Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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For a virus with a more than 99% chance of surviving the vaccine is totally unnecessary. I do believe that COVID-19 is certainly a real thing - whether its man made or originated from bad bat soup is up for debate. Their is no honest data though to see what the mortality from only the China virus is though. The numbers have been purposely fudged - comorbidities are totally overlooked, underlying conditions are ignored. We do know that is really impacted sick and elderly people as that is where most of the deaths come from. At risk populations should be given the choice to either take this experimental vaccine or not. Normal healthy people should not - just like any other sickness be it a cold or the flu practice common courtesy and stay isolated until you are no longer sick.

The fact that no one is talking about the magical decline in new cases over the past few weeks reaffirms my personal belief that this was a man made virus designed to target at risk individuals while stirring the general population into a frenzy in order to tank the economy, rewrite the rules for mail in ballots to steal the election and make people giving up their personal freedom for safety and reassurance from “Big Brother”.
I find it amazing that we have effectively ended the flu And rebranded it as Rona. That's some high quality marketing there!
Honestly I don’t think the vaccine is a problem. Millions have gotten it and you would know if there were large scale issues. I think any problem from it would show up pretty soon after the shot.

The science behind it is pretty straightforward. Its a simulated strand of the virus, enough like the real thing to get the body to make the antibodies. That’s it.
Sounds safer then using deactivated virus.

I think the only risk is an immune system shock response and that’s always a small risk. That risk may even be higher then the risk of dying from the disease itself but risk assessment is always difficult. I always put on my seatbelt even though it’s never been been needed in 56 years of driving.

Look the people that worked on it are people that have dedicated their life to saving peoples lives. Do you really think they are going to go along with releasing something that is going to risk the lives of their families or friends, children and parents?

While I wouldn’t discount that there are people in government that might do that, I don’t think medical professionals would.
For the most part, I agree. I don't think there is that much risk involved in getting the vaccine. What I don't like is the idea they're going to force everyone to get it. And after everyone gets it, there'll be constant upgrades/booster shots that everyone will also be forced to get. The vaccine is only the beginning.
Honestly I don’t think the vaccine is a problem. Millions have gotten it and you would know if there were large scale issues. I think any problem from it would show up pretty soon after the shot.

The science behind it is pretty straightforward. Its a simulated strand of the virus, enough like the real thing to get the body to make the antibodies. That’s it.
Sounds safer then using deactivated virus.

I think the only risk is an immune system shock response and that’s always a small risk. That risk may even be higher then the risk of dying from the disease itself but risk assessment is always difficult. I always put on my seatbelt even though it’s never been been needed in 56 years of driving.

Look the people that worked on it are people that have dedicated their life to saving peoples lives. Do you really think they are going to go along with releasing something that is going to risk the lives of their families or friends, children and parents?

While I wouldn’t discount that there are people in government that might do that, I don’t think medical professionals would.

I have to respectfully disagree with you 100%. Go to this website and research for yourself. Thousands of deaths worldwide, thousands and thousands of people who have went blind, deaf, etc. It's horrible. DONT TAKE THE VACCINE GUYS!!
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I find it amazing that we have effectively ended the flu And rebranded it as Rona. That's some high quality marketing there!

"The CDC estimates that as many as 56,000 people die from the flu or flu-like illness [in the USA] each year."

Did anybody at all die from the flu in the last year?
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But you have to take the “vaccine” 3 times. Then, you still might get the “virus” or transmit it. So, you still must mask your face and stay away from other humans.

Anybody who still thinks this makes sense and it’s all about a health crisis...
"The CDC estimates that as many as 56,000 people die from the flu or flu-like illness [in the USA] each year."

Did anybody at all die from the flu in the last year?

Good question. And didn't we do all this for the flu seasons? Some years had six figure deaths from the flu. Were all those flu fatalities over the decades chopped liver?
Good question. And didn't we do all this for the flu seasons? Some years had six figure deaths from the flu. Were all those flu fatalities over the decades chopped liver?
We’ve had flu vaccines for 80 years, and the flu is still with us. There is no lockdown, mask, vaccine, or any other government mandate that will end viruses or old people dying. Not that they give a **** anyway.
March 11, 2021. Happy Anniversary to the insane worldwide lockdown for “two weeks to flatten the curve.” After one year, if there is anyone left who believes that they are free and the government is just trying to keep us’s too late for you. By all means, take as many vaccines as possible, double mask, social distance, sanitize your hands, watch the news, and pray for your masters to save you. **** this stupid world. I’ve been miserable for a year, knowing that I live in a dystopic technocracy with a bunch of idiots and zombies. Not for one second have I had even the slightest concern for my health related to the alleged coronavirus.
March 11, 2021. Happy Anniversary to the insane worldwide lockdown for “two weeks to flatten the curve.” After one year, if there is anyone left who believes that they are free and the government is just trying to keep us’s too late for you. By all means, take as many vaccines as possible, double mask, social distance, sanitize your hands, watch the news, and pray for your masters to save you. **** this stupid world. I’ve been miserable for a year, knowing that I live in a dystopic technocracy with a bunch of idiots and zombies. Not for one second have I had even the slightest concern for my health related to the alleged coronavirus.

I have posted countlessly but even here some still believe in this cold/flu bug. Why anyone would take a jab for a less than 1% deadly virus is beyond me. So many people everywhere are brainwashed zombies.
Boxer Marvin Hagler has died. According to some reports he died from getting the coronavirus vaccine.
A whole sh*tload of European countries are "pausing" one of the vaccines for possible blood clots. New Zealand as well I think. It hasn't made it unto the US MSM websites yet. I guess they're getting their lies straight before letting it out to the US public.
The authoritarians keep moving the goal posts. Even the most ignorant normies believed that once they got a vaccine their life could go back to normal. But, our rulers are telling us even a vaccinated, asymptomatic person can still spread the virus. And, one vaccine isn’t enough, you will need continuing booster shots. This will never end unless everybody turns off the “news” and get on with your life.
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