Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Haven't ever thought about chemtrails one way or another. This would seem nearly impossible to cover-up if you worked in the aviation field. If you believe in them, then its worth looking into though.

Far fewer planes are flying now.
Far fewer planes are flying now.

True, but when the skies are being sprayed here, the planes are always 35,000 to 40,000 feet up, not taking off or landing at Pittsburgh International Airport, which is about 30 miles from where I live. Werewolf, you're old enough to remember that chemtrails didn't exist until around the mid-1990s, yet when the establishment attempts to explain them they say it's because of certain conditions in the atmosphere. BS! Almost every time there's a sunny day here (a rare event as it is), by afternoon the sky is turned hazy from artificial clouds spreading out from "contrails," which used to always disappear in minutes.

I'm not saying it's necessarily evil or malicious in design, for all I know it's benevolent (man playing God), but it's certainly taking place. What I've noticed is that all the fake clouds make for less difference between daily highs and lows. Many think the spraying has contributed to respiratory problems because of the chemicals being sprayed. It's curious that those always whining about man-made climate change never mention chemtrails, the most obvious example of climate change, but as the climate change cult is part of the greater international communist movement it's not a surprise at all.
It's a beautiful day here today. Nice blue sky thanks to no chemtrails, and vehicle traffic is about two-thirds what it usually is even though Pennsylvania is supposed to be locked down. The local park is filled with people walking, jogging, bike riding, canoeing, fishing, etc. Lots of people just out and about taking walks. Did notice a couple of long-time businesses had shut down for good, and a White couple used a baby and a baby stroller to steal some things from the drug store while I was there.

With every day that passes the weather gets a little warmer, and more and more realize that there has been an extreme top-down over-reaction to this flu virus. The government likely will have to open up the country at the end of the month, at least parts of it, or the people will start doing it for them.
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In March, U.S. Deaths From COVID-19 Totaled Less Than 2% Of All Deaths

by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

About 2.9 million people die in the United States each year from all causes. Monthly this total ranges from around 220,000 in the summertime to more than 280,000 in winter.


In recent decades, flu season has often peaked sometime from January to March, and this is a major driver in total deaths. The average daily number of deaths from December through March is over eight thousand.

excess deaths." Lee writes:

The simplest way to judge whether we have an exceptionally lethal disease is to look at the death rates. Are more people dying than we would expect to die anyway in a given week or month? Statistically, we would expect about 51,000 to die in Britain this month. At the time of writing, 422 deaths are linked to Covid-19—so 0.8 per cent of that expected total. On a global basis, we’d expect 14 million to die over the first three months of the year. The world’s 18,944 coronavirus deaths represent 0.14 per cent of that total. These figures might shoot up but they are, right now, lower than other infectious diseases that we live with (such as flu). Not figures that would, in and of themselves, cause drastic global reactions.

How do these numbers look in the United States? During March of 2020, there were 4,053 COVID-19 deaths according to Worldometer. That is 1.6 percent of total deaths in March 2019 (total data on March 2020 deaths is still too preliminary to offer a comparison). For context, we could note that total deaths increased by about four thousand from March 2018 to March 2019. So for March, the increase in total deaths is about equal to what we already saw as a pre-COVID increase from March 2018 to March 2019.


As Lee notes, total COVID-19 deaths could still increase significantly this season, but even then we must ask what percentage of total deaths warrants an international panic. Is it 5 percent? Ten percent? The question has never been addressed, and so far, a figure of 1 percent of total deaths in some places is being treated as a reason to forcibly shut down the global economy.

recently noted, pneumonia deaths have often been far more common than COVID-19 deaths are right now: "Based on National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) mortality surveillance data available on March 26, 2020, 8.2 percent of the deaths occurring during the week ending on March 21, 2020 (week 12), were due to [pneumonia and influenza]."

Meanwhile there is a trend toward to attributing more of those pneumonia deaths to COVID-19 rather than influenza, although this doesn't actually mean the total mortality rate has increased. The CDC report continues: "the percent of all deaths with Influenza listed as a cause have decreased (from 1.0% to 0.8%) over this same time period. The increase in pneumonia deaths during this time period are likely associated with COVID-19 rather than influenza." This doesn't represent a total increase in pneumonia deaths, just a change in how they are recorded.

