Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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The stock market dropped big time today. On fears of a 2nd wave, or so say the media. I don’t think that was the reason to am going to predict that the next big media scare tactic is fear of an increase in Corona cases.

it fits the narrative so well. they warned about opening up so this is a way to say “I told you so”

The fake news media will tell us that conservatives who go to enjoy a night out and wear masks and stay six feet apart are all personally responsible for whatever "second wave" may come...but the far-left Antifa thugs who formed roving mobs of thousands are as pure as the driven snow and not responsible at all for spreading the virus.

I have little trust in "official" statistics but there probably will be a surge of COVID-19 cases thanks to those idiot rioters - and everyone except them will be blamed for it by the fake news media.
A very good point La France Blanche, not only will they not be blamed, but praised by the media for fighting for equality for blacks.
Any "protester" that dies from corona virus will be hailed as a MARTYR. Sacrificed their life to fight white racism! That coffin carrying house drawn carriage is going to be busy.
At my work, most whites have stopped with the masks. Once the 7 of the 35-55 yr olds who caught COVID19 came back to work after ten days of sniffling and a dry cough. But the Blacks have kept their masks on due to the higher mortality rate. I suspect a lot of us healthy guys at work, flaunt our ability to survive it when we walk past blacks at work. One can feel the fear blacks have towards COVID19.
This was originally posted on the NFL News thread, but the reply is more appropriate here, so I moved it. After seeing this post by Westside, I saw this article online that backs up his opinion:
Many White Americans Are Ready To Reopen The Economy. Black Americans Aren’t.
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I don't know what they spiked the Kool-Aid with in Florida but schwarzte's were running amok tossing money out of a sun roofed vehicle and crowds gathered to take in the idiotic spectacle. Supposedly stimulus cheques have been slow but it doesn't seem to be the case for this individual....

Note this begins at 22 seconds into the video and a police chopper calls this into police headquarters with no on the ground police response....

Note this chaos went violent as 2 people were shot and "Rain Man" is wanted for inciting a riot....

Who would have thought that this chaos could lead to this story....
What I've been reading is that the combination of hydroxychloroquine + zinc + antibiotic helps to some degree.

Also, this combination is what Donald Trump is taking , contrary to reports that he is taking hydroxychoroquine by itself. Trump is an intelligent man with access to top doctors, so the fact that he's taking the hydroxychloroquine + zinc + antibiotic combination is a point in it's favor.

I'm taking zinc and vitamin C supplements. It can't hurt and may help.
What I've been reading is that the combination of hydroxychloroquine + zinc + antibiotic helps to some degree.

Also, this combination is what Donald Trump is taking , contrary to reports that he is taking hydroxychoroquine by itself. Trump is an intelligent man with access to top doctors, so the fact that he's taking the hydroxychloroquine + zinc + antibiotic combination is a point in it's favor.

I'm taking zinc and vitamin C supplements. It can't hurt and may help.
Trump is an intelligent man? Id take him anyday over Biden but I have to disagree with you on that one.
Trump is an intelligent man? Id take him anyday over Biden but I have to disagree with you on that one.

So glad you've come back to drop knowledge like this, man really missed your contributions!
I find it quite ironic that the states that have the highest covid/corona surges are red states and also states where President Trump is about to speak. He spoke in Oklahoma and now will have his next speech in AZ where
we are being told that the infection rates are critical. Doesn't pass the smell test? Think for yourself people. We are being lied to by all the media. Don't trust any on the numbers being reported.
Do the owners of the media actually expect their audience to believe that while all them right-wing rallies should be banned of course because of COVID-19 spread, left-wing rallies and protests are somehow as pure as the driven snow, and all the participants are angelic beings of holy, godly light who somehow magically will not spread the virus? Because that is the level of utter garbage that their drivel apparently has fallen to now. At this point, anyone who can take more than a few minutes of CNN without their head exploding has essentially proven to the world that their IQ is below 70.

