Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Here's another "side effect" of the vaccine - families are being torn to pieces between the vaxxed and unvaxxed.
This is actually happening to me. I had a phone conversation with my mother on Mother’s Day and she pretty much told me that nobody in the family is comfortable being around me since I haven’t been vaccinated. My family is basically all leftists, so I guess I’m not surprised. The same thing also happen to a good friend of mine. I haven’t seen anyone in my family for about a year and a half with the exception of having dinner with my father one time. The damage they’ve done to American families because of their propaganda is horrific.
This is actually happening to me. I had a phone conversation with my mother on Mother’s Day and she pretty much told me that nobody in the family is comfortable being around me since I haven’t been vaccinated. My family is basically all leftists, so I guess I’m not surprised. The same thing also happen to a good friend of mine. I haven’t seen anyone in my family for about a year and a half with the exception of having dinner with my father one time. The damage they’ve done to American families because of their propaganda is horrific.
Hang tough Sir, As this more and more unfolds, it'll become clear to even the most dense of people that they've been tricked.
I never believed for a second anything about this so-called "virus." But I do find it amusing that the "authorities" are blatantly stooping to outright bribery to get people to be vaccinated. The whole thing was/is a sham from the word go.
I never believed for a second anything about this so-called "virus." But I do find it amusing that the "authorities" are blatantly stooping to outright bribery to get people to be vaccinated. The whole thing was/is a sham from the word go.

It's for two reasons that they made this vaccine. One is to track and trace everyone on the planet. Two is to depopulate as it will harm, sicken, weaken and kill countless citizens around the world.
Masks are coming off in most places. Some places will probably never ditch them though, doctors offices and hospitals. Probably a good thing, considering all the germs in those places.
Interesting Timing - Obama Administration Lifted Block on "Gain of Function Research" Just Eleven Days Before President Trump Took Office, January 9, 2017 - The Last Refuge

An even larger backstory. Eleven Days before leaving office President Obama’s administration re-authorized funding for the creation of biological weapons using SARS viruses. However, essentially this re-authorization was only kickstarting funding within the U.S. because the funding of weaponization of SARS-CoV-2 never actually stopped in 2014. The media reporting on this is misleading, if not downright false
His name is Thierrey Baudet and he is a politician in the Netherlands. It's so rare to hear any politician tell the truth about what's really going on!

There was a leader in one of the the parts in Africa who pushed back against the Covid madness early on. He tested pine apples and other things and sent them
to the lab to be tested for covid. All the things(none of them were human samples) came back positive for covid. He had a speech about it. He was found dead
not too long after that. Speaking the truth shall set you free but only if you live to tell about it.
To everyone on this board please watch this video with one of the very few Doctors in the world speaking the truth. Please take care of yourself and your families guys.

I'm a little suprised no one commented on what this doctor said? Almost every college in America and many businesses are forcing people to get this poison tracking shot. This is genocide. Arizona State University announced yesterday that they will
be a joining the majority of schools and will not allow any professors, workers or students back to campus unless they are fully vaccinated. This is sick and evil on the highest level.
Many more schools have been added to this list including ASU as I stated above. All of our youth are being forced into this crap!

Some good news at least in the southwest. Govenor Ducey made an exectuive order to stop ASU from enforcing the policy on the covid vaccine. Maybe more govenors in states can do the same to protect
our youth all across the country. Parents needs to not let their kids attend a school unless it's not required. Wake up people. None of this is necessary.
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