This reflects an increased focus on attributing deaths to COVID-19, as noted by Lee:

In the current climate, anyone with a positive test for Covid-19 will certainly be known to clinical staff looking after them: if any of these patients dies, staff will have to record the Covid-19 designation on the death certificate—contrary to usual practice for most infections of this kind. There is a big difference between Covid-19 causing death, and Covid-19 being found in someone who died of other causes. Making Covid-19 notifiable might give the appearance of it causing increasing numbers of deaths, whether this is true or not. It might appear far more of a killer than flu, simply because of the way deaths are recorded.

Given this rush to maximize the number of deaths attributable to COVID-19, what will April's data look like? It may be that COVID-19 deaths could then indeed number 10 or 20 percent of all deaths.

But the question remains: will total deaths increase substantially compared to April 2019 or April 2018? If they don't, this will call into question whether or not COVID-19 is the engine of mortality that many government bureaucrats insist it is. After all, if April's mortality remains "about the same" as the usual total and comes in around 230,000–235,000, then obsessive concern over COVID-19 would be justified only if it can be proven April 2020 deaths would have plummeted year-over-year had it not been for COVID-19.

Meanwhile the CDC is instructing medical staff to report deaths as COVID-19 deaths even when no test has confirmed the presence of the disease. In a Q and A on death certificates published by the CDC on March 24, the agency advises:

data shows 99 percent of COVID-19 deaths occurred in patients who had at least one other condition. More than 48 percent had three other conditions. Similar cases in the US are now likely to be routinely reported simply as COVID-19 cases.


Source: Total death and flu/pneumonia death data via National Center for Health Statistics ( COVID-19 totals via Worldometer COVID stats.

Unfortunately, because total death data is not reported immediately, we have yet to see how this plays out.

We do know historically, however, that deaths attributed to flu and pneumonia over the past decade have tended to make up around five to ten percent of all deaths, depending on the severity of the "season." Last week (week 14, the week ending April 4) was the first week during which COVID-19 deaths exceeded flu and pneumonia deaths, coming in at 11 percent of all death for that week. The prior week, (week 13, the week ending Mar 28) COVID-19 deaths made up 3.3 percent of all deaths.

Until we have reliable numbers on all deaths in coming weeks, it will be impossible to know the extent to which COVID-19 are "cannibalizing" flu and pneumonia deaths overall. That is, if the COVID-19 totals skyrocket, but total deaths remain relatively stable, than we might guess that many deaths formerly attributed simply to pneumonia, or to flu, are now being labeled as COVID-19 deaths. Potentially, this could also be the case for other patients, such as those with advanced cases of diabetes.
I live in a city in Texas of about 300,000 population. My work takes me all over town. I am already fed up seeing the city turned into a ghost town. I mean there is still quite a bit of daytime traffic but the main mall parking lot that is probably a few square miles and that doesnt include multitudes of other nearby shopping and industry empty except for a few sparse vehicles here and there. The main exception is food stops and supermarkets. The entire county has had a whopping 6 deaths. The city has had maybe 4 of those. This is a total overreaction. And to think we have another month of this, at a minimum??

Our Govenor is Abbot and Senator is Cruz. Texas has always been a "rebel" and independent "f off" state historically and dissent is common here. I can't see how this will go on with some guys here with necks a lot redder than mine who will likely start ignoring the latest standards and get back to work no matter who likes it.
I've seen lots of blacks and mestizos walk out of public restrooms without washing their hands. I rarely see a white person do that. This is one explanation of why they are harder hit. They're not doing the things they're supposed to.
They could also be more vulnerable, of course I have no expertise but it makes sense when you look at all ethnic groups that certain groups handle food, get diseases at different rates and maybe fight this disease different. Scientists won't have time to research this but it's a strong possibility.
I haven't seen a single chemtrail since the national lockdown started. With little air traffic, the machinations of those spraying the skies on a regular crisis might become too obvious if continued.
I saw video online that the Venice canals are the cleanest they have been in a good century. I even saw gold fish floating and swimming in the canals. It would be interesting to see if the carbon admissions over an extended lock down slowed global warming.

Where I live is a ghost town and nobody seems to venture out beyond grocery runs.

