Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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I know China has overwhelming man power but tech wise they are way behind a NATO force led by the US.

China doesn't have much if any stealth technology and their navy is known to be abysmal also do they have long range capabilities on their war heads? It's only Russia that does and it doesn't mean Russia would side with a Chinese led force in war with NATO, in the late 60's the Soviets came within a hair(allegedly) of using nukes against Chinese troops in border skirmishes in the now Stan republics.

China in this era was quite hawk like and had border skirmishes with India too and led to a bizarre alliance between democratic India and the totalitarian USSR. This alliance also had a double headed defense with India and the USSR being allies against the puppet controlled Pakistan which had a series of military led governments that were perpetually overthrowing corrupt civilian led governments but had US military hardware and moral support.

So you seriously think the U.S. and its NATO partners (satellites) could muster an invasion force, and travel to China and try to conquer China? That this could be done politically and logistically, even before all Western economies were shut down??? Could you imagine President Trump (or Biden or Warren) trying to rally Americans behind a universal draft in order to mount a multi-million man (and female) invasion force to go halfway around the world to take on a country with 1.6 billion people that has a formidable military both in conventional and nuclear terms? And that might be able to count on Russian help. And that great alpha male Trudeau doing the same in Canada, Merkel in Germany, Macron in France, etc. Somehow I think snowflakes (and everyone else who isn't suicidal) won't be too eager for that assignment.

War with China is inconceivable. The U.S. and the West built up China technologically over the last 40+ years so that corporations could profit and it's too late now to think it will be intimidated into submission. The only way war could happen is through nuclear attacks, which would mean the end of civilization. And yes, China has hundreds, maybe thousands, of nukes that can reach the U.S.; it's not North Korea.
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So you seriously think the U.S. and its NATO partners (satellites) could muster an invasion force, and travel to China and try to conquer China? That this could be done politically and logistically, even before all Western economies were shut down??? Could you imagine President Trump (or Biden or Warren) trying to rally Americans behind a universal draft in order to mount a multi-million man (and female) invasion force to go halfway around the world to take on a country with 1.6 billion people that has a formidable military both in conventional and nuclear terms? And that might be able to count on Russian help. And that great alpha male Trudeau doing the same in Canada, Merkel in Germany, Macron in France, etc. Somehow I think snowflakes (and everyone else who isn't suicidal) won't be too eager for that assignment.

War with China is inconceivable. The U.S. and the West built up China technologically over the last 40+ years so that corporations could profit and it's too late now to think it will be intimidated into submission. The only way war could happen is through nuclear attacks, which would mean the end of civilization.
Maybe I miss read the post I thought it was a Chinese invasion, no you are right on a NATO led, it would never happen.

I was using the Chinese rhetoric on their perpetual communist talk on invading Taiwan which all military analysts have said is all bark on no bite because of the lack of naval ability and the US nuke umbrella. Like I said you are right on the NATO aggression and the corporate tie ins with China. It's the same reason why nobody did anything when this happened.......
China is not remotely close to being able to invade the U.S. and is far too shrewd to attempt it. I've been reading claims for decades (yes, decades) by various charlatans and idiots that Chinese troops are either in America or are about to invade, whether coming up north from Mexico or crossing the Pacific. This assumes of course that the U.S. government is in cahoots with the Chinese invaders as a Chinese invasion force couldn't get half a mile off China's coast without Washington being aware of it and wiping it out, and likely well before that as satellites would capture the massing of any large number of troops and equipment.

Unfortunately the alternative media is filled with snake oil salesmen and hustlers. The non-stop fear porn emanating from the corporate media on the current "pandemic" is right down their alley. It's like, "I'll take your hysteria and quadruple it." There are very few "experts" I trust when it comes to the coronavirus. Trying to find truth through the fog of lies and misinformation both on the fake news media and the alternative media has never been more difficult.
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I don't think there is a plan to start a war with China. Now Russia is something different...
Right now, I think both the US and China realize they are the world's superpowers. And both know a land invasion would not work for either. The world as we know it would come to an end if nuclear warheads were launched and retaliated by either. I believe the US and China will try to outdo each other economically. Trump realized this, thus for his tariffs and proposed trade agreements. When things settle down with COVID19, Trump has to apply the screws as he was prior. Both would have to gather alliances. Since China is outright communist, the US will gather the more relevant nations as allies and bring China to its knees economically. China has bought vast businesses in the West and Europe but when the SHTF, that will not matter. At least I hope.
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Americans, and Western Nations (Canada, UK, France, Germany, Scandinavia) have this idea that they are more advanced, sophisticated, or wealthy than Eastern Europeans or Asians. That was true 40 or 50 years ago but it is no longer true today. As seen in this current COVID Crisis, deaths and deathrates have been higher in the West than in Eastern Europe or Asia/Middle East. South Korea, China, Russia, Taiwan, and Saudi Arabia all dealt with the crisis more effectively. There are various reasons for that to do with sovereignty and border control, government response, but it also has to do with standard of healthcare and availability to provide healthcare. Would suggest the aggregate medical infrastructure in a place like S Korea or Russia surpasses that of USA, UK, France.

