Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Leftists have always said "never let a good crisis go to waste."

I think we all should stop arguing about how real or fake the numbers are and focus on what's important and what unites us vs. (((them))), the way that this crisis, whether real or fake, is being used to destroy our civil liberties.

That's what the Free Masons say. The Heg. Di. Problem, Reaction, Solution. The problem is that they create the problem. They wait for the reaction and come in with
the solution for only their benefit and their total control. As many have said here they are very powerful but will not be neccessary when all is said and done. Only the
highest of the elite will be spared. Many of the four groups including the Masons will be disposed of after their one world government and New World Order is acheived. Well
here is to hoping and praying that it fails. No one will have any freedom of happiness if they succeed.

According to scripture they will succeed but their one world govenment with the Anti Christ in Charge will only reign for 3 1/2 years. God will have vengence!
It is not that you are not a scientist, it is that you are not knowledgeable of a very accurate fact: there is no "Covid" test. Everyone should know by now who Kerry Mullis is, and he, the inventor of the PCR test, said it is not a tool for diagnosing disease. Kerry was killed a few months before the opening Act of this Covid play. As there is no test to detect the alleged contagion: Sars Cov 2, the numbers and the graph above are simply fabrications. Further, there is no test to detect any of the so called "variants" because there are no variants because there is no virus making anyone sick. A virus cannot make you sick; it is a tiny waste receptacle our cells discharge. We excrete as do our cells. The only disease being spread around is mass pyschosis: people that cannot think and examine and research but just accept whatever nonsense tyrants tell them.

I still shake my head in bewilderment how anyone does not know those facts by now. How does anyone not know by now that the entire hoax is an event to get men and women converted into livestock whereby they will be completely tracked and controlled by an electronic I.D. system which will have health status, bank status, tax status, licenses, permits, and all property linked to it? The existing fiat money system is coming to the end of its life and this new, long-planned system, is supposed to replace it with completely electronic money that can be given and taken away at a keyflick.

Document after document, leak after leak, vocal admission after vocal admission have all been shown that this is the war we are in. You and your soul are at stake. Anyone who says they are an atheist are either an idiot, a fool, or a madman. This game is for keeps.

The good news is our future is not inexorable. Each one of us can make his own future outside this tyrants' tale. The more men and women that simply refuse the tyrants' offers the better our lives will be. God cannot do everything for us no matter how much gratitude we express to our Creator; we have free will and are required to use it. If we fail this test we go to a tyrant's hell. But, if we win, and I have every reason to believe we will win, our reward is our freedom to build our homes:

Where the buffalo roam
And the deer and antelope play
Where seldom is heard
A discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day
Brewster M. Higley
I can only shake my head at the repeated mental gymnastics and goalpost-moving that I've seen throughout this thread, from "Covid is overhyped" to "Covid is an inside job" from "Covid doesn't exist" to "viruses aren't contagious" to "viruses don't make you sick". What about polio, or smallpox, or the Spanish flu? Were the millions of deaths caused by those viruses also fabricated? If so, what motivation could there possibly be to do so? By the time vaccines against those diseases had been developed, microchips hadn't even been invented yet.

Again, I invite you to compare the reported Covid death curve to the excess deaths over average. If you dismiss these charts (or any others that I could possibly post) as fabricated, then you've made an unfalsifiable claim and this discussion becomes pointless.

If the government cared about spying on my tax information, bank accounts, my location, or anything else, they wouldn't need to inject me with a microchip to do that. They can already track all of that information, and more, from my laptop and phone, and the same goes for everyone on this forum. And even if they couldn't, surely there'd be an easier way to track the small remnant of Americans who've never received any of the dozens of existing vaccines than to introduce yet another one.

From one believer to another, we ought to be thanking God, Jehovah-Rapha, our Healer, for blessing our doctors and researchers (historical, contemporary, and future) with such profound knowledge and understanding of human biology that we could develop such an amazing tool to combat the diseases that have plagued this earth since the Fall. It is true that we should not be living in fear, but as Jesus indicates in Luke 4 when he's tempted by the devil to jump from a building to prove that God will save him from injury, the knowledge that God will protect you is not a license to engage in a reckless lifestyle. I wear a seatbelt while driving, is that living in fear? I assume many of you carry guns to protect yourselves in case of conflict, is that living in fear? Of course not, it's just common sense.

