Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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The cleaning fanaticism was part of the whole hysteria. Just last week someone at my work tested positive and so everyone had to go home and the place had to be “deep” cleaned. Which included a guy walking around with a spray canister and a wand purifying the air. A useless gesture. I was also required to “clean” my area, which is pretty stupid considering I’m the only one that touches any of that stuff.
Yankees place Gio Urshela on COVID-19 injured list due to ...
40 minutes ago · The New York Yankees on Friday announced that third baseman Gio Urshela has been placed on the COVID-19 injured list because of side effects
This all is starting to remind me of the old fable about the Dutch boy plugging leaks in the dyke with his fingers. As time goes by, it's getting harder and harder to cover up these nasty side effects of the vaccine shots, plus the small point of falling over somewhat deadish.
Yankees place Gio Urshela on COVID-19 injured list due to ...
40 minutes ago · The New York Yankees on Friday announced that third baseman Gio Urshela has been placed on the COVID-19 injured list because of side effects
This all is starting to remind me of the old fable about the Dutch boy plugging leaks in the dyke with his fingers. As time goes by, it's getting harder and harder to cover up these nasty side effects of the vaccine shots, plus the small point of falling over somewhat deadish.

Yes, and even after getting the shot nothing changes. People still to have to wear their face diaper, "socially distance" and otherwise carry on as if they can contaminate others or still be contaminated themselves. What's the point of getting the jab(s) then?

This top-down imposed nightmare just keeps going on and on. As always some Republicans timidly oppose it, but not nearly enough to make a difference. The super-rich and the mega-corporations keep getting richer from it while everyone else is enslaved to varying degrees.

BTW, what happened to this winter's annual flu season? Apparently the ever-useful Covid replaced it with few noticing. Or maybe the PTB will claim that social distancing prevented it from spreading this year and therefore we'll have to continue the soul-destroying practices forever as part of the "new normal."
Flu transformed into Covaids. Even before they paused The J&J vaccine it was at around 64% success rate. LOL. Human Body depending on Age/obesity does 95-99%..

We are living in an Orwellian Nightmare.
Flu transformed into Covaids. Even before they paused The J&J vaccine it was at around 64% success rate. LOL. Human Body depending on Age/obesity does 95-99%..

We are living in an Orwellian Nightmare.

Darkest times I've ever known and it only looks to get worse.

And so many people won't question.

I despise them.
Darkest times I've ever known and it only looks to get worse.

And so many people won't question.

I despise them.
This has been extremely blackpilling for me to experience. The amount of people I know still going along with this is far greater than I expected. Many friends and family, who are “conservative” generally and are skeptical of many things (election results for one), have bought this hook, line and sinker. When it comes to medical stuff, they just blindly “trust the experts”. It’s a bizarre phenomenon.

I had 2 coworkers yesterday talking about the vaccine. One had to “rush out” because he finally got an appointment. Keep in mind he’s a healthy, physically fit 40-something year old. The other coworker commented he already had his but said “I hope your not getting J&J as they’re recalling it due to blood clots”. The other goes, “no, Pfizer”. Both were happy. I just sat in disbelief, as the news of one of the experimental vaccines being so dangerous they had to pull it did not give either the slightest bit of pause for concern in the choices they made.

I’ve been drifting farther rightward and away from libertarianism for the last tens years already but I think this cements it. Most people do not deserve or need freedom. In fact, most “freedom” they are given is the illusion of free will by those in power. People simply do what is pushed from top down through the media and follow what the rest of the heard is doing. That is our nature. Social conformity dominates decision making. Even if it flies in the face of self-preservation or self-interest.

People will inevitably be ruled by some form of authoritarian government. Democracy, is easily subverted by the rich, ruling elite. This particular elite are evil and illegitimate as they are extremely hostile towards their subjects. The only alternative is the irate minority of good people, who value nationalism and their peoples wellbeing, taking power (by force of course). Once in power, they can guide the sheep / DWFs / normies towards a life that is ultimately productive and healthy. The masses will never do it for themselves. The name of the game is dominate or be dominated by someone who hates you. Sad but true...
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This has been extremely blackpilling for me to experience. The amount of people I know still going along with this is far greater than I expected. Many friends and family, who are “conservative” generally and are skeptical of many things (election results for one), have bought this hook, line and sinker. When it comes to medical stuff, they just blindly “trust the experts”. It’s a bizarre phenomenon.

I had 2 coworkers yesterday talking about the vaccine. One had to “rush out” because he finally got an appointment. Keep in mind he’s a healthy, physically fit 40-something year old. The other coworker commented he already had his but said “I hope your not getting J&J as they’re recalling it due to blood clots”. The other goes, “no, Pfizer”. Both were happy. I just sat in disbelief, as the news of one of the experimental vaccines being so dangerous they had to pull it did not give either the slightest bit of pause for concern in the choices they made.

I’ve been drifting farther rightward and away from libertarianism for the last tens years already but I think this cements it. Most people do not deserve or need freedom. In fact, most “freedom” they are given is the illusion of free will by those in power. People simply do what is pushed from top down through the media and follow what the rest of the heard is doing. That is our nature. Social conformity dominates decision making. Even if it flies in the face of self-preservation or self-interest.

People will inevitably be ruled by some form of authoritarian government. Democracy, is easily subverted by the rich, ruling elite. This particular elite are evil and illegitimate as they are extremely hostile towards their subjects. The only alternative is the irate minority of good people, who value nationalism and their peoples wellbeing, taking power (by force of course). Once in power, they can guide the sheep / DWFs / normies towards a life that is ultimately productive and healthy. The masses will never do it for themselves. The name of the game is dominate or be dominated by someone who hates you. Sad but true...

