Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Possibly. But I’m not much worried about the keystone cops that populate the intelligence services pulling off a global conspiracy to depopulate the planet. Those clowns couldn’t get rid of a guy they all hated passionately for 4 years. More likely the whole thing can be chalked up to stupidity. I don’t credit malice to something more easily explained by ignorance.

Possibly is also the way I look at it but it's hard to have much faith in good motives from the same people who lie about everything. But if by "those clowns couldn't get rid of a guy they all hated passionately for 4 years," you're referring to Trump, last time I looked Joe Biden is President and he wouldn't be if not for the very convenient timing of the Chinese Flu.
I attended my first "post-corona" sporting event this past weekend**: an MLS game at Red Bull Arena in Harrison, NJ. Both individual states and the leagues themselves seem to be playing a role in the arbitrary rules and regulations for the privilege of live sports consumption. I figure my remarks belong in this thread.

Attendance was capped at 15% of stadium capacity. Only season ticket holders were permitted to enter a lottery to be seated in the 26k stadium. Due to the spacing (four seats between each group of 2-4), pretty much everyone was significantly downgraded. The current NJ 'rona rule is now 30% for outdoor venues with over 2,500 seats, so either the team or the league is choosing to limit themselves here. My father and I share a pair of tickets, and while we "won" the first lottery, we were told there was no room for us next time around.

There was a laundry list of rules circulated before the game, so I knew to expect mandatory masks at all times (except while eating and drinking at your seat). You were encouraged to enter through your appropriate stadium gate only, and they also suggested "arrival times" depending on your section, although I can't imagine those would ever be enforced.

The first striking difference was the gate security. Twenty years ago, some Saudi Arabians hijacked a few commercial planes to crash in the US. As a result, metal detectors have become commonplace, in addition to gender-specific pat-downs for all attendees. In fact, the security levels seemed to increase over the years, but that's another story. Now, the "safety" focus is all corona-centric. You place your coat and valuables (wallet, phone, keys) on a plastic table and walk through the metal detector gate, then stand still for a temperature check from a hand-wand thermometer. There is no posted temperature threshold, by the way, although I imagine this will appear later in a future phase of arbitrary rules. Meanwhile, your valuables pile goes completely uninspected until you pick it back up. I could have easily stashed a few weapons underneath my windbreaker before laying it down, but that's evidently no longer a major concern.

My father was informed that his team-issued neck gaiter was not a suitable face covering and was provided with one of those hospital-grade nose napkins. It was both comical and embarrassing to see the obese black female usher stop him again for having this mask on "upside-down," as apparently they are vented to push your corona germs down, and you sure don't want them to be blowing upward!

Inside, covid was gospel. The concessions had been reduced to a bare minimum and rearranged, including makeshift soda fountain stations with a barrier of folding tables around them, manned by lone baristas. All transactions were cashless, corresponding with the new elimination of paper tickets. There were constant repetitions over the loudspeaker of the 13-month old rules. The scoreboards rotated the box score and lineup displays with screens for safety precautions. The ambiance was curated for constant vigilance.

Amazingly, there was no BLM signaling whatsoever. The players all stood for the anthem, which was sung as usual. There was, however, a moment of silence just beforehand for the lives lost to the "global pandemic." I was particularly surprised by this secularization after the league and stadium made a huge, deliberate production this past summer about broadcasting such imagery and messages out of its empty stadiums. Clearly, the powers that be feared sensory overload or just general numbness to the lecturing, so corona was made the sole topic of worship.

** not true, I attended an independent Single-A baseball game in Michigan last summer, which was both more fun and more reasonable
I attended my first "post-corona" sporting event this past weekend**: an MLS game at Red Bull Arena in Harrison, NJ. Both individual states and the leagues themselves seem to be playing a role in the arbitrary rules and regulations for the privilege of live sports consumption. I figure my remarks belong in this thread.

Attendance was capped at 15% of stadium capacity. Only season ticket holders were permitted to enter a lottery to be seated in the 26k stadium. Due to the spacing (four seats between each group of 2-4), pretty much everyone was significantly downgraded. The current NJ 'rona rule is now 30% for outdoor venues with over 2,500 seats, so either the team or the league is choosing to limit themselves here. My father and I share a pair of tickets, and while we "won" the first lottery, we were told there was no room for us next time around.

There was a laundry list of rules circulated before the game, so I knew to expect mandatory masks at all times (except while eating and drinking at your seat). You were encouraged to enter through your appropriate stadium gate only, and they also suggested "arrival times" depending on your section, although I can't imagine those would ever be enforced.

The first striking difference was the gate security. Twenty years ago, some Saudi Arabians hijacked a few commercial planes to crash in the US. As a result, metal detectors have become commonplace, in addition to gender-specific pat-downs for all attendees. In fact, the security levels seemed to increase over the years, but that's another story. Now, the "safety" focus is all corona-centric. You place your coat and valuables (wallet, phone, keys) on a plastic table and walk through the metal detector gate, then stand still for a temperature check from a hand-wand thermometer. There is no posted temperature threshold, by the way, although I imagine this will appear later in a future phase of arbitrary rules. Meanwhile, your valuables pile goes completely uninspected until you pick it back up. I could have easily stashed a few weapons underneath my windbreaker before laying it down, but that's evidently no longer a major concern.

My father was informed that his team-issued neck gaiter was not a suitable face covering and was provided with one of those hospital-grade nose napkins. It was both comical and embarrassing to see the obese black female usher stop him again for having this mask on "upside-down," as apparently they are vented to push your corona germs down, and you sure don't want them to be blowing upward!