Ps, maybe a ray of light as the epicenter of the virus is officially out of total lock down for now.......
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True, but when the skies are being sprayed here, the planes are always 35,000 to 40,000 feet up, not taking off or landing at Pittsburgh International Airport, which is about 30 miles from where I live. Werewolf, you're old enough to remember that chemtrails didn't exist until around the mid-1990s, yet when the establishment attempts to explain them they say it's because of certain conditions in the atmosphere. BS! Almost every time there's a sunny day here (a rare event as it is), by afternoon the sky is turned hazy from artificial clouds spreading out from "contrails," which used to always disappear in minutes.

I'm not saying it's necessarily evil or malicious in design, for all I know it's benevolent (man playing God), but it's certainly taking place. What I've noticed is that all the fake clouds make for less difference between daily highs and lows. Many think the spraying has contributed to respiratory problems because of the chemicals being sprayed. It's curious that those always whining about man-made climate change never mention chemtrails, the most obvious example of climate change, but as the climate change cult is part of the greater international communist movement it's not a surprise at all.

Unobservant as I am I can't say I've ever paid much attention to those things, not to discount their possible significance. The way I see it something is turning men into women in the western countries and vice versa, and for all I know we're being sprayed from high altitude. I think I've mentioned it before - the unusual science fiction writer who wrote under the aliases James Tiptree and Racoona Sheldon and upon her death was shown to be a CIA employee named Alice Sheldon...and her 1977 short story entitled "The Screwfly Solution" about aliens who wanted to colonize planet earth and so were spraying humans with a "bug spray" that made men hate women, leading of course to extinction, same as would a homosexuality spray (or food or water ingredient).
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The chemtrails wouldn’t make sense if these scumbag puppet-masters lived amongst us. Of course neither would detonating nuke bombs in the atmosphere and all the other poisonous crap they do, that you would think has to effect them as well.

This is going to sound paranoid but they have to have some type of superior technology at their disposal. Most of the super cool things that end up enslaving us are shown in advance out of necessity to screw us. The internet, space travel, etc. They couldn't convince us to put spy satellites in orbit and gleefully wear tracking/ recording devices without the promise of something else. If these chemtrails are real, then a must be some super bad stuff. They cant lie and say that they are helping the weather or something and then not prevent draughts.

i never look up at the skies for the most part to notice the difference. Most of my life has been spent in rural areas though maybe the stark contrast of living in a big city would make it more obvious.
I've seen the chemtrails like Don since the mid to late 90's. It was never like that in the past. When they do heavy spraying the sky looks like a tic tac toe grid. It's
so unnatural. I can't believe more people don't notice it. I've also woken up early with blue skys everywhere and weather man says all clear and sunny. Then the planes
take over for around 4 to 6 hours or more and then the sky has fake man made clouds everywhere. We are still gettting sprayed alot where I live. All last week and the
week before.
I've seen the chemtrails like Don since the mid to late 90's. It was never like that in the past. When they do heavy spraying the sky looks like a tic tac toe grid. It's
so unnatural. I can't believe more people don't notice it. I've also woken up early with blue skys everywhere and weather man says all clear and sunny. Then the planes
take over for around 4 to 6 hours or more and then the sky has fake man made clouds everywhere. We are still gettting sprayed alot where I live. All last week and the
week before.
I thought it may have been additives to the fuel that makes the trails until I watched them do grid patterns turning the stream on and off again at the same altitude
Dr. Ron Paul: "Fauci's Coronavirus Numbers Collapse - Why Still Listen To Him?"

Unobservant as I am I can't say I've ever paid much attention to those things, not to discount their possible significance. The way I see it something is turning men into women in the western countries and vice versa, and for all I know we're being sprayed from high altitude. I think I've mentioned it before - the unusual science fiction writer who wrote under the aliases James Tiptree and Racoona Sheldon and upon her death was shown to be a CIA employee named Alice Sheldon...and her 1977 short story entitled "The Screwtape Solution" about aliens who wanted to colonize planet earth and so were spraying humans with a "bug spray" that made men hate women, leading of course to extinction, same as would a homosexuality spray (or food or water ingredient).

Natch aliens. I am the last person on earth who believes in that crap but hormonal disruption is a real thing. Think of the bee population in decline which has scientists worried.