People in the West like to claim they are wealthier based on Western published GDP #'s, but that doesn't tell the whole story. Western Nations are perennial importers and people living in the West have the highest recorded personal debts in history, so they don't actually own things. On the contrary, an average Westerner lives paycheck to paycheck and owes more than they actually own. That is a financial and material negative.

Western infrastructure used to be miles better than that in Asia, but hospitals, roads and services and industry are now on par in some cases more modern in Asia. It's worth noting that in terms of automobile purchases, China and India are the biggest markets so this idea that we have something like cars in the West that they don't have in the East, while true 50 years ago, is not true today. In fact Asia has surpassed us in that respect. Chinese tourists flock all over the world and these people have a lot of money, in fact many European Universities now cater to Chinese students.

The quality of living in the West is declining and in the East is rising.

I have traveled to Eastern Europe, and while I haven't been to Asia I have family members who have and rest assured parts of China, all of Japan, all of UAE, all of Saudi Arabia, all of South Korea are much more "modern" and wealthy than we are here.

Talking about a nuclear war is a moot point. Russia, China, USA all have the ability to destroy each other and they only need to do that once.
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What’s your point Covid? Should we all be ashamed and worship commies? The Japanese might have a decent argument, and thats only because we civilized them. For as good as Chinese are they are a corrupt soulless group. They wont really outright steal or physically attack you so that makes them better then a couple of continents. But they have zero shame in cheating or embellishing to rip you off. They cant figure out pollution, waste disposal, basic sanitation or empathy for animals. These sick SOB’s if they aren't eating pets alive, they’ll pester and mistreat them completely inhumanely.

You want to go live there and deal with the strange smells and open waste go right ahead. You want to do business with some old egomaniac that has to have some servant kid be his mouthpiece, good luck with that. They aren't better then the west by any means, and if you had to live there youd be crying to come back to the US.
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This covidcrisis guy strikes me strange, did he have any interest in sports- and race related discussion in the first place or did he make an account on this particular website to discuss purely non-sport topics? Someone's alt?
Americans, and Western Nations (Canada, UK, France, Germany, Scandinavia) have this idea that they are more advanced, sophisticated, or wealthy than Eastern Europeans or Asians. That was true 40 or 50 years ago but it is no longer true today. As seen in this current COVID Crisis, deaths and deathrates have been higher in the West than in Eastern Europe or Asia/Middle East. South Korea, China, Russia, Taiwan, and Saudi Arabia all dealt with the crisis more effectively. There are various reasons for that to do with sovereignty and border control, government response, but it also has to do with standard of healthcare and availability to provide healthcare. Would suggest the aggregate medical infrastructure in a place like S Korea or Russia surpasses that of USA, UK, France.

People in the West like to claim they are wealthier based on Western published GDP #'s, but that doesn't tell the whole story. Western Nations are perennial importers and people living in the West have the highest recorded personal debts in history, so they don't actually own things. On the contrary, an average Westerner lives paycheck to paycheck and owes more than they actually own. That is a financial and material negative.

Western infrastructure used to be miles better than that in Asia, but hospitals, roads and services and industry are now on par in some cases more modern in Asia. It's worth noting that in terms of automobile purchases, China and India are the biggest markets so this idea that we have something like cars in the West that they don't have in the East, while true 50 years ago, is not true today. In fact Asia has surpassed us in that respect. Chinese tourists flock all over the world and these people have a lot of money, in fact many European Universities now cater to Chinese students.

The quality of living in the West is declining and in the East is rising.

I have traveled to Eastern Europe, and while I haven't been to Asia I have family members who have and rest assured parts of China, all of Japan, all of UAE, all of Saudi Arabia, all of South Korea are much more "modern" and wealthy than we are here.

Talking about a nuclear war is a moot point. Russia, China, USA all have the ability to destroy each other and they only need to do that once.

"The quality of living in the West is declining and in the East is rising."

