Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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I'm sure most of you guys know by now but that video that went viral from those two doctors from Bakersfield, California was totally scrubbed from YouTube. Even people like Bill Whittle who had little clips of it on their channel also had those videos deleted. YouTube is in full-on communist mode, they are full on thought police now. As it's been said on here before, they're not even hiding what they're doing now. This is the power they feel they have and we're feeling the brunt of it.

Yep, the controlled USSA media is going full Joseph Stalin-Lavrenty Beria-1984 now. What two doctors? What nurse? There never were two doctors and a nurse, comrade citizen!

PS Try to find any of the many videos exposing their false flags such as their ridiculously staged mosque shooting in Christchurch, NZ, Sandy Hoax, etc etc. They have scrubbed them off the internet, tho some still exist in semi-secret backwaters like the ones mentioned by WL above.

Crisis actors in NZ:
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I am going out and about today here in Texas. I'm curious to know how our posters' respective states are. It doesn't have to be detailed unless one wants to elaborate. Posting your experiences and thoughts are welcome and could be beneficial for us as a group. Any changes in your state? Thoughts and opinions are welcome.
The most important things to remember are do not be tested for this. So many people have gotten sick with contaminated testing suabs. Do not be tested for it and do not take any vaccinations. Time to stand up people. Do not give in.
My state has gone full pantspisser mode. Masks everywhere you can think of. Its amazing how humans respond to others around them. It all flipped in about a 3 day time period, its impressive how quickly they can herd the sheep.
My state has gone full pantspisser mode. Masks everywhere you can think of. Its amazing how humans respond to others around them. It all flipped in about a 3 day time period, its impressive how quickly they can herd the sheep.[/QUOT
What state are you in?
I laughed out loud in line at the store!

The panties in wad syndrome these twits get in over something like this is virtue signaling of empty souls and self-righteous demons. And of course there is no comments section open under the article. The Leftists are always outnumbered 50 to 1 when they are up in arms and other people will laugh or yawn smiling. So, "Hats off" to the rebel in Cali.
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Defiance is the answer:
Defiance is the answer:

One of the interesting outcomes of the sudden top-down destruction of the economy and of what's left of our freedoms may be a large migration after the November election. A lot of Americans may seriously consider moving to states, or parts of states, whose responses to Covid-1984 are the closest to common sense and of protecting individual liberty and freedom of choice.

There's been a large out-migration of White Californians over the past 20 years, but most of them are liberal idiots who've learned nothing and have merely infected the states they've moved to with more leftist ideology. But many conservative, right wing types may decide to abandon the worst of the blue states in large numbers and move to more hospitable places, as the Trump haters dominate all the institutions but not all the states and are happy to see the economy wrecked indefinitely if it means Trump being defeated in November.
What state are you in?
Illinois. The suburbs were expected but not the rest of the state. Its a total trap, if you don't wear the mask some stores wont let you in. Then you are portrayed as a careless prick to the poor SOB behind the counters to the ones that don't force you.

To be honest ( and I know this is stupid) I think its probably just better to wear the mask. If everyone is too dumb to see that its overblown. Then it looks incredibly rude to the wage slaves that put themselves in danger ( before the data was known at least). These people get crapped on enough as it is, but open the damn state already Pritzker you fatty trust fund billionaire jew.
Illinois. The suburbs were expected but not the rest of the state. Its a total trap, if you don't wear the mask some stores wont let you in. Then you are portrayed as a careless prick to the poor SOB behind the counters to the ones that don't force you.

To be honest ( and I know this is stupid) I think its probably just better to wear the mask. If everyone is too dumb to see that its overblown. Then it looks incredibly rude to the wage slaves that put themselves in danger ( before the data was known at least). These people get crapped on enough as it is, but open the damn state already Pritzker you fatty trust fund billionaire jew.
Don't give in. Don't wear the mask. Let them think of you as an a-hole if they don't have the brains to know that this is all a big sham. Don't give in and follow the herd.

It's a blessing to me when I go out and see people not wearing the mask. And as I said before the women outnumber the men by far wearing the masks. Usually it's about seven women for every one male wearing the mask. You notice I didn't call the males wearing the masks "men", I just said males. LOL.
Yeah, I get it if you are anywhere but in a store. To make things worse its the rule here, they check before you can go into a big store. Its a slippery slope for sure, but the checkout aisle is not the place to make a stand. If you wouldn’t do it walking into your own office, then why be a tough guy to some scared stupid checkout person?

Its by a very good design, but there will be an alignment with more people who want to be pricks that have behavior issues. Real men will just tell the truth about it/mock it or avoid the stores, at the end of the day you aren't being a good neighbor to those that are genuinely scared of this. There are old people who only get news from the TV and real young kids that shouldn't be scared. That doesn’t wake anyone up to this con job.
One of the interesting outcomes of the sudden top-down destruction of the economy and of what's left of our freedoms may be a large migration after the November election. A lot of Americans may seriously consider moving to states, or parts of states, whose responses to Covid-1984 are the closest to common sense and of protecting individual liberty and freedom of choice.

