Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Hucksters. Pure, unadulterated hucksters...
Media is hyperventilating as the "reported" deaths in the US from this pathogen approaches 100,000. I personally think that the numbers are grossly overreported. The average age of death for this worst plague in the history of man is around 80. If a fellow has a heart attack and dies, yet tests positive for COVID-19 it gets chalked up as a coronavirus death. Much of this is simply follow the money, reimbursements to health institutions from the government for COVID-19 deaths is substantial. Plus the political aspect is glaringly obvious.

A much better metric would to compare the total US deaths from this year to previous years to guage the impact of the virus. I've had difficulty finding any total-death statistics for this year to date (besides the breathless COVID-19 ones). Data from 2018 and back is easy to find.

Also the buried data on death from suicides, drug overdoses, alcohol is tough to find. California is reporting that their suicide rate/attempts/hotline calls over the last four weeks been equal to a typical year. But hey, it's all about coronavirus, wear your mask or you hate people. Don't advocate reopening or you'll be shamed into submission because you want to kill grandma. I understand, it's all necessary because ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!
Media is hyperventilating as the "reported" deaths in the US from this pathogen approaches 100,000. I personally think that the numbers are grossly overreported. The average age of death for this worst plague in the history of man is around 80. If a fellow has a heart attack and dies, yet tests positive for COVID-19 it gets chalked up as a coronavirus death. Much of this is simply follow the money, reimbursements to health institutions from the government for COVID-19 deaths is substantial. Plus the political aspect is glaringly obvious.

A much better metric would to compare the total US deaths from this year to previous years to guage the impact of the virus. I've had difficulty finding any total-death statistics for this year to date (besides the breathless COVID-19 ones). Data from 2018 and back is easy to find.

Also the buried data on death from suicides, drug overdoses, alcohol is tough to find. California is reporting that their suicide rate/attempts/hotline calls over the last four weeks been equal to a typical year. But hey, it's all about coronavirus, wear your mask or you hate people. Don't advocate reopening or you'll be shamed into submission because you want to kill grandma. I understand, it's all necessary because ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Turns out even the CDC is admitting that Covid-1984 is turning out to be just another flu bug. Oops! But don't expect them or anyone else to admit any errors or for anyone to be blamed for shutting down the world. Part of being "in the club" means no accountability or culpability for one's mistakes and crimes. And the totalitarian agenda will continue to move forward at breakneck speed.

The CDC Slashed the COVID-19 Fatality Rate to a Fraction of Earlier Estimate Used to Justify Lockdowns

See new Tweets


Eric Sevareid, CBS News


4. There's more: the communique that was sent to World Leaders was also sent to the MSM so that ALL ANCHORS and high-profile Reporters (Ryan, Acosta) would remain healthy. What about Cuomo? It was staged to boost CNN'S ratings and hurt POTUS at the same time....
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Eric Sevareid, CBS News

· 19h
1. This confirms what my source indicated when @POTUS announced he was taking HCQ. In mid-January, all World Leaders were advised to begin HCQ treatments. This advisory extended to the Speaker of the House, the Senate Majority Leader and the remaining members of the Gang of 8...…
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So they've all been taking it & at the same time telling citizen's it will kill them if THEY take it. A lot of us suspected this, BUT I want their dumb sheep supporters to know. U know, the ones parroting HCQ will kill u & coming at us for even mentioning it.

>>> So the big shots were all taking it while telling us not to - and even threatening to take away doctors' licenses for prescribing it! - and meanwhile sending infected "youths" into the nursing homes to infect - and beat! - the old people!
The coronascam plan is losing steam fast so they are switching back to the good old inciting the negroes to riot plan.
There are a lot of tricks in their bag for sure!
With so much depressing news, here's a look at the positive side:

For Whom The Covid-19 Bell Tolls
What Big-Government, Fascist, Left-Wing Indoctrinationists Never Thought Would Happen: Homeschooling, The End Of Doctoring, Reliance On Self-Care, Vitamin Pills In Place Of Vaccines And Maybe Even Gold-Backed Money
I wouldn't call the corona virus a hoax. A lot of people died. Even if only 50% are legit that's still 50,000 deaths, which is a lot in a few months from any sickness. When you look at how it tore through the nursing homes you can understand why it seemed like something different. Closing down the economy was dumb but before anyone knew how serious it was you had to act then because to wait would have been too late. There is no reason for the panic now but since it's become a political issue there won't be any common sense involved.

