Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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California's deplorable governor has imposed more travel restrictions. He'd put us all in concentration camps if he could. Of course, that spreads disease faster than anything.
An internet joke I ran across:

The vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don't, the country is safe.
Something to keep in mind: We've seen how the libturds simply counted Trump votes as Biden votes in the joke of an election. There's no reason why they wouldn't be doing the same thing with COVID-19 tests - marking negative tests as positive. Who's going to know? Who's going to check them all?
A few things here. First, I think the whole thing about Covid-19 is a hoax/crap. It's just being used to do what the "leaders" want, whatever that may be.

2nd - The vaccine is another bunch of baloney but in the end every one will be forced to get it (even me if I don't die first).

3rd - The kicker is that after you've/we've all got the vaccine, "booster" shots will be periodically required.

4th - I'll stop here because I don't want to get into what's going to happen to the "workplace." I think although the subject is connected, it should be dealt with separately.
The biggest casualties from COVID-19:

1. The truth
2. Civil liberties
3. Small businesses
4. Basic common sense and logic
5. Basic human decency and politeness (when did it become okay to become an @sshole in the name of "protecting health"?)
A few things here. First, I think the whole thing about Covid-19 is a hoax/crap. It's just being used to do what the "leaders" want, whatever that may be.

2nd - The vaccine is another bunch of baloney but in the end every one will be forced to get it (even me if I don't die first).

3rd - The kicker is that after you've/we've all got the vaccine, "booster" shots will be periodically required.

4th - I'll stop here because I don't want to get into what's going to happen to the "workplace." I think although the subject is connected, it should be dealt with separately.

I'm no "anti-vaxxer" (I'm a registered nurse and I've given vaccines myself), but this COVID-19 vaccine is scary. Never before has there been such an obsessive push from our "leaders" to force everyone to take a vaccine (even the "mandatory" childhood ones are only required for sending your kid to school with other children; people aren't criminalized simply for not having them). What makes this even more illogical is that the vaccine is not for a disease itself, but merely for a single strain of a virus that will eventually go away and never come back - even if a similar strain emerges in the future, it will have mutated enough that the vaccine will be useless.

If things get as bad as you and I predict, then this will be the first time in history when people who don't have a vaccine specifically will be targeted and hunted down by governments to forcibly poke them with a needle. Ironically, our best hope is that the powers that be get too heavy-handed, like they did in Denmark by trying to pass a law that said the police* could hold people down and forcibly inject them with the vaccine - leading to mass protests, opposition from the vast majority of the population, including the Danish Medical Association, and the shelving of the attempted law.

*I could get into a whole separate rant about why the police are not our friends, but that's a subject for another thread.
I don't think the vaccine(s) will be made mandatory by the government as there's no need for something that obviously draconian; as usual Big Business will do the government's heavy lifting for it as people will pretty much have to be vaccinated if they want to fly, eat at restaurants, attend concerts and sporting events, and work at corporate jobs. You won't "have" to get it, but those that don't will be banished to the furthest fringes of society. Every day more airlines (so far outside the U.S.) are saying that passengers will soon have to present proof of vaccination in order to be allowed on planes.

Americans who live in rural areas in red states and are self-sufficient and have no need to interact with "blue" society in any way may be able to live semi-normal lives without taking the jabs but everyone else will submit, sooner rather than later. And even that may not be possible as the elimination of cash is at the top of the totalitarians' agenda.
I don't think the vaccine(s) will be made mandatory by the government as there's no need for something that obviously draconian; as usual Big Business will do the government's heavy lifting for it as people will pretty much have to be vaccinated if they want to fly, eat at restaurants, attend concerts and sporting events, and work at corporate jobs. You won't "have" to get it, but those that don't will be banished to the furthest fringes of society. Every day more airlines (so far outside the U.S.) are saying that passengers will soon have to present proof of vaccination in order to be allowed on planes.

Americans who live in rural areas in red states and are self-sufficient and have no need to interact with "blue" society in any way may be able to live semi-normal lives without taking the jabs but everyone else will submit, sooner rather than later. And even that may not be possible as the elimination of cash is at the top of the totalitarians' agenda.

You may be right, although I certainly could see a naive, inexperienced, worried, and low-IQ Kamala Harris and her administration trying to make it mandatory, since Harris has been accused of "not being black enough" and might want to boost her "street cred," and she'd likely face heavy pressure from militant SJWs telling her, "we made you, now you owe us." But no matter how it goes, anyone who doesn't have the vaccine will be demonized nonstop by the media and shunned by their brainwashed peers until they bow down and fall into line.

Imagine being told "papers please" (or, more likely, the digital equivalent of that) simply to eat at a restaurant. Even Stalin could only fantasize about that extreme of a totalitarian dream for his ilk and nightmare for the rest of us.
I think the mandating of vaccine shots will be largely dependent on the numbers. If the numbers go down enough, basically herd immunity, then those in the low risk category won’t be pressured to take it.

it looks like their will be a structured roll out. The elderly first, then medical people (like nurses Ms. Blanche!!), high risk, and so on.

one of the things no one is talking about, which fits in with the idea that the whole thing is a scam-demic,is that cheap 30 min tests are already available. If you can determine infection in under an hour then virtually any activity is possible with a little time lag. Why aren’t these tests widely available? If you can test every person that wanted to go to your restaurant, work or even your house, you wouldn’t need to shut down, quarantine, and lock down.
We missed this one but Charlie Pride died of Covid according to various news sites. He was a former Negro League player and failed MLB prospect(who now is an official MLB player) who became the first Black country music star. Aside from his obvious dye job he didn't look his age in recent public appearance....
I can't believe how fast all this is going to be. We will be forced to get the vaccine and issued certificates I guess that we got it that will allow us to do certain things and if we don't have the certificate we won't be allowed. Just a couple of examples - flying (guaranteed about that). If you don't have the vaccination certificate, you won't be allowed on board a plane. Employment, apprentice programs will force people to have been vaccinated to apply for entrance into apprentice training, all shows, and eating establishments, etc., etc., etc. I believe this will happen pretty fast as well. Within 1-2 years. After that, there will be regular "booster" shots you will be forced to get to be allowed to continue carrying on with your life, such as it will be. My wife and I are almost at the end of our lives. You all will see most of this.

