Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Here is a tip for the ones who wear masks. Light a match and hold it in front of your mask. Blow through your mask if you can blow out the match, then your mask is not thick enough to keep the virus out. Replace it as soon as possible if you can find any.
Here is my take on this. We have been had! I see more and more evidence that this is less deadly than the common flu! In Ohio for example, some 3300 state inmates have the virus and 96 percent show no symptoms. I would say a good third of the US population could have already had this "deadly" virus and either recovered or never showed any symptoms. We shut down our entire economy for the flu! Of course Trump is blamed by the libtard media for everything. CNN and the rest of these parasites take China's side more than our own presidents. Still not end in sight and no one knows when our dummy governor Murphy will open up NJ. May 15th is the new data and then this buffoon will extend it another two weeks again. Yahoo keeps running articles about how the Kartrashians are doing during this whole thing. Sick world we live in!
WW, if true, all are to blame. My guess is that most are on the edge of death, and the medical staff is just letting them die. Maybe most are transient types with no kin or loved ones. That is my guess.
Why does this girls eyes go up and to the left so much? There is so much acting and disinformation right now I’m giving up on these video’s. They control what goes viral anyways. Time to go fishing more, this isn't healthy.
This is certainly the busiest thread in the forums.

If we can take positives from this (and I believe we certainly should) it's that people are waking up AND speaking out.

Professionals in the medical field speaking out publicly is especially helpful. The young lady nurse in the video posted above by WW is haunting. The reason is because it is not for sensational purposes but for revelatory purposes. She is revealing what is going on from her friend involved directly there in NY. This is scary because it is so believable. This is the calloused world we live in now especially in very Leftist cities and those that are 'following" orders or at the very least going along with the modus operandi of their superiors giving the orders. I would say most NY MDs are Leftist and disproportionately "Tribal" compared to the rest of the nation. Yes, they stick together in their hivemind, don't they?

Given this is likely, and their group-think hatred against the Right's desire to just get the common man back to work across the nation, whilst "they" are never going to be out of work, it's almost a given they'd have no problems doing what they are doing. The high-falutin' Elitist types at the mass media centers are never going to be out of work. They'll never feel the pain of the common man, especially those in middle America. Yes, I know NY and the Tri-state area have been hit very heavy and I'm not minimizing the pain and death there. But the hospital admins and shot-callers don't seem much concerned about death in their own hospitals. Truly heartless and soulless.
In "De Blassio's" NYC hospitals right now. Wow.

Since the young lady in the video mentioned vitamin D and A, I thought I would share this. A friend was under care for several months by the doctor in the below video and says he is superb.

The scariest thing coming from the powers that be is all this talk of these restrictions becoming "the new normal" and the fearmongering of "this disease could come back in the fall" (a statement of pure speculation and not based on any scientific evidence whatsoever). It's just fearmongering. They want us to give up civil liberties permanently because of something that "could" happen.

Something else I've noticed from visiting the "official" coronavirus websites for different states is that the ones for rural, Western, conservative states seem to be the most fact-based, with a lot of good charts, maps, and statistics, with some such as Alaska and South Dakota already talking about easing restrictions. Websites for places like California and New York focus on how much you peons must obey da regulations, along with promises that the free government buxx will keep flowing (but we're not going to let you go to work and earn a paycheck). And those states are doubling down on restrictions (yesterday here in Marxifornia there was a new sign at the drive-thru requiring all customers to wear masks when pulling up to the takeout window). Michigan's ban on visiting friends' houses is another particularly odious one.

Putting things in perspective, the Spanish flu killed 300 times as many people as this virus, but nobody felt the need to give up their freedom because of it.
The Michigan governor you speak of is a total (word that rhymes with "hunt"). Everyone needs to wake up and realize these restrictions are just about total control.

And by the way, La France Blanche, that is your best avatar ever.
What Will You Do Without Freedom?

The corporate media continues to spew its fear propaganda about Covid-19 non-stop. Even after it is becoming clearer by the day that this strain of flu is no more potentially fatal than most others, there is no recognition of that fact, no attempt to put the number of deaths into any kind of perspective, namely that it appears this flu will kill about the same number of Americans as most flues on average and that the number who die from it is only a quite small fraction of the number of Americans who die from all causes each year.

Instead, everyone is supposed to obediently submit to dramatic, likely permanent, changes in behavior along with having most of the economy shut down.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s there were untold violent domestic acts of insurrection as black militants raged, airplanes were frequently hijacked to Cuba, and opposition to the Vietnam War spawned underground cells of murderers and anarchists. In 1970 alone there were 475 incidents defined as “terrorist attacks” and yet American society, while understandably alarmed, retained normalcy.

Also in 1968, a notably strong strain of flu killed over 100,000 Americans. And again, society went on normally. Could you imagine Americans from 1968 – the fateful year that saw so many events wreak havoc on the country – watching today’s freak show response of zombies wearing facemasks, shuffling along six feet apart from each other?

Americans are informed that there will be a “new normal” after the current “pandemic” mostly subsides. As a guide they are routinely referred to the aftermath of 9/11/2001 and the creation of the TSA and the taking off of shoes and otherwise going through heightened security at airports.

But that’s not the real legacy of 9/11, not even close. The real legacy of 9/11, done in the name of “protecting freedom,” is the Patriot Act and the totalitarian surveillance powers it granted to the central government, along with surveillance cameras everywhere, U.S. military engagements in literally dozens of countries around the world in the name of an endless “war on terror,” many of the interventions conducted completely in secret, and a greatly heightened sense of anxiety and suspicion in the country, suspicion not only of Arab-looking people but of strangers and even neighbors. “See something, say something” has become the byword of the day. Any relationship between that phrase, which was the ruling principle in East Germany, and “freedom” is purely coincidental.

