Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Just as I predicted, they're third-waving us big time for the election, apparently thinking that every 1% increase in "official" COVID-19 cases translates to a 1% increase in votes for Uncle Joe, or something like that. Personally, I think this endless crisis has given Trump a chance that he otherwise wouldn't have had. In other words, the enemy's war on the American people has backfired. The enemy's dilemma at this point is as follows: How do (((they))) tell the American people "vote for Uncle Joe and we'll make this crisis go away" without admitting that (((they))) are the ones who have the power to start and end these "official" emergencies? Must be a lot of yarmulke-scratching going on.

Anyway, look for the "official" case count to drop sharply if Uncle Joe wins. If Trump wins, (((they))) may fourth-wave us out of spite.
I can only speak for the area I live in, but the covid virus is spreading like a California wildfire. Deaths are up 22% in the last two weeks and positive tests are up 36%. Joe Biden nor any other person is going to make this go away anytime soon. As far as I can tell people are for the most part wearing their masks and social distancing as much as possible.
I can only speak for the area I live in, but the covid virus is spreading like a California wildfire. Deaths are up 22% in the last two weeks and positive tests are up 36%. Joe Biden nor any other person is going to make this go away anytime soon. As far as I can tell people are for the most part wearing their masks and social distancing as much as possible.

“Deaths up 22% and positive tests up 36%.” An example of meaningless statistics. Deaths up 22% from what, for what time frame? What constitutes a Covid death? Positive tests up 36% from what, in what time frame? How many more tests have been administered? How much are negative tests up?... The numbers are meaningless without any context...

What is exactly spreading like wildfire? Positive tests with no symptoms? And, If Covid is “spreading like wildfire” even though everyone is masking and distancing, then why bother? It’s just a clusterfuck of nonsense statistics and nonsense rules.

Have you personally witnessed a wildfire spread of disease, or do you get your information from the news?
There are many smart people ( especially women) that have absolutely no understanding of even the most basic statistics. This whole lie has been built upon the little fact that people die of the littlest thing when they are old and their body has broken down.
We get tested every week in my county. Its one of the most tested counties ( or it was at least at one time, I stopped paying attention) in all of America despite not being very big. People freaked out at the increase of mainly Asymptotic or false positives. You go from 100 legit sick or hypochondriacs getting tested a week to 60,000 and they cant understand the increase of positives. A one day entry level stats class for the general public would put this thing to rest.
Having that been said, you cant put anything past these sick SOB’s from actually releasing a harmful virus, after normal people let their guard down.
“Deaths up 22% and positive tests up 36%.” An example of meaningless statistics. Deaths up 22% from what, for what time frame? What constitutes a Covid death? Positive tests up 36% from what, in what time frame? How many more tests have been administered? How much are negative tests up?... The numbers are meaningless without any context...

What is exactly spreading like wildfire? Positive tests with no symptoms? And, If Covid is “spreading like wildfire” even though everyone is masking and distancing, then why bother? It’s just a clusterfuck of nonsense statistics and nonsense rules.

Have you personally witnessed a wildfire spread of disease, or do you get your information from the news?
The statistics I quoted are from one week to the next week a 7 day period. Negative tests are up 44% actual testing has varied from 300+ 4 weeks ago to a low 190 the week ending 10/16/20. I live in a county with a population of 34,000 +people 1544 has tested positive and 29 deaths with 18 people on ventilators and 31 hospitalize. I have lost two cousins in the last week, one was 80 yrs old in an assisted care facility and one was 62 and good health who had a job, tested positive for the virus, and lived about 4 weeks.
I get my information straight from our local hospital website which is updated every day. I am at the mercy of getting my information just like everyone else from the health care system.
I'm talking manipulation of numbers here with regard to positive COVID-19 tests. Putting test inaccuracies aside for now (but that's also a big issue, there are many different kinds of tests, some far more inaccurate than others and much more likely to give false positives) we have all these tests being processed, positive or negative - who gets to make the final count on how many are positive? Who's most likely to be in charge of that? Some humble, working-class Aryan? Or someone fatter of wallet and longer of nose? There's a quote, wrongly attributed to Stalin but quite fitting, that goes "he who casts the vote decides nothing, he who counts the vote decides everything." Just like with Diebold voting machines, he who counts the COVID-19 numbers is deciding everything. Numbers on the rise? Better keep masks on and businesses closed. Crippled economy, oppressive rules, disgruntled voters who want change, maybe they'll vote for Uncle Joe now? Why, just a coincidence!

