Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Right. A few years ago a I told a friend about CF and that he would like it. He made a post or two and was jumped on pretty hard by someone here and has never posted again.
Yep, some think it's okay to mock others for not agreeing 100 percent on all of the issues, yet we want to chastise others for participating in groupthink lol. No wonder we've made such little progress in exposing the caste system.
I just saw a funny meme on this, it might actually be true, maybe I'll look into it...

"Here in Chicago, the Coronavirus has actually LOWERED the death rate!!"
Yup, just verified it. 16 total COVID-19 deaths in the entire state of Illinois and Chicago's crime rate has plummeted:
Yup, just verified it. 16 total COVID-19 deaths in the entire state of Illinois and Chicago's crime rate has plummeted:
This is excellent! It just goes to show that crime can be contained and also where the deaths primarily come from in these metropolitan crime centers. I'm sure the msm doesn't like that narrative. Thanks for posting this!
They don't mind barking orders at whites enjoying a walk in the park, but somehow dont show that same aggression to JeMarcus and his rowdy gang doing hood things out in the street all night.
I think it would have been a better idea to use the "herd immunity" concept then the quarantine method that has been inacted. Eventually the quarantine is going to have to end. What then. The virus is not going to disappear. They have already said that no matter what happens we could see the same thing again next flu season. If you let it run through the population you get most people immune to it, and unfortunately remove some of the ones very susceptible. Then you are back to normal as the virus doesn't have enough victims to infect. This is how almost all viruses work. Why change it?

Some may think this is a special case but it's doubtful. The high initial rates of death per infection is typical at the start, it doesn't stay that way, it's a new virus strain and there are a lot of old and sick people out there. I am on the older end of the scale so the extra caution is probably good for me personally, but a crashed economy is not good for anyone.

I was thinking about why this virus has created such a panic and a response that I have not seen in my over 50 years on the planet?
I blame two things. First the internet. It's linked everyone in the world into one big gossipy neighborhood, where peoples worse instincts are featured and the drama queens rule. Think about it, 20 years ago could the government have shut every business down? Many people didn't keep up with the news to the point of knowing the hourly death rate of flu victims in Italy. How would they have ever gotten that type of message out and expected people to listen?

Secondly the pussification of society. People afraid of getting sick and a desire to create a zero risk world where no one dies. Tender snowflakes that worry so much about everyone else and want the world to work the way they wish.

I guess there are some more reasons that come to mind. This is clearly another attempt to smear Trump. Even now the anti-Trump media and the many followers have made this about him even though he has capitulated to each and every big media and big government whim on this issue. Their hope that it crashes the economy and gets him out of office.

Political correctness has also been a driver, the "hug a Chinese" being a good example. But the whole response with constant accusations to not be racist to the chinese because of a lethal virus they inflicted on the world. The "global" economy another example of anti-white bias and the desire to favor non-whites and the disaster of having them flood into our countries.
Yup, just verified it. 16 total COVID-19 deaths in the entire state of Illinois and Chicago's crime rate has plummeted:
Lol. Controlling crime is as easy as keeping blacks contained. Whether it be in prison or indoors from a blizzard or viral outbreak, etc.
I think it would have been a better idea to use the "herd immunity" concept then the quarantine method that has been inacted. Eventually the quarantine is going to have to end. What then. The virus is not going to disappear. They have already said that no matter what happens we could see the same thing again next flu season. If you let it run through the population you get most people immune to it, and unfortunately remove some of the ones very susceptible. Then you are back to normal as the virus doesn't have enough victims to infect. This is how almost all viruses work. Why change it?

Some may think this is a special case but it's doubtful. The high initial rates of death per infection is typical at the start, it doesn't stay that way, it's a new virus strain and there are a lot of old and sick people out there. I am on the older end of the scale so the extra caution is probably good for me personally, but a crashed economy is not good for anyone.

I was thinking about why this virus has created such a panic and a response that I have not seen in my over 50 years on the planet?
I blame two things. First the internet. It's linked everyone in the world into one big gossipy neighborhood, where peoples worse instincts are featured and the drama queens rule. Think about it, 20 years ago could the government have shut every business down? Many people didn't keep up with the news to the point of knowing the hourly death rate of flu victims in Italy. How would they have ever gotten that type of message out and expected people to listen?

