Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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This article from Bloomberg Business

Quotes 'expert' Jeffery Taubenberger.

He says the virus attaches to epithelial cells in the nose, sinuses, throat. For most folks, it stays there.
For the unlucky 15-20%, it moves down into the bronchial tree invading the lungs.

There, the virus damages and kills the epithelial cell lining.
The body's immune system responds.
An OVER REACTION by the immune system kills healthy cells, including mucus producing cells, and hair cells (cilia).

No mucus, no cilia... creates the potential for SECONDARY INFECTIONS, from bacteria and other pathogens exacerbating the disease state.

So, primary damage from the virus, damage due to immune over reaction, THEN damage due to secondary infections... more severe, more lethal disease.

Have been doing some reading on different treatments in the works for COVID-19. The Chinese are already using a drug for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) made by Roche that suppresses the immune system response described in the article above- seems counterintuitive at first but it seems as though immune system overreaction may be responsible for why certain people get severe symptoms while others don't...

I found this interesting because my wife is on an immunosuppressant for RA and I've been very concerned about her. Am I crazy in thinking that it might actually be advantageous to have certain parts of the immune system (IL-6 pathways) suppressed?

It also seems to me that trials of drugs to manage treatment will be much faster to implement than vaccine trials, hopefully providing good news sooner..."
All McDonald's will now be drive-through only. Meantime, the Fed, which "prints" endless trillions of dollars by way of computer entries, may be sending all non-millionaires a thousand bucks, courtesy of the Trump administration. How long will that hold back the hordes in the big cities if the economic ramifications continue to worsen? They should take a cue from Andrew Yang's campaign plank and send everyone a thousand fiat bucks a month; that might stave off some of the coming chaos if quarantining and "social distancing" continues for the 12 to 18 months some "authorities" are now suggesting is needed.
Silver is now down to 12 bucks an ounce, amazing. The gold to silver ratio is currently 124 to 1, way higher than it's ever been. One report I read says silver may go all the way down to $5 an ounce, roughly where it was 40 years.

But physical demand is reportedly high, and you can't buy it anywhere near the paper price. The paper price of gold and silver has been manipulated (deliberately held down) by the banksters (with government approval of course) for a long time in order to keep the dollar looking as strong as possible.

And the DJIA is down another 2,000 points or so today. Helicopter money will be on the way soon!
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Picked up some groceries this morning. I am not calm under normal circumstances so at this juncture I am a wild animal. And no I don't want "there is nothing to worry about" on my tombstone.

Acting like an Inspector General I was complimenting the store where I thought they were on topic like the woman spraying all the carts and reprimanding them when things were deficient like in the check out line there were no wipes etc.. In fact the elderly gentleman in front of me was telling the cashier he was feeling ill. My luck!

There was no toilet paper or gallon sized water bottles and ok I imagine the manufacture overload but this is retail. Time to cut back on the pomegranates and order enough toilet paper, sanitizers and water to fill up a landfill.

Conspiracy theories are flying left and right but how about the obvious? While most of us are sucking the big one companies like Purell, Charmin, Lysol, Poland Spring etc. have a mile wide grin on their faces to go along with their woody. Last but not least is the medical community. Oh and grocery stores.

Back to the water for a moment. When I was growing up we drank out of the tap. I can't do that now. Not only is it cloudy it tastes a little strange in a bad way. I tried going cold turkey once with tap water for a few days and predictably came down with a wicked stomach ache.

People have to spend a small fortune on bottled water now, another not so hidden cost of modern living, plus the added environmental stress of all that plastic. They sell filters but you have to keep them clean etc. and I imagine some of them are just window dressing?

I suppose some areas have clean drinking water out of the tap but why can't that be the norm across this great country of ours?

One of the best drinking waters is Mountain Valley Spring water out of Hot Springs Arkansas but one has to take out a small mortgage to buy it. And I think they still sell some of it in glass bottles? Full of rich minerals.

What is our tap water full of?
Funniest thing but I was in a random supermarket and saw a man that had this wild look in his eyes while trying to stuff his cart full of bottled water until he was told there was a 1 case limit and then he calmed down. Every retail outlet is out of toilet paper and most frozen things. There is a panic but I talked to the manager of the supermarket and he said workers and drivers have the right to refuse unsafe working conditions and the order packers and drivers have been refusing shifts.

We even have this in some areas........
GM, Ford and Toyota have now shut down all manufacturing as of today in the U.S.

