Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Please do not take it. Yes it alters dna, will sterilize 70& of the males and females that take it, and it tracks you like a smart phone.
I won’t be taking the vaccine. Why not allow our god given immune systems to function properly. Instead we are told to social distance, constantly sanitize, wear a mask, and inject the vaccine. Not to mention big pharma rushed it through for FDA approval and is completely immune from liability for vaccine injuries. All to save us from an alleged virus with a 99.8% survival rate. It defies common sense.

In addition to that the powers that be are stating worldwide that even those that take both vaccines will still have to wear the mask all year, social distance and quarantine. This a clown world we live in.
ya vaccine is only good for 2 months when your body naturally does a better job.

I guess they want us to go see Gil Bates for a vaccine six times a year
The vaccine is unnecessary at best and dangerous at worst. When the FDA states they approve a vaccine for "emergency" use, they're admitting that they skipped steps in the normal testing process. People who receive this vaccine early get to be guinea pigs for the world.

In addition to that the powers that be are stating worldwide that even those that take both vaccines will still have to wear the mask all year, social distance and quarantine. This a clown world we live in.

I called it in one of my recent posts. (((They))) aren't going to let us get back to "normal" until 2022, when the (((Democrats))) have to worry about the midterm elections.
The vaccine is unnecessary at best and dangerous at worst. When the FDA states they approve a vaccine for "emergency" use, they're admitting that they skipped steps in the normal testing process. People who receive this vaccine early get to be guinea pigs for the world.

I called it in one of my recent posts. (((They))) aren't going to let us get back to "normal" until 2022, when the (((Democrats))) have to worry about the midterm elections.

I hope your right but I've read this covid crisis goes till 2025 if we live through it. Do not take these poisons into your body. Never consent. We must resist for ourselves and future generations.
I hope your right but I've read this covid crisis goes till 2025 if we live through it.

I don't think the people, sheeplike as they are, will be quite so horrifically submissive as to go along with that for that many years, especially if "crisis" means restaurants, stadiums, and other forms of bread and circuses being closed for all that time. There have been anti-lockdown protests in every state, along with protests in countries like Denmark against forced vaccination. Also, I doubt that Biden (actually probably Kamala by then, as Uncle Joe's plug likely will have been pulled long ago) would want to go into the 2024 election with a track record of an entire presidential administration in lockdown mode. I may be wrong; I may be putting too much faith in humanity. I hope not.

Another subject that's never brought up by the mainstream media is immunity to COVID-19 from having had previous diseases that were related closely enough to produce antibodies that are effective against this new strain too. In the 1880s, there was an outbreak of influenza that originated in Russia, and some of the people who survived the "Russian flu" were immune to the "Spanish flu" of 1918.
In a rather comical twist, prisoners are "officially" part of the "high risk" population and are to be given priority for the vaccine before the general public. The Left has already dragged out the beaten-to-death horse that is the Tuskegee Syphilis Study to moan about "po' uhpressed blekk peepuh be guinea pigs again," completely disregarding that:

1. The Left is also assuring us that the vaccine is "completely safe"
2. White people (as well as Asians, Hispanics, and Indians) are prisoners too
3. Dozens of unethical medical studies throughout history have been conducted on White victims (few, if any, of which have received any attention from the media, much less any kind of compensation)

BLM and their ilk like to claim that the Tuskegee study was the most unethical thing in medical history (it wasn't) and that it gives black people the "right" to fear, mistrust, and hate the modern-day medical community (it doesn't). Just like the Jewish media say OY VEY, ANUDDA SHOAH whenever the most minor bad thing happens to them, BLM says AW SHEE***T, ANUDDA TUSKEGEE whenever the slightest thing doesn't go their way.
Prisoners and soldiers have been historically guinea pigs for medical experiments. I agree they skipped steps for this study as medical studies begin at the guinea pig level and then graduate to primates then humans who are usually well compensated for their time but risk potential death or severe side affects.

I never heard of the first two steps and I heard of the first human step but very little about people with severe side affects or deaths.
Prisoners and soldiers have been historically guinea pigs for medical experiments. I agree they skipped steps for this study as medical studies begin at the guinea pig level and then graduate to primates then humans who are usually well compensated for their time but risk potential death or severe side affects.