And let me reassure my brother in Christ, BeyondFedUp, that as a 21 year old guy with no preexisting health conditions, I see no reason to rush out and get the vaccine now (and certainly not until it's approved by the FDA), not because I suspect any foul play, but just as an abundance of caution in case of any unintentional defects that may reveal themselves later. I'm content for now to just mask up and keep a reasonable distance from others. If we all work together, we can be done with this pandemic before the US government even thinks about mandating vaccines (which I seriously hope they don't).
We can all beat this together LOL . Wearing a mask won't prevent anything from being mandated, gimme a break. Also won't prevent you from getting "Covid" if you actually believe in it.
I can only shake my head at the repeated mental gymnastics and goalpost-moving that I've seen throughout this thread, from "Covid is overhyped" to "Covid is an inside job" from "Covid doesn't exist" to "viruses aren't contagious" to "viruses don't make you sick". What about polio, or smallpox, or the Spanish flu? Were the millions of deaths caused by those viruses also fabricated? If so, what motivation could there possibly be to do so? By the time vaccines against those diseases had been developed, microchips hadn't even been invented yet.

Again, I invite you to compare the reported Covid death curve to the excess deaths over average. If you dismiss these charts (or any others that I could possibly post) as fabricated, then you've made an unfalsifiable claim and this discussion becomes pointless.

If the government cared about spying on my tax information, bank accounts, my location, or anything else, they wouldn't need to inject me with a microchip to do that. They can already track all of that information, and more, from my laptop and phone, and the same goes for everyone on this forum. And even if they couldn't, surely there'd be an easier way to track the small remnant of Americans who've never received any of the dozens of existing vaccines than to introduce yet another one.

From one believer to another, we ought to be thanking God, Jehovah-Rapha, our Healer, for blessing our doctors and researchers (historical, contemporary, and future) with such profound knowledge and understanding of human biology that we could develop such an amazing tool to combat the diseases that have plagued this earth since the Fall. It is true that we should not be living in fear, but as Jesus indicates in Luke 4 when he's tempted by the devil to jump from a building to prove that God will save him from injury, the knowledge that God will protect you is not a license to engage in a reckless lifestyle. I wear a seatbelt while driving, is that living in fear? I assume many of you carry guns to protect yourselves in case of conflict, is that living in fear? Of course not, it's just common sense.

And let me reassure my brother in Christ, BeyondFedUp, that as a 21 year old guy with no preexisting health conditions, I see no reason to rush out and get the vaccine now (and certainly not until it's approved by the FDA), not because I suspect any foul play, but just as an abundance of caution in case of any unintentional defects that may reveal themselves later. I'm content for now to just mask up and keep a reasonable distance from others. If we all work together, we can be done with this pandemic before the US government even thinks about mandating vaccines (which I seriously hope they don't).

The only type of mask that can help prevent the person from spreading is the N95, personally i do not wear a mask, I'm not vaccinated, i don't social distance or any of that. My focus is on lifting weights, cardio, eating healthy, getting plenty of vitamin D, zinc and sleeping well. Focus on being in great shape with a strong immune system and you will give yourself the best chance to fight off any virus you come across.
I can only shake my head at the repeated mental gymnastics and goalpost-moving that I've seen throughout this thread, from "Covid is overhyped" to "Covid is an inside job" from "Covid doesn't exist" to "viruses aren't contagious" to "viruses don't make you sick". What about polio, or smallpox, or the Spanish flu? Were the millions of deaths caused by those viruses also fabricated? If so, what motivation could there possibly be to do so? By the time vaccines against those diseases had been developed, microchips hadn't even been invented yet.

Again, I invite you to compare the reported Covid death curve to the excess deaths over average. If you dismiss these charts (or any others that I could possibly post) as fabricated, then you've made an unfalsifiable claim and this discussion becomes pointless.

If the government cared about spying on my tax information, bank accounts, my location, or anything else, they wouldn't need to inject me with a microchip to do that. They can already track all of that information, and more, from my laptop and phone, and the same goes for everyone on this forum. And even if they couldn't, surely there'd be an easier way to track the small remnant of Americans who've never received any of the dozens of existing vaccines than to introduce yet another one.

From one believer to another, we ought to be thanking God, Jehovah-Rapha, our Healer, for blessing our doctors and researchers (historical, contemporary, and future) with such profound knowledge and understanding of human biology that we could develop such an amazing tool to combat the diseases that have plagued this earth since the Fall. It is true that we should not be living in fear, but as Jesus indicates in Luke 4 when he's tempted by the devil to jump from a building to prove that God will save him from injury, the knowledge that God will protect you is not a license to engage in a reckless lifestyle. I wear a seatbelt while driving, is that living in fear? I assume many of you carry guns to protect yourselves in case of conflict, is that living in fear? Of course not, it's just common sense.

