Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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China Communism Worldwide. China is the model they want for all of us. No rights. No guns, no religion(unless it's a false religion) and no freedom of
speech or movement. Communism was started by the chosen ones.
RESIST for yourself. RESIST for your children. RESIST for the grandchildren! WE DO NOT CONSENT!!!
Our county school board has required all students to wear masks for the first 30 days and then evaluate the situation again to see if they must continue wearing masks.
Scary video guys but it's worth a watch. Prepare for what's coming. Especially get right with God and Jesus while there is still time. I don't see any way out of this
other than our Lord and Savior. It's says in the bible that man cannot save you in the end times. I really believe this is the tribulation and it's already started. It lasts
for 7 years and in the last 3 1/2 years almost the whole world dies. God will have vengence though. There is always hope even if we face the end my friends. I have not
given up fighting but like I said faith is more important than ever. For God gave his only Son for whom so ever would believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. This
is from the King James Bible Verse John 3:16 Please take the time to repent and call out to God while there is still time. No disrespect to anyone here that doesn't
believe. I'm just trying to help save people. I love all of you guys.
Scary video guys but it's worth a watch. Prepare for what's coming. Especially get right with God and Jesus while there is still time. I don't see any way out of this
other than our Lord and Savior. It's says in the bible that man cannot save you in the end times. I really believe this is the tribulation and it's already started. It lasts
for 7 years and in the last 3 1/2 years almost the whole world dies. God will have vengence though. There is always hope even if we face the end my friends. I have not
given up fighting but like I said faith is more important than ever. For God gave his only Son for whom so ever would believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. This
is from the King James Bible Verse John 3:16 Please take the time to repent and call out to God while there is still time. No disrespect to anyone here that doesn't
believe. I'm just trying to help save people. I love all of you guys.
I'm with you in spirit White Lightning and I admire your zeal and your stand for Christ our Lord. However, I frankly see the "end times" differently.

I used to believe exactly as you do now on eschatology but in recent years I am a Post-Millennialist. (I can provide information if you want). I believe the Book of Revelation up to chapter 20 verse 6 and also what Jesus spoke of in the Olivet Discourse of Matt. 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 were already fulfilled. Yes, already fulfilled. There will still be a physical coming of Christ and the "Consumation of All Things" at the end of human history, but the "great tribulation" Christ spoke of was against Jerusalem and apostate Israel and was all fulfilled in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, stone by stone, just as Christ said, and the judgements were specifically against that generation (note how Christ said over and over, "this generation"; the generation He was speaking to). The Old Covenant was completely done away with and God made sure of it, literally destroying the epicenter, the Temple, and all it was to the entire system.

The problem with believing the dispensational position of futurism and that the Great Tribulation is still coming is that it will be used against Christians to mock and ridicule them and their beliefs when these things "seem" to be fulfilled and Christians are expecting Christ to physically come at the end of a seven year period and it doesn't happen. The faith of many will be "overthrown", the word Paul uses linguistically speaks of how a tower falls down.

Just for your consideration my friend and brother. And of course to all others who aren't sure or who aren't believers and who read this I pray you believe in Christ alone for salvation. Christ said from the cross, "It is finished" (paid in full) Jn. 19:30. Believe and be saved today. There are no good works to do in order to be saved. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31). God bless.
When Jesus talked about the temple being destroyed in 3 days he was talking about himself being crucified on the cross. Our bodies are a temple of God. We must
not alter the body of Christ. We are considered God's Children and the bride of Christ whether we are men or women when we are born again. This vac. they want the
whole world to take alters our dna with mrna technology which alters us from the temple of Christ to the Temple of the Beast. I do not believe in the pre trib or mid
tribulation rapture. I believe we are here till the end of the 7 years if we live through it. Jesus Christ comes at the end of the seven trumpets and plagues on mankind, etc.

I believe that those left behind are actually the ones that will see his glorious return. Now if we die before then we will still be in the new Heaven on Earth for 1000 years. Then
comes the Battle of Armegedon.
If you look at the texts I specifically cited in all their contexts you will see I am speaking about His prophecies of the literal temple in Jerusalem, specifically. Yes, I believe we as believers are the temple of God because Christ indwells us. No disagreement there but that is not what I was speaking of or referring to.
Ok so a question for you and for everyone here on this board? Will you take this vaccination? What will you do when they try to force it on yourself & your family? Do you
fight? Risk going to jail and also risk them jabbing you by force against your will. It's happening all over the world as we speak. I have seen videos. I can post them if you
guys don't believe me. What happens when they show up on your doorstep. The first time is a strong warning. The 2nd time is by force. Then what?