In related news, the governors of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, three of the states hardest hit by COVID-19, have announced a mandatory 14-day quarantine for anyone arriving from a list of nine states (eight of which are red and all of which have lower infection rates than the NY/NJ/CT trio) - a blatantly obvious petty political move that will do nothing but needlessly harm their own states' economies. Their noses will be cut off, but their faces sure will be spited, I guess. NY Governor Cuomo is laughably claiming that his state, with by far the largest number of infections in the country, has the crisis "under control."
Do the owners of the media actually expect their audience to believe that while all them right-wing rallies should be banned of course because of COVID-19 spread, left-wing rallies and protests are somehow as pure as the driven snow, and all the participants are angelic beings of holy, godly light who somehow magically will not spread the virus? Because that is the level of utter garbage that their drivel apparently has fallen to now. At this point, anyone who can take more than a few minutes of CNN without their head exploding has essentially proven to the world that their IQ is below 70.

In related news, the governors of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, three of the states hardest hit by COVID-19, have announced a mandatory 14-day quarantine for anyone arriving from a list of nine states (eight of which are red and all of which have lower infection rates than the NY/NJ/CT trio) - a blatantly obvious petty political move that will do nothing but needlessly harm their own states' economies. Their noses will be cut off, but their faces sure will be spited, I guess. NY Governor Cuomo is laughably claiming that his state, with by far the largest number of infections in the country, has the crisis "under control."
Excellent points. I really hope people see through this obvious charade. Is this not an “Emperor has no clothes” moment for Cuomo?
Gay clubs are drying up in smaller Canadian cities due to 3+months of being shuttered, I suspect the same thing is happening in the US a silver lining in the bleak economic picture of this ongoing pandemic......
Is there a cure for covid? Watch this video. Hint: hydroxychloroquine, zinc, zithromax

Why do liberals not want people to use hydroxychloroquine? Do they want people to die?

Trump touted it first - if it works widespread the econonmy reopens and we avoid this shutdown. Big pharma also has a lot to loose and who knows how many of these democratic politicians get their pockets lined by big pharma. Trump would also look good and be vindicated - it’s all a power play and everyone on the left would rather have people die than acknowledge trump may have been correct and also big pharma needs it’s billions on BS “treatments”.
Rep. Jim Jordan asks Dr. Fauci a tough question. Fauci refuses to answer it.

Liberals don't like to answer questions. It makes them look bad.

Watch the first 5 minutes...

Our lefty lesbian loudmouth control freak of a vice mayor is leading a campaign to have the police to enforce a mask law and write citations.

I wonder how the police force feels about it. I'm sure they hate her guts.
Here's my understanding. Some doctors found hydroxychloroquine by itself to be relatively ineffective.

Some doctors found hydroxychloroquine with an antibiotic to be relatively ineffective.

Some doctors found hydroxychloroquine with zinc and an antibiotic to be relatively effective.

Yet almost all the medical studies, including an NIH study, study hydroxychloroquine by itself and with an antibiotic but not with zinc.

Then hydroxychloroquine is declared ineffective.

Am I wrong? Does this make sense?
The reason they don't want people to use it is because they will make billions of the vaccines. Hydroxcholroquine is too cheap. They would rather
see complete chaos than have a cure that you could go to your local drug store and get. Money is the root of all evil.
An interview with Dr. Zelenko, an advocate of hydroxychloroquine + zinc + antibiotic. He calls the the political opposition to the use of hydroxychoroquine "crimes against humanity."

Watch it before Youtube yanks it.

ER physician Simone Gold on the use of hydroxychloroquine + zinc + antibiotic.

In the service, we were given a large reddish pill one- day a week and the other days a small white pill. I am almost sure the white pill was hydroxychloroquine. I have no idea what the bigger pill was. The medic was required to watch us take it I guess because some would rather have malaria than take a pill.
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