And let me reassure my brother in Christ, BeyondFedUp, that as a 21 year old guy with no preexisting health conditions, I see no reason to rush out and get the vaccine now (and certainly not until it's approved by the FDA), not because I suspect any foul play, but just as an abundance of caution in case of any unintentional defects that may reveal themselves later. I'm content for now to just mask up and keep a reasonable distance from others. If we all work together, we can be done with this pandemic before the US government even thinks about mandating vaccines (which I seriously hope they don't).

Awesome post. Completely agree. Intelligence is a gift from God. It’s what makes us different from the animals. To dwell in ignorance is to misuse this gift.
Flint and Leon are the only smart ones here. Go circle jerk about the vaccine together, be good goys n jab up guy's!


I hear there is another booster shot around the corner LOL.
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Flint and Leon are the only smart ones here. Go circle jerk about the vaccine together, be good goys n jab up guy's!


I hear there is another booster shot around the corner LOL.

Guilty. I believe viruses exist, not like the smart guys that think it’s peoples imagination or bad juju or however you want to explain it.

I don’t want another shot but I get one every year for the flu, haven’t had the flu in many years and haven’t died yet so there’s that.

I’ve said before we are going to have to learn to live with this virus like we have with others. That means shots for some who want it, some cautious habits for those at risk and every person allowed the freedom to choose. I don’t think it’s the end of the world.
Guilty. I believe viruses exist, not like the smart guys that think it’s peoples imagination or bad juju or however you want to explain it.

I don’t want another shot but I get one every year for the flu, haven’t had the flu in many years and haven’t died yet so there’s that.

I’ve said before we are going to have to learn to live with this virus like we have with others. That means shots for some who want it, some cautious habits for those at risk and every person allowed the freedom to choose. I don’t think it’s the end of the world.
I for one have no problem with your stance on this Flint. I won't even attempt to speak for others here. However, those running our government DO have a problem with your stance. They are not sharing your view (in bold above) and that is the problem.
Doctor Mercola is public enemy number one according to Biden, the NY Times, CNN, CDC, Fauci, Gates, Zuckerberg, Google, Youtube, and the like...




Is Natural Immunity More Effective Than the COVID Shot?
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
  • August 18, 2021

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According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data,1 COVID-19 “cases” have trended downward since peaking during the first and second week of January 2021.

At first glance, this decline appears to be occurring in tandem with the rollout of COVID shots. January 1, 2021, only 0.5% of the U.S. population had received a COVID shot. By mid-April, an estimated 31% had received one or more shots,2 and as of July 13, 48.3% were fully “vaccinated.”3

However, as noted in a July 12, 2021, STAT News article,4 “cases” had started their downward trend before COVID shots were widely used. “Following patterns from previous pandemics, the precipitous decline in new cases of Covid-19 started well before a meaningful number of people had been vaccinated,” Robert M. Kaplan, Professor Emeritus at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, writes. He continues:

“Nearly 50 years ago, medical sociologists John and Sonja McKinlay examined5 death rates from 10 serious diseases: tuberculosis, scarlet fever, influenzae, pneumonia, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, smallpox, typhoid, and polio. In each case, the new therapy or vaccine credited with overcoming it was introduced well after the disease was in decline.

More recently, historian Thomas McKeown noted6 that deaths from bronchitis, pneumonia, and influenza had begun rapidly falling 35 years before the introduction of new medicines that were credited with their conquest. These historical analyses are relevant to the current pandemic.”

‘Case’ Decline Preceded Widespread Implementation of Jab

As noted by Kaplan, COVID-19 “cases” peaked in early January 2021. January 8, more than 300,000 new positive test results were recorded on a daily basis. By February 21, that had declined to a daily new case count of 55,000. COVID-19 gene modification injections were granted emergency use authorization at the end of December 2020, but by February 21, only 5.9% of American adults had been fully vaccinated with two doses.

Despite such a low vaccination rate, new “cases” had declined by 82%. Considering health authorities claim we need 70% of Americans vaccinated in order to achieve herd immunity and stop the spread of this virus, this simply makes no sense. Clearly, the COVID shots had nothing to do with the decline in positive test results.