Also, flu season is starting now, and it's very easy to label "regular" flu cases as COVID-19, since a layperson or even trained medical personnel can't tell the difference just by observation. An accurate, scientific test is needed, and that takes time (those quick 10-minute tests are notoriously inaccurate). People might discover individual mislabeling, but will chalk it up to a legitimate error because no one is putting them all together and counting all the "mistakes" nationwide. Getting an accurate number would be impossible.

While the virus is very real, the numbers are not only inaccurate, but deliberately manipulated to push an agenda. A perfectly timed third wave with soaring case counts in October of an election year is as phony as the attempted "kidnapping" of the governor of Michigan.
The statistics I quoted are from one week to the next week a 7 day period. Negative tests are up 44% actual testing has varied from 300+ 4 weeks ago to a low 190 the week ending 10/16/20. I live in a county with a population of 34,000 +people 1544 has tested positive and 29 deaths with 18 people on ventilators and 31 hospitalize. I have lost two cousins in the last week, one was 80 yrs old in an assisted care facility and one was 62 and good health who had a job, tested positive for the virus, and lived about 4 weeks.
I get my information straight from our local hospital website which is updated every day. I am at the mercy of getting my information just like everyone else from the health care system.
I’m sorry for your loses. RIP.
I’m sorry for your loses. RIP.
Thank you, Freethinker. I just want all our posters to take this virus more seriously than it appears because it is a vicious illness for senior citizens especially. You don't have to lock yourself in the house but just be careful doing everyday things.

It was very apparent early on that one of the key ancillary effects of covid (whether intended or unintended) was the caste system in the restaurant and retail industries. Big box chains got to continue operations status quo while the mom and pops had to jump through draconian hoops to get by leading to bankruptcies etc

and now these same chains who got a free pass have the absolute audacity to ask to support other chains with bs tweets like this

It was very apparent early on that one of the key ancillary effects of covid (whether intended or unintended) was the caste system in the restaurant and retail industries. Big box chains got to continue operations status quo while the mom and pops had to jump through draconian hoops to get by leading to bankruptcies etc

and now these same chains who got a free pass have the absolute audacity to ask to support other chains with bs tweets like this
You better believe Walmart and other box store retailers lobbied governments hard to stay open during the March to April shutdown. Walmart at least in Ontario stayed open even if the store had limited grocery services and they were the only clothing and hardware retailer open during this period.

Any mom and pop restaurant in expensive cities is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy with our new indoor dining ban, gyms are similar. My heart goes out to these retailers who had to invest a small fortune to get their business of the ground.
Those big box stores are literally operating like a cartel, working together to screw over small businesses as well as their own customers. And of course nothing will be done about it, because the (((regulatory authorities))) in charge are the big box stores' own (((masters))).

"Restaurants employing thousands of staff really need your help..."

I guess small, local restaurants employing 10 or 12 people, all trying to support their families, don't need anyone's help. :rolleyes:
One thing that’s really bothered me, at least where I live, is that casinos are open but schools are closed. It just goes to show that at the end of the day money is what rules the land.
Look up the movie "Songbird" coming out in 2021 about corona virus. This crap is what they call predictive programming.
Look up the movie "Songbird" coming out in 2021 about corona virus. This crap is what they call predictive programming.

Looks interesting. However, if Uncle Joe succeeds in stealing the election, I still predict that things will magically be pushed back to "normal" surprisingly quickly, as (((they))) don't want the people to associate lockdowns and mask rules with him.
Why the world doesn't want you to see. Sweden never locked down and it's one of the few countries living normal life in 2020. Way to go Sweden. The World needs to wake up and learn from you. Stop this madness.

And as far as I know Sweden has a lower death rate than any other European country, probably excluding the murders committed by the "refugees". Belarus never locked down either and i think it also has one of the lowest, if not the lowest, death rates in Europe.

Remember at the beginning they tried to panic people by showing guys (Chinese crisis actors) merrily traipsing along in Wuhan, China and then abruptly falling down dead?
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Interestingly, with all the blizzard of numbers given about the CV-19 "pandemic," we never seem to see the death rate number. I guess they don't like that -1 % number.
And as far as I know Sweden has a lower death rate than any other European country, probably excluding the murders committed by the "refugees". Belarus never locked down either and i think it also has one of the lowest, if not the lowest, death rates in Europe.

Remember at the beginning they tried to panic people by showing guys (Chinese crisis actors) merrily traipsing along in Wuhan, China and then abruptly falling down dead?
Sweden has a population of roughly 10 mill with 6,000 deaths. Neighboring countries of Finland and Norway have a population of roughly under 11 million combined with a total of 650 deaths combined. From the Swedish prime minister last week "The trends are quickly going in the wrong direction. More are infected. More are dying. This is a serious situation."

All 3 countries have a low population density and a similar median age.
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