Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Chris Cuomo nearly succumbed to the corona. Todd McShay might bite the dust

As mentioned above, I love crapping on women more than most. However, around here its close to even with both sexes wearing the mask. I make sure to give people plenty of space at all times ( you'd have to be a huge douchebag not too), but they are also starting to give me the stink-eye for not wearing a mask. Its a weird world.
Chris Cuomo nearly succumbed to the corona. Todd McShay might bite the dust

As mentioned above, I love crapping on women more than most. However, around here its close to even with both sexes wearing the mask. I make sure to give people plenty of space at all times ( you'd have to be a huge douchebag not too), but they are also starting to give me the stink-eye for not wearing a mask. Its a weird world.

Cuomo wasn't even hospitalized and in fact continued doing his TV show while he had it. What are you basing the claim on that McShay "might bite the dust"? A quick search shows numerous headlines that he's recovering. Your post reads like fake news.
Totally sarcasm, I havent heard of any young famous person dying. In fact the charts that break it down by age and other underlying conditions make this look like a nothing burger.

Cuomo came out of his basement for the first time on live tv. Despite being photographed on a bicycle getting into an argument a week earlier. Thats the level of madness with msm fake news.
Totally sarcasm, I havent heard of any young famous person dying. In fact the charts that break it down by age and other underlying conditions make this look like a nothing burger.

Cuomo came out of his basement for the first time on live tv. Despite being photographed on a bicycle getting into an argument a week earlier. Thats the level of madness with msm fake news.

Good, I was hoping you weren't being serious.

I was verbally harassed by a couple of older masked people today while standing outside a Bruster's practicing "social distancing" while waiting to place my order. Pennsylvanians are now required to wear masks inside every business and public building. The woman complained in a friendly way, but the man incorrectly told me in a nasty tone of voice that wearing a mask "is the law." I calmly told him I wasn't inside a business, which caused him to grumble "at least I won't die," meaning he believes I will as he must think the invisible enemy travels through the air picking out maskless victims. I was going to ask him if he wore his mask while getting his mail and if he slept with it on but out of respect for his age let it drop.
They are going to make us do the mask here shortly as well. I never anticipated people getting this paranoid about the corona virus. Its strange that there is a “tipping point” where just enough people do or believe something that the majority do it as well. The last thing I want to do is mess with someone who thinks this is real and is genuinely scared. But they seem really stupid about this, maybe its some type of “facebook or media programming” it sure doesnt match up to the data. Although admittedly the risk of re-infection slightly terrifies me, as this has not been well reported. It would be the only thing to justify this madness, otherwise its an outright fraud.
One of the biggest dangers starting worldwide now is how they have broken the supply of the food chains. Most of the meat factories have been shut down, many farms with no workers and crops dieing everywhere. Expect massive
hyper inflation everywhere and worldwide food shortages. Please do your best to prepare gentlemen. I don't know if we will ever see normal with how things used to be. Just feel bad for the whole world as billions could die in
the coming years. Not trying to scare people. Just trying to help us to be ready for what is coming. Please take care guys. I miss sports but we are in for a struggle of epic proportions. Would love to be wrong on this but everything you
see and read is talking about it. The stores get worse and worse. May God help us as it's not looking good.
Another co-worker came down with it a couple of days ago. A black guy in his 50s. Way overweight. He said the symptoms, were a constant headache, no sense of smell, fever, and now a metallic taste in his mouth. He said he is feeling better each day. He thinks he caught it 10 days ago. All of the ppl who caught it were 31-55 yrs ago. Only one was really in trouble being in the ICU for 2 weeks. He was released last week from the hospital. The others are back at work. They are saying the virus was in the US in early February. I had a weird cold in the beginning of February. A mild headache that lasted a day, slight chills, and a dry cough that lasted 10 days. I had the flu shot in October. My guess is that I had it.
The human race has thrived and survived (7 billion population) for thousands of years without vaccines, quarantines, and social distancing. And now we’re supposed to believe that everything has suddenly changed? Give me a ******* break.
I haven't posted in a while but boxing lost another figure in Eddie Cotton to the disease. He was known as a heavy handed sheriff type who was big and took no guff from misfit fighter types like Golota and was picked for the Lewis vs Tyson fight because of the mayhem that followed Mike Tyson and he even became part of the story line as he was interviewed pre fight which never happens. Here's the broadcast......
I haven't posted in a while but boxing lost another figure in Eddie Cotton to the disease. He was known as a heavy handed sheriff type who was big and took no guff from misfit fighter types like Golota and was picked for the Lewis vs Tyson fight because of the mayhem that followed Mike Tyson and he even became part of the story line as he was interviewed pre fight which never happens. Here's the broadcast......
Eddie Cotton was a good, fair referee. He wasn't dishonest like Jack Reiss, Lawrence Cole and Ian John-Lewis.