Secondly the pussification of society. People afraid of getting sick and a desire to create a zero risk world where no one dies. Tender snowflakes that worry so much about everyone else and want the world to work the way they wish.

I guess there are some more reasons that come to mind. This is clearly another attempt to smear Trump. Even now the anti-Trump media and the many followers have made this about him even though he has capitulated to each and every big media and big government whim on this issue. Their hope that it crashes the economy and gets him out of office.

Political correctness has also been a driver, the "hug a Chinese" being a good example. But the whole response with constant accusations to not be racist to the chinese because of a lethal virus they inflicted on the world. The "global" economy another example of anti-white bias and the desire to favor non-whites and the disaster of having them flood into our countries.
Great post. You make a lot of good points.
One of the many things Hollywood never does is produce movies emphasizing individual freedom and self-responsibility along with local control and less central government power; just the opposite. The book mentioned in this article is about the Pentagon's very tight relationship with Hollywood, as indeed it appears that the "intelligence community" has a lock on the "fake news" media and what and how Americans are fed as "news":

A Pandemic Movie as “Predictive Programming”
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Good find Don, like most articles at that site its spot on. One of the things I didn't mention before is a lot of this panic is government driven. As Trump mentioned this is war and that makes all politicians drool as nothing gives them more power then when they are fighting a "war". Trumps daily briefings of the same information hashed over and over is breathlessly followed by many people. In my state the woman governor has followed the lead of other states and locked everyone down. Imagine the rush of power these bureaucrats experience as they close businesses, forbid people to leave the house, and get a blank check to do whatever they want.

Trump is now proposing bailing out every person, every company, large and small. A country 20 trillion in debt can somehow find the dollars to replace the entire economic output of the country!

If this drags out any longer expect americas vibrant diversity to start to get restless and express themselves as only they know how. It's one thing to order working class whites around but quite another to expect you can control the underclass.
Good find Don, like most articles at that site its spot on. One of the things I didn't mention before is a lot of this panic is government driven. As Trump mentioned this is war and that makes all politicians drool as nothing gives them more power then when they are fighting a "war". Trumps daily briefings of the same information hashed over and over is breathlessly followed by many people. In my state the woman governor has followed the lead of other states and locked everyone down. Imagine the rush of power these bureaucrats experience as they close businesses, forbid people to leave the house, and get a blank check to do whatever they want.

Trump is now proposing bailing out every person, every company, large and small. A country 20 trillion in debt can somehow find the dollars to replace the entire economic output of the country!

If this drags out any longer expect americas vibrant diversity to start to get restless and express themselves as only they know how. It's one thing to order working class whites around but quite another to expect you can control the underclass.
A good thing is that the children are out from under the thumb of the educrats. I don't think the establishment likes that too much. I'm praying that the schools remain shut down at least until September. You are quite correct as to the minorities. The authorities better not let this lockdown last into the spring/summer months/riot season.'s another guy that doesn't fit the profile of old and feeble and died from this pandemic. He's a "famous" chef from Manhattan who was 59 and not built like the late Dom Deluise.....

God bless Derrick Jefferson he was last seen by me getting launched like a Soviet era satellite by Wlad and is now in a medical induced coma. As far as I know he is in his early 50's but one anonymous poster stated he has had health issues. Anyway here's Jefferson getting posterized.....
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Lots of good comments from everyone.

As I correctly pointed out days ago, and mainstream media has now confirmed (but of course not brought up discrimination in treatment of patients as being a reason) as a man your risk of dying is 2X the overall risk of death. In Italy men and women are infected at the same rate, but literally twice as many men have died.

It is hard to say exactly what the deathrate is, as it differs from country to country (Italy on the high end at 10%, Germany on the lower end with less than 1%). A reasonable estimate might be 4%. That is based on all infections though so all age groups, genders and cases. As a man you could say the deathrate is about double that of all cases so is about 7 or 8%.

As you move up in age as a man your risk of dying if infected goes up to almost 50% after the age of 80.

People don't understand how important sleep is to your immune function. As a man ensuring you have proper and long sleep each night is very important right now, as is eating adequate amounts and drinking water. Now would be a good time to temporarily stop smoking if you do.