I never heard of the first two steps and I heard of the first human step but very little about people with severe side affects or deaths.

I'm on several veteran sites and the joke is we got so many shots (assembly line style with those injection guns) we should be pretty much immune to everything.
I'm on several veteran sites and the joke is we got so many shots (assembly line style with those injection guns) we should be pretty much immune to everything.
Yes, but 99% of people aren't veterans and have no idea of what's coming. It's my opinion that these first vaccine shot are only the beginning. Once you get the shot, there will be regular "booster" shots required. Once you get on the booster merrygoround, there'll be certifications required to do all sorts of things. If you can't show the latest certification license, you'll be banned from all sorts of things. This is all about to become very, very "INTERESSTING!"
I am urging all my ex-wifes to take it as soon as possible. I will continue with my alcohol treatments. A fifth a day keeps everything away.
I am urging all my ex-wifes to take it as soon as possible. I will continue with my alcohol treatments. A fifth a day keeps everything away.
Hahaha, thank you sir. I needed a good laugh with all that’s going on.

Thanks everyone else for sharing your thoughts. If anyone comes across any “normie friendly” articles that I can share with family, please post them in this thread.
Watching 30 for 30 documentary on the 1990s Buffalo Bills. It already looks weird seeing stadiums full of fans. Our Satanic overlords hate to see the slaves coming together and enjoying life. They have used this plandemic to literally suck the joy out of life. Anything that brings people together has been banned. I can just imagine a soulless ghoul like George Soros watching the slaves enjoying a concert, a sporting event, or a party...knowing that his billions of dollars bring him no satisfaction. They need us to live in fear and bondage. My only hope is is my belief that the Creator’s creation cannot be overcome by these demons.
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36 guys at my work have gotten it. Most back btwn 10-14 days. However, one almost died, another in the ICU for 10 days. Both recovering. Now another struggling with it and in the ICU. I got the Pizer vaccine last week. No side effects except for a sore shoulder. 2n dose at the end of the month.
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This is another fine example of our education system in my home town.

lol, I hope that was intentional but probably wasn't. Even a lot of the writers at prominent websites have poor grammar and syntax, and if there are any paid proofreaders they're just as bad.

Perhaps we're not that far off from Idiocracy, except ours is an Orwellian police state:

A while back I saw a sign on my local Popeye's :afro: that began, "Doo to the fact that…"

That was funny, but I don't think anything can beat "corn teen" for sheer hilarity.
Talking to nursing colleagues, about half of them are refusing to take the vaccine. The media narrative that there's a "scientific consensus" that the vaccine is a uniformly good magic pill is clearly false, just like the false narrative that there's a "scientific consensus" on global warming.

Ever notice on issues where there's an actual scientific consensus, they don't have to say it? Nobody ever says, "there's a scientific consensus that the earth is round," because everybody already actually knows it.
Talking to nursing colleagues, about half of them are refusing to take the vaccine. The media narrative that there's a "scientific consensus" that the vaccine is a uniformly good magic pill is clearly false, just like the false narrative that there's a "scientific consensus" on global warming.

Ever notice on issues where there's an actual scientific consensus, they don't have to say it? Nobody ever says, "there's a scientific consensus that the earth is round," because everybody already actually knows it.

Hey, I’m a member of the Flat Earth Society and I object to your assertion that there is a scientific consensus the earth is round!
The Thalidomide Tragedy: Lessons for Drug Safety and ...
Now, drug approval can take between eight and twelve years, involving animal testing and tightly regulated human clinical trials. Despite its harmful side effects, thalidomide is FDA-approved for two uses today—the treatment of inflammation associated with Hansen’s disease (leprosy) and as a chemotherapeutic agent for patients with multiple myeloma, purposes for which it was originally …
I put this here because I think it's directly related to the Covid-19 vaccine issue. There has not been near enough testing of this vaccine to allow it to be in used already as Thalidomide was. This should have taken at least 8 yrs. as the article states. I wonder what effect, if any it will have on pregnant women - we'll find out. I hope it's not like the Thalidomide effect, or worse.
MD With Bioweapons Expertise Calls COVID-19 Injections ‘Weaponized Medicine’
HAFFebruary 8, 2021


by Cassie B.