Inside, covid was gospel. The concessions had been reduced to a bare minimum and rearranged, including makeshift soda fountain stations with a barrier of folding tables around them, manned by lone baristas. All transactions were cashless, corresponding with the new elimination of paper tickets. There were constant repetitions over the loudspeaker of the 13-month old rules. The scoreboards rotated the box score and lineup displays with screens for safety precautions. The ambiance was curated for constant vigilance.

Amazingly, there was no BLM signaling whatsoever. The players all stood for the anthem, which was sung as usual. There was, however, a moment of silence just beforehand for the lives lost to the "global pandemic." I was particularly surprised by this secularization after the league and stadium made a huge, deliberate production this past summer about broadcasting such imagery and messages out of its empty stadiums. Clearly, the powers that be feared sensory overload or just general numbness to the lecturing, so corona was made the sole topic of worship.

** not true, I attended an independent Single-A baseball game in Michigan last summer, which was both more fun and more reasonable

It's just not worth it. I hope the fans quit watching most sports live to send a message back to the powers that be. It's just miserable to sit through all that crap. They take the fun out of everything!
The CDC just released guidelines for strippers and I now believe that they are out of control and need to be reigned in.

6 ft of separation! Masks! This is outrageous! A clear violation of free association (and paid association).

I went to the local strip club to register my disagreement and to my surprise no one was following the rules! There was a cop there and he wasn’t issuing citations, he was getting a lap dance. My faith in the spirit of freedom amongst slutty American women has been restored! And my wallet lightened.
The CDC just released guidelines for strippers and I now believe that they are out of control and need to be reigned in.

6 ft of separation! Masks! This is outrageous! A clear violation of free association (and paid association).

I went to the local strip club to register my disagreement and to my surprise no one was following the rules! There was a cop there and he wasn’t issuing citations, he was getting a lap dance. My faith in the spirit of freedom amongst slutty American women has been restored! And my wallet lightened.

Sounds like you dodged a bullet, quite literally. Police are opening fire on random Americans everywhere. If you ever see a policeman, play it safe and cross the street before he reaches you.
I spoke with a guy today from Louisville. He said they had over 100,000 at the Kentucky Derby Saturday. That’s half of what they typically have but makes it the largest crowd to attend a sporting event in the US since the start of the pandemic.
People need to realise that you don't catch the virus through the air. You catch it through the vaccine. The masks, bad diets and lack of sunshine are what made people sick before. Along with fear which weakens the immune system. The
whole thing is the biggest crime against humanity ever but with the corrupt courts I'm sure no one will go to jail for this plandemic. Wake up gentlemen. Do not take these vaccines.
I take vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D3. I figure they might help and can't hurt.

I wear a mask in places where it's required, otherwise I don't. If a store, for example, requires it I wear it. Their store, their rules. Many stores are required to require them by the government. If someone freaks out because I don't have one, especially an older person, I put one on. It's no big deal to me.

Some strange things happen with the government regulation. I went to an auto dealership lot and tried to talk to a salesman. He said he couldn't talk to me unless I made an appointment and then I had to do so by phone. So he went inside, I called and made an appointment, and he came back out. Doubtless this absurd state of affairs was due to government or corporate requirements. The salesman seemed to think it was as ridiculous as I did.

I don't plan to get the vaccine. RIP Marvin Hagler.
New York Yankees coach Phil Nevin has positive COVID-19 ...
1 hour ago · NEW YORK CITY -- New York Yankees third base coach Phil Nevin is away from the team after a positive COVID-19 test. New York announced the positive test for Nevin, who is fully vaccinated, about ...
This is all horse manure as has been from the getgo. Just another reason (mounting) not to get the vaccine.
Bill Maher contracts COVID despite being vaccinated
Comedian Bill Maher has tested positive for COVID-19, despite being fully vaccinated. The political humorist said he "feels fine" but decided to halt the taping of his talk show "Real Time with ...
I don't give a rat's butt about this guy but it's just more proof the whole covid/vaccine scam is a hoax.
the video at the link below, approximately a quarter of the way down the page, is VERY informative. it is an interview with arguably the world’s leading researcher on the whole Covid thing.

Thanks for posting that Jimmy. Tucker Carlson did a segment about the death numbers. Many around the world say that the official injuries and death numbers on the VAERS Website are vastly under reported. I have watched shows with
other doctors stating that the numbers reported may only be anywhere from 1 to 10% of the actual true number. Now they are pushing it on healthy kids. When does the insanity ever stop? This is as sick & evil as it comes!
Brave man at the store surrounded by cowards! - 153 News ...
Brave man at the store surrounded by cowards! GreenValley. Subscribe 77. Download 240; 360; 480; 720; 62 views 1. 0. Add to; Share; More; Facebook Twitter Google Plus Embed Code. Player size Default (300x250) Small ...

More and more states are dropping their mask mandates. I'm eagerly awaiting the time no one wears masks anymore except for a few libtard bitter-enders who will be laughed at by the rest of society.
Here's another "side effect" of the vaccine - families are being torn to pieces between the vaxxed and unvaxxed.
Here's another "side effect" of the vaccine - families are being torn to pieces between the vaxxed and unvaxxed.

Yes this is how our rulers have always ruled. Divide and Conquer. It's disgusting that even families are torn apart. No political or medical beliefs should divide a family in a moral world with love. We need to get
back to the ways of our ancestors. Take care of ourselves. It's all about Homesteading and Home Schooling along with a strong faith and belief in the Bible. God blessed America when America had morals and
values. We have lost that and need to go back to our roots.
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