Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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In the service, we were given a large reddish pill one- day a week and the other days a small white pill. I am almost sure the white pill was hydroxychloroquine. I have no idea what the bigger pill was. The medic was required to watch us take it I guess because some would rather have malaria than take a pill.

So you were red pilled in the service. (heh heh)
Yes, I was Extra Point about 51 times beween71 &72. Good catch on your part.
The (((media))) like to lie and claim that all "anti-maskers" are "extreme right-wing" whiteys, but in reality a lot of anti-maskers are blacks who consider mask mandates to be "the white man's rules."

A (usually white) agent of the state telling a black person to put on a mask...liberals' retarded heads will explode trying to decide who is "right." Love anything that shatters their precious "intersectionality."
Let's sum up. The Wuhan virus makes an appearance. President Trump wants to ban travel from China. The Democrats oppose this and call him racist. They then criticize the President for not banning travel from China fast enough. They then blame President Trump for all the Wuhan virus deaths that they caused by opposing a travel ban from China.
I am going to predict the future. Normally, this is an extremely difficult thing to do, but Jewish leftists (who not only control the media, but also large parts of the healthcare system) are so predictable. I worked as a registered nurse in a hospital for several years, and the first time I encountered it I was amazed at how disproportionately Jewish and leftist the hospital administration was. (And no, it wasn't a Jewish hospital, and eventually I would learn that this pattern regarding the administration was par for the course for most American hospitals). The stereotype about Jewish doctors (which has some truth to it) exists mainly as a distraction. It is the administrators who are in charge and who set the policies that doctors, nurses, and everyone else has to follow.

Remember, you heard all this here first.

Now that COVID-19 cases are on the decline again, (((they))) will engineer an artificial third wave, most likely with another dindu saint who got killed by the police while not doing nuffins being splashed all over the (((media))) and used as a spark for another round of riots and mass protests. It takes about 10-14 days after the beginning of riots for a spike in COVID-19 cases to appear (just like we saw in June, proving that the Saint Floyd rioters were responsible for the second wave) and about six weeks from the beginning of the spike to the peak. Therefore, look for the "spark" to be at the beginning of September, the beginning of the third wave in mid-September, and the peak of the third wave in late October, the most ideal time to manipulate elections and drive the voting sheep (AKA "swing voters") into a "duuuhhh, we sick of beervirus, we wantz change, we votin' fo' Biden" mentality. During the third wave, oppressive rules and curfews will be put into place by liberal governors and mayors, while being portrayed in the media as "Trump's problem," further drumming up support for Biden. Of course, the dindu and Antifa rioters, the special snowflakes, will be completely exempt from all rules, and will be allowed to gather in the thousands without masks so that they can do the dirty work of spreading the virus.

Assuming that Biden wins (and even though I'm quite sure he will, this is still the part of this prediction that I'm least certain about), the "return to normal" will be done in three general stages. The first will be implemented right after the election, and will involve the end of curfews and quarantines. This loosening of restrictions will be accompanied and motivated by a "remarkable" decline in the number of COVID-19 cases that magically will start right after the election. By labeling flu and common cold cases as COVID-19 or by labeling COVID-19 cases as just "regular" flu or cold, our medical number-counters can manipulate the numbers to fit the narrative they want to push. (They're doing it right now, in fact, over-reporting numbers in "enemy" places/red/Southern states like Florida and Texas and under-reporting them in "allied" places like New York).

The second stage of a "return to normal" will take place when Biden takes office on January 20, 2021. He will triumphantly announce the re-opening of most businesses, the end of most mask mandates, and the opening of some international borders as his first act as president. The question then will be, will Biden outlast William Henry Harrison? My guess is yes, but not by much. In February or March 2021, Biden will be declared senile and unfit to hold office, and Vice President Kamala Harris will be sworn in as Amerika's first Womyn (and Of Color, too! Despite the fact that she's only slightly darker than I am with my summertime tan) president. When she takes office, the third and final stage will be implemented, with the removal of all social distancing and other restrictions, the re-opening of all foreign travel to and from the U.S., and the triumphant announcement of "finally, things are back to normal." This will give President Harris a brief boost in popularity before she inevitably craps the bed. Any remaining COVID-19 cases at this time will be dismissed as "just the flu."

