Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Picked up some groceries this morning. I am not calm under normal circumstances so at this juncture I am a wild animal. And no I don't want "there is nothing to worry about" on my tombstone.

Acting like an Inspector General I was complimenting the store where I thought they were on topic like the woman spraying all the carts and reprimanding them when things were deficient like in the check out line there were no wipes etc.. In fact the elderly gentleman in front of me was telling the cashier he was feeling ill. My luck!

There was no toilet paper or gallon sized water bottles and ok I imagine the manufacture overload but this is retail. Time to cut back on the pomegranates and order enough toilet paper, sanitizers and water to fill up a landfill.

Conspiracy theories are flying left and right but how about the obvious? While most of us are sucking the big one companies like Purell, Charmin, Lysol, Poland Spring etc. have a mile wide grin on their faces to go along with their woody. Last but not least is the medical community. Oh and grocery stores.

Back to the water for a moment. When I was growing up we drank out of the tap. I can't do that now. Not only is it cloudy it tastes a little strange in a bad way. I tried going cold turkey once with tap water for a few days and predictably came down with a wicked stomach ache.

People have to spend a small fortune on bottled water now, another not so hidden cost of modern living, plus the added environmental stress of all that plastic. They sell filters but you have to keep them clean etc. and I imagine some of them are just window dressing?

I suppose some areas have clean drinking water out of the tap but why can't that be the norm across this great country of ours?

One of the best drinking waters is Mountain Valley Spring water out of Hot Springs Arkansas but one has to take out a small mortgage to buy it. And I think they still sell some of it in glass bottles? Full of rich minerals.

What is our tap water full of?

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I am in the dark about this virus as everybody else seems to be however,I called my daughter who lives in Kings Mountain, N.C. Several of her neighbors are quarantine in Oakland, California after testing positive for the virus aboard a cruise ship. I asked had she been able to talk to any of them and she said no but had talked to a couple of their children. their parents are in the mid -60s and older. However, they told my daughter that their parents were well and were surprised they tested positive for the virus. The worst symptoms so far have been like a bad cold with runny noses and a light cough. They seem to think they will come home in 14 days. I don't know if this means all the people from Kings Mountain that were on the cruise they were 14 of them or just the parents of the people she talk to. My daughter did add that these are healthy active people I think this is the key to surviving this virus. I hope this helps somewhat to ease some of the anxiety.
I was at the check stand at one of our two big grocery stores and an Asian woman behind me had a shopping cart full of nothing but bottled water. I don't know how many she had piled up in there but they were stacked about head high and she was having a hard time keeping the whole edifice from tipping over. I prefer Aquafina which I take to work with me but they were all sold out so I settled for a case of Dasani.

The TP crisis though has been a real we are living in a cartoon moment. I just have to laugh. All these people turning into a bunch of Cornholios from Beavis and Butthead. I might see if I can grab a twelve pack tomorrow. Or maybe a twenty-four pack if they have any.

As far as the virus I'm not worried for myself but I do worry for a few very elderly people I know. It could well do them in if they get it.
2009-2010 swine flu, 60 million Americans infected in a 10-month period, 300,000 hospitalized. 18,000 deaths. This is just 10 years ago.

How much water and toilet paper did you buy for that?
Just went to Wal-Mart for office supplies (yeah, I know), and the grocery store.

Wal-Mart was surprisingly subdued, fewer customers than usual and noticeably fewer employees floating around. Maybe their hours were cut back or they were laid off, or they're calling in sick.

The grocery store was busy, as it always is anyway on weekends. Bread, paper towels and toilet paper were gone, while other items were close to being gone, but overall no general feeling of panic. But then again Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) only has two reported cases so far.

Seeing how sports was shut down because a single basketball player tested positive, what happens when a few employees at grocery stores, or at Amazon fulfillment centers, start testing positive? The panic and hysteria flamed by the media could result in the entire supply chain being crippled or shut down, not just foreign suppliers like China.

Another factor not mentioned for obvious ideological reasons (other than by Tucker Carlson) is that the large homeless communities in radical left-run cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland could be very fertile breeding grounds for the virus, which will then slam large urban areas in general. The next few weeks will tell the tale. Hopefully the Dow Jones isn't at 3,000 by the time the hysteria dies down.
My prediction is that when this is all said and done there will be new laws on forcible vaccinations - no more conscientious objections. Meanwhile our borders will remain wide open as will international travel and massive legal immigration. I refuse to get my kids vaccinated. I'm the target. The push has been going on for many years now. This is why our CDC and WHO have completely dropped the ball. Why else would they push hysteria and at the same time tell us to not panic and just send your kids to school?
Watch at least the 1st 2 mins
Just went to Wal-Mart for office supplies (yeah, I know), and the grocery store.

