Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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My wife and I got Covid last October with mild to medium symptoms kind of like a mild Flu, however when engaging in any type of physical activity from mowing my lawn or just walking up stairs, I got very very fatigued. That's about it. I will not get the vaccine. I believe we have built up immunity and are following others who have had Covid and haven't been vaccinated. I know of many people who have been vaccinated and have gotten Covid, but I know of no one who has had Covid twice. I don't trust what's in the vaccine and don't know what the long term side effects could be. I believe it's better in this case to build up immunity, so hopefully that's what has happened with my wife and and I along with everyone who has gotten Covid and haven't been vaccinated.
I haven't read this entire thread, but I don't see many if any here who have admitted to getting Covid? Has anyone else been diagnosed with Covid? I would like for others to please sight any other reasons why we shouldn't get vaccinated other than the reasons I've mentioned?
My wife and I got Covid last October with mild to medium symptoms kind of like a mild Flu, however when engaging in any type of physical activity from mowing my lawn or just walking up stairs, I got very very fatigued. That's about it. I will not get the vaccine. I believe we have built up immunity and are following others who have had Covid and haven't been vaccinated. I know of many people who have been vaccinated and have gotten Covid, but I know of no one who has had Covid twice. I don't trust what's in the vaccine and don't know what the long term side effects could be. I believe it's better in this case to build up immunity, so hopefully that's what has happened with my wife and and I along with everyone who has gotten Covid and haven't been vaccinated.
I haven't read this entire thread, but I don't see many if any here who have admitted to getting Covid? Has anyone else been diagnosed with Covid? I would like for others to please sight any other reasons why we shouldn't get vaccinated other than the reasons I've mentioned?

You had a flu. That is a season body cleansing for those bodies that need it. You never got "Covid" because there is no "Covid" and there is no test for "Covid" either. It is a lie proven out by scientists, doctors, and by acknowledgement in and out of courts. You cannot even prove you had "Covid".
You had a flu. That is a season body cleansing for those bodies that need it. You never got "Covid" because there is no "Covid" and there is no test for "Covid" either. It is a lie proven out by scientists, doctors, and by acknowledgement in and out of courts. You cannot even prove you had "Covid".
10-4. Whatever it was I had it. The only difference in what I had verses the Flu I've had in the past were the breathing issues. I don't remember having trouble with breathing whenever I had the Flu in the past. Please post the the scientists and doctors acknowledgements and all other information pertaining to the Covid lie.
Thank you
10-4. Whatever it was I had it. The only difference in what I had verses the Flu I've had in the past were the breathing issues. I don't remember having trouble with breathing whenever I had the Flu in the past. Please post the the scientists and doctors acknowledgements and all other information pertaining to the Covid lie.
Thank you
BTW, my wife's only symptoms were a loss of taste and smell only. No fever, no cough, etc. If it was indeed a Flu, it was different than any other Flu she or I have ever had. I understand there are different strands. Maybe this was one we've never had in the past?
Pretty sure I had it last February. Aches, pain, typical flu stuff. Slept it off for a few days and was fine. I'm done complying with masks and will never get the vaccine.
Might be a post for a different forum here but.... Kirk had to expect the hospital cutting ties like that. In his position he would be required to tow the line on VAX speak which is ridiculous. I'm still amazed that I haven't seen more pushback from the NFLPA. I mean look at the VAX #'s by ethnicity ... one would think the NFL would have a real big problem.
Very proud of Kirk Cousins. Long time christian, married and a good father. He is against the vaccine.