Hormone issues are often related to pesticides. I am deeply weary of being exposed to them although they are a necessity but they are overused and too often proper precautions aren't followed. For example it is not a good idea to spray Raid inside a house. That junk does not break down fast enough and lingers. And they are present in food to varying degrees.

Too often pesticides are used for beautification. They should only be used to prevent pestilence but across America we have a bunch of lawn perfectionists. That apparently is more important than the crud leaching into the water supply etc..

Studies have shown pesticides are associated with estrogen release and male hormone deterioration. On top of that some of the food supply is pumped full of hormones like beef, pork and chicken. Ever wondered why younger girls have such big tits at an early age these days? Hell when I was growing up a girl with big boobs was rare. And of course there are often too high mercury levels in fish including the mass selling albacore tuna. I eat and prefer albacore to that other cat food ( chunk) tuna version but I limit my intake to two times a week.

Even though life expectancy is stable or appears to be going up people are afflicted with various sorts of chemical damage that can affect mood ( depression) and stamina. And of course cancer and neurological conditions like non hereditary Parkinson's disease are often associated with chemical exposure. Stay away from a factory that uses harsh degreasing formulas. And funeral home directors have a shorter life span because of formaldehyde exposure. At one time here in the US cheap ass particle board was loaded with formaldehyde.

In fact there are a multitude of jobs, most often blue collar, where employees are exposed to countless chemicals that can have negative affects. Even common home cleaning agents shoudn't be used indiscriminately..
Pratt and Whitney employees over the years have died prematurely from fast moving cancers which is likely the result of constant exposure to things like nickel dust etc. Of course Pratt is a big boy so their high powered lawyers have easily fended off law suits.

It is exceedingly difficult to avoid modern day chemicals but I try as best as I can to minimize my exposure. Chemicals are ubiquitous though. And I don't think we fully understand quite yet how all these things affect hormones in humans. Think of an electronic box store that sells televisions. Ever notice that faint pungent sweet smell in the air? That is the result of TV components, often plastic in nature, being heated and off gassing. That new car smell that some people think is neat is actually the result of plastic off gassing. Gives me an instant headache. Throw in fire retardants found in mattresses and who knows what else we live in a variable semi toxic environment.

Modern life comes with a price. It is a delicate balance. There has been some advances though and better awareness. Think of cigarettes. Until the day I die I will never understand the allure of cigarette smoking. There was a time when lawn care companies used to spray their pesticides willy-nilly without any cautions attached as children would rush out to play on the freshly chemical laden lawn. In recent times though they are required to post on the lawn the day they sprayed.

So some more understanding ( hence the organic food boon although I cant afford that diet) but there is still plenty of bad stuff around.
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Dr. Ron Paul: "Fauci's Coronavirus Numbers Collapse - Why Still Listen To Him?"

Fauci should be "let go". Him and the WHO and CDC are in cahoots and Bill Gates seems like a major string-puller in all this. Not good. Thanks for posting that. I enjoy Dr. Paul's commentary and had the privilege of seeing him speak in person back in 2009, while his political ambitions were still in the forefront. He's very amicable and received several standing ovations. He was always ignored by the press as his positions made too much sense, so they couldn't expose him to the masses. Keep the sheep dumb and lie to them is their modus operandi.
Natch aliens. I am the last person on earth who believes in that crap but hormonal disruption is a real thing. Think of the bee population in decline which has scientists worried.

Hormone issues are often related to pesticides. I am deeply weary of being exposed to them although they are a necessity but they are overused and too often proper precautions aren't followed. For example it is not a good idea to spray Raid inside a house. That junk does not break down fast enough and lingers. And they are present in food to varying degrees.

Too often pesticides are used for beautification. They should only be used to prevent pestilence but across America we have a bunch of lawn perfectionists. That apparently is more important than the crud leaching into the water supply etc..

Studies have shown pesticides are associated with estrogen release and male hormone deterioration. On top of that some of the food supply is pumped full of hormones like beef, pork and chicken. Ever wondered why younger girls have such big tits at an early age these days? Hell when I was growing up a girl with big boobs was rare. And of course there are often too high mercury levels in fish including the mass selling albacore tuna. I eat and prefer albacore to that other cat food ( chunk) tuna version but I limit my intake to two times a week.