Wal-Mart was surprisingly subdued, fewer customers than usual and noticeably fewer employees floating around. Maybe their hours were cut back or they were laid off, or they're calling in sick.

The grocery store was busy, as it always is anyway on weekends. Bread, paper towels and toilet paper were gone, while other items were close to being gone, but overall no general feeling of panic. But then again Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) only has two reported cases so far.

Seeing how sports was shut down because a single basketball player tested positive, what happens when a few employees at the grocery stores, or at Amazon fulfillment centers, start testing positive? The panic and hysteria flamed by the media could result in the entire supply chain being crippled or shut down, not just foreign suppliers like China.

Another factor not mentioned for obvious ideological reasons (other than by Tucker Carlson) is that the large homeless communities in radical left-run cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland could be very fertile breeding grounds for the virus, which will then slam large urban areas in general. The next few weeks will tell the tale. Hopefully the Dow Jones isn't at 3,000 by the time the hysteria dies down.

Good point. Homeless camp along a bike trail in California. Those people can't wash their hands every two minutes or stay at home, because they have no home to stay in.


DOW at 3,000 would be back to 1991 level. Maybe that's the plan. Another Great Depression. They got out of the Great Depression of 1929 only by starting WW2 and destroying Germany which had made them angry by opting out of the international banking usury system and thriving as never before while the rest of the world was mired in the depression. They've been itching for another war, and even in the midst of all this Trump has been firing missiles into their perpetual victim Iraq.
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Watch at least the 1st 2 mins

Damn good point. Wasn't it a black doctor who was behind the swine flu vaccine?

Remember that the politicians and the talking heads on the media lie all the time. A good rule of thumb is if their lips are moving they're lying. I was almost a first responder at "ground zero" 911, even tho I immediately knew, and was telling people, that they were lying about what happened right away. I just didn't get picked to go because i lacked seniority. Point is they - the politicians and media - swore that the air down there had been tested and was as clean as a mountain breeze. They were lying through their teeth about that too. I didn't know how lucky i was that i didn't get chosen to go. Most first responders are now either dead or suffering from lung and other cancers. My doctor friend lived down there near his office on lower fifth avenue (he also had a house in PA). He was on duty in the e room at St Vincents on 911 expecting a flood of injured - but the e room it was eerily quiet. He's gone now too.
Not understanding the hoarding of bottled water. Do ppl believe that water supply will come to a screeching halt? I went to the gym yesterday. The same amount of ppl are inside the gym. I have bottles of sanitizers in all of my cars and follow handwashing with it. I also make a conscious effort not to touch my face when out and about.
Interesting times indeed.
Just went to Wal-Mart for office supplies (yeah, I know), and the grocery store.

Wal-Mart was surprisingly subdued, fewer customers than usual and noticeably fewer employees floating around. Maybe their hours were cut back or they were laid off, or they're calling in sick.

The grocery store was busy, as it always is anyway on weekends. Bread, paper towels and toilet paper were gone, while other items were close to being gone, but overall no general feeling of panic. But then again Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) only has two reported cases so far.

Seeing how sports was shut down because a single basketball player tested positive, what happens when a few employees at grocery stores, or at Amazon fulfillment centers, start testing positive? The panic and hysteria flamed by the media could result in the entire supply chain being crippled or shut down, not just foreign suppliers like China.

Another factor not mentioned for obvious ideological reasons (other than by Tucker Carlson) is that the large homeless communities in radical left-run cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland could be very fertile breeding grounds for the virus, which will then slam large urban areas in general. The next few weeks will tell the tale. Hopefully the Dow Jones isn't at 3,000 by the time the hysteria dies down.
We are seeing this here in the Seattle area already. The city of Kent is about 30 minutes south of Seattle and there was an incident the other day where a homeless man went to a covid19 testing site to be tested and while awaiting results, he was advised to stay but left anyways. He proceeded to go to a nearby store where he shoplifted several items and then got on a bus. The recent explosion of homelessness will be the perfect scenario for a virus like this to spread.

I live in Puyallup which is a city that borders Tacoma and is about an hour south of Seattle. There is no feeling of panic here really. The stores are sold out of things like bread, toilet paper and certain canned foods, but the shelves seem relatively well stocked otherwise. We have 650 or so confirmed cases in the state now, but I don't know anyone personally who has it. I'm not worried myself and I certainly won't be taking any vaccine that is all of a sudden magically available in 4 months.
Ok guys here is the real deal. Everything is gonna be shut down for a few weeks to a month. I know this and you guys need to trust me on this. They have to shut down everything world wide in order to install 5G in every bar, school, restaurant, nightclub, musuems, govt buildings, churchs, planes, cruises, stadiums, etc. The only way they can do this world wide is to have a fake virus and quarantine the population as it's very time consuming. The corona virus is fake. The fear and panic is real. Be ready to be in lockdown nationwide in about a week or two. You won't be able to go anywhere. Have food and water to last a month or two minimum before this martial law happens. If my sources are correct, everything will go back to normal worldwide after 5G is in every place the public goes. This is the bigger danger. In the future 5g is the bigger danger. Do not bring it into your apts, houses, condos, trailers, etc. Do not get 5G phones, routers, modems, etc. Get away from all wifi. With 5G it will be deadly over time. It will cause flu like symptoms and eventually will kill countless people.