Wuhan train station:

China is not remotely close to being able to invade the U.S. and is far too shrewd to attempt it. I've been reading claims for decades (yes, decades) by various charlatans and idiots that Chinese troops are either in America or are about to invade, whether coming up north from Mexico or crossing the Pacific. This assumes of course that the U.S. government is in cahoots with the Chinese invaders as a Chinese invasion force couldn't get half a mile off China's coast without Washington being aware of it and wiping it out, and likely well before that as satellites would capture the massing of any large number of troops and equipment.

Unfortunately the alternative media is filled with snake oil salesmen and hustlers. The non-stop fear porn emanating from the corporate media on the current "pandemic" is right down their alley. It's like, "I'll take your hysteria and quadruple it." There are very few "experts" I trust when it comes to the coronavirus. Trying to find truth through the fog of lies and misinformation both on the fake news media and the alternative media has never been more difficult.

Of course. Chinese troops invade and bomb nobody, unlike Israel and its north american colony which invade and bomb foreign countries daily. The only places that China invades or wants to invade are places that it considers parts of its country, Tibet being a sad example. The Uighurs in western China are mostly white but they are Mohamedans and China doesn't f with that malevolent cult...that the west is forced to import!

The controlled US media manipulate the US populace like marionettes. When the US govmt. lured General Suleimani, the most popular man in Iran and the man most responsible for defeating the ISIS terrorists - alleged enemies of USRael - except that they never attacked Israel - ain't that funny? - and the US "accidentally" kept dropping supplies on them and never noticed their huge convoys of brand new Toyotas crossing the open desert in broad daylight, and the rat McCain repeatedly visited their top bosses - and then the US govmt. - yeah Trump - murdered Gen. Suleimani - and the controlled media had the sheeple howling to turn Iran into green glass; and likewise when the Iraqis made a little attempt to get the American occupiers out of their country, the media blamed the enemy du jour, Iran - and these are just recent occurrences. It goes on and on ad finitum. It works every single time, every single BS war the US has been endlessly involved in, always some fake terror attack or deliberate set up (like Pearl Harbor) or press stories about how some country like China wants to invade us and/or destroy our way of life...what way of life? This country is rapidly becoming/already become a multiracial hellhole!

So tell me why Russia and Iran and China is supposed to be my enemy, while Saudi Arabia and Israel and "new" South Africa is supposed to be my friend? China does conquer, but economically, by their incredible productivity - and yeah stealing ideas too - but they don't expend their resources on celebrating diversity and endless foreign wars.

Now they have engineered a big depression here, and the way they get out of their depressions is starting wars - like they did with Germany, because while the rest of the world was mired in the great depression Germany's economy was booming as they had opted out of the international banking usury racket, and that was the real cause of WW2. So get ready for some big false flag attack from Iran...because they can't fight China because every freaking thing in the US is made in China, and forget about Russia because those white people can fight back and how! - and out of all the wars they have been in since they integrated their military they haven't won one. Even tiny Granada kicked ass. They are, however, good at bombing defenseless people from 30,000 feet and killing people with drones from the comfort of some little office with a computer screen and a control stick with a button on it.
Interesting note on the coronavirus - the local news here said that they are laying off hospital workers because there are so many empty hospital beds!

But if CV is nothing but a hyped up flu, what about NYC? Was it just a very bad flu season in NY? What happened in Italy? What happened in Iran? A lot of people are dying in a lot of places, and almost every country is acting scared. I don't know.
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Same thing here werewolf where I stay. The CEO of the hospital is predicting a 4 million dollar loss. How can that be? We only have had 3 cases so far thank goodness. I recently had to have a nasal swab and man it was not what I was expecting. I thought the nurse was going to push the swab through my freaking brain. I don't think of myself soft in any way but it was as bad as a prostate exam.
I've been trying to support local businesses as much as I can. I don't want them to go under.

Restaurants are making special arrangements to try to stay in business. Recently I got a delivery from an Italian restaurant. A Greek restaurant I used to go so occasionally has takeout and they really gave a large quantity of food. You can call the restaurants to see what arrangements they have.

Support your local white businesses as much as you can!
I've been trying to support local businesses as much as I can. I don't want them to go under.

Restaurants are making special arrangements to try to stay in business. Recently I got a delivery from an Italian restaurant. A Greek restaurant I used to go so occasionally has takeout and they really gave a large quantity of food. You can call the restaurants to see what arrangements they have.

Support your local white businesses as much as you can!

Just scooped a pizza from a local spot, best pizza in town !
Can I have a piece? Lol.

Hopefully these places will stay in business.

