Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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I can’t tell if the virus hits Asians harder as I have seen articles stating that it does and doesn’t but it does appear to be spreading amongst white people here near Seattle. The nursing home that is the center of the outbreak I’ve been in many times over the past 15 years. It’s not the worst nursing facility I’ve been in but certainly not the best. It’s a shame the virus spread there as those people have very little hope of fighting off this terrible virus. It seems like the virus is really only lethal for people over 60 and/or those with compromised immune systems. For the rest of us it appears that we should be able to recover from it. Here in the Seattle area, we weren’t ready for this and from a healthcare perspective, we’ve had a lot of people that have had potential exposures to coronavirus patients. As the testing ramps up, we will no doubt find more cases here but hopefully we won’t see a situation like Italy. I always get the feeling that they are playing Frankenstein over there in China, messing around with things they shouldn’t be!
I can’t tell if the virus hits Asians harder as I have seen articles stating that it does and doesn’t but it does appear to be spreading amongst white people here near Seattle. The nursing home that is the center of the outbreak I’ve been in many times over the past 15 years. It’s not the worst nursing facility I’ve been in but certainly not the best. It’s a shame the virus spread there as those people have very little hope of fighting off this terrible virus. It seems like the virus is really only lethal for people over 60 and/or those with compromised immune systems. For the rest of us it appears that we should be able to recover from it. Here in the Seattle area, we weren’t ready for this and from a healthcare perspective, we’ve had a lot of people that have had potential exposures to coronavirus patients. As the testing ramps up, we will no doubt find more cases here but hopefully we won’t see a situation like Italy. I always get the feeling that they are playing Frankenstein over there in China, messing around with things they shouldn’t be!

I think you're right. Some things shouldn't be messed with. Mankind isn't smart enough to deal with the consequences.

The godless communists have no problem going where humans shouldn't go and doing things humans shouldn't do.
I remember a year or two ago China announced they had genetically modified some newborns so they wouldn’t be able to contract HIV. I remember thinking to myself this is just the beginning and what else have they done that we won’t be hearing about.
On the cruise ship Diamond Princess, the target of a (badly mismanaged) quarantine due to the virus, the six people on the ship who died were all in their 70s and 80s. (Cruise ships, especially the giant mega-ships, will always be germ magnets). Age, race, and gender are all factors in how likely an infection is to result in a serious or fatal case. There's a lot of hysteria and misinformation going around in the media, mostly coming from self-proclaimed "experts" who have no knowledge of medicine.

On the other hand, there's something that should scare us, namely the fact that governments around the world have repeatedly placed sick people who are supposed to be "quarantined" in close proximity to healthy people (flying sick and healthy people on the same plane, placing a "quarantine" of infected patients in close proximity to a densely populated residential neighborhood). The powers that be stand to reap benefits the worse and the longer this outbreak goes on. More control, more authority, less freedom. The Chinese government is taking the lead in this area, with Western governments likely not far behind.

There's talk of canceling the Olympics in Tokyo - the people in charge are definitely looking to exploit this for the long haul. They don't want things to get back to "normal."
On the cruise ship Diamond Princess, the target of a (badly mismanaged) quarantine due to the virus, the six people on the ship who died were all in their 70s and 80s. (Cruise ships, especially the giant mega-ships, will always be germ magnets). Age, race, and gender are all factors in how likely an infection is to result in a serious or fatal case. There's a lot of hysteria and misinformation going around in the media, mostly coming from self-proclaimed "experts" who have no knowledge of medicine.

On the other hand, there's something that should scare us, namely the fact that governments around the world have repeatedly placed sick people who are supposed to be "quarantined" in close proximity to healthy people (flying sick and healthy people on the same plane, placing a "quarantine" of infected patients in close proximity to a densely populated residential neighborhood). The powers that be stand to reap benefits the worse and the longer this outbreak goes on. More control, more authority, less freedom. The Chinese government is taking the lead in this area, with Western governments likely not far behind.

There's talk of canceling the Olympics in Tokyo - the people in charge are definitely looking to exploit this for the long haul. They don't want things to get back to "normal."
This and also that our local governments have completely dropped the ball when it comes to testing. I believe Korea has tested something like 150 thousand people already. We should be doing this as well, but I guess initially there had to be pretty strict guidelines that were met before testing occurred which is utter madness. The requirements have relaxed somewhat but we are now way behind the curve. We knew this was coming to our shores and had weeks to prepare but still seemed to be caught with our pants down.
As Shadowlight mentioned in the tennis forum, the 2020 Indian Wells tennis tournament has been canceled due to coronavirus fears. Stanford and the University of Washington have cancelled all regular classes and switched to online classes only.

