Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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The two Bakersfield doctors are back again and stirring the pot with more facts that are anathema to the NWO agenda:
This is a mirror of a previous video so watch it before CommieTube deletes this one too. It's recent info from some who are daring to speak out and the wrath of the string-pullers wants them silenced:

I've seen that one White Lightning and it is also peppered in the one I posted with Dr. Judy above. I guess YouTube scrubbed his too but maybe there's a chance it's still there. Bitchute is about the only avenue if something goes against the official shamative. And this whole agenda is a sham... that was an opportunity they will milk right out of our lives to the last drop.
I've seen that one White Lightning and it is also peppered in the one I posted with Dr. Judy above. I guess YouTube scrubbed his too but maybe there's a chance it's still there. Bitchute is about the only avenue if something goes against the official shamative. And this whole agenda is a sham... that was an opportunity they will milk right out of our lives to the last drop.

Go back to the last page. I listed many video sites to go to in addition to Please go back and save all to your favorites and get off all mainstream sites that censor. This includes search engines.
Will do. Thanks for the reminder.
Will do. Thanks for the reminder.

They have taken away our money. What little people of the world have. Time to return the favor. It won't hurt them as much but we have to stop letting those that hold us down continue to profit. If only more people could wake up.
Yeah, I get it if you are anywhere but in a store. To make things worse its the rule here, they check before you can go into a big store. Its a slippery slope for sure, but the checkout aisle is not the place to make a stand. If you wouldn’t do it walking into your own office, then why be a tough guy to some scared stupid checkout person?

Its by a very good design, but there will be an alignment with more people who want to be pricks that have behavior issues. Real men will just tell the truth about it/mock it or avoid the stores, at the end of the day you aren't being a good neighbor to those that are genuinely scared of this. There are old people who only get news from the TV and real young kids that shouldn't be scared. That doesn’t wake anyone up to this con job.

I am in Northern Virginia which is not much different than the Democrat Communist dominated BOSWASH corridor. Lots of people wear the mask everywhere here but I only wear it if I'm going into a store where it says specifically on the front that you have to wear it to enter. Even when I do it then I feel like an idiot. I am teleworking now as is basically my whole company, but sometimes I work at a giant government building, and I've had to go in a few times over the last few weeks. They have these really strict rules in place now that everyone is supposed to wear the mask, but its kind of a joke because most of the people don't do it, even the armed guards who you would think are supposed to enforce the idiotic rule.
A nurse talking about patients dying from malpractice. I don't agree with her about her views on race but she describes things that are pretty scary. Welcome to third world medicine. Welcome to a world where white men are not allowed to be doctors while low intelligence non-whites are passed through med school through race-norming.

Stay as healthy as you can guys. Try to stay out of hospitals if you can. Many of them are run by incompetent non-whites.

How long before they delete this video?

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Another heartbreaking truth:
Somehow I missed the fact that the Governor of Illinois wife and kids have been living in a Florida mansion while their obese clown has taken away freedoms back home. He took the opportunity to shut down churches for the next year ( Im sure his synagogue will face the same level of police scrutiny).

How this isn't an impeachable offense, Im not sure. His lockdown which will clearly be extended already runs until May 30th. The state is broke and desperately needs to reopen, this fat pile of spunk is going to be the first state to declare bankruptcy. Thats got to be the goal right now, and Trumps puppet masters can use this fat blob as an excuse of mismanagement to allow it to happen.
Somehow I missed the fact that the Governor of Illinois wife and kids have been living in a Florida mansion while their obese clown has taken away freedoms back home. He took the opportunity to shut down churches for the next year ( Im sure his synagogue will face the same level of police scrutiny).

How this isn't an impeachable offense, Im not sure. His lockdown which will clearly be extended already runs until May 30th. The state is broke and desperately needs to reopen, this fat pile of spunk is going to be the first state to declare bankruptcy. Thats got to be the goal right now, and Trumps puppet masters can use this fat blob as an excuse of mismanagement to allow it to happen.

If you want to learn more about the charming Pritzker family, read this:
Thats disgusting Don. Thats basically JB in a wig and lipstick as they look identical. At the end of the day this is just one jewish family doing their part for global control. Their marching orders were to promote LGBTQ-ish crap some other oligarchs might go 100% against free speech or gun confiscation. They are all doing their little part.
If you want to learn more about the charming Pritzker family, read this:
Completely vile. These demoniacs are literally anti-human. What's actually worse though, is that people do their evil bidding...all for money or political "favors". If China blew us off the face of the Earth it could be said in the future that the political leaders "led" us collectively to a suicide grave. That's like the criminals who do the "suicide by cop" routine. The tree of liberty is wilting and now begging for the blood of tyrants and the parties enabling them. All of them. It needs to happen.
Completely vile. These demoniacs are literally anti-human. What's actually worse though, is that people do their evil bidding...all for money or political "favors". If China blew us off the face of the Earth it could be said in the future that the political leaders "led" us collectively to a suicide grave. That's like the criminals who do the "suicide by cop" routine. The tree of liberty is wilting and now begging for the blood of tyrants and the parties enabling them. All of them. It needs to happen.

General Flynn is a positive step finally More to come soon hopefully. A snowball starts rolling down the hill and it's small. It will grow in size and force. We have to hope for the best. Glad to see the salon owner freed and that americans are waking up and
protesting peacefully for their rights. We need more to join in soon. Do not let them steal this country away. Stand up to this abuse of authoritorian power and tyranny. It has to stop for our future and kids and grandkids future!
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