Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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While health officials remain silent about COVID-19 injection reactions, the growing number of reports of adverse reactions cannot be silenced forever. Websites like C19 Vax Reactions, started by former Green Bay Packers offensive lineman Ken Ruettgers, whose wife Sheryl suffered a severe neurological reaction to Moderna’s COVID-19 shot, exist online for people to share their stories. There you can read over 500 real testimonies of adverse reactions to the shots and view dozens of videos detailing individuals’ reactions. "

Found on Dr Mercola's website. According to the NY Times Dr Mercola is the #1 source of Covid disinformation. In other words the "fact checkers" don't like what he's saying.
This is where it will end up someday soon and is already happening in some countries like Sweden. They want a central bank backed digital currency where they
can control what you buy or don't buy based on a global social credit score. They can shut off your chip whenever they want for the disidents. I will never take a chip
inside my body. The Bible warned us of a cashless society(the mark of the Beast) thousands of years ago. No man can buy or sell without it.
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The Beast System is already going into stores in the U.S. and around the world. This is a Walgreens in America. May God help us. Do not ever take the mark of
the beast guys. Once you do you have joined the wrong side in this battle for humanity and it's souls. This is 100% coming way too fast! You have been warned.
Your welcome guys. Here is another must watch about how the covid passports will be the end of the world for freedom. They want complete control and a digital
social credit score to decide who can continue to live their lifes and who they will shut down. Same system China has and it must be stopped or we are all doomed!
Funny watching 100 thousand fans in the stands going crazy at a football game nobody wearing masks nobody caring about covid at all, then when the tv person talks with the winning coach there she stands six feet away, ha!

Personally I started out as concerned as everyone else, but now growing tired of it, not worried about it anymore.
Good to see Conor McGregor stand up for something worthwhile in life. Maybe he can inspire more europeans & especially Irish to stand their ground & hold the line.

For those people that don't understand what's going on. This Corona Plandemic was planned decades ago. They want to force injections on the whole world for two reasons. One is
sickness and death for depopulation. The second is total control of all aspects of society including ending property rights, one world fake religion, one world govt, and one world cashless digital currency. They also want everyone one earth to get whatever vaccines every 6 months for the rest of your life till your dead. They control your body and mind
according to them. Do not comply ever. RESIST and hold the line.
All this is new to me, yep, a rookie.

We were vaccinated months ago and will be getting a booster soon. It took maybe an hour the first time it was no big deal. Peace of mind is a big deal.

So I watched the video, who is ...them and they?

Gotta be honest at no time has this covid thing been some big deal, and, lazy with shaving so just toss on a mask, cool! Of course being retired and $$$$$ set for life does help.

So there is some power out there trying to control everything and this covid thing is one of their tools? One of my wifes friends husband just died from covid, but, it doesn't actually exist, really?

All those numbers showing deaths because of covid are bogus?

As we can see nobody all that worried about it anymore.

I know a lot of people, talking a lot of people, I know nobody all stressed out over this covid thing, really not all that big a deal. As we can see in this video nobody there all down in the dumps over covid.
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This thread is 67 pages long. Most people that die of covid actually die from other things. One study out of England recently said 9 out of every 10 persons
dieing from covid was fully vaccinated. You have alot of reading if you want to know the truth. If not don't worry and just do what the who and cdc says. Remember
it's all about your health. These people really care about us. They are all eugenists. I will leave it there. There is more than enough info for anyone to read just hear
in all of this pages of articles and videos.
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