Excellent thoughts and I agree with you. Most people do not question anything anymore. This may sound crazy but in my honest opinion, we have never been to the moon. Americans and people around the world have been lied to about so many things. I'm not
gonna get into a long discussion here but the covid hoax is a plandemic and always has been. Look up Event 201 run less than a half year before the covid1984 started. They planned and prepared for every scenario. They ordered the test kits for the PCR Test a
few years before the virus even existed. It's all a hoax but a deadly one. Why is that? Because the real danger are the masks and the vaccines. The masks have been linked to cancer and other things. Some tests have even shown parasites in them. The deoxidation
leads to sickness and cancer as well with long term wearing of the masks. The tests are poison and they also are track and tracing devices. Similar to being chipped. No good what so ever. WE MUST RESIST or the Human Race will cease to EXIST.
It is very unlikely to change someone’s mind or convince them of anything by giving them information and logic. I don’t waste my pearls of information on swine. I’m more likely to gently mock them for believing everything they hear on the “News”; trusting Big Pharma’s magic potions; allowing pseudo-scientists, politicians, and bureaucrats to tell them when they can leave their house, how far to stand apart, which way to walk down a grocery aisle, and how many masks to wear. I’m utterly disgusted by the average brainwashed, helpless, hopeless NPC.
Jordan Poyer's wife Rachel Bush slams Bills vaccine ...
18 hours ago · Rachel Bush, the wife of Bills safety Jordan Poyer, is throwing heat on Twitter after learning about a new vaccine initiative involving the team. …
I didn't know where to put this and decided on this thread. So here's the thing. If the Bills can make rules as to who can enter their premises for not having the vaccine, why can't any other store, company, building, owner forbid anyone of any specific group he want to, lets, say blacks, Samoans, Asians, etc., and those groups, vice-versa? One last point, does this mean our Southerners were right all along during the Jim Crow period?
Requiring a person to undergo a medical procedure, or to ingest or inject a pharmaceutical product in order to enter any public venue is illegal, period. They also have no right to ask for your private medical information to determine whether you have received any medical treatment.
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You guys are looking at this thing all wrong. Of course it’s a scam-demic! But look at the positives. Masks? What’s the problem? Most people are ugly or have bad breath. I’m glad so many people are covering their ugly mugs. And in the winter it’s another layer of protection against the cold. I loved wearing a gaiter this winter.

Less social activities? Great. Less interaction with stupid people and much less traffic. Oh how I miss the early days of the pandemic. Empty roads!

I don’t have to go in to work, just recline in the PJs at home surfing the web on company time. How great is that!

No meetings, no boring family get togethers, no annoying neighbor kids. It’s great.

and for entertainment I get to watch the hood burn!

Even the shot is no big deal. Think it’s dangerous? Heck it doesn’t even work that well against the one thing it’s supposed to kill. But when you get it you can complain about side effects and get more paid time off. That’s on top of getting sick pay every time you sniffle or cough. What a racket!

The thing that’s getting me down is things “getting back to normal”—-normal sucked. I want a full bore five alarm lock down.

Let’s face it people suck, the easier it is to avoid then the better off you are. I’m rarely sick with anything now that germ carriers are out of my life, I have more money then ever as I can’t waste it in bars and restaurants and sporting events and the govt sends me a check every once in a while. We never had it so good!
This is a Worldwide Communist Takeover with a Totalitarian Society and a Cashless Society where people all around the world have no rights. Wake Up and fight gentlemen. Spread the message everywhere.

You guys are looking at this thing all wrong. Of course it’s a scam-demic! But look at the positives. Masks? What’s the problem? Most people are ugly or have bad breath. I’m glad so many people are covering their ugly mugs. And in the winter it’s another layer of protection against the cold. I loved wearing a gaiter this winter.

Less social activities? Great. Less interaction with stupid people and much less traffic. Oh how I miss the early days of the pandemic. Empty roads!

I don’t have to go in to work, just recline in the PJs at home surfing the web on company time. How great is that!

No meetings, no boring family get togethers, no annoying neighbor kids. It’s great.

and for entertainment I get to watch the hood burn!

Even the shot is no big deal. Think it’s dangerous? Heck it doesn’t even work that well against the one thing it’s supposed to kill. But when you get it you can complain about side effects and get more paid time off. That’s on top of getting sick pay every time you sniffle or cough. What a racket!

The thing that’s getting me down is things “getting back to normal”—-normal sucked. I want a full bore five alarm lock down.

Let’s face it people suck, the easier it is to avoid then the better off you are. I’m rarely sick with anything now that germ carriers are out of my life, I have more money then ever as I can’t waste it in bars and restaurants and sporting events and the govt sends me a check every once in a while. We never had it so good!

LOL Jaxvid. I felt the same way about most of this stuff. I was a bit concerned when "shelter in place" became "lockdown" but nobody ever locked me down. I'm an essential worker and I live outside of town. I can go out to the main road, turn right and go into town, or turn right and be in the country and on my way to one of of my fishing or hunting spots. I much prefer the latter. I can't stand the sight of all the blue transplant virtue signalers wearing masks just walking down the street.

When our little bitch boy Governor Nuisance declared a ten o'clock curfew most of the sheriffs and police chiefs announced they would not enforce it. That was a good moment.

Then Fauci recommended eye goggles. I haven't seen anyone, even the most fearful Karens, wearing goggles. You know why? Because nobody else is. Yeah, this thing is as much about conformity as anything else.

Possibly. But I’m not much worried about the keystone cops that populate the intelligence services pulling off a global conspiracy to depopulate the planet. Those clowns couldn’t get rid of a guy they all hated passionately for 4 years. More likely the whole thing can be chalked up to stupidity. I don’t credit malice to something more easily explained by ignorance.
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