I don't want to forget this part. The economy may crash. It depend how long the powers that be let this psych-op continue. Take alot of money out of the bank just incase you can't access it later. The banks could close down or make it impossible to get your money. Just in case of the worst case scenario have enough cash on hand to survive a long time. Buying gold or silver isn't a bad idea. I may be wrong on the economy part but I doubt it. They want to demonetize all the forms of money around the world and go to a one world currency. It will be a cryptocurrency. They are moving to a cashless society in the near future. Be safe my friends. May God bless us all.
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Ok guys here is the real deal. Everything is gonna be shut down for a few weeks to a month. I know this and you guys need to trust me on this. They have to shut down everything world wide in order to install 5G in every bar, school, restaurant, nightclub, musuems, govt buildings, churchs, planes, cruises, stadiums, etc. The only way they can do this world wide is to have a fake virus and quarantine the population as it's very time consuming. The corona virus is fake. The fear and panic is real. Be ready to be in lockdown nationwide in about a week or two. You won't be able to go anywhere. Have food and water to last a month or two minimum before this martial law happens. If my sources are correct, everything will go back to normal worldwide after 5G is in every place the public goes. This is the bigger danger. In the future 5g is the bigger danger. Do not bring it into your apts, houses, condos, trailers, etc. Do not get 5G phones, routers, modems, etc. Get away from all wifi. With 5G it will be deadly over time. It will cause flu like symptoms and eventually will kill countless people.

I don't want to forget this part. The economy may crash. It depend how long the powers that be let this psych-op continue. Take alot of money out of the bank just incase you can't access it later. The banks could close down or make it impossible to get your money. Just in case of the worst case scenario have enough cash on hand to survive a long time. Buying gold or silver isn't a bad idea. I may be wrong on the economy part but I doubt it. They want to demonetize all the forms of money around the world and go to a one world currency. It will be a cryptocurrency. They are moving to a cashless society in the near future. Be safe my friends. May God bless us all.
Well the state of Washington just took it a step further. All bars, nightclubs, dance halls, restaurants, gyms and indoor recreational facilities are closed until at least March 31st. I'm assuming indoor facilities means things like pools, ice rinks and in door basketball courts. It said restaurants can remain open for take out and drive thru service.

As for 5g, I've done a little research on it and it sounds like they would need to install small units or boxes every few hundred feet. I'm not sure exactly how fast they could do this or what it would look like when all said and done. I do know that safety is a major concern with 5g and it seems that very little research has been done on that aspect of it. If this is the case WL, it would be the greatest slight of hand ever. A perfectly timed and calculated roll out of fear and lock down. With how weird and crazy everything has become over the recent years, I can't rule anything out anymore.
From a doctor in San Francisco:

" I'm an anesthesiologist in the bay area. We are truly in crisis mode. The health care system is not ready but the tidal wave of patients has started.
I don't think many understand how incredibly devastating this is going to be as demand for health care is surging beyond anything we have ever planned for. At the same time the supply of health care is going to take a hit as workers get sick and we face equipment, drug, and bed shortages. We are facing the complete capitulation of our health care system. Any actions we take to slow down the virus won't be shown in the numbers for around two weeks so even if we implemented a complete lockdown today things will continue to get worse. 2 weeks is an eternity with logarithmic growth..."


Note: I just read that smokers and vapers are 14 times more likely to have the virus become serious. They are thinking that's why men in China were much more victimized than women as men there are much more likely to be smokers.
Ok guys here is the real deal. Everything is gonna be shut down for a few weeks to a month. I know this and you guys need to trust me on this. They have to shut down everything world wide in order to install 5G in every bar, school, restaurant, nightclub, musuems, govt buildings, churchs, planes, cruises, stadiums, etc. The only way they can do this world wide is to have a fake virus and quarantine the population as it's very time consuming. The corona virus is fake. The fear and panic is real. Be ready to be in lockdown nationwide in about a week or two. You won't be able to go anywhere. Have food and water to last a month or two minimum before this martial law happens. If my sources are correct, everything will go back to normal worldwide after 5G is in every place the public goes. This is the bigger danger. In the future 5g is the bigger danger. Do not bring it into your apts, houses, condos, trailers, etc. Do not get 5G phones, routers, modems, etc. Get away from all wifi. With 5G it will be deadly over time. It will cause flu like symptoms and eventually will kill countless people.

