people don't show symptoms for several days. 40 percent of those requiring hospitalisation in the United States are ages 20 to 54. Yea older people tend to die more but if we didn't take these measures to slow it down it would overwhelm the system.
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I have been hesitant to post this question because it makes me sound even dumber than I am, don't get me wrong I am dumb. I struggle to understand a lot of the posts on here. Will someone please explained what 5g is and why is it so dangerous?
With the flu when you get sick, most people go to the doctor and it gets reported to the CDC's statistical database. With the Wuhan virus how many are going to go the doctor if they suspect that they have it? Especially younger people who have very mild symptoms? I will bet very few. Who wants to be quarantined for a month? The hysteria will itself create vast inaccuracies in the data. That the Italians with an older population that has smoked 6 packs of cigarettes a day for generations is showing a high death rate is not surprising. In the US as of right this minute, we have 18,769 reported cases and 235 deaths, a percentage of 1.2.
Other than staying to yourself (which is my loner lifestyle already), the absolute best advice is to turn off the jewbox completely. It is their tool to spread the hype and fearmongering. The freak out response that people are buying into is exactly what our enemies want.

Some of you here are apparently scared spitless. The response of overreacting is worse than this hyped up virus and our economy is being wrecked which is the far greater tragedy.

Very well said my friend. Remain calm at all times. Even in an emergency. This is a big test for alot more horrible things to come in the future. Do not panic people. Prepare and stay calm. As BeyondFedUp said, turn off your tv. Be prepared for the worse. In my honest opinion all the financial systems of the world are about to collapse by design. They are going to steal the worlds money. I hope I'm wrong but I think soc. security, food stamps, welfare, medicaid & medicare, pensions, stocks, and everything is gonna be wiped out on purpose over this crap. This is by design. I hope I'm wrong as that is the far great danger. One last thing. Thank any truck drivers you see. If they stop working, we all starve very quickly. Also a good time to get right with God. People need to hear this. I say these things out of love for my fellow humanity.
With the flu when you get sick, most people go to the doctor and it gets reported to the CDC's statistical database. With the Wuhan virus how many are going to go the doctor if they suspect that they have it? Especially younger people who have very mild symptoms? I will bet very few. Who wants to be quarantined for a month? The hysteria will itself create vast inaccuracies in the data. That the Italians with an older population that has smoked 6 packs of cigarettes a day for generations is showing a high death rate is not surprising. In the US as of right this minute, we have 18,769 reported cases and 235 deaths, a percentage of 1.2.
I don't think so. My whole family got the flu this year, including myself and none of us went to the doctor. In most cases there's nothing a Dr. can do to help speed it up, you just ride it out. I suspect many people don't go to the doctor for it as well because many of my coworkers also got it and not one single one went. Millions get it every year and still it isn't as deadly or as contagious as this new virus, a virus that the human body has never encountered before. 2 of those same coworkers recently got sick and both went to get tested for the coronavirus. I think it's incredibly irresponsible if you suspect that you were infected with it yet continue to go out in public. This whole nonsense that " it's just old people" well so what if that's the case? Are we saying f*ck them because they're gonna die soon anyway?

I suspect the measures we are taking will slow this down and that way people can be alive to say "see nothing to worry about" like it has nothing the fact that we have shut many things down and people are self quarantining.
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There does not seem to be a relationship between virus spread and race, as the virus has proliferated in Asia, Europe, North America and is now even spreading into South America and Africa. Across races and nations, cases and deaths do seem largely consistent. What is not consistent, however, is Covid 19 spread and deaths relative to gender. Major media outlets such as the New York Times and CNN and Express have reported that the virus is harder on men than women ( and (

This article, referencing a Chinese study of its first 70,000 cases noted that men were far more likely to die of the virus than women (

Specifically, (2.8% death rate for males to 1.7% death rate for females). Anecdotally, it seems the disparity could be even greater than that.

For example if you look in Italy right now, the death rate is about 10% of all cases, but if you narrow that down to men or more specifically elderly men you could be talking 20 to 30 or even 40% based on age.