As for myself I will never ever take that poison into my body. This is the line in the sand and I will
die defending it or go to jail if it comes down to it. This is life and death guys.
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Ok so a question for you and for everyone here on this board? Will you take this vaccination? What will you do when they try to force it on yourself & your family? Do you
fight? Risk going to jail and also risk them jabbing you by force against your will. It's happening all over the world as we speak. I have seen videos. I can post them if you
guys don't believe me. What happens when they show up on your doorstep. The first time is a strong warning. The 2nd time is by force. Then what?

As for myself I will never ever take that poison into my body. This is the line in the sand and I will
die defending it or go to jail if it comes down to it. This is life and death guys.
I will definitely NOT be taking the jab under any circumstances. It's not even a true vaccine because the "Covid-19 virus" is a sham. I'm with you on that. I believe as you do that it's a kill shot of sorts for the masses. The "problem" was supplied so the "solution" could come to our "rescue"...
Good to hear my brother. I know a few here have taken it and they are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope most here do not take it. Please take the time to vote at the top
of this page. There is a poll. I'm curious how many of my caste bros. have or will take it. I hope most will not but I love you guys no matter what your choice.
I will never take the vaccine. I know many who have, some with the very harsh side effects the first feed days.

There is absolutely no need for a healthy, relatively young person to take it (I’m 37) and many people feels this way.
If you guys live in the city you need to get the hell out! In small towns no one cares about corona, vaccines, masks etc. Mainly out of faith in god and common sense. These vax freaks have zero faith and only care about their current earthly existence.great posts by the way! Thank you guys.
If you guys live in the city you need to get the hell out! In small towns no one cares about corona, vaccines, masks etc. Mainly out of faith in god and common sense. These vax freaks have zero faith and only care about their current earthly existence.great posts by the way! Thank you guys.

Yes I agree. The country or the suburbs and small towns are where your freedom lies. If I had the money I would have an off grid property on alot of land. I live in a small
town and I have raised garden beds ready for the spring, two generators, working on food & water storage and I want to get chickens and a chicken coop soon. I hope i can
get away with it as my HOA frowns on it and I'm in an old neighborhood. Go figure. Homesteading is the way forward. Have as little to do with this Beast System as possible.

Please guys vote on the poll at the top of this page. Thanks.
Yes I agree. The country or the suburbs and small towns are where your freedom lies. If I had the money I would have an off grid property on alot of land. I live in a small
town and I have raised garden beds ready for the spring, two generators, working on food & water storage and I want to get chickens and a chicken coop soon. I hope i can
get away with it as my HOA frowns on it and I'm in an old neighborhood. Go figure. Homesteading is the way forward. Have as little to do with this Beast System as possible.

Please guys vote on the poll at the top of this page. Thanks.
Very nice WL!
White Lightening, I 100% agree with your latest post. Homesteading off-grid is the way to go. I am working towards this goal; I live in a exurb or rural suburb about 35 miles outside of Milwaukee.

I can only hope and pray Wisconsin goes forward with the audit and turns red next cycle.
Good to hear my brother. I know a few here have taken it and they are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope most here do not take it. Please take the time to vote at the top
of this page. There is a poll. I'm curious how many of my caste bros. have or will take it. I hope most will not but I love you guys no matter what your choice.
Nah. I'm only 21 and have no prior health conditions, so I'll let the elderly and the immunocompromised get it first. For now I'll just wear a mask while I'm around large crowds, just out of respect. It's entirely possible that the pandemic subsides before the government even considers making the vaccine mandatory, in which case I won't even need to take it at all. On the other hand, if a new variant emerges that's more deadly or more contagious (I'm still keeping an eye on this delta variant, but it doesn't appear to be that threatening at the moment) then I'll probably go get the vaccine. I don't think there's any sort of conspiracy surrounding this vaccine (and it certainly has nothing to do with the mark of the beast) but there may be some long-term side effects that we don't know about yet, so I'll wait and see how that plays out. Of course, the virus itself could have some long-term effects as well, so I suppose it's a gamble either way.
Very proud of Kirk Cousins. Long time christian, married and a good father. He is against the vaccine.

A Minnesota Hospital cuts ties with him due to him not endorsing the vaccine. Why do I have a feeling that the Vikings will get no calls from the refs this year. The NFL wants all players to take the jab in this insane clown world we live in. Stay strong Kirk. Your life is more important than a football game.
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