Even though life expectancy is stable or appears to be going up people are afflicted with various sorts of chemical damage that can affect mood ( depression) and stamina. And of course cancer and neurological conditions like non hereditary Parkinson's disease are often associated with chemical exposure. Stay away from a factory that uses harsh degreasing formulas. And funeral home directors have a shorter life span because of formaldehyde exposure. At one time here in the US cheap ass particle board was loaded with formaldehyde.

In fact there are a multitude of jobs, most often blue collar, where employees are exposed to countless chemicals that can have negative affects. Even common home cleaning agents shoudn't be used indiscriminately..
Pratt and Whitney employees over the years have died prematurely from fast moving cancers which is likely the result of constant exposure to things like nickel dust etc. Of course Pratt is a big boy so their high powered lawyers have easily fended off law suits.

It is exceedingly difficult to avoid modern day chemicals but I try as best as I can to minimize my exposure. Chemicals are ubiquitous though. And I don't think we fully understand quite yet how all these things affect hormones in humans. Think of an electronic box store that sells televisions. Ever notice that faint pungent sweet smell in the air? That is the result of TV components, often plastic in nature, being heated and off gassing. That new car smell that some people think is neat is actually the result of plastic off gassing. Gives me an instant headache. Throw in fire retardants found in mattresses and who knows what else we live in a variable semi toxic environment.

Modern life comes with a price. It is a delicate balance. There has been some advances though and better awareness. Think of cigarettes. Until the day I die I will never understand the allure of cigarette smoking. There was a time when lawn car companies used to spray their pesticides willy-nilly without any cautions attached as children would rush out to play on the freshly chemical laden lawn. In recent times though they are required to post on the lawn the day they sprayed.

So some more understanding ( hence the organic food boon although I cant afford that diet) but there is still plenty of bad stuff around.

Good post, but I didn't mean "aliens" - that was in the Tiptree story, "The Screwfly Solution". I meant something seems to be helping to destroy the white race and western civilization by, yes, "hormonal disruption", just like the aliens were doing in that story - and maybe it's accidentally from pesticides, etc., or maybe it's intentional. We have enough enemies with the motive to do that.
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I recall you raising this chemical hormonal imbalance connection subject quite a long time ago and good for you. It is a very important topic. I find, and perhaps you and others feel the same, that people often use harsh chemicals in a cavalier manner. Too many people liberally use pesticides and either don't know and or care that they posses toxic characteristics. I stay far away from them.

When I was in high school we had a neighbor who routinely used bug spray on his lawn and trees. It was so pungent and strong it would reek for days and it got to the point where I couldn't play catch etc. outside. And these days I can recognize those lawn care chemicals which have a distinct odor. I'll be going for a walk and get a whiff of it and sure enough I look down and the lawn I am passing has those little yellow posts notifying pesticide usage.

I often wonder what places use "bug spray" and how often? I am guessing restaurants and perhaps movie theaters use it? Grocery stores. Golf courses for sure.
Major issues going on during this Covid crisis against the 2A in the state of Mass. Not sure how many posters we have from there but if there are any maybe some could comment on this:
I have one question, sorry if it sounds a little bit skittish. I continually argue with people about Wuhan Virus etc etc until I am blue in the face, in reality people dont want to hear differing opinions from the Fake media outlets. I believe China wants war with the US and western allies including Canada. They are breaking these countries down from the inside out with this financial crisis and corresponding marshall laws imposed in these countries. My question is this: If China and USA do go to war how may Chinese expats, citizens worldwide will turn on whites in the countries they are living in. IE will Chinese Canadians turn on White Canadians in a time of war? Will American Chinese turn on whites in America etc etc If this happens as I think it will in the event of war we are in big trouble. I believe China has been infiltrating western countries with immigration for years just for this purpose. If this sounds paranoid or far fetched I apologize in advance...
I recall you raising this chemical hormonal imbalance connection subject quite a long time ago and good for you. It is a very important topic. I find, and perhaps you and others feel the same, that people often use harsh chemicals in a cavalier manner. Too many people liberally use pesticides and either don't know and or care that they posses toxic characteristics. I stay far away from them.