It is clear that a relationship exists between the virus death rate and gender but it is not clear why. Possible explanations could include a biological difference between men and women and women have an increased immune function, or that there are lifestyle differences between the two (men delaying treatment or not being as careful as women).

Another possible explanation is in fact a discrimination in the treatment of patients. Don't expect the mainstream media to ever bring this up because it is not politically correct and women are supposed to be perennial victims. The reality however is that in times of natural disasters (wars, famines, plagues) women's lives are often prioritized more so than men's. We've all heard stories of the Titanic where women and children were saved but men were not. It is almost exclusively men who have died in wars. With this crisis as well, it seems to be men who will bear the majority of the burden. We are supposed to be living in a gender equal time when this sort of thing shouldn't happen but the media and society at large will never acknowledge a discrimination towards men. The reality is as a sick man in a hospital, your treatment may be delayed for a woman who takes priority and the numbers would suggest that is possibly what is happening.

Stay safe gentlemen, and when you look at the death rate just understand as a man, your risk is at least double that,
Men tend to get hit harder by every virus. It's scientifically proven that the man flu is a real thing. It sounds like I'm making this up but there is a Harvard study on it lol. I remember reading it has something to do with testosterone levels.

Here we go:
For example, in a 2016 study, researchers exposed male and female human nasal cells to estrogen in a lab dish, and then infected the cells with the flu virus. The investigators found that the estrogen reduced the levels of flu virus in the cells from female donors, but not male donors.

What's more, other studies have suggested that the "male" hormone testosterone may lower the body's immune response to flu viruses, Sue said."
Men tend to get hit harder by every virus. It's scientifically proven that the man flu is a real thing. It sounds like I'm making this up but there is a Harvard study on it lol. I remember reading it has something to do with testosterone levels.

Here we go:
For example, in a 2016 study, researchers exposed male and female human nasal cells to estrogen in a lab dish, and then infected the cells with the flu virus. The investigators found that the estrogen reduced the levels of flu virus in the cells from female donors, but not male donors.

What's more, other studies have suggested that the "male" hormone testosterone may lower the body's immune response to flu viruses, Sue said."

It is clear that men die at a higher ratio than women due to Covid-19, but it is not clear why. The post above I posted researched sourced numbers from China which demonstrated that men will die at a higher %, and it has also been anecdotally demonstrated in Italy.

You may be right that there is a biological explanation for that. The problem with science, even coming from Harvard, is that these findings also change overtime and are dependent on political and social norms at the time. For example in the past it was accepted science that races were different and had different sized brains, today that is no longer scientifically accepted and scientists often argue that there are no differences between races and genders biologically. So, I take your Harvard research with a grain of salt.

It makes the problem a lot easier to just say "its biological", rather than confront the reality that there may be social biases and discriminations in place that result in a higher % of men dying.

There is also a social norm that men should "man up", which results in men delaying treatment or even foregoing treatment to instead give it to a female. As I correctly pointed out, in times of crisis (wars, plagues, famines) it is men who die in the highest numbers and society tends to prioritize a woman's life over a man's. In Titanic, men died women lived. Same in wars. Same in the Spanish Flu of 1918, men died a lot more. Maybe this is because of a prevailing social norm that men are supposed to man up and face risks, while women's lives are prioritized more. The treatment of sick women in hospitals is possibly being prioritized over men's due to these social norms. The mainstream media will of course never report on this as being a possible explanation on the disproportionate amount of male deaths.

Ultimately, there is a social norm in place, and perhaps there always has been which in times of a crisis will prioritize a woman's life over a man's.

Regardless of "why", the fact is, and it is a fact, is that as a man your risk is doubled compared to the death rate of all cases. So when you see a death rate of all cases between 1.5-10% depending on country, that represents all cases, and as a man your risk of death is 1.5 to 2X that at least.
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I've been following the outbreak locally here in the state of Washington, I'll post the link below to the dept of health numbers. As of today we have 1524 confirmed cases in the state with 83 deaths. Nobody under the age of 40 has died and only 6% of the deaths are under the age of 60. I know we are a small sample size, but more women have been confirmed to have the virus and the percentage of deaths is higher in women here. It seems they are confirming 100-150 cases per day at this point. Just under 22,000 people have tested negative for the virus, so that's somewhat promising I suppose. I think there are probably a lot of younger people who don't realize they have the virus and will most likely never get tested or know because they will recover on their own at home.