If you take away China, Iran and Italy the deaths have been miniscule. Our nation has been essentially shut down for relatively nothing. This is a massive powerplay like we've never seen.
If you slow down the spread then the hospitals won't be overwhelmed and then doctors won't have to decide over who dies and who gets a ventilator like over in Italy. Shutting things down before it's too late seems like a smart move. Even though we have a lower death rate than the other countries it's still way higher at 1.7% compared to h1n1 which had a death rate of .02. Italy was overwhelmed and about 8 percent have died.

I think fast food should shut down completely. You can't trust those people to have proper hygiene and wash their hands correctly lol
I understand the cautionary tactics and plans and how some people thinking that "shutting things down for a while" is okay. However, history shows that once freedoms are taken away from a society the common people don't get them back. There is no way I trust the ruling Elites who are really calling the shots in all this. Not at all.
Don't mad dog your average East Asian American or you could be pushing daisies........
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We’re under a world-wide tyranny, and everyone is just going along with it. At most, the government should warn the public and then allow each individual to determine how to deal with it.
We’re under a world-wide tyranny, and everyone is just going along with it. At most, the government should warn the public and then allow each individual to determine how to deal with it.

They don't want us to survive this financially, emotionally or physically. Power to the people. Only if the people stand up and face their fears.
Considering how easily the entire city of Boston was put under martial law while a literal army of law enforcement personnel hunted door to door for two young alleged bombers, the PTB already know that Americans will submit. However, I don't think they'll give up their guns because of this virus.

My inclination is that this is a real viral threat though perhaps considerably overblown and governments -- all over the world, not just here -- are reacting by using the powers they've already accumulated. We're already well into an era where governments have all the power and control they need, why deliberately potentially screw it up with some end of the world scenario? When various countries are creating bio-weapons, it's not a big surprise that an occasional virus escapes. I don't think Trump and a lot of other people in authority want the stock market to collapse and America to enter a Greater Depression. Why would he, unless you think he's one of the most evil people who's ever existed. Why would most of the wealthy (not the mega-wealthy .01% who will always protect theirs) want to lose their riches, including the 20% or so who are doing very well by serving the mega-rich and enter some sort of Mad Max society? They're already in control.

My guess is it will end fairly soon, Trump will take all the credit and various banks, corporations and individuals will greatly profit as they always do, and the system will have secured more potential power for future "crises." Sports and "normal" living will mostly return and Americans will be as happy as pigs in mud. If it isn't resolved fairly quickly, the establishment will be more unpopular than ever. This will either make or break Trump, as far as re-election goes.
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A peer-reviewed study shows that 100% of patients, after 6 days of taking a Malaria drug were "virologically" cured

This is, reportedly, the 2nd 100% cure to a virus that has ever existed

Is it true? It would be incredible if it is. How available is that drug?

This was mentioned on both Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity's shows tonight. Trump has also teased about a "big announcement" tomorrow, so stay tuned. I expect Trump to come out of this more popular than before, which is a good thing considering he'll be running against Senile Joe and likely Pocahontas or Hillary, who will quickly replace Senile Joe if he wins.
We’re under a world-wide tyranny, and everyone is just going along with it. At most, the government should warn the public and then allow each individual to determine how to deal with it.
The enemy of all this media, govt. hoax is the Gen. Z's in Florida who are down there partying on spring break. the governor of Fla. is real put out that they're not getting with the program and acting hysterically like everyone else.
If Ol' Joe picks Pocahontas or especially Killary and loses that would be even sweeter. A lying Study Hall Teacher that wouldn't issue me a Hall Pass (doesn't she remind you of yours?) or THE Proverbial Chunt Political Prostitute. Wow, what choice!!
This was mentioned on both Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity's shows tonight. Trump has also teased about a "big announcement" tomorrow, so stay tuned. I expect Trump to come out of this more popular than before, which is a good thing considering he'll be running against Senile Joe and likely Pocahontas or Hillary, who will quickly replace Senile Joe if he wins.

I hope so, but about 3 weeks ago i read that they discovered a cure for it in Thailand, and then not another word.
The 23rd Psalm from the King James Bible. Always trust in God!

A Psalm of David.

1The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
The only thing I fear is FEAR itself. Fear stands for "Forget Everything and Run"or "False Evidence Appearing Real"

Let me give you a few more.

"Forfeiture Endangers American Rights"

"False Events Appearing Real"

This is how I approach FEAR:

"Face Everything And Recover"

"Face Everything and React"

I could list countless motivational quotes. You get my point. The glass is half full. Stay positive gentlemen!
American Freedom News