Remember, you heard all this here first.
Scary, if that all happens. Maybe God will intervene and call Uncle Joe home.
If this comes true, Nancy Pelosi will become vice president. Harris & Pelosi governing the country. Everbody run for the border quickly!
I am going to predict the future. Normally, this is an extremely difficult thing to do, but Jewish leftists (who not only control the media, but also large parts of the healthcare system) are so predictable. I worked as a registered nurse in a hospital for several years, and the first time I encountered it I was amazed at how disproportionately Jewish and leftist the hospital administration was. (And no, it wasn't a Jewish hospital, and eventually I would learn that this pattern regarding the administration was par for the course for most American hospitals). The stereotype about Jewish doctors (which has some truth to it) exists mainly as a distraction. It is the administrators who are in charge and who set the policies that doctors, nurses, and everyone else has to follow.

Remember, you heard all this here first.

Now that COVID-19 cases are on the decline again, (((they))) will engineer an artificial third wave, most likely with another dindu saint who got killed by the police while not doing nuffins being splashed all over the (((media))) and used as a spark for another round of riots and mass protests. It takes about 10-14 days after the beginning of riots for a spike in COVID-19 cases to appear (just like we saw in June, proving that the Saint Floyd rioters were responsible for the second wave) and about six weeks from the beginning of the spike to the peak. Therefore, look for the "spark" to be at the beginning of September, the beginning of the third wave in mid-September, and the peak of the third wave in late October, the most ideal time to manipulate elections and drive the voting sheep (AKA "swing voters") into a "duuuhhh, we sick of beervirus, we wantz change, we votin' fo' Biden" mentality. During the third wave, oppressive rules and curfews will be put into place by liberal governors and mayors, while being portrayed in the media as "Trump's problem," further drumming up support for Biden. Of course, the dindu and Antifa rioters, the special snowflakes, will be completely exempt from all rules, and will be allowed to gather in the thousands without masks so that they can do the dirty work of spreading the virus.

Assuming that Biden wins (and even though I'm quite sure he will, this is still the part of this prediction that I'm least certain about), the "return to normal" will be done in three general stages. The first will be implemented right after the election, and will involve the end of curfews and quarantines. This loosening of restrictions will be accompanied and motivated by a "remarkable" decline in the number of COVID-19 cases that magically will start right after the election. By labeling flu and common cold cases as COVID-19 or by labeling COVID-19 cases as just "regular" flu or cold, our medical number-counters can manipulate the numbers to fit the narrative they want to push. (They're doing it right now, in fact, over-reporting numbers in "enemy" places/red/Southern states like Florida and Texas and under-reporting them in "allied" places like New York).

The second stage of a "return to normal" will take place when Biden takes office on January 20, 2021. He will triumphantly announce the re-opening of most businesses, the end of most mask mandates, and the opening of some international borders as his first act as president. The question then will be, will Biden outlast William Henry Harrison? My guess is yes, but not by much. In February or March 2021, Biden will be declared senile and unfit to hold office, and Vice President Kamala Harris will be sworn in as Amerika's first Womyn (and Of Color, too! Despite the fact that she's only slightly darker than I am with my summertime tan) president. When she takes office, the third and final stage will be implemented, with the removal of all social distancing and other restrictions, the re-opening of all foreign travel to and from the U.S., and the triumphant announcement of "finally, things are back to normal." This will give President Harris a brief boost in popularity before she inevitably craps the bed. Any remaining COVID-19 cases at this time will be dismissed as "just the flu."

Remember, you heard all this here first.

I honestly do not think this scenario is too far fetched. If/when the Democrats (marxists/leftists/communists could all be used here too) are elected into power I think the virus is going to disappear quicker than people think. I also feel that the HCQ treatment will be portrayed in a much more positive and promising manner as a potential treatment.

So Covid-19 itself has killed 9000. Every other death has been due to other underlying health conditions. I think that the virus is a very real thing but it has just been woefully overblown - it's obvious people have died from it but the fact that this news which should be the lead story all over the main stream media is not just goes to show it is indeed a scamdemic.