To be clear, reported cases mean positive test results, and we now know the vast majority of positive PCR tests have been, and still are, false positives. They’re not sick. They simply had a false “positive.” Right now, we’re also faced with yet another situation that complicates attempts at data analysis, and Kaplan understandably did not address any of these confounding factors.

But just so you’re aware, if you have been fully “vaccinated,” then the CDC recommends running the PCR test at a cycle threshold (CT) of 28 or lower, which dramatically lowers your chance of a false positive result, but if you are unvaccinated, the PCR test is recommended to be run at a CT of 40 or higher, virtually guaranteeing a false positive.

This is just one way by which the CDC is manipulating data to make the COVID shots appear more effective than they are. This also allows them to falsely claim that the vast majority of new cases are among the unvaccinated.

Naturally, if unvaccinated are tested in such a way as to maximize false positives, then they’re going to make up the bulk of the so-called caseload. In reality, though, the vast majority of them aren’t sick.

Meanwhile, those who have received the jabs only count as a COVID case if they’re hospitalized and/or die with a positive test result. These widely differing testing strategies skew the data and allow for false interpretations to be made.

Natural Immunity Explains Decline in Cases
As noted by Kaplan, the most reasonable explanation for declining rates of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be natural immunity from previous infections, which vary considerably from state to state.7 He goes on to cite a study8 by the National Institutes of Health, which suggests SARS-CoV-2 prevalence was 4.8 times higher than previously thought, thanks to undiagnosed infection.

In other words, they claim that for every reported positive test result, there were likely nearly five additional people who had the infection but didn’t get a diagnosis. To analyze this data further, Kaplan calculated the natural immunity rate by dividing the new estimated number of people naturally infected by the population of any given state. He writes:9

“By mid-February 2021, an estimated 150 million people in the U.S. (30 million times five) may have had been infected with SARS-CoV-2. By April, I estimated the natural immunity rate to be above 55% in 10 states: Arizona, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and Wisconsin.

At the other end of the continuum, I estimated the natural immunity rate to be below 35% in the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington …

By the end of 2020, new infections were already rapidly declining in nearly all of the 10 states where the majority may have had natural immunity, well before more than a minuscule percentage of Americans were fully vaccinated. In 80% of these states, the day when new cases were at their peak occurred before vaccines were available.

In contrast, the 10 states with lower rates of previous infections were much more likely to experience new upticks in Covid-19 cases in March and April ... By the end of May, states with fewer new infections had significantly lower vaccination rates than states with more new infections.”

COVID Shots Cannot Eliminate COVID-19
So, SARS-CoV-2 cases were actually higher in states where natural immunity was low but vaccination rates were high. Meanwhile, in states where natural immunity due to undiagnosed exposure was high, but vaccination rates were low, the daily new caseload was also lower.

This makes sense if natural immunity is highly effective (which, historically it has always been and there’s no reason to suspect SARS-CoV-2 is any different in that regard). It also makes sense if the COVID shots aren’t really offering any significant protection against infection, which we also know is the case.

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Awesome post. Completely agree. Intelligence is a gift from God. It’s what makes us different from the animals. To dwell in ignorance is to misuse this gift.

This scamdemic is an I.Q. test.
Guilty. I believe viruses exist, not like the smart guys that think it’s peoples imagination or bad juju or however you want to explain it.

I don’t want another shot but I get one every year for the flu, haven’t had the flu in many years and haven’t died yet so there’s that.

I’ve said before we are going to have to learn to live with this virus like we have with others. That means shots for some who want it, some cautious habits for those at risk and every person allowed the freedom to choose. I don’t think it’s the end of the world.

Remember what you wrote about intelligence? A "belief" is not science. Do you know and acknowledge that fact? The Irish, Canadian, and German government health officials have acknowledged on record that no virus called "Sars Cov-2" -the alleged virus that supposedly causes "Covid-19" has ever been isolated and proven to cause the disease.
I can only shake my head at the repeated mental gymnastics and goalpost-moving that I've seen throughout this thread, from "Covid is overhyped" to "Covid is an inside job" from "Covid doesn't exist" to "viruses aren't contagious" to "viruses don't make you sick". What about polio, or smallpox, or the Spanish flu? Were the millions of deaths caused by those viruses also fabricated? If so, what motivation could there possibly be to do so? By the time vaccines against those diseases had been developed, microchips hadn't even been invented yet.