Sending you a virtual slice.

Yes let's hope so. I know a lot of the bars in my area are locally owned and are definitely hurting right now. As others have mentioned if this goes on much longer, could be catastrophic to small business. I recently purchased a bartenders license too in the 2020, great timing on my part.
Michigan just became the 3rd state to ban the sale of seeds. The governor also says you cannot travel tommorow even to families house. This is an attack on all of our freedoms.

People need to wake up before the US is turned to socialism/communism very quickly. Things are happening so fast.

It's biblical guys. For those that believe, trust in God & Jesus. For others just prepare for the worst as we might see world wide food shortages very soon.

Good luck to all of us!
Sending you a virtual slice.

Yes let's hope so. I know a lot of the bars in my area are locally owned and are definitely hurting right now. As others have mentioned if this goes on much longer, could be catastrophic to small business. I recently purchased a bartenders license too in the 2020, great timing on my part.
If the total lock down lasts until July this will be a disaster for even national chain franchisees. I remember when this first started I had to go out and search for toilet paper and rice and things were very casual at McDonalds and other chains where they voluntarily allowed self policing for social distancing. Then when the government ordered closing down of the dining areas, washrooms were locked, napkins were rationed and you were forced to eat your meals outside which is a total disaster for sales if the customer doesn't want to eat in their vehicle or is on foot.

I know I haven't ordered even a coffee since and if you multiply that by thousands of people in my area that's millions of dollars lost...
Godfather Ellis Island - YouTube › watch › watch
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upload_2020-4-12_10-15-51.jpeg▶ 3:46
Nov 17, 2013 - Uploaded by Hola Soy Jey
Michael Corleone in 10 Minutes - Duration: 10:01. Grant McKeever 1,086,219 views · 10:01 · What "Lady ...Here's the scoop gentlemen, Watch this at 2:50 (people who were not disease free after the quarantine were sent back to their country) if you don't want to watch the whole thing. This is why this thing is the way it is. The govt. has gotten rid of all standards and people have been coming in here with all sorts of illnesses for years now. We had beaten TB in this country and my wife worked as an RN for the city of NY in a TB clinic. Many of the patients (virtually all foreigners) had drug resistant TB and wouldn't take their medication. This is mainly concentrated in the foreign population and black communities, groups notorious for bad hygiene, mal-nourishment and are generally sickly. This is known by the govt. and media but with the frenzy about "EQUALITY," the authorities are fearful that people might start questioning the govt. mantra. So they subject the entire population to this virtual quarantine.

When the virus first started spreading I saw a lot of chatter on twitter from blacks about how they were superior and were not being affected by the virus - The "We Wuz Kangs" mentality. Now more and more I am seeing articles that are trying to make the virus essentially racist because it is disproportionately affecting black and brown people in America. I found Malcolm Jenkins post pretty cringeworthy - using the same method he did with the whole Toucan Kneeling thing - trying first to praise the armed forces before attacking the supposedly racist US Govt. This time he thanks the MDs, RNs, healthcare workers etc before launching the same attack. In both of these attacks he never once brings up the lack of accountability within the black community. We are seeing the same type of nonsense in Chicago and DC - no mention of underlying conditions, not practicing social distancing, drinking alchol/smoking weed and cigarettes which could all be contributors. According to Jenkins all of the blacks are the "essential workers" that are being exposed. Give me a break. Just goes to show how the far-left will turn anything into playing the race card. He was noticeably silent when all of those Italians were dying though wasn't he?
The globalist snake Fauci criticizes Trump. The media narrative now is that Trump should have acted sooner when he acted quickly and reasonably. Trump has done a great job as a leader during this travail, his only mistake is once again surrounding himself with enemies like Fauci. The reason the economy was shut down was because clowns like Fauci were predicting millions of deaths and then hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Top doc Fauci admits lives could have been saved if US had shut down in February – but there was ‘pushback’
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2 days ago I was reading that Boris Johnson was in the ICU and today I read that he was discharged. I'm not a doctor, but you typically are monitored for at least a few days after being downgraded from the ICU to a regular hospital bed before being discharged from what I've seen so this doesn't make sense to me. Information is just being carelessly thrown around from these mainstream media outlets. I was in the store yesterday and half the people were wearing masks with no gloves and the other half were wearing gloves with no mask. People clearly don't know what the hell to think. One day the CDC predicts 240 million cases in the US with hundreds of thousands of deaths and the next day they say the were wrong and change it. It's just getting ridiculous at this point. It's not going to take much longer before people start getting fed up with this.
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