There is a long-standing concept known as assumption of risk. In legal terminology it means someone suing someone else can’t recover if the defendant can demonstrate that the plaintiff voluntarily and knowingly assumed the risks inherent to the activity in which the plaintiff was participating at the time of his or her injury. In broader terms, it means most people regularly engage in activities that they know contain an element of risk, whether it is skiing, boating, playing sports, or even driving a car or flying on a plane.

Knowingly assuming risk is an inherent element of living in a free nation. But in the relentless, non-stop march to totalitarianism, assumption of risk is becoming as archaic a concept as freedom of association, another fundamental characteristic of genuine freedom that is now little more than a historical footnote.

Americans are now considered children by a nanny state that demands to control and micro-manage what everyone does, in the name of “safety,” including ordering the shutdown of most economic activities. And so the aftermath of the ongoing “pandemic” is likely to create large changes in day to day life, even more than did the response to 9/11 in the name of “protecting freedom.”

Few things are creepier and more anti-human than “social distancing.” The United States (and all Western societies to varying degrees for that matter) were already marked by tremendous amounts of loneliness, isolation, alienation and depression. And now we are supposed to act as though all of our fellow men and women are harboring an unseen enemy that will kill us if we so much as touch them. Even touch, so basic and important and vitally needed to feel and be human, is now viewed with suspicion.

What’s changed from the late 1960s to today is nothing less than the fundamental destruction of traditional American society to fit the needs of a globalist empire that more and more regards the American People as an adversary to be subdued and replaced.

Which is also how they regard Freedom and Liberty.

I read this over the weekend and was horrified that some people might think that this horrific pandemic is really no big deal. Listening to the media I was able to get my head straight in that this is the worst deadly pathogen in the history of mankind! Governor Cuomo said that it's Death! So I'm going to huddle in my house for the next year or two until we have a vaccine. Where is our esteemed poster CovidCrisis to give this thread the urgent seriousness that it requires? Like one meme I saw said, "if you had a bowl of skittles and 2 of them were deadly poison and 98 were ok, would you eat from the bowl?" Remember, one cough *cough* and you're dead!!
The latest from here in Texas with Govenor Abbot reopening the state May 1 (Fri). I don't drink so maybe Thursday night at midnight I'll go have a Shirley Temple, but not at a bar...maybe a 7-11:

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The latest from here in Texas with Govenor Abbot reopening the state May 1 (Fri). I don't drink so maybe Thursday night at midnight I'll go have a Shirley Temple:

In Canada two provinces that really don't matter are going to open on the same date, but it will be a gradual process. The outbreak was small in the provinces, probably due to less international travelers exposing the residents. There seem to be less politics about doing this in Canada.......
BeyondFedUp I hate to be “that guy” but this is the 2nd Fake Reopening that your weasel governor has announced. Thats not a reopening at all, thats merely certain businesses being put in a position to fail at 25% capacity and tons of regulations. A lot of the businesses are not allowed nor planned to reopen at all.

This reminds me of an episode of “The Office” where Michael Scott declares Bankruptcy by yelling it. The others in the office then explain that its not how it works. Commie Abbott ( I guess he cant technically grandstand) is yelling Reopen, and people have yet to figure out its not real.
I want to thank our Masters for allowing me to get a haircut today. Although I had to wait in my car until it was my turn, and the stylist was wearing a mask . But, it’s the new normal, right? and I should be grateful...
Dwf Upside,

If you watched the video, it is stated in the video that certain businesses are reopening at only 25% capacity allowed in at a time. And I'm not certain what you mean about a second reopening.

I didn't say at all nor did I imply that this "reopening"is the all that ends all but it's just a bit of a relief from the lockdown. I'm against this whole charade and I think there should have never been a mandated stay-at-home order at all. Except maybe for New York. And also I'm not really a fan of our governor.
In Illinois: MASKS now REQUIRED, but concealed carrying while wearing a mask is illegal. Someone please tell me how this is not an end around the Constitution?

In Illinois: MASKS now REQUIRED, but concealed carrying while wearing a mask is illegal. Someone please tell me how this is not an end around the Constitution?

Thanks for posting that video. The rats are always scheming. The Devil doesn't sleep.
Dave Hodges of 'The Common Sense Show" on The Hagmann Report. I had to listen to this twice to make sure I didn't miss anything:
In Illinois: MASKS now REQUIRED, but concealed carrying while wearing a mask is illegal. Someone please tell me how this is not an end around the Constitution?

Worse than that, how is that even legal? What statute are you going to be written up under if you do not comply? This whole thing is a frightening power grab. All of these finable, jailable offenses are not created in legislatures, but under the auspices of nebulous "emergency powers" that are intended for natural disasters and war. We are being ruled by diktat. If Governor Mao Tse Pritzker of Illinois decides on a whim that we must purchase and wear facemasks, it's now law! How is this different than any other banana republic or tyrannical regime around the world?

Like I said early in this thread, we are screwed. We have signaled that we will simply roll over and give up our freedoms and livelyhoods for whatever the ruling class and the Pravda media decide. And poor Trump. He never saw it coming. They cut his balls off and shoved them down his throat.
A British tabloid gleefully runs the below headline, which was given splash play by Matt Drudge's now despicable site. Again, so what? She's one of tens of millions of Americans who likely have had the Covid-1984 flu bug already, and like 99.99 percent of them won't die from it although the fake news media continues to act like it's a death sentence:

Leader of anti-coronavirus lockdown group that organized protests tests positive for COVID-19
American Freedom News