The NFL draft is still on...for now.

We should count ourselves lucky that Trump is President. If it was a Democrat (((they))) would be trying to use virus fears to cancel the election, you can bet on it.
Yeah the dems are of course running with this and trying to pin the blame on the President which is total BS.
I had mentioned the Ivy League basketball championships have been cancelled. I am staying out of the discussion.

Meanwhile Connecticut might be the most aggressive state battling the virus. They have cancelled all high school winter athletics. Also among other things the St. Patricks Day parades in New Haven and Hartford have been cancelled.

I get the feeling this state might be heading towards some sort of lockdown. Governor Ned Lamont is willing and ready.

The New Haven Med experts here are scaring the crap out of everyone here with their pandemic models and are recommending stringent methods for containment.
I had mentioned the Ivy League basketball championships have been cancelled. I am staying out of the discussion.

Meanwhile Connecticut might be the most aggressive state battling the virus. They have cancelled all high school winter athletics. Also among other things the St. Patricks Day parades in New Haven and Hartford have been cancelled.

I get the feeling this state might be heading towards some sort of lockdown. Governor Ned Lamont is willing and ready.

The New Haven Med experts here are scaring the crap out of everyone here with their pandemic models and are recommending stringent methods for containment.


MIT Scientist Claims Coronavirus is a “Deep State Fraud”
Its quiet here, I fully expected this place to pick up when ever the begining stages of the zombie apocalypse went down.

This place is where I get a good chunk of news. Its been a pleasure to meet you guys. Stay safe and best of luck to all.
It's likely that cases will rise quite a bit over the next few weeks because we were really late on testing in the US and it's likely spread around our communities already. I would say that it's just best to stay home unless you need groceries or are going to work. It's not a cause for panic though and there are some positive treatments at the moment. One in particular is a drug called chloraquine used in conjunction with zinc. From the short video I watched, chloraquine acts as a pathway for zinc to get inside cells and inhibit the mechanism that the virus need in order to multiply. Pretty cool stuff. This virus is also hitting elderly and those with chronic illness much harder. The deaths have almost exclusively been those over the age of 60 and/or those with existing medical conditions. We are definitely in the middle of a pandemic, but we will be ok if we follow some basic rules, get plenty of sleep and take care of our bodies. The internet is littered with all sorts of stuff about this virus that is either false or speculation, so take everything with a grain of salt.
It's likely that cases will rise quite a bit over the next few weeks because we were really late on testing in the US and it's likely spread around our communities already. I would say that it's just best to stay home unless you need groceries or are going to work. It's not a cause for panic though and there are some positive treatments at the moment. One in particular is a drug called chloraquine used in conjunction with zinc. From the short video I watched, chloraquine acts as a pathway for zinc to get inside cells and inhibit the mechanism that the virus need in order to multiply. Pretty cool stuff. This virus is also hitting elderly and those with chronic illness much harder. The deaths have almost exclusively been those over the age of 60 and/or those with existing medical conditions. We are definitely in the middle of a pandemic, but we will be ok if we follow some basic rules, get plenty of sleep and take care of our bodies. The internet is littered with all sorts of stuff about this virus that is either false or speculation, so take everything with a grain of salt.

Repurposed drugs may help scientists fight the new coronavirus
From a doctor in the UK...

I can't get it to format properly here or even post the file. It's on the K.Slim boxing forum.


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I thought this was an Asian disease as well but the number of Italians getting sick seems to change that perception.

what’s amazing to me is that not a single person under 18 has died in Italy. How is that possible?

there are some suspicious things about this disease. The way it spread, the fact that only old people and mostly men die from it.