So Covid-19 itself has killed 9000. Every other death has been due to other underlying health conditions. I think that the virus is a very real thing but it has just been woefully overblown - it's obvious people have died from it but the fact that this news which should be the lead story all over the main stream media is not just goes to show it is indeed a scamdemic.

If the corporate media started telling the truth I doubt it would even sink in after half a year of fear porn. There's a chunk of Americans who don't buy the propaganda and there's a chunk who are scared witless and nothing, whether facts or common sense, will change that.
America needs to rise up. Watch the videos from England with David Icke speaking from a couple of days ago. Watch Germany. Watch Spain and other countries who have the courage to have anti mask and anti vaccine rallies. We need to get off our
couches and do the same thing here. Our lives could depend on it. The vaccine will change your human D.N.A. They admit this with smiles and laughs.
Well, the first week of September has rolled around and sho nuff, there's been a massive increase in the mouth-foaming level of BLM and Antifa. While there wasn't a single "spark" this time like there was with George Floyd, it's clear that the powers that be want to get angry blacks and traitorous whites back into the streets in larger numbers, rioting and "protesting." They want that third wave.
The powers that be seriously overplayed their hand in the spring with all the hysteria/lockdowns/quarantines. People these days have what I like to call "panic burnout" in that they're not even panic-buying toilet paper and paper towels and bottled water anymore.

The human body and mind can only stay on "red alert" for so long before it either moves down to a lower level of alert or simply passes out from the overload.
I got into a screaming match the other day with a lady because she refused to take my $ because I didn't have a mask on! Usually don't freak out like that but she said "what you can't read?"

I said "I can read I just don't give a **** about your stupid mask!" I ripped off their mask sign on my way out and she followed me to the parking lot where we exchanged a few more pleasantries. LOL

I'm now banned from the store guys, oh no.
The other day I took off my mask for a little bit while no one was looking to enjoy the fresh air, and was suddenly reminded of an article by an ex-Muslim woman in which she mentioned taking off her headscarf for a few moments while no one else was around so she could feel the wind in her hair.

Politicians in all countries always have an excuse for their tyranny, typically some variation of "it's for your own good," whether they claim it's for our physical health or spiritual health. The policies of our own overlords are based on something just as un-scientific as the Saudi overlords and their "sky daddy Allah gonna getcha if you don't follow da rules." A medical-grade mask (not the cheap ones that everyone wears) is needed for effective prevention of the transmission of disease - and our overlords specifically tell people not to wear medical-grade masks because they're needed by healthcare workers.

Masks (along with the 6-foot distance) have been promoted as two magic pills that create a ridiculously simplistic, highly inaccurate, black-and-white view of disease transmission. The official party line is that following those two rules will guarantee 100% protection from COVID-19, while not following them will lead to WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE. The reality is far more complex. Cloth masks are not a magic pill. 6 feet is not a magic number. What do metric countries use? 2 meters. 2 meters and 6 feet are not the same. Something as simple as that and already the party line begins to unravel. People who blindly accept the party line as gospel don't want to think for themselves or are simply incapable of it - and the people who think of themselves as super-special and super-smart (smug, self-righteous liberals) typically are the worst offenders of all.

One of the most obnoxious consequences of all this is how it's now socially acceptable to act like a complete @ss in the name of being a mask-enforcing vigilante. A year ago, if someone had said that it would be acceptable for a store employee to threaten, curse, and scream at a customer simply for not wearing a piece of cloth, everyone would have laughed. Now it's a disgraceful reality. Common people screaming at each other while the (((elites))) watch from their ivory towers and laugh.
The other day I took off my mask for a little bit while no one was looking to enjoy the fresh air, and was suddenly reminded of an article by an ex-Muslim woman in which she mentioned taking off her headscarf for a few moments while no one else was around so she could feel the wind in her hair.

Politicians in all countries always have an excuse for their tyranny, typically some variation of "it's for your own good," whether they claim it's for our physical health or spiritual health. The policies of our own overlords are based on something just as un-scientific as the Saudi overlords and their "sky daddy Allah gonna getcha if you don't follow da rules." A medical-grade mask (not the cheap ones that everyone wears) is needed for effective prevention of the transmission of disease - and our overlords specifically tell people not to wear medical-grade masks because they're needed by healthcare workers.