Again, I invite you to compare the reported Covid death curve to the excess deaths over average. If you dismiss these charts (or any others that I could possibly post) as fabricated, then you've made an unfalsifiable claim and this discussion becomes pointless.

If the government cared about spying on my tax information, bank accounts, my location, or anything else, they wouldn't need to inject me with a microchip to do that. They can already track all of that information, and more, from my laptop and phone, and the same goes for everyone on this forum. And even if they couldn't, surely there'd be an easier way to track the small remnant of Americans who've never received any of the dozens of existing vaccines than to introduce yet another one.

From one believer to another, we ought to be thanking God, Jehovah-Rapha, our Healer, for blessing our doctors and researchers (historical, contemporary, and future) with such profound knowledge and understanding of human biology that we could develop such an amazing tool to combat the diseases that have plagued this earth since the Fall. It is true that we should not be living in fear, but as Jesus indicates in Luke 4 when he's tempted by the devil to jump from a building to prove that God will save him from injury, the knowledge that God will protect you is not a license to engage in a reckless lifestyle. I wear a seatbelt while driving, is that living in fear? I assume many of you carry guns to protect yourselves in case of conflict, is that living in fear? Of course not, it's just common sense.

And let me reassure my brother in Christ, BeyondFedUp, that as a 21 year old guy with no preexisting health conditions, I see no reason to rush out and get the vaccine now (and certainly not until it's approved by the FDA), not because I suspect any foul play, but just as an abundance of caution in case of any unintentional defects that may reveal themselves later. I'm content for now to just mask up and keep a reasonable distance from others. If we all work together, we can be done with this pandemic before the US government even thinks about mandating vaccines (which I seriously hope they don't).

"I can only shake my head at the repeated mental gymnastics and goalpost-moving that I've seen throughout this thread, from "Covid is overhyped" to "Covid is an inside job" from "Covid doesn't exist" to "viruses aren't contagious" to "viruses don't make you sick". What about polio, or smallpox, or the Spanish flu? Were the millions of deaths caused by those viruses also fabricated? If so, what motivation could there possibly be to do so? By the time vaccines against those diseases had been developed, microchips hadn't even been invented yet."

Here you are combining the comments of many into some kind of consenus into one. That is not mentally difficult to do, just false reasoning. You're basic premise is that "the virus" is real. That is a false premise and therefrom all of your reasoning is wrong. Reason alone is never sufficient without accurate facts. You do not have the facts. Please find the evidence somewhere in the world where the Sars Cov-2 virus has been isolated, purified, and proven to cause decay in cells?

"Again, I invite you to compare the reported Covid death curve to the excess deaths over average. If you dismiss these charts (or any others that I could possibly post) as fabricated, then you've made an unfalsifiable claim and this discussion becomes pointless."

The points have already been made that graph is not only useless but a fabrication, but I'll repeat the obvious. Whereas no disease has been proven to exist, and the test mechanism used to detect the disease is not applicable, and the data collectors are proven fabricators and falsifiers, the graph is no more relevant than a child's drawing.

"If the government cared about spying on my tax information, bank accounts, my location, or anything else, they wouldn't need to inject me with a microchip to do that. They can already track all of that information, and more, from my laptop and phone, and the same goes for everyone on this forum. And even if they couldn't, surely there'd be an easier way to track the small remnant of Americans who've never received any of the dozens of existing vaccines than to introduce yet another one."

We already knew from facts accumulated over the past two decades that our general public society was being converged into a cybernetic-technocracy. Since the start of this event in 2020 an avalanche of actions taken by Public governments are proving this true. It is not your information that Public governments seek as you have already contracted your information out to them. Public governments are constructing at high speed a system to absorb the citizens into a technology controlled system that will control their minds and body. We are being shown and made known to this every day for those who will simply take the time to look and listen.

It is not that you do not know what is happening around you, it is that you do not know you do not know. For example, you do not know that a bank account can be made private and inaccessible to the Public administrators. You have not taken the time to gain the knowledge. Time is short. We do not have much time to do what is right. This is not ridicule or insult, I am urging you, and all others, to aquire the relevant knowledge. Sources are available on many of the internet platforms the mainstream has contempt for and censors. As you appear to hold creed, I tell you friend that in the new transhumanistic era that the corporateers are attempting to build, there is no exemption or immunity to their rules for belief.

