Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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The creature on the right is the mayor of Chicago. It is an early Pliocene period ancestor of the pithecanthropus erectus.

A positive spin on this whole supply chain breaking is that farmers skip the middle man and sell directly to the consumers.
In Canada we have a new recommendation for masks that supposedly "don't work", I had to run out and buy one just in case I need to enter a business that won't let me in without one....
It would be ironic (and funny) if blacks and Hispanics started seeing largely Democrat-pushed lockdowns as "whitey's rules" and rebelled against them.

That's pretty much where we've come to. Empty souls on the Left hating normal human relationships and freedom, trying to find their meaning and purpose all the while being demonic to the core.
Definitely worth watching:

If only more people would turn off their Lie Box and get actual facts we'd could get past this paranoia and nonsense.

One day in 100 years people will look back on our response to this nothing burger flu and compare our reaction and "cure" to the physicians in George Washington's days who would "bleed out" patients thinking they were cleansing them (look it up); the exact opposite thing they needed for strength and recuperative powers. This whole lockdown, shelter in place, germaphobe mentality has been pure insanity.
If only more people would turn off their Lie Box and get actual facts we'd could get past this paranoia and nonsense.

One day in 100 years people will look back on our response to this nothing burger flu and compare our reaction and "cure" to the physicians in George Washington's days who would "bleed out" patients thinking they were cleansing them (look it up); the exact opposite thing they needed for strength and recuperative powers. This whole lockdown, shelter in place, germaphobe mentality has been pure insanity.

But now they can put em in their death trap nursing homes* or on respirator murder machines** and they can get rid of that annoying US white middle class collecting their Medicare and veterans benefits and social security and voting wrong once and for all!


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But now they can put em in their death trap nursing homes* or on respirator murder machines** and they can get rid of that annoying US white middle class collecting their Medicare and veterans benefits and social security and voting wrong once and for all!


It sure seems to be the case. They would love to get rid of us. We can only imagine how bad things would be if we didn't have the internet to communicate truth with one another.
I don't know what they spiked the Kool-Aid with in Florida but schwarzte's were running amok tossing money out of a sun roofed vehicle and crowds gathered to take in the idiotic spectacle. Supposedly stimulus cheques have been slow but it doesn't seem to be the case for this individual....

Note this begins at 22 seconds into the video and a police chopper calls this into police headquarters with no on the ground police response....

Note this chaos went violent as 2 people were shot and "Rain Man" is wanted for inciting a riot....
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That snarky Birx woman is really quite the pompous type isn't she? And to think that her and Fauci were basically running the country the past seven weeks. Wow, she's enough to make anyone driven to disobey whatever she squawks out as "rules". It's really easy to feel fourteen again within an earshot of her. For some reason I'm just itching to run in the halls and chew gum in class now...
That snarky Birx woman is really quite the pompous type isn't she? And to think that her and Fauci were basically running the country the past seven weeks. Wow, she's enough to make anyone driven to disobey whatever she squawks out as "rules". It's really easy to feel fourteen again within an earshot of her. For some reason I'm just itching to run in the halls and chew gum in class now...

Here's what former Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin says about those two globalist clowns, or criminals as he calls them:

Fauci And Birx: Lock Them Up!
Lew Rockwell was a guest back in 2019 and replayed on Ron Paul's Liberty Report today:

If only more people would turn off their Lie Box and get actual facts we'd could get past this paranoia and nonsense.

One day in 100 years people will look back on our response to this nothing burger flu and compare our reaction and "cure" to the physicians in George Washington's days who would "bleed out" patients thinking they were cleansing them (look it up); the exact opposite thing they needed for strength and recuperative powers. This whole lockdown, shelter in place, germaphobe mentality has been pure insanity.

I've said before that 100 years in the future, textbooks will explain how in the early 21st century "transgenderism" was a brief fad in which people mutilated their genitals, went through toxic hormone therapy, and even forced taxpayers to foot the bill for "gender reassignment" surgery because people Back Then had the delusional and primitive idea that a person could be any sex that he/she/it wanted to be.

The idiotic ideas of today such as transgenderism and endless lockdowns will eventually be placed on the trash heap of history's stupid ideas, right alongside bloodletting, geocentrism, the flat earth, humorism (the theory that called for bloodletting), aether, and the Salem Witch Trials.
Doctor successfully treats himself with hydroxychloriquine and zinc.

If you get the virus you might want to discuss with your doctor using hydroxychloriquine and zinc. The zinc is part of the treatment.
Doctor successfully treats himself with hydroxychloriquine and zinc.

If you get the virus you might want to discuss with your doctor using hydroxychloriquine and zinc. The zinc is part of the treatment.

Many doctors have come forward publicly and said that they are prescribing this combination plus an antibiotic. They are totally dismissed by the media because it doesn't fit the New World Order narrative that they have planned. And also, because Trump advocated using hydroxychloroquine in the beginning. And if he advocated it then therefore it must be bad because orange man bad. They'd rather see people die than take hydroxychloroquine.
I just read that the WHO is halting hydroxychloriquine trials that are being conducted in Mexico. Here we are almost in June and they are halting trials that should have been performed in January. It is so bloody obvious that we aren't being told the truth and that these organizations are engaging in deceitful and shady behavior. They clearly don't want an effective treatment for this virus because then people won't be living in fear. They need us living in fear and they need us to be dependent on them. There has been data out on hydroxychloriquine for years and it should have been immediately sent into trials when we noticed the virus spreading outside of China.
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