I don't want to forget this part. The economy may crash. It depend how long the powers that be let this psych-op continue. Take alot of money out of the bank just incase you can't access it later. The banks could close down or make it impossible to get your money. Just in case of the worst case scenario have enough cash on hand to survive a long time. Buying gold or silver isn't a bad idea. I may be wrong on the economy part but I doubt it. They want to demonetize all the forms of money around the world and go to a one world currency. It will be a cryptocurrency. They are moving to a cashless society in the near future. Be safe my friends. May God bless us all.

Hey guys. You can watch videos and read countless articles about the danger of 5G. We will have to be around it in public but stay with 4G with your phones, modems and routers. You need to be around 5G as little as possible. So the only save haven soon will be when your at home or outside and that's only when your not near the countless thousands of towers being built. A mister and trees in your yard can help to protect yourself and your family. It's also a good idea to have plants in your house. 5G will cook our bodies slowly. It changes the structure of water at a molecular level. Do not bring this into your houses people. Please stick with 4G for you and your families safety. When at home that will be our only non exposure to it.
Thanks W L, I tend to believe this as I totally distrust all media and mainstream news. I said a while back at the first peek of this it was created for nefarious plans by nefarious people (vipers from a brood of vipers). You are simply affirming my suppositions. Luckily the tap water in my city is halfway decent and drinkable. I work primarily alone and am glad. The response of panic to this is more dangerous than the virus. I am going to stay home and jam some good tunes, very loud (headphones).
Christ is with me and will be, always. Be safe my brothers.
Swine flu pandemic 2009-10

"Between April 12, 2009, and April 10, 2010, the CDC estimates swine flu caused 60.8 million illnesses, 273,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths in the U.S."

"The 2009 flu pandemic or swine flu was an influenza pandemic that lasted from early 2009 to late 2010, and the second of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus (the first being the 1918–1920 Spanish flu pandemic), albeit a new strain. First described in April 2009, the virus appeared to be a new strain of H1N1 which resulted when a previous triple reassortment of bird, swine, and human flu viruses further combined with a Eurasian pig flu virus,[5] leading to the term "swine flu".[6] It is estimated that 11–21% of the then global population (of about 6.8 billion), or around 700 million–1.4 billion people, contracted the illness – more in absolute terms than the Spanish flu pandemic,[3][7] with about 150,000–575,000 fatalities.[4]

A follow-up study done in September 2010 showed that the 2009 H1N1 flu was no more severe than the yearly seasonal flu [!]]"

But nothing shut down and the stock market didn't crash. How come?
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Not sure I agree with some of the darker conspiracy theories out there. I don't think gun-owning Americans are in any mood right now to give them up or otherwise submit to open tyranny. The system has lost a considerable amount of credibility in recent years (even among thick-headed DWF types) and deservedly so, so this is a big test for them. And though I'm a frequent critic of Trump, so far I think he's done a good job of providing leadership along with measures that aren't too strong or too weak. Of course after what happened to the stock market today following the Fed's futile attempt to stimulate it, things could fall apart rather quickly. Interesting days just ahead to put it mildly. . .
Not sure I agree with some of the darker conspiracy theories out there. I don't think gun-owning Americans are in any mood right now to give them up or otherwise submit to open tyranny. The system has lost a considerable amount of credibility in recent years (even among thick-headed DWF types) and deservedly so, so this is a big test for them. And though I'm a frequent critic of Trump, so far I think he's done a good job of providing leadership along with measures that aren't too strong or too weak. Of course after what happened to the stock market today following the Fed's futile attempt to stimulate it, things could fall apart rather quickly. Interesting days just ahead to put it mildly. . .

I agree with you Don on all points. The best thing we can do is be prepared, keep ourselves and families as safe as possible and wait it out. The media hype and panic around this are ridiculous - a lot of scare tactics being employed here. I am not scared of the virus - just the sheeples reaction to it as well as the broader social and political implications. Hopefully this puts an end to open borders in the US and European countries - Europe is especially suffering because of the open borders and the countries all being in such close proximity to each other. If anything this illustrates the failures of the EU and the open border leftists in this country.
IMHO this is the man who should be president right now, Ron Paul...on the coronavirus!

You love Ron Paul so much you had to tell us trice! :beer-toast1:

No not really, but he's got common sense and often (not always) tells the truth instead of hollow politicianspeak, including speaking out about Trump lobbing missiles into Iraq in the midst of all this and depriving the Iranian people of medical supplies, both to suit his boss in Tel Aviv. This board was messed up last night. I didn't intend to post it thrice, not twice!


PS How come gold and silver are way down in this phony crisis?
The governor of N.C. has just announced that all bars and restaurants will close except for drive-through and to-go orders. How can you take out a jukebox or a pool table or a draft beer in a frosted mug?
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