Serious sh1t. Stay safe gentlemen.
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China is now going days without reporting any new cases, and only a few thousand people have died from it in that country of 1.4 billion people. That has to be a very tiny fraction of the number of Chinese who died this year from the regular flu.
China is now going days without reporting any new cases, and only a few thousand people have died from it in that country of 1.4 billion people. That has to be a very tiny fraction of the number of Chinese who died this year from the regular flu.

So Don, in your opinion, is Trump playing this right?
So Don, in your opinion, is Trump playing this right?

Yes, I think he and his brain trust have been doing a great job to this point. There are entire states with just a few dozen cases. Even here in Pennsylvania, almost all of the cases are in Philly and surrounding counties and then Pittsburgh and not even many cases at all in the counties surrounding Pittsburgh. Lots and lots of Pennsylvania counties have no cases at all. Why should rural America be shut down indefinitely? It's centered in New York City and a few other large cities and a few smaller cities, and the death rate in the U.S. has been low so far, around 1%, which is not enough to destroy the economy over as even many older Americans are saying.
Just for consideration from Blue Collar Logic today:
Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hanson from Norway is also someone I enjoy listening to. His opinions often reflect those here at C.F. on the bigger picture:
Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hanson from Norway is also someone I enjoy listening to. His opinions often reflect those here at C.F. on the bigger picture:

I really enjoy his views and I agree with most of them. Especially about feminism. The women will need men more than ever going forward and many are going to have to change their evil wicked
ways and learn to respect men again. May God continue to bless this world and his children.
Ok this is to all my brothers on this board. I will try one last time to wake you guys up to the real agenda here. I'm not trying to scare anyone. I'm trying to save peoples lives. Not only here on
this great message board but also anyone I meet. Please watch all 4 videos with an open mind. Please I beg you guys for the safety of yourself and your family & friends. I hope these videos can
open some of your minds as the main stream media and politicians have the majority of the world brainwashed. Stress, Fear and Anxiety weaken the immune system. Turn of the damn tv news.
They invented the hellivision a long time ago. Break it down guys. Tell Lie Vision Programming of the Mind. What they tell you people believe. I love everyone here and just want to help to stop
some of this. Yes I'm a christian. Whether that offends people or not I love everyone. Christian or non believer. Just trying to help wake up the sheeple being led to the slaughter. I repeat, the danger
will be incredible from the vacines and the 5G. I hope this helps a few of you guys to at least be open minded to the truth. If not I respect that but I do this as one last attempt to try and wake people up.

This videos just like many christian and other videos are banned on Ask yourself why they don't want the truth out there?
I like the logic used in this article:

How lethal is Covid-19 REALLY? Why massive fatality rates from Italy are MISLEADING

By Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer, based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics

In Italy, the proportion of infected people dying from the novel coronavirus — 10 percent according to the latest figures — seems through the roof. Unsurprisingly, there is more to this terrifying figure than meets the eye.
You do not need to be an expert to calculate the mortality rate. It is one number divided by another — the number of people who have died from the virus divided by the total number of confirmed cases. In the case of Italy, 7,503 dead divided by 74,386 infected gives a mortality rate of roughly 10 percent. But that does not mean that one in ten people who contract the virus will die, despite what the scaremongering media would have you believe.

The first reason why is that the first, smaller number — the number of deaths from Covid-19 — is impossible to underestimate. People are either alive or dead, and usually as soon as a person dies they will quickly find their way into the national statistics.

But the larger number, the confirmed cases, must by definition be an underestimate. It would be impossible for every person in a country positive for the coronavirus to have been already tested and added to the confirmed cases. The virus can be dormant in people for up to two weeks, and young people can experience very mild or even no symptoms at all, and still be positive for the virus. Since that figure is by definition too low, the mortality rates being reported are by definition too high.

Failing to test
Another factor is that governments are being pushed well beyond their capabilities for mass testing and contact tracing, some more than others. With typical efficiency, Germany is on top of their testing situation, and as such have picked up many milder cases. Therefore they have a high number of confirmed cases relative to the true number of infected people in Germany.

This is keeping the mortality rate in Germany down at 0.5 percent, baffling experts who are expecting apocalyptic scenes at the hospitals, the likes of which have so far only materialized in Italy. Perhaps the cases will soon mount up in Germany, and their mortality rate will climb toward the four or five percent that seems to be the European average. But due to the asymptomatic people (a majority according to the best research) even that is an exaggeratedly high rate.