We met a girl employee on a smoke break outside a store she worked in a few months ago and she said she was trying to go "off grid." By that, she was looking for a way and a place to be able to exist outside of the general society. No car, no license, no money, no insurance, etc. Shortly after, she disappeared from the store ("Atlas Shrugged"). I've wondered about her a few times since. I hope she found a way of doing it.
There’s so much hype about a vaccine everyone is supposed to get that any problems, like that nurse fainting are going to be high lighted. Expect soon the ambulance chasing lawyers to have commercials “did you get the vaccine and have any side effects? Call 1-800-bad shot”
I think the mandating of vaccine shots will be largely dependent on the numbers. If the numbers go down enough, basically herd immunity, then those in the low risk category won’t be pressured to take it.

it looks like their will be a structured roll out. The elderly first, then medical people (like nurses Ms. Blanche!!), high risk, and so on.

I'm not actually working right now, though I've always planned to go back to nursing once my kids are old enough to be home by themselves. I'll have to see how this whole vaccine mandate turns out. I've taken mandatory (flu) shots before to work at the hospital, but that's quite different because flu shots aren't dangerous, merely ineffective.

I've heard stories from Gulf War veterans about shots they had to take that would supposedly protect them from Saddam's chemical and biological weapons (which never materialized). Those shots had some nasty, nasty side effects.

I saw that, along with the "explanation" video where she claimed that she has extreme sensitivity to pain that can cause her to pass out. While that can happen, if she knew she had that condition beforehand, you'd think she would have said something and suggested that maybe someone else should do the publicity stunt.

Every drug has side effects. People should think about whether or not the potential benefits are worth the potential risks. Unfortunately, too many people want the government to do their thinking for them.

There's a reason why pilots and air traffic controllers are not allowed to work for 48 hours after receiving a vaccine.
I purchased a small item from EBAY on 12/6 out of Hagerstown, MD, for USPS delivery. It made its way to Baltimore, where it has been sitting since 12/14. (I can only imagine the type of people running the Baltimore post office.) Of course, Coronavirus is to blame for the delay.
What we're living under right now, in blue states at least, is the pig of martial law with just enough lipstick on it to sucker the majority of the people into thinking they're still "free". Stay-at-home orders, quarantines, forced closures of certain businesses, suspension of civil liberties - the restrictions that are currently in place are all basic components of martial law. Ten months and counting on these restrictions - people would never tolerate official martial law for that long. That's why the pig needs lipstick.

It appears I was overly optimistic on my earlier predictions about recovery - it seems that the Biden administration is going to milk this for all it's worth and delay getting back to normal for as long as they think they can get away with it. We probably won't see a return to normalcy until 2022, when the politicians have the midterm elections to worry about. And even then, some of the "changes" that have been made will likely be permanent.
In a rather comical twist, prisoners are "officially" part of the "high risk" population and are to be given priority for the vaccine before the general public. The Left has already dragged out the beaten-to-death horse that is the Tuskegee Syphilis Study to moan about "po' uhpressed blekk peepuh be guinea pigs again," completely disregarding that:

1. The Left is also assuring us that the vaccine is "completely safe"
2. White people (as well as Asians, Hispanics, and Indians) are prisoners too
3. Dozens of unethical medical studies throughout history have been conducted on White victims (few, if any, of which have received any attention from the media, much less any kind of compensation)

BLM and their ilk like to claim that the Tuskegee study was the most unethical thing in medical history (it wasn't) and that it gives black people the "right" to fear, mistrust, and hate the modern-day medical community (it doesn't). Just like the Jewish media say OY VEY, ANUDDA SHOAH whenever the most minor bad thing happens to them, BLM says AW SHEE***T, ANUDDA TUSKEGEE whenever the slightest thing doesn't go their way.
I’m just curious what everyone’s general thoughts are on the vaccine? I do not plan to take it as I would not be a high risk if I got the virus. However, I have many family members and in-laws who plan to. Does anyone have any good information that I can pass along if there is concern of its long term effects?
I’m just curious what everyone’s general thoughts are on the vaccine? I do not plan to take it as I would not be a high risk if I got the virus. However, I have many family members and in-laws who plan to. Does anyone have any good information that I can pass along if there is concern of its long term effects?

I won't be taking the vaccine either - mostly because I am not high risk but also because I do not trust the govt or big pharma - my wife and kids will not either. The HCQ treatment should be enough for pretty much anyone in the early stages of the virus but it was shot down by Fauci. They also stated HCQ had side effects regarding to heart conditions which have since been proved incorrect - it's a cheap drug that has treated malaria for decades with nil ill side effects.
I won’t be taking the vaccine. Why not allow our god given immune systems to function properly. Instead we are told to social distance, constantly sanitize, wear a mask, and inject the vaccine. Not to mention big pharma rushed it through for FDA approval and is completely immune from liability for vaccine injuries. All to save us from an alleged virus with a 99.8% survival rate. It defies common sense.
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