There's been a large out-migration of White Californians over the past 20 years, but most of them are liberal idiots who've learned nothing and have merely infected the states they've moved to with more leftist ideology. But many conservative, right wing types may decide to abandon the worst of the blue states in large numbers and move to more hospitable places, as the Trump haters dominate all the institutions but not all the states and are happy to see the economy wrecked indefinitely if it means Trump being defeated in November.
Your last sentence sums it up there, Don. The one thing that never ceases to amaze me is the complete irrationality of the Left. They will wreck their own lives, not to mention all the other people in a nation just to fulfil their agenda. Granted, the drivers behind all this in the mass media will never lose their jobs. However, those that have their mindset will seemingly just be glad to stay at home go broke and maybe starve. I guess maybe maybe hunger pains might make them wake up one day. By any means necessary they believe that getting rid of Trump will solve their problems and bring them unto the road of utopia. Nothing could be further from the truth. They will be miserable because of the miserableness in their hearts.
Maybe the mask requirement is a part of a bigger agenda:
I am going out and about today here in Texas. I'm curious to know how our posters' respective states are. It doesn't have to be detailed unless one wants to elaborate. Posting your experiences and thoughts are welcome and could be beneficial for us as a group. Any changes in your state? Thoughts and opinions are welcome.

Just gained one case in the whole county after holding at 16 for almost three weeks. All the rural counties have very low number of cases. Many in single digits. A couple still have none.

Still I see people on FB (yes I do FB) freaking and shrieking about masks. And gloves. Some think we should be gloved too. I've pointed 17 cases with about 1500 tests down and get blank look.

And these commercials. "We're all in this together." No we're not. I don't even want to be in the same nation any more with a lot of these bastards.

I think the end game is cashless and chips. If they can do that we might as well have shock collars on.
I just saw an item on NBC's nightly fake news broadcast about one of the national department store chains -- could be Nordstrom but not sure -- reopening on a cashless basis. Things like this is where the significant minority of Americans who aren't buying what the fake news is trying to sell need to come together and boycott all businesses that won't take cash. Protests are great, but they need to be followed up with unified action on a number of fronts because the "new normal" they want is far beyond anything George Orwell could conjure up in his imagination.
Don and Hock,

Thank you both for your replies. I wouldn't doubt it all if the plans are very nefarious and very deep and very controlling. These godless rats have really just doubled down and seem to be reaching for all they can get. Even the underlings like the state Governors seem to get off on it.

I work in an industry that requires some people having a somewhat "authoritarian streak" which is somewhat like the military (without going into detail). But even having a first-hand knowledge and being in this industry for years I also cannot fathom for the life of me why some people in very high places just get off on this total power trip wanting to control the world. However, it cannot be denied that this is what drives them since they have billions and billions In the bank. Money alone isn't enough to satisfy them. They must drool and crave for power.
Hawaii's governor wants to join the horse race with Michigan and California for worst governor by declaring that his state will remain "hostile" to tourists until a vaccine is widely available. With Hawaii's extreme dependence on tourism, he'll permanently wreck his own state's economy unless the legislature or the people take a stand against this.

Politicians with no knowledge of medicine should be told how ignorant they sound when they open their flaps like this. A safe and effective vaccine will take years to develop, test, retest to make sure it actually is safe, and distribute - and depending on people's standards of "safe" and "effective," it may not ever happen. Vaccines based on a weakened version of the virus can make people sick. Vaccines based on a dead version of the virus are often ineffective or only provide temporary protection. The "plan" suggests fall 2021 (a whole year and a half of the "new normal") as the end of "hostilities," but there's no guarantee a workable vaccine will be widely available by then. It's just an arbitrary date. And if the vaccine isn't ready, there will of course be the perfect excuse to extend the restrictions.
I just saw an item on NBC's nightly fake news broadcast about one of the national department store chains -- could be Nordstrom but not sure -- reopening on a cashless basis. Things like this is where the significant minority of Americans who aren't buying what the fake news is trying to sell need to come together and boycott all businesses that won't take cash. Protests are great, but they need to be followed up with unified action on a number of fronts because the "new normal" they want is far beyond anything George Orwell could conjure up in his imagination.

So, the Coronavirus lives on a dollar bill, but dies on a credit card? Nonsense.

In my county, they’ve reopened restaurants with a bunch of nonsensical rules. One is they don’t allow salt and pepper shakers on the have to ask for it, and they bring you paper packets.

The (Venetian and Palazzo) resorts plan to install thermal cameras at entrances to monitor the temperatures of guests and staff. Anyone with a temperature above 100.4 degrees will be checked a second time, and those with a fever will be directed to medical treatment.

Aside from the creepy Orwellian vibe, it's not going to be difficult for anyone walking outside in the Vegas summer heat to test for a body temperature above 100.4 degrees, which is not a high fever (102 and above is considered serious). This is going to lead to a lot of false alarms, a lot of pedestrian traffic jams, a massive waste of resources, and a lot of pissed-off tourists.

Interesting fact: The Venetian and Palazzo are owned by our Kosher "friend" (((Sheldon Adelson))).
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