Apply this principle to Italy, whose civil protection chief Angelo Borrelli told La Repubblica newspaper on Monday that “It is credible to estimate that there are 10 positive cases for every one officially reported.” If this were true, and as many as 640,000 people are infected in Italy, their actual mortality rate would in a stroke become one percent instead of ten percent. The scale of the problem begins to look quite different in that context.

Cause of death
Yet another reason for Italy’s inflated mortality rate is how deaths are being recorded there. Professor Walter Ricciardi, an adviser to the Italian minister of health, told the Telegraph on Monday that “the way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.’’

A thought experiment may elucidate this. Imagine that one thousand people, all over the age of 75, died in hospitals in northern Italy last week. All of them had tested positive for the coronavirus at some point during the past few weeks.

The vast majority of Covid-19 fatalities, 99 percent according to Italian research, have had a pre-morbidity, if not two or three. These are underlying health issues, like heart disease, cancer or various infections. Some might have been comatose, with life support machines and artificial breathing the only thing keeping them alive anyway.

Eventually, their bodies gave out, and they simply could not fight on any longer. But does that mean that in the absence of the coronavirus, those one thousand people would still be alive? In other words, is it really true to say that all of these people died of Covid-19? But amidst this crisis, when health systems and governments have tunnel vision for this one ailment, all one thousand are chalked off as victims of the plague.

More spanners in the works
A recent article in the Guardian wrestling with Germany’s apparently too-low mortality rate concludes that because they are not conducting widespread testing of dead bodies for the coronavirus people could be dropping dead inside their own homes of Covid-19 and going unrecorded. This seems unlikely to be much of a factor, but there may be other reasons why Italy has so far been an outlier in coronavirus casualties.

Many have pointed to Italy’s elderly population as the catch-all reason for their unnaturally high death rates. But that idea is a non-starter. Germany has the next oldest population in Europe, and Germans are not as healthy as Italians (who live long lives precisely because they are healthy), and yet Germany has the lowest death rate of the ten worst affected countries. Age cannot explain away the disparity.

Another factor is doubtless the unpreparedness of Italy’s health system, and the dearth of beds and equipment that is now spawning rumors about doctors being forced to jettison some patients to make room for others. Germany is better equipped, but may not have been put to the test yet, as the virus is yet to explode there as it has in northern Italy.

Crisis around the corner?
Experts are still saying that the reason for all of these disparities is simply that some countries are further along the epidemic curve than others. This could explain why so many more have died in China and Italy and so few in Germany and the UK, for example, but it cannot explain the wild fluctuations in the mortality rates.

None of this is meant to take away from the severity of the crisis in Italy, or that which may be just around the corner for the rest of the world. But the key point to take away from this is that the 10 percent mortality rate being reported from Italy is grossly misleading. It is being waved around by the mainstream media as a bit of old-fashioned sensationalism at best, and a calculated tool of propaganda at worst. A figure like 0.3 percent - barely higher than the common flu - simply does not have the same power in getting people to swallow unprecedented legislation that gives the state tremendous new powers in a host of new areas... all in the name of public health of course.
Good article.
For the most part the Peter Andrews of the world along with numerous other scientists and journalists are being ignored or poo pooed by the msm big shots. I can only imagine how one-sided the narrative of things would be if we didn't have the internet. And dissenting opinions are growing, thankfully. Problem is, too many 'muricans still solely get their brainwaves from the lie box (tv).
Good article.
For the most part the Peter Andrews of the world along with numerous other scientists and journalists are being ignored or poo pooed by the msm big shots. I can only imagine how one-sided the narrative of things would be if we didn't have the internet. And dissenting opinions are growing, thankfully. Problem is, too many 'muricans still solely get their brainwaves from the lie box (tv).

Unfortunately, the alternative media is all over the place on this, and is mostly far more alarmist and fearmongering than the corporate media. No one really knows what's going on and how it's going to play out, but too many sites have a kneejerk reaction to run the scariest and most ominous headlines possible, with little to no evidence contained within the articles themselves to back up the headlines.
Suggestion: Perhaps the title of this thread might be changed to just "Coronavirus". The original title is already obsolete. It seemed at first that it might be mainly targeting Asian people.
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