my fear is that this virus was tweaked in a Chinese lab and the governments know something they aren’t saying. They sure have gone into full panic mode.
To all my friends and fellow posters on this great message board. I want to tell you guys not to worry about this virus. This was planned a long time ago. I have videos of people talking
about it as early as 2005. Anyways, it's just another thing to bring about more laws and control. Everyone I know all around me is healthy. I go to like 10 or 15 towns on a regular basis. Don't let the tv
and media scare you. Just continue to live your life and eat healthy, drink lots of water, get sunshine and normal sleep. Don't buy into the propaganda.
To all my friends and fellow posters on this great message board. I want to tell you guys not to worry about this virus. This was planned a long time ago. I have videos of people talking
about it as early as 2005. Anyways, it's just another thing to bring about more laws and control. Everyone I know all around me is healthy. I go to like 10 or 15 towns on a regular basis. Don't let the tv
and media scare you. Just continue to live your life and eat healthy, drink lots of water, get sunshine and normal sleep. Don't buy into the propaganda.
These measures are all precautionary this is nothing compared to 1918 where up to 5 percent of the worlds population died. I had a father in law of my mother's friend live in that out break and he lived to be 96 and was a Jack La Lane type who exercised to his last breath.

I just hope that the recession caused by this outbreak doesn't last beyond a quarter as there is way too much cancellations of business and pleasure trips and public events for the world economy to not slip into a recession.
To all my friends and fellow posters on this great message board. I want to tell you guys not to worry about this virus. This was planned a long time ago. I have videos of people talking
about it as early as 2005. Anyways, it's just another thing to bring about more laws and control. Everyone I know all around me is healthy. I go to like 10 or 15 towns on a regular basis. Don't let the tv
and media scare you. Just continue to live your life and eat healthy, drink lots of water, get sunshine and normal sleep. Don't buy into the propaganda.

I don't know, WL. I fully realize that they lie to us - that when a politician's lips are moving it's lying; when a talking head on tv is talking or the media is printing something or showing something on tv or in the movies, likewise; same with what they teach in schools and colleges now, libraries too. But on the other hand I fully realize that the earth's population of bipeds can't keep growing exponentially forever without the four horsemen of the apocalypse coming by to pay a visit. I hope you're right, tho.

These comments are from a financial forum:

"Major questions remain, will the US go the way of Italy, Iran and Wuhan where the virus overloaded health care systems and had a greater than 3% mortality rate or will the social distancing/travel restriction policies be enough that the US follows the rest of China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea with good mitigation, slow virus spread and a health care system that can keep up. Mortality rates in those countries have been closer to 0.7%. No matter the answer....

I'm sorry, what? Why do "major questions" remain? I can almost certainly tell you the answer: the USA will follow the Italian model, although probably much worse. The reason is quite simple: the USA has done very little to slow the spread of the virus. What we have done has been too little too late.

I would point to the criminal lack of testing, made freely (read: for free, at no cost) available to all who need it. The lack of a national health care system with almost 30 million people without any form of insurance (and most with expensive co-pays), ensuring millions will avoid doctors and hospitals due to prohibitive costs. And lack of a social safety net, ensuring normal people can maintain income while under quarantine (they need to work to feed their kids, ergo, they will work, even while sick).

Add to that the criminal messaging for our leaders, basically downplaying this as just another flu that will magically take care of itself with minimal impact, and you have all the makings of a national disaster, unfolding daily in front of our eyes. Because of exponential growth rates, however, it will still take some time for this virus to overwhelm our hospitals. That should happen in about 2 weeks or so, depending on where you live.

Side note: Wuhan's response was slow in the beginning, and yes they were overwhelmed. In their defense, they were first. They quickly mobilized in a way that was admirable. Something the US is just not capable of repeating. Not because "we love freedom" or some other BS. But because China has a national health care system and a belief that government can mobilize to save lives, and that top down, national action is required. That citizens should take priority over markets. They put in place a rigorous, multi-faceted testing pipeline to ensure sick people were identified and quickly isolated, especially from their families, when testing positive. They built 10 temporary hospitals in a couple of weeks! This system was fast and effective. We have a very fractured and in many ways broken health care system that will not function under this stress test. Certainly not without top down mobilization, which did not happen, and likely won't happen.

So you can stop asking the question of whether it will be bad, and just start preparing for the worst. I'm not primarily talking about revisiting your portfolios, I'm talking about making sure you isolate yourself and your loved ones as much as possible. Avoid all non-essential travel. Take care of your families, especially anyone over 65. If you have a loved one in a senior care facility, you had better do a quick analysis of whether they are prepared for what is coming. If not, you should get your family members out of that facility asap. Make sure you have cash on hand should the economy really go south, which I expect will happen, in the coming months.