He worked a lot of fights I watched over the years, such as this one:

A new one for me. They now wipe down the gas pumps at Costco after each person fills their tank

Normal life is now just one big TSA checkpoint now. I fear how many of these over the top “temporary” actions stick around long term
A new one for me. They now wipe down the gas pumps at Costco after each person fills their tank

Normal life is now just one big TSA checkpoint now. I fear how many of these over the top “temporary” actions stick around long term

This worker at Kwik Trip did the same thing after I used an ATM. Unfortunately paranoia is at an all time high. Didn't think that many people paid attention to the news, apparently I was way wrong.
So just when we think things may be starting to lighten up a little bit and we can get back to halfway normal, one thing we can count on is the Leftists doubling down. It's clear all over the United States, and not just in the hot spots, they seem to want this to continue.

I think one of the biggest factors in their nonsense is the fact that they hate Trump so much that they want him to fail. Getting back to normal would be even a slight sign of success for his administration. Since they hate him so much and have Trump Derangement
Syndrome they want this to continue on and they want the authoritarian and totalitarian policies to increase even in the areas that are lightly hit. These people are literally mentally ill. To want this economic disaster to continue and wreck the nation is a clear sign and proof of their mental illness.

This is social-engineering people out of normal human relationships and activities and behaviors. Someone said in a post quite a bit earlier in the thread that this social distancing and sheltering in place is quite "creepy" and I think that's an accurate term for it. It's very abnormal to the human psyche and our natural instincts. This seems especially detrimental to females and those most susceptible to the media narrative which is all a lie and all for fear-mongering. The damage this is doing to us societally and socially is really going to wreak havoc for years to come I'm afraid. And am I wrong in thinking this has primarily hit Western and White countries the hardest?
So just when we think things may be starting to lighten up a little bit and we can get back to halfway normal, one thing we can count on is the Leftists doubling down. It's clear all over the United States, and not just in the hot spots, they seem to want this to continue.

I think one of the biggest factors in their nonsense is the fact that they hate Trump so much that they want him to fail. Getting back to normal would be even a slight sign of success for his administration. Since they hate him so much and have Trump Derangement
Syndrome they want this to continue on and they want the authoritarian and totalitarian policies to increase even in the areas that are lightly hit. These people are literally mentally ill. To want this economic disaster to continue and wreck the nation is a clear sign and proof of their mental illness.

This is social-engineering people out of normal human relationships and activities and behaviors. Someone said in a post quite a bit earlier in the thread that this social distancing and sheltering in place is quite "creepy" and I think that's an accurate term for it. It's very abnormal to the human psyche and our natural instincts. This seems especially detrimental to females and those most susceptible to the media narrative which is all a lie and all for fear-mongering. The damage this is doing to us societally and socially is really going to wreak havoc for years to come I'm afraid. And am I wrong in thinking this has primarily hit Western and White countries the hardest?

What Will You Do Without Freedom?

The corporate media continues to spew its fear propaganda about Covid-19 non-stop. Even after it is becoming clearer by the day that this strain of flu is no more potentially fatal than most others, there is no recognition of that fact, no attempt to put the number of deaths into any kind of perspective, namely that it appears this flu will kill about the same number of Americans as most flues on average and that the number who die from it is only a quite small fraction of the number of Americans who die from all causes each year.

Instead, everyone is supposed to obediently submit to dramatic, likely permanent, changes in behavior along with having most of the economy shut down.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s there were untold violent domestic acts of insurrection as black militants raged, airplanes were frequently hijacked to Cuba, and opposition to the Vietnam War spawned underground cells of murderers and anarchists. In 1970 alone there were 475 incidents defined as “terrorist attacks” and yet American society, while understandably alarmed, retained normalcy.

Also in 1968, a notably strong strain of flu killed over 100,000 Americans. And again, society went on normally. Could you imagine Americans from 1968 – the fateful year that saw so many events wreak havoc on the country – watching today’s freak show response of zombies wearing facemasks, shuffling along six feet apart from each other?

Americans are informed that there will be a “new normal” after the current “pandemic” mostly subsides. As a guide they are routinely referred to the aftermath of 9/11/2001 and the creation of the TSA and the taking off of shoes and otherwise going through heightened security at airports.

But that’s not the real legacy of 9/11, not even close. The real legacy of 9/11, done in the name of “protecting freedom,” is the Patriot Act and the totalitarian surveillance powers it granted to the central government, along with surveillance cameras everywhere, U.S. military engagements in literally dozens of countries around the world in the name of an endless “war on terror,” many of the interventions conducted completely in secret, and a greatly heightened sense of anxiety and suspicion in the country, suspicion not only of Arab-looking people but of strangers and even neighbors. “See something, say something” has become the byword of the day. Any relationship between that phrase, which was the ruling principle in East Germany, and “freedom” is purely coincidental.