And just like that Coronavirus is all but forgotten - except for all the lives and the US economy they destroyed - as the Deep State moves back to Plan A - incitement to riot and arson and insurrection!

Oh no i will be so sad if they all got sick and died!!!
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Oh no i will be so sad if they all got sick and died!!!

If a lot of them don’t contract it or we don’t see a spike in these rioting cities, we’ll know the whole lockdown was fake.
People who get all their news from CNN must be wondering if deaths from coronavirus have magically stopped. Just a few days ago, COVID-19 was THE crisis of our time, the most important news story ever, with (according to the official figures) approximately a thousand people a day in America dying of the virus. But apparently, the death of one black career criminal in Minnesota is more important than all the thousands who have died from COVID-19, combined.

On a lighter note, it looks like @CovidCrisis already has an obsolete screen name. Luckily, those names are changeable. ;)
I always thought race was a social construct... All jokes aside because of health reasons even liberals will admit different races/ethnic groups will get diseases/ailments at higher rates than other groups.

Of course there's no such thing as race and it's just a "social construct"...except, of course, when they think they can pin something - almost anything will do -on whitey . Then race is suddenly everything night and day 24/7!

Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of Great Britain and Ireland: "Race is everything. It is the only truth. It is the key to all civilizations.

Any race that allows its blood to be polluted with that of an inferior race is doomed."
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People who get all their news from CNN must be wondering if deaths from coronavirus have magically stopped. Just a few days ago, COVID-19 was THE crisis of our time, the most important news story ever, with (according to the official figures) approximately a thousand people a day in America dying of the virus. But apparently, the death of one black career criminal in Minnesota is more important than all the thousands who have died from COVID-19, combined.

On a lighter note, it looks like @CovidCrisis already has an obsolete screen name. Luckily, those names are changeable. ;)
On a lighter note, it looks like @CovidCrisis already has an obsolete screen name. Luckily, those names are changeable.

Yeah I'm kinda worried about that guy, CovidCrisis. That was his entire raison d'etre, here anyway. What is Covid anyway? I seem to vaguely recall it. But seriously, for the first time I'm rooting for it being for real, tho it would be so terribly tragic if all those black and commy rioters sickened and died oh dear oh my!
It seems like the virus strength is trailing off. I’m no biologist but I thought that’s what is supposed to happen. As I understand it from a layman’s point of view the virus mutates as it moves from person to person. Some mutations are advantageous and you get virulent strains (like in NY) that are strong but on average each mutation usually weakens over time because the virus is already at optimum so any change is, by odds, less effective.

The strains then all die out until a strong one is left and starts the cycle over again (maybe).

That’s why you have flu “season” and it comes and goes. The idea that it would keep getting stronger and keep infecting people Doesn’t seem to be the norm.
Here's my undertanding of the situation.

Some doctors are reporting success using hydroxychloroquine with zinc and an antibiotic, including an eminent virologist in France. Zinc is a key ingredient.

No doctors are reporting success using hydroxychloroquine alone. No doctors are reporting success using hydroxychloroquine with an antibiotic.

So why is all the funding for studies going to studies using hydroxychloroquine alone or with an antibiotic, which no doctors are reporting as being effective? Why aren't they doing studies using hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc and an antibiotic, which doctors are reporting to be effective?
It seems like the virus strength is trailing off. I’m no biologist but I thought that’s what is supposed to happen. As I understand it from a layman’s point of view the virus mutates as it moves from person to person. Some mutations are advantageous and you get virulent strains (like in NY) that are strong but on average each mutation usually weakens over time because the virus is already at optimum so any change is, by odds, less effective.

The strains then all die out until a strong one is left and starts the cycle over again (maybe).

That’s why you have flu “season” and it comes and goes. The idea that it would keep getting stronger and keep infecting people Doesn’t seem to be the norm.

The "news" is reporting a big increase in cases here, but it says that they seem to be less severe now. It says that more younger people are getting it now. I sure hope that the increase isn't amongst the Saint Floyd demonstrators!
The stock market dropped big time today. On fears of a 2nd wave, or so say the media. I don’t think that was the reason to am going to predict that the next big media scare tactic is fear of an increase in Corona cases.

it fits the narrative so well. they warned about opening up so this is a way to say “I told you so”
American Freedom News