I'm reminded of the satirical headline (was it The Onion? Can't recall): "How will your death impact markets?" I think it nicely highlighted our misguided priorities in a real crisis like this, as least what we see in the media. America can't BS its way out of this with cutesy marketing and flowery lies. This is the real deal. This virus just doesn't care what you say about having "the best health care system in the world," or whatever.

But sure, by all means, reorganize your portfolios. But on the basis of reality. If you are assuming this is just going to magically go away, that we are going to get lucky and do little but not be significantly impacted, then I am quite sure you will be in for a very rude awakening in about 10 days, if not sooner. There are specific steps we should have taken to follow South Korea and not Italy. We did not follow those specific steps.

Americans have no special immunity from this virus. We were shown how to mitigate it over 6 weeks ago. We did almost nothing to prepare. And now - to be brutally honest - it's too late. Brace for impact."

"“Americans have no special immunity from this virus. We were shown how to mitigate it over 6 weeks ago. We did almost nothing to prepare. And now - to be brutally honest - it's too late. Brace for impact.”

The other concern we have here in the US is that we are incredibly unhealthy. Heart decease, obesity, diabetes, these are problems a country like South Korea doesn’t really deal with. We are a fat society and they are not.
So If this does spread as it’s spread in other countries, and there is simply no reason that it won’t, the death rate is most likely going to be much higher here, not lower.

The virus is here, not border control, or shutting down of travel is going to stop it now. It’s now how to live with it is the only thing we as a society and nation can focus on."
There are a lot of unknowns at the moment. We don't know how many people have or had this virus. It seems likely that the virus landed here in December and began spreading. A lot of people may have had it and not known. It will be quite some time before we can determine true case counts and fatalities. I suspect the mortality rate is much lower than we think, but still considerably higher than seasonal influenza. People are panic buying right now, but essentials will get restocked. The country isn't stopping, just shutting a lot of non essential stuff down at the moment. I guess people could split hairs on whether that's the right move, but from a medical stand point it's a move designed to slow the spread and allow the medical system to keep up with demand. We'll see in a few weeks if it seems to have paid off or not. I don't think anyone needs to be worried really, just get prepared to hunker down for a month or two. Go to the grocery store when you need essentials and practice all the good habits like hand washing and not touching your face. To touch on what WW said, having risk factors like obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure could place you at a much higher risk. All the more reason to take care of our bodies and not be the typical fat DWF!! Just stay informed and ready and we will get through this guys!
Let's see; politicians, billionaires, and celebrities are quarantining themselves while telling us not to panic. The WHO originally told us just a couple of months ago that there was "NO EVIDENCE" that the virus could spread to other countries. We've done nothing but buy TP and wash our hands. Laughable. We are not even closing public schools yet - incredibly late in the game. Our schools are the largest petri dish in the world. Numerous other countries (including Israel) have completely shut down. Does this tell you something? It's like our so-called leaders want a full blown epidemic. What I see on the MSM is downplaying while reporting on the virus because they are forced to report on it. Wash your hands. How stupid are we? As if the world will collapse if we and our wives don't work for a couple of weeks meanwhile paying people throughout the globe not to work (national and global welfare) as business as usual.
My prediction is that when this is all said and done there will be new laws on forcible vaccinations - no more conscientious objections. Meanwhile our borders will remain wide open as will international travel and massive legal immigration. I refuse to get my kids vaccinated. I'm the target. The push has been going on for many years now. This is why our CDC and WHO have completely dropped the ball. Why else would they push hysteria and at the same time tell us to not panic and just send your kids to school?
Thank you all for the informative posts. I really lean on you guys for your opinions as we can’t trust anything the MSM tells us. Even our alt media is very split on how serious this whole situation is.

My family is definitely airing on the side of precaution and have built up a sizable supply of food, medicine, toiletries and antibacterial cleaning products. My job has mandated working from home since earlier in the week so I can avoid the millions of people in NYC. Moving out to eastern LI late last year was almost a godsend as I can’t imagine being holed up in Brooklyn right now as panic and hysteria will inevitably set in.

Everyone be prepared and be safe. Take this as a blessing to spend more time with your family. At the macro level, we can hope that this is the event to crash this (((global capitalism))) model for good. Also, this will certainly weaken the case for open borders and every nationalist party and politician should seize on these. Steal a page from the leftist playbook. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
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