Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Now we're hearing all this "flatten the curve" talk. Meanwhile, the people in charge can plug in any numbers they want - and they'll keep them high enough to "justify" all the restrictions. We've already heard about deaths wrongly being attributed to coronavirus, and hospitals with incentives to lie because they get paid by the government for each virus death. As Stalin said, "he who casts the vote decides nothing, he who counts the vote decides everything."
Outrageous! FOX News Cuts Ties with Diamond and Silk After They Questioned Coronavirus Numbers

Did this this young top NYC emergency room physician really kill herself or was she fosterized because she knew too much?

(apologies for linking to the Antifa Daily Worker aka The NY Times)
I skimmed over the article and want to comment on the bit where the deceased doctor apparently told her father over the phone that "patients are dying before they can be taken out of ambulances". After reading that the bullsh*t alarm goes off in my mind. People don't die dramatically and quickly with covid19. They spiral downwards for several weeks or so after developing shortness of breath and pneumonia and then pass away. For people to be dying in the short period of time they are in the ambulance on the way to the hospital means they were sick for days or even weeks before seeking medical attention. Something just doesn't seem right about the article. I'm also somewhat skeptical about her cause of death being a suicide but we will never know I guess.
"people to be dying in the short period of time they are in the ambulance on the way to the hospital means they were sick for days or even weeks before seeking medical attention."

Or something was done to them in the ambulance.

An "Almost-Daily" Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,

Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times

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NY Times: Top E.R. Doctor Who Treated Virus Patients Dies by Suicide

NY Post: FDNY EMT Takes His Own Life



For the 2nd time in just three days, a New York City medical worker has allegedly committed "suicide" over being “distraught” about the Stupid-19 crisis. The "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times smells a New York City rat here and, admittedly without hard evidence, believe both of these deaths to be MURDERS. The very thought that an Emergency Room physician, Dr. Lorna Breen -- and an Emergency Medical Technician, John Mondello -- all-of-a-sudden discovered that they could no longer emotionally handle the sight of the bloodless deaths of perfect strangers -- and just had to kill themselves over it -- is laughable on its face.

Let's explore this.



The back-to-back "suicides" of Breen & Mondello are big news in New York City -- yet neither the newspapers, nor the TV news broadcasts, nor the normies who worship them are asking any questions.

Adding to the mystery of these two “Covid-related” suicides is the fact that, by all accounts, both Breen and Mondello were known as happy, upbeat people with no known history of depression or emotional problems. The Post article on Mondello: "A friend and fellow graduate described him as 'always very peppy, very happy.'”

And, according to an anonymous source:

“He (Mondello) was lying face up with the weapon still in his hand, a gunshot wound under his chin, witnesses said.”

As for Dr. Breen, who returned to CIA / Charlottesville Virginia after having gotten sick in New York, she too was known as a happy person and also a devout Christian. From the Slimes article:

“Aside from work, Dr. Breen filled her time with friends, hobbies and sports, friends said. She was an avid member of a New York ski club and traveled regularly out west to ski and snowboard. She was also a deeply religious Christian who volunteered at a home for older people once a week, friends said. Once a year, she threw a large party on the roof deck of her Manhattan home." (emphasis added -- Editor's note: "Deeply religious Christians" believe that suicide is a horrible sin and one-way ticket to Hell!)

…. she enjoyed salsa dancing. She was a lively presence, outgoing and extroverted, at work events, the colleague said.”

Now, the kicker – which ties back to what EMT (Ambulance) worker Mondello was witnessing:

“She had described an onslaught of patients who were dying before they could even be taken out of ambulances.” (emphasis added)

As yours truly learned (after the fact) from the sad experience of losing my mother in 2015, the ambulance EMT's are often "in on it."




1. The story of a "very happy and very peppy" EMT who killed himself by the river because Stupid-19 had saddened him too much does not ring true. Just quit your job if you can't handle seeing people die! // 2. Dr. Breen -- a happy and "lively" experienced doctor and Christian -- is said to have killed herself because she was "crushed" that she was not able to save patients. Yeah, sure.

Regular readers of the ANYT are already aware of the impossibly disproportionate amount of Stupid-19 deaths being reported in New York City and the reasons for it (here). About a week after we published that piece, two videos surfaced to support our logical inferences with hard testimony. One was of a 49 year-old woman leaving a gut-wrenching "good-bye, I love you" message, in Spanish, on a relative’s phone – in which she indicated that people on her floor were being injected and dying soon afterwards; and that she herself had just been injected. She did indeed die soon afterwards (accuracy of translation is confirmed).

Another video surfaced just a few days ago, in which an out-of-state nurse, speaking on behalf of a frightened nurse friend who had gone to New York City to help – relayed to her that patients are being “murdered” in large numbers by “being left to rot” through deliberate neglect – greatly facilitated by the sad fact that family members are not allowed in to see their loved ones. Though the testimony is 3rd party, both the demeanor of the speaker, her evident medical knowledge, and the facts revealed manifest, to this reporter, the unmistakable ring of truth. Kudos to the Daily Mail (UK) for reporting on this video (here)

Both audio / videos linked below. Have a look at them later, after you finish this article -- and judge for yourself.

