Hall of Famer
We are definitely at the point where mocking them and their agenda is fitting. Laugh at and ridicule their satanic schemes.
Martial Law in Sydney and New South Wales Australia. This is insane.
Meanwhile some people still won't accept the truth that this is a giant hoax to force permanent change.
This 100%. I'm against mask/vaccine mandates and always have been, but "Covid is a real virus, distinct from the cold or the flu, and it is killing people and giving severe, long-lasting symptoms to many more" and "The government and the media are trying to capitalize on a tragedy and exploit it for selfish reasons" are not mutually incompatible positions.Or people won’t accept that it’s an actual medical crisis that is being manipulated for political gain.
Yes, I'm sure she came to this decision without any external "motivation" from any sources at all. And with a name like "Latoya" it has to be legitimate and just, right?
And this line from the article: " encourage the call for vaccine passports, leaving millions of Americans with a pressing decision to make if they are unvaccinated and hopeful to partake in normal life again."
Is there any documentation on the “half life” of these vaccines? When does everything injected get processed by your body and leave your system? I’m trying to find any sort of reliable on this.
If any source that I could possibly cite to support my position can be dismissed by calling it "their agenda" then your claim is unfalsifiable and it becomes meaningless to argue for or against it. And of course we're not going to lock down over diabetes, cancer, or opioids because those aren't even contagious diseases. Also, if you're so confident in a 99% virus survival rate (the actual number is more like 97%, by the way) then you should be even less scared of "the jab", since only a fraction of a percent of people who take it develop long term side effects, so the "survival rate" of the vaccine, so to speak, is much higher than 99%.Yes. Reported "cause of death" does line up nicely with their agenda. They can put whatever they want on the forms as cause of death, and they do. Essentially nobody (99% survival rate) actually dies from this. More people percentage-wise die of diabetes and and heart disease every day. Where is the lockdown response for diabetes? Or for cancer deaths? Those are serious diseases. Why no crisis response for them?
Is there any documentation on the “half life” of these vaccines? When does everything injected get processed by your body and leave your system? I’m trying to find any sort of reliable on this.
This 100%. I'm against mask/vaccine mandates and always have been, but "Covid is a real virus, distinct from the cold or the flu, and it is killing people and giving severe, long-lasting symptoms to many more" and "The government and the media are trying to capitalize on a tragedy and exploit it for selfish reasons" are not mutually incompatible positions.
For anyone who still doubts, here are the excess deaths in the USA (that is, the number of people who die of any cause in a given time period minus the expected number of people who normally die anyway) from the start of the pandemic until now:
And here are the number of reported deaths that have been attributed to Covid (the lack of robust testing is probably what contributes to the slightly lower peak in April 2020):
Now I'm no scientist, but those two graphs seem to line up quite nicely, no? If Covid isn't responsible for those deaths, what is?
Hi BFU. An interesting subject pre or post Millennialist. How would explain I Thessalonians Chapter 4: 13-17. I believe we're caught up with Christ who is in the air. After we're caught up with Christ then the tribulation is a time for the salvation of Jews and Gentiles and the condemnation of the lost. In Revelation Chapters 1-3 the Church is mentioned, then from chapters 6-18 Revelation shift's and there's no reference to the church.I used to believe exactly as you do now on eschatology but in recent years I am a Post-Millennialist.
Or people won’t accept that it’s an actual medical crisis that is being manipulated for political gain.
Great point. Focus on the goals of those against us. Even the tools and puppets in high places aren't really "in" with the "in group" unless they are at the very, very top. This thing is going to come tumbling down but we need to fight in our own little "corners of the world". WE each have work to do.Leftists have always said "never let a good crisis go to waste."
I think we all should stop arguing about how real or fake the numbers are and focus on what's important and what unites us vs. (((them))), the way that this crisis, whether real or fake, is being used to destroy our civil liberties.