A Minnesota Hospital cuts ties with him due to him not endorsing the vaccine. Why do I have a feeling that the Vikings will get no calls from the refs this year. The NFL wants all players to take the jab in this insane clown world we live in. Stay strong Kirk. Your life is more important than a football game.
All the more reason I will be pulling for the Vikes to take it all this year. Him and Theilen could infuriate the PTSB (Powers That Shouldn't Be) if they win it all if the Bucs don't repeat, which I don't believe will happen. If not the Vikes then the Rams I suppose. Those seem to be the only two that stand out for obvious reasons.
I agree with your list BeyondFedUp. Vikings are my first choice. The Bills and then the Rams round out my top three.
CDC wants all high risk unvaxxed and separating families for FEMA Camps around the world. The CDC says they have a right to hold anyone they take there for a minimum of 6 months. This is worse than anything we have ever seen in our life times. This is REAL guys. Take this seriously. I've been to the CDC Website and read all about there greenzones where they want to send us to.
CDC wants all high risk unvaxxed and separating families for FEMA Camps around the world. The CDC says they have a right to hold anyone they take there for a minimum of 6 months. This is worse than anything we have ever seen in our life times. This is REAL guys. Take this seriously. I've been to the CDC Website and read all about there greenzones where they want to send us to.
I am with you WL and I hope all our brothers here in the forums take this current crisis as a time of war of sorts. This is the worst thing ever to happen in my lifetime. And to think the other side actually wants this and probably would think we deserve to be hauled off to some Fema camp. Truly sick and depressing.
I don't want harm to come to anyone, but if it has to come, and since these satanists are starting all this, then I want them to regret to the enth degree.
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A list of ingredients in the jab.

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I challenge anyone here or around the world to watch this Doctor who has helped Trump, Gilliani and many other famous leaders to say that he is lieing. The
man risks his life to warn the elite. We are lucky to be able to watch this video. Look at who he is talking to. Everyone here must watch this!!!
Yes, I just finished listening to the whole thing. That's Dr. Zalinko (sp?).

I've heard him interviewed twice on Dennis Prager (Jewish). I love his steadfastness and the way he digs in and challenges the political and so-called medical elites and their narrative by citing study after study and the 6,000 people he has personally treated with hydroxychloroquine and zinc instead of as he calls it, "this kill shot that doesn't immunize people", stating exactly what is going on. I love that almost caustic tone he has and how he intersperses Hebrew in there in his descriptions of things. Yes, I actually love his stubborn Jewish tone here.

Now ya'll can pick yourselves up off the floor....
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We have already written it out for you. Do what you will with the truth. We cannot hold your hand and explain everything you must do your own research. Bitchute is virtually awash with channels that have hard evidence and verifiable references to support that we are in a long planned hoax. The affects and effects are already plainly visible for those who will merely see them. Read the Rockefeller Report; read the work of Stefan Lanka among many others. If you think the corporateer media is reporting the truth then there is no point in doing any research at all just do whatever conflicting, contradicting, and contrary nonsense they tell you to do and join the fuel injected masses as feedlot livestock.

I do not even inject my cattle with anything let alone have anyone put something into my body that they will not only not disclose the quantities of but will not disclose what ingredients it is comprised of.
I do not even inject my cattle with anything let alone have anyone put something into my body that they will not only not disclose the quantities of but will not disclose what ingredients it is comprised of.

The ingredients of each different vaccine is listed all over the internet, with doctors and scientists discussing it.

Why wouldn’t you inject your cattle if it was something that would help them?
I'm with Ambrose on this. Even dogs and cats are healthier without all the vaccines. How do I know this? My chiropractor has had dogs for many, many decades
and he has not did any vaccines in any of them. Very healthy dogs. I've also seen first hand the damage that vaccines do.

As for this death shot. That is what it is. It's either a fast, medium or slow death. The people that have died are way too high and they hide the numbers. Even with the
official numbers we have 13000 dead in a half year of vaccines and over a million injured. Who would want this poison? People please do not put this in your body.
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The ingredients of each different vaccine is listed all over the internet, with doctors and scientists discussing it.

Why wouldn’t you inject your cattle if it was something that would help them?

Are you serious? We do NOT know specifically what is in each injection fluid they are trade secrets. Have you ever read any of those indemnity agreements the drug lords are getting governments to sign onto?

Cattle don't need anything other than fresh forage, minerals, and water. Mine get plenty of each. People buy grassfed because the animal hasn't been doctored.
I'm wish Ambrose on this. Even dogs and cats are heatlhier without all the vaccines. How do I know this? My chiropractor has had dogs for many, many decades
and he has not did any vaccines in any of them. Very healthy dogs. I've also seen first hand the damage that vaccines do.

As for this death shot. That is what it is. It's either a fast, medium or slow death. They people that have died are way too high and they hide the numbers. Even with the
official numbers we have 13000 dead in a half year of vaccines and over a million injured. Who would want this poison? People please do not put this in your body.

Your chiropractor knows what we knew for all the centuries before injections became common. Dogs will live 15 or more years on nothing but scraps and water.

I also hope people will listen to your pleas and examine the evidence themselves.
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