There is a long-standing concept known as assumption of risk. In legal terminology it means someone suing someone else can’t recover if the defendant can demonstrate that the plaintiff voluntarily and knowingly assumed the risks inherent to the activity in which the plaintiff was participating at the time of his or her injury. In broader terms, it means most people regularly engage in activities that they know contain an element of risk, whether it is skiing, boating, playing sports, or even driving a car or flying on a plane.

Knowingly assuming risk is an inherent element of living in a free nation. But in the relentless, non-stop march to totalitarianism, assumption of risk is becoming as archaic a concept as freedom of association, another fundamental characteristic of genuine freedom that is now little more than a historical footnote.

Americans are now considered children by a nanny state that demands to control and micro-manage what everyone does, in the name of “safety,” including ordering the shutdown of most economic activities. And so the aftermath of the ongoing “pandemic” is likely to create large changes in day to day life, even more than did the response to 9/11 in the name of “protecting freedom.”

Few things are creepier and more anti-human than “social distancing.” The United States (and all Western societies to varying degrees for that matter) were already marked by tremendous amounts of loneliness, isolation, alienation and depression. And now we are supposed to act as though all of our fellow men and women are harboring an unseen enemy that will kill us if we so much as touch them. Even touch, so basic and important and vitally needed to feel and be human, is now viewed with suspicion.

What’s changed from the late 1960s to today is nothing less than the fundamental destruction of traditional American society to fit the needs of a globalist empire that more and more regards the American People as an adversary to be subdued and replaced.

Which is also how they regard Freedom and Liberty.

What Will You Do Without Freedom?

The corporate media continues to spew its fear propaganda about Covid-19 non-stop. Even after it is becoming clearer by the day that this strain of flu is no more potentially fatal than most others, there is no recognition of that fact, no attempt to put the number of deaths into any kind of perspective, namely that it appears this flu will kill about the same number of Americans as most flues on average and that the number who die from it is only a quite small fraction of the number of Americans who die from all causes each year.

Instead, everyone is supposed to obediently submit to dramatic, likely permanent, changes in behavior along with having most of the economy shut down.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s there were untold violent domestic acts of insurrection as black militants raged, airplanes were frequently hijacked to Cuba, and opposition to the Vietnam War spawned underground cells of murderers and anarchists. In 1970 alone there were 475 incidents defined as “terrorist attacks” and yet American society, while understandably alarmed, retained normalcy.

Also in 1968, a notably strong strain of flu killed over 100,000 Americans. And again, society went on normally. Could you imagine Americans from 1968 – the fateful year that saw so many events wreak havoc on the country – watching today’s freak show response of zombies wearing facemasks, shuffling along six feet apart from each other?

Americans are informed that there will be a “new normal” after the current “pandemic” mostly subsides. As a guide they are routinely referred to the aftermath of 9/11/2001 and the creation of the TSA and the taking off of shoes and otherwise going through heightened security at airports.

But that’s not the real legacy of 9/11, not even close. The real legacy of 9/11, done in the name of “protecting freedom,” is the Patriot Act and the totalitarian surveillance powers it granted to the central government, along with surveillance cameras everywhere, U.S. military engagements in literally dozens of countries around the world in the name of an endless “war on terror,” many of the interventions conducted completely in secret, and a greatly heightened sense of anxiety and suspicion in the country, suspicion not only of Arab-looking people but of strangers and even neighbors. “See something, say something” has become the byword of the day. Any relationship between that phrase, which was the ruling principle in East Germany, and “freedom” is purely coincidental.

There is a long-standing concept known as assumption of risk. In legal terminology it means someone suing someone else can’t recover if the defendant can demonstrate that the plaintiff voluntarily and knowingly assumed the risks inherent to the activity in which the plaintiff was participating at the time of his or her injury. In broader terms, it means most people regularly engage in activities that they know contain an element of risk, whether it is skiing, boating, playing sports, or even driving a car or flying on a plane.

Knowingly assuming risk is an inherent element of living in a free nation. But in the relentless, non-stop march to totalitarianism, assumption of risk is becoming as archaic a concept as freedom of association, another fundamental characteristic of genuine freedom that is now little more than a historical footnote.

Americans are now considered children by a nanny state that demands to control and micro-manage what everyone does, in the name of “safety,” including ordering the shutdown of most economic activities. And so the aftermath of the ongoing “pandemic” is likely to create large changes in day to day life, even more than did the response to 9/11 in the name of “protecting freedom.”

Few things are creepier and more anti-human than “social distancing.” The United States (and all Western societies to varying degrees for that matter) were already marked by tremendous amounts of loneliness, isolation, alienation and depression. And now we are supposed to act as though all of our fellow men and women are harboring an unseen enemy that will kill us if we so much as touch them. Even touch, so basic and important and vitally needed to feel and be human, is now viewed with suspicion.

What’s changed from the late 1960s to today is nothing less than the fundamental destruction of traditional American society to fit the needs of a globalist empire that more and more regards the American People as an adversary to be subdued and replaced.

Which is also how they regard Freedom and Liberty.

Excellent article, Don. Do you have a link to it?
American Freedom News