Masks (along with the 6-foot distance) have been promoted as two magic pills that create a ridiculously simplistic, highly inaccurate, black-and-white view of disease transmission. The official party line is that following those two rules will guarantee 100% protection from COVID-19, while not following them will lead to WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE. The reality is far more complex. Cloth masks are not a magic pill. 6 feet is not a magic number. What do metric countries use? 2 meters. 2 meters and 6 feet are not the same. Something as simple as that and already the party line begins to unravel. People who blindly accept the party line as gospel don't want to think for themselves or are simply incapable of it - and the people who think of themselves as super-special and super-smart (smug, self-righteous liberals) typically are the worst offenders of all.

One of the most obnoxious consequences of all this is how it's now socially acceptable to act like a complete @ss in the name of being a mask-enforcing vigilante. A year ago, if someone had said that it would be acceptable for a store employee to threaten, curse, and scream at a customer simply for not wearing a piece of cloth, everyone would have laughed. Now it's a disgraceful reality. Common people screaming at each other while the (((elites))) watch from their ivory towers and laugh.
Great post!
But after all this time they still have no clue who's behind Antifa (lol):

FBI Claims It Foiled Plot To Kidnap Michigan Governor

This all reeks of an FBI setup and manufactured event (a “gay op” as the rightwing internet calls it). I’d imagine that this militia group were loaded with FBI plants and informants who pushed the “patsies” into doing “a terrorism”. It’s not coincidence that they attempt to turn the tyrannical witch governor into a sympathetic figure while the Covid lockdown is becoming increasingly unpopular. This all seems fake and gay.

This should be a wake up call for Trump, if he isn’t totally controlled, to fire Christopher Wray. Wray is a totally politicized hack who’s comments on Antifa being “more of an idea” show he is only interested in going after virtually nonexistent “rightwing domestic terror”. His comments on “white supremacy” should have been grounds for immediate termination. He’s a left wing operative and nothing more.

Another thing that should be becoming clear to whatever is left of normal America is the need to disband the FBI. They are an unconstitutional “secret police” that are used to harass and prosecute their political enemies. We should push this message when we converse with normies. I think the climate is right for the message.
This all reeks of an FBI setup and manufactured event (a “gay op” as the rightwing internet calls it). I’d imagine that this militia group were loaded with FBI plants and informants who pushed the “patsies” into doing “a terrorism”. It’s not coincidence that they attempt to turn the tyrannical witch governor into a sympathetic figure while the Covid lockdown is becoming increasingly unpopular. This all seems fake and gay.

This should be a wake up call for Trump, if he isn’t totally controlled, to fire Christopher Wray. Wray is a totally politicized hack who’s comments on Antifa being “more of an idea” show he is only interested in going after virtually nonexistent “rightwing domestic terror”. His comments on “white supremacy” should have been grounds for immediate termination. He’s a left wing operative and nothing more.

Another thing that should be becoming clear to whatever is left of normal America is the need to disband the FBI. They are an unconstitutional “secret police” that are used to harass and prosecute their political enemies. We should push this message when we converse with normies. I think the climate is right for the message.

"Gay op" is a good one, and accurate. I bet that this so-called "militia" group was not just infiltrated by the feds, but founded and organized by the FBI itself, who then recruited the patsies (probably from the ranks of mentally ill White people, desperate homeless guys, etc.) It's entrapment through and through.

October surprise, fake news by gay Jews, etc. We've seen all this before.
It's indeed impossible to imagine in this day and age that any group of non-leftist or anti-leftist Americans would be that stupid. And they're always credited with grandiose plans -- not just allegedly wanting to kidnap the governor, which in itself strains belief, but also overthrow the state government, all 10 or 12 of them. Right.
Not only that but they were going to have a trial and then kill her. But how could they be sure of the verdict? What if she was found innocent? Wouldn't that have been a let down!

This has got to the the lamest black op ever. Man the FBI is going to hell if this is the best they can fake. I have to believe this was a dungeons and dragoons game gone bad.
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