I don't think this virus is made up, but there are some things that don't add up to me. If this virus is truly that deadly, then how was it able to spread for 2 months here in Washington state without anyone noticing? If bodies are piling up here in the states, people start asking questions. I also think the governments reaction is a bit over kill. A big part of me is starting to think the fear of this virus is being used by certain elites to manipulate financial markets. Make no mistake, this covid19 will pass, but our country may never be the same due to the ensuing financial disaster that we may face. The H1N1 swine flu went on the infect millions and kill hundreds of thousands, yet the response to that was basically nothing. I just think something doesn't seem right about all this.
Some are very skeptical about what's going on:



Well, it's just about official now. The nation -- the world actually -- is at peak CoronaMania and under dictatorship. And I don't know about "youse guys," but we personally do not know of a single extended family member, neighbor, friend, acquaintance et al who has been inflicted with this propagandized plague -- nor anyone who knows of someone else who has contracted this form of common cold. But we can tell you of people we know who are now out-of-work, worried or severely inconvenienced in other ways. Isn't that amazing?

It's really no surprise that the dumbed-down, demoralized population which the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) has spent the better part of the past century molding would, in due time, meekly succumb to the "shelter-in-place" orders now sweeping the Western world. A few of you stalwarts will recall how, in its earliest days of publications, The Anti-NY Times clearly foresaw this day...
It is clear that men die at a higher ratio than women due to Covid-19, but it is not clear why.

The theory that I read was that smokers are more vulnerable - do the statistics, if any, bear this out? - and that many more men were stricken in China because many more Chinese men than women are smokers.

There does not seem to be a relationship between virus spread and race

No, but at the beginning it seemed to be attacking only Asians...I was looking for a loophole!
I just saw this post by a doctor, on a financial board:

"we are seeing a nice response to hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin combo in critical patients at our hospitals. I'm hearing NYC is seeing similar responsiveness. If that plays out, this thing could be dealt with rather quickly. Let's hope so."
Two establishment doctors were just on Hannity's show and were discussing the possible vaccines that are being fast-tracked. Hannity's parting question was, "On a scale of 1 to 10 how confident are you that a vaccine will be available soon?" Both said ten, and extolled what they said are a number of potential vaccines being pursued and developed.

Best case scenario -- the number of cases begins to decline dramatically in the U.S. in a relatively short time -- since widespread testing is just beginning the number is going to skyrocket for a while -- and things get back to relative normal by summer, with minimal lasting financial damage. Trump becomes a conquering "war-time" president and wins fairly easily in November over Senile Joe and Elizabeth Warren.
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Yesterday, when out walking to a store, my wife and I met a young woman worker outside a store on her break who is out of her mind with fear about becoming homeless. She already has lost one job do to the virus and now the store she has the job in might shut down. We told her about St. Vincent de Paul (we're members) and the help SVDP gives to people like her. If you're members of a church, go to the pastor and see what you can set up if you don't already have some sort of program.

On another front, this is a good thing. When we came home we walked through some streets and their were children outside riding their bikes. Thank god their out of those lousy govt. schools. I pray they don't go back this year. That would be wonderful. I'll bet the "teachers"/handlers are PO'd they can't "teach" their anti-American malarkey. We really liked seeing boys riding their bikes.

Lastly, try to maintain normalcy in your life as much as possible. Get outside yourself and do things (it's good for other people to see normalcy). I'm convinced this is all, due to this new manner of living. In general, people's immune systems are degraded. Also, people are not correctly nourished. You can see that just by looking at them. Do the best you can and stay healthy.
18,769 reported cases and 235 deaths, a percentage of 1.2.
??? Math please. That is not 1.2 percent nor is it even close, is it? What am I missing here?
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