While some doctors are encouraging people to get in line for their COVID-19 “vaccine,” others are bravely speaking out about why rushing to get an untested shot might not be such a good idea.

Dr. Lee Merritt, a former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has admitted that she believes the current coronavirus “vaccines” are actually very dangerous bioweapons that are being deployed against the population.

Dr. Merritt knows plenty about bioweapons, having studied them while she served as an orthopedic surgeon for the United States Navy for nearly a decade. She has also published several peer-reviewed papers and was on the board of the Arizona Medical Association.

In an interview with The New America, Dr. Merritt said that she believes we’re living in a time of “fifth-generational warfare” where covert biological agents, propaganda and economic warfare are being used instead of weapons on the battlefield to turn the tide of power between nations.

She said that vaccines are most effective when they are used for deadly, untreatable viruses like polio and smallpox. However, scientists have already found some promising coronavirus treatments, such as hydroxychloroquine and intravenously delivered vitamin C, which makes one wonder why a vaccine is so urgent.

She stated: “If we are at biowarfare right now as a part of this multi-dimensional warfare, if you have a treatment in your back pocket, they cannot terrorize you with viruses and that’s important because… [the vaccine] doesn’t prevent transmission by their own admission.”

Of course, the media regularly censors information about effective ways to prevent and treat the disease, leaving the masses to believe a vaccine is the only option.

Social media is also doing its best to silence those who share information about natural ways to reduce your risk, and the major platforms are also working overtime to stop people from discussing the potential dangers of these vaccines.

COVID-19 Vaccines Are Nothing Like Traditional Vaccines
Unfortunately, as she points out, coronavirus vaccines are nothing like the vaccines we have long used.

With these vaccines, messenger RNA is injected into people’s bodies, which changes their genetic code so they start producing their own modified version of the virus, which the immune system learns to fight – at least in theory.

However, not only has this particular vaccine never been tested over the long term, but this entire approach to vaccination has never undergone long-term studies to prove its safety in humans.

Animal studies have shown an “antibody-dependent enhancement” that sees the virus making its way into the body undetected because a person’s immune system sees it as being part of the body, she says, which can cause swift death.

In fact, she says that the longest they have ever followed people after getting the vaccine is two months, which is not nearly enough time to determine if there will be an antibody enhancement problem.

This, she says, is precisely how a foreign adversary would go about waging clandestine biowarfare on its enemies without the process being traced back to them.

She calls the vaccines “a perfect binary weapon,” saying:

“There’s no way I know exactly what that mRNA is programmed to and neither do you and neither do most doctors. The doctors can’t get at that data. That’s for the guys at the very top of this project…

“If I were China and I wanted to take down our military, I’d just make an mRNA that I know doesn’t exist in nature so nobody’s going to die from a vaccine and then two years later, I release whatever it is that I made… and it causes this immune enhancement death.”

When you see all the footage of people proudly rolling up their sleeves to get the coronavirus vaccine, it’s pretty scary to think of what might happen if Dr. Merritt is right and the masses are willingly being injected with a form of weaponized medicine.

Honestly I don’t think the vaccine is a problem. Millions have gotten it and you would know if there were large scale issues. I think any problem from it would show up pretty soon after the shot.

The science behind it is pretty straightforward. Its a simulated strand of the virus, enough like the real thing to get the body to make the antibodies. That’s it.
Sounds safer then using deactivated virus.

I think the only risk is an immune system shock response and that’s always a small risk. That risk may even be higher then the risk of dying from the disease itself but risk assessment is always difficult. I always put on my seatbelt even though it’s never been been needed in 56 years of driving.

Look the people that worked on it are people that have dedicated their life to saving peoples lives. Do you really think they are going to go along with releasing something that is going to risk the lives of their families or friends, children and parents?

While I wouldn’t discount that there are people in government that might do that, I don’t think medical professionals would.
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