Very short video of PHD Doctor explaining why everyone who took the jab will die within 6 months to 5 years. Most doctors I've listened to speaking the truth say
if will be with 6 months to 2 or 3 years at the most till everyone with the jab dies. Good luck to humanity. Get right with God my friends even if you haven't taken it.
The Authoritarian Takeover of Australia

by Fred Pawle

This once happy and freedom-loving nation is being crushed by its pro-lockdown elites.

People who once thought they’d won the lottery of life by being born in Australia now wake in fright every day to the sudden realisation that they are living in a 21st-century penal colony. The country they once loved has been replaced by something they barely recognise.

The restrictions imposed in response to the pandemic are just the start of it. People have been confined to their houses, prevented from going to school or work, denied the freedom to cross state borders even to see a dying relative, and coerced to take a vaccine in order hopefully to regain the freedoms that were once their birthright.

Worse, these restrictions are being imposed by authoritarians who have seemingly come from nowhere and now dominate all of Australia’s positions of power, from the government to big business. These people are unlike any ruling elite Australia has ever known.

There were, to be sure, harsh authoritarians in middle levels of power during the nation’s initial 19th-century incarnation as a penal colony, especially at Port Arthur and Norfolk Island. But they never actually ran Australia.

From the moment Arthur Phillip hoisted the Union flag at Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788, Australia has pursued, with a level of success almost unparalleled anywhere in history, the ideas that all people are equal and that freedom begets prosperity.

These founding principles were a combination of the European Enlightenment as well as necessity. Whatever class divide was felt by the marines and convicts as they boarded the 11 ships of the First Fleet, which Phillip commanded, was greatly diminished by the close confines they endured during the six-month journey and the inhospitably harsh continent on to which they disembarked together at the end of it.

Francis Grose, who replaced Phillip as colonial governor in 1792, kickstarted the Australian economy by granting land to soldiers and freed convicts, encouraging them to fend for themselves without government interference.

There wasn’t time to sit around pondering the risks, benefits and limitations of freedom, let alone the virtues of men. It was a matter of survival in a land of harsh extremes, and the only way to do so was to encourage independence, from which a sense of rugged individualism evolved and a culture of unspoken optimism and egalitarianism was born.

Since then, Australians have, like the original settlers, never felt the need to explain the ideas on which their nation was founded. They have simply believed their version of Enlightenment truths to be self-evident in the standard of living they enjoyed and the audacious disrespect they showed for other, older cultures.

I grew up in a country where such confidence was ubiquitous. A lack of academic achievement was never an impediment as long as you worked hard. Obstacles that were insurmountable to people from other countries were mere challenges to us. And we approached it all with a fatalistic humour that seemed all our own.

When Alan Bond, a former signwriter who became a very wealthy property developer, won the America’s Cup yacht race in 1983, the then prime minister, Bob Hawke, said, ‘Any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is a bum’.

Hawke wasn’t encouraging the nation to chuck a collective sickie. He was simply revelling in the rewards of Bond’s hard work. We all laughed at Hawke’s irreverent enthusiasm and went to work anyway, knowing how lucky we were to live in a nation where such opportunities abounded. They were unbelievably happy times.

Now, we are being ordered by the government not only to stay away from work, but also to stay away from each other.

New South Wales chief health officer Kerry Chant became world famous recently when a video of her went viral. In it, she said, in the patronising tone of a school matron:

‘It is human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly. Unfortunately, this is not the time to do that. So even if you run into your nextdoor neighbour, in the shopping centre, at Coles, Woolworths or Aldi or any other grocery shop, don’t start up a conversation.’

Some of us thought: who the bloody hell is this sheila? Not only had I never heard of her, I hadn’t listened to anything anyone like her had said since I’d been kicked out of high school. My robust upbringing among ratbags and larrikins in the Australian suburbs had instilled in me an instinctive and entirely rational distrust of anyone who, like her, placed an undue significance on obedience above personal freedom and responsibility. My life has been, and continues to be, all the better for it.

New South Wales residents were surprised to learn they had been paying Chant’s wages since she joined the public service in 1991. Like many of her fellow neo-authoritarians, she had spent her entire career cloistered away from the freely enterprising general population, biding her time until the opportunity arose to exercise the powers none of us knew she had.

Now she and her type are all around us, telling us what to do every minute of the day. She is emblematic of Australia’s new elite, from the cops who told me to ‘move on’ when I was enjoying the sunshine by myself at Bondi Beach recently, to prime minister Scott Morrison, who peppers his updates on the latest panicking policies with reminders that ‘we are all in this together’.