Removed from You Tube. Click on image to listen to original audio. (in Spanish -- translation confirmed)

Click on image to view video

Under the Reign of Red Terror of Communist Governor Andrew Cuomo and Communist Mayor Bill de Blasio, the elderly and even the younger poor of New York City are being mass slaughtered. The more that die, the more money that these two anti-Trump ghouls expect in "Federal Relief." MediCare further incentives this genocide by paying out extra money for each Covid case; still more money for each patient placed on a lung busting ventilator; and still more for the final morphine kill shot (aka palliative care) -- not to mention the savings to the bankrupt Medicare, Medicaid and Socialist Insecurity Pyramid schemes.

The step-by-step killing process begins in the ambulance ride to the hospital -- which Mondello likely became aware of and Dr. Breen herself confirmed to her father -- and ends in the hospital. We believe that Dr. Breen not only knew too much -- but being a devout Christian, a known extrovert and a consummate professional -- was probably talking too much as well, or at least threatening to. And probably the same goes for EMT Mondello. That would explain the bizarre back-to-back “suicides” which have so excited (but not at all intrigued!) the New York press – and also why that whistle-blowing nurse on the scene chose to speak through a friend’s video instead of directly.

In response to the bewildered "anti-conspiracy theorist" normies who always mockingly ask: "How can they get so many people to go along with it?" --- The answer, on display here, is: If the fear of job loss doesn’t cow those healthcare workers with a conscience into silence – then “suicide” or the threat of "suicide" certainly will.

To close this with a slight twisr suggested by a reader:


Could these people (the suicide victims) never even have existed and were created out of thin air to add to the illusion? This is another possibility.

Hmmm. An interesting hypothesis. Indeed, anything is possible.




For both political and financial reasons, NY Governor Cuomo and NYC Mayor de Blasio need as high of a Stupid-19 death count as possible.
The stupidity of mandatory mask orders

In certain places, people are required to wear masks when going out in public - but they're also being told not to wear surgical masks because they're needed for medical workers. So they're being told to wear cheap cloth masks, which are the kind that won't protect the wearer from the virus.

Because the masks that will protect people from the virus are needed by medical workers

So regular people should wear something completely useless


I can't even anymore :rolleyes:
As bad as it is here in the U.S., some other countries have implemented even more totalitarian "anti-virus" measures. Italy is a well-known one of course - their lockdown is more fascist than anything Mussolini ever did. The Philippines also has a totalitarian lockdown - they've called out the army to essentially imprison people in their homes. That swine Duterte is a fascist piece of garbage.
The stupidity of mandatory mask orders

In certain places, people are required to wear masks when going out in public - but they're also being told not to wear surgical masks because they're needed for medical workers. So they're being told to wear cheap cloth masks, which are the kind that won't protect the wearer from the virus.

Because the masks that will protect people from the virus are needed by medical workers

So regular people should wear something completely useless


I can't even anymore :rolleyes:

Like Football Dad said on the last page, the mandatory useless mask order is an end run around the second amendment, since they have a law that says it's illegal to be armed while wearing a mask...but it's OK for their Antifa red terrorists who came to attack peaceful protesters in places like Charlottsville and many others armed with everything from home made flame throwers to "assault weapons"!

As for Duterte I like him. He's a tough guy. And despite what THEY have drummed into peoples' heads "fascist" is not a synonym for "bad".

The doctrine of Fascism:
Now the Media is coming after Bill DeBlasio for breaking up a Rabbi's funeral in New York! He's basically Hitler now! lmao, gotta love when the Left eats it's own.
Now the Media is coming after Bill DeBlasio for breaking up a Rabbi's funeral in New York! He's basically Hitler now! lmao, gotta love when the Left eats it's own.

Kinda hilarious really. Cuck DeBlasio is so rabidly anti-white that between him and the Jews the Jews are the lesser of two evils.

Cuck probably has too much SJW cred for this to bring him down but I hope he's sweating.
De Blassio t/n Wilhelm and his top aides:


  • De Blassio (nee Wilhelm)  with **** Whiteness sign.jpg
    De Blassio (nee Wilhelm) with **** Whiteness sign.jpg
    18 KB · Views: 11
De Blassio t/n Wilhelm and his top aides:
Wow, these are shameless enemies. Can you provide info as to who they are? What is 't/n"? This is the kind of Leftist nonsense that sickens me, that people would smile holding placards like that.
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I'm sure most of you guys know by now but that video that went viral from those two doctors from Bakersfield, California was totally scrubbed from YouTube. Even people like Bill Whittle who had little clips of it on their channel also had those videos deleted. YouTube is in full-on communist mode, they are full on thought police now. As it's been said on here before, they're not even hiding what they're doing now. This is the power they feel they have and we're feeling the brunt of it.
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I'm sure most of you guys know by now but that video that went viral from those two doctors from Bakersfield, California was totally scrubbed from YouTube. Even people like Bill Whittle who had little clips of it on their channel also had those videos deleted. YouTube is in full-on communist mode, they are full on thought police now. As it's been said on here before, they're not even hiding what they're doing now. This is the power they feel they have and we're feeling the brunt of it.

Give it up. Watch videos instead at,,,
American Freedom News