No, we’re not. The elite in government and the bureaucracy, some of whom have even been granted pay rises since these lockdowns began, are laughing all the way to the bank while the nation’s middle-class, small-business entrepreneurs – the cultural descendants of the emancipated landowners of the 19th century – are driven to despair and bankruptcy. These elitists might evoke the Australian traditions of ‘mateship’ and the ‘fair go’, but they advocate nothing of the kind. Instead, they impose rules that are only possible under their newly created ’emergency powers’, and which would have been comprehensively ridiculed and rejected in any state or federal parliament at any other time in our history.

Sadly, there are few signs of dissent, let alone rebellion, among the populace. Polling companies are finding that modern Australians approve of being locked down by the government and even admire the grim, tough-talking leaders who impose these restrictions on them.

The mystery is, how did we get here? What happened to the culture that built this thriving nation on a harsh continent from scratch, that encouraged young men to fight so gallantly in other people’s wars, and that cherished freedom with such unbridled vigour? In short, and in the traditional vernacular, how did Australians go from being deadset champions to a nation of piss-weak wimps?

It is difficult to pinpoint exactly where it went wrong. I grew up among surfers, and can testify that in my lifetime the surfing subculture has been completely consumed by the woke mainstream. What was once a culture for dangerously drug-abusing, sexually promiscuous, nomadic adventurers is now a hobby pursued by dreary environmentalists and conformists. It’s also an Olympic sport.

Our football codes have made a similar transition. The Australian Rules footy I grew up watching was essentially controlled violence, a cathartic outlet for players and fans alike, a weekly escape from the more polite conventions of a safe society. These days, footy is just another vehicle for woke causes, and the action has been reduced from a viscerally brutal theatre for working-class blokes to a safe demonstration of athleticism and skill.

These are microcosms of the wider culture. Where once we were independent and resilient, we are now a nation that looks to its government for moral guidance and economic protection.

My late friend Bill Leak was Australia’s greatest ever cartoonist. He died in 2017 after being hounded by woke mobs and the Australian Human Rights Commission for drawing cartoons that were deliberately misread as racist. Although he was a smoker and had been a heavy drinker, I believe the anguish the mobs and the AHRC caused him contributed to the heart condition that killed him.

My biography of him, Die Laughing, will soon be published. I wrote it not only as a tribute to a life well lived, but also as a reminder of an Australia that is rapidly disappearing.

Bill spent his early twenties pursuing a career as an artist in Britain and Europe, visiting all the great galleries and observing the pros and cons of cultures much older than his own. While he was impressed with Europe’s enormous artistic heritage, he also saw it as a burden. ‘The glorious traditions of European culture don’t only enrich the lives of the people, they also weigh them down’, he wrote to his sister Lynne from London in 1978. ‘I think one of the great strengths of Australia’, he continued, ‘is expressed in the way people say, “Oh, ********!” to everything. As long as people keep recognising and condemning ******** over there, everything will be all right, I think.’

Bill lived his entire life by this imperative – he was simply incapable of not calling ‘********’ whenever he saw it. Ordinary Australians loved him for it, regardless of the criticism he provoked from censorious, humourless scolds. He was the epitome of all that was wonderful about this naturally optimistic, unabashed, funny and happy country.

He would weep with despair at what it’s becoming.
Great article Don but not encouraging, as you well know. I have to stay awake and yet away from most current events that are even somewhat discouraging. I am trying to stay positive constantly by various means because the option is not good for me personally. I'm not even going to recommend someone take my approach. I don't know if there can be a perfect balance in living "in my own world" and staying aware at a very long arm's length but I'm trying. Things suck if I get much closer.
Very short video of PHD Doctor explaining why everyone who took the jab will die within 6 months to 5 years. Most doctors I've listened to speaking the truth say
if will be with 6 months to 2 or 3 years at the most till everyone with the jab dies. Good luck to humanity. Get right with God my friends even if you haven't taken it.
60%+ of the population dead in 3 years? Well that sure will help the traffic jams. Seriously if anyone believes this I am willing to place a $500 bet with them right now. Better hurry because I’ve only got 3 years!
I'll make this super simple: the virology pretenders that falsly call themselves "scientists" around the world are not applying the scientific method they are working under what they call GERM THEORY. So, after more than a century since Pasteur, we are still stuck on stupid and not working with scientifically proven facts.

Now do you get it?
American Freedom News