When I was in high school we had a neighbor who routinely used bug spray on his lawn and trees. It was so pungent and strong it would reek for days and it got to the point where I couldn't play catch etc. outside. And these days I can recognize those lawn care chemicals which have a distinct odor. I'll be going for a walk and get a whiff of it and sure enough I look down and the lawn I am passing has those little yellow posts notifying pesticide usage.

I often wonder what places use "bug spray" and how often? I am guessing restaurants and perhaps movie theaters use it? Grocery stores. Golf courses for sure.

Years ago I worked with a guy, a big strong Italian guy, and I was riding motorcycle at the time and so was he. He walked on a lawn that had just been sprayed, had a severe allergic reaction, and died.

Sprintastar - "War is a Racket" - General S. Butler, the most highly decorated Marine in US history. They are creating a huge depression and the way they get out of their depressions is by starting a big war. I am pro-Asian and feel that white people and Asian people are complementary with one another. I want the US and China - and Iran - and most definitely Russia, the last great stronghold of the White race! - to be friends. Then black Africa can be made into a big game preserve with some natives saved in their native habitat to entertain the tourists.

Shadowlight: "Hormonal disruption" -


The FBI has been a corrupt - and hormonally disrupted - agency for a long time.
I have one question, sorry if it sounds a little bit skittish. I continually argue with people about Wuhan Virus etc etc until I am blue in the face, in reality people dont want to hear differing opinions from the Fake media outlets. I believe China wants war with the US and western allies including Canada. They are breaking these countries down from the inside out with this financial crisis and corresponding marshall laws imposed in these countries. My question is this: If China and USA do go to war how may Chinese expats, citizens worldwide will turn on whites in the countries they are living in. IE will Chinese Canadians turn on White Canadians in a time of war? Will American Chinese turn on whites in America etc etc If this happens as I think it will in the event of war we are in big trouble. I believe China has been infiltrating western countries with immigration for years just for this purpose. If this sounds paranoid or far fetched I apologize in advance...

If Washington is to have any chance of winning a war with China, it would have to be a nuclear one as there's no way Washington could win a conventional war, and there's no way to "win" a nuclear conflagration. The U.S. hasn't won a conventional war since WWII, either losing or "tying" a series of mostly Third World countries since then other than the first Iraq war, and even that one wasn't a full-fledged victory as American forces withdrew and Saddam stayed in power. The overwhelming Chinese advantage in manpower would overwhelm American forces even if an all-out draft were instituted.

And if it goes nuclear, there won't be any Chinese turning on Whites in Canada and the U.S., as we'll all be smoldering, radioactive corpses when not obliterated altogether. It's mind-boggling how casually people talk about war between China and the U.S., or between Russia and the U.S. Nuclear war means the end of life on Earth, as Paul Craig Roberts and many others have passionately been warning.
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Totally agree, the days of war are over. At least between any 2 countries with nukes. It would be the fakest gayest war to happen if it went on without nukes.
This is absurd. Maybe public whippings are next.

WATCH: Police Raid Church’s Drive-In Service, Issue $500 Tickets to Entire Congregation

If Washington is to have any chance of winning a war with China, it would have to be a nuclear one as there's no way Washington could win a conventional war, and there's no way to "win" a nuclear conflagration. The U.S. hasn't won a conventional war since WWII, either losing or "tying" a series of mostly Third World countries since then other than the first Iraq war, and even that one wasn't a full-fledged victory as American forces withdrew and Saddam stayed in power. The overwhelming Chinese advantage in manpower would overwhelm American forces even if an all-out draft were instituted.

And if it goes nuclear, there won't be any Chinese turning on Whites in Canada and the U.S., as we'll all be smoldering, radioactive corpses when not obliterated altogether. It's mind-boggling how casually people talk about war between China and the U.S., or between Russia and the U.S. Nuclear war means the end of life on Earth, as Paul Craig Roberts and many others have passionately been warning.
I know China has overwhelming man power but tech wise they are way behind a NATO force led by the US.

China doesn't have much if any stealth technology and their navy is known to be abysmal also do they have long range capabilities on their war heads? It's only Russia that does and it doesn't mean Russia would side with a Chinese led force in war with NATO, in the late 60's the Soviets came within a hair(allegedly) of using nukes against Chinese troops in border skirmishes in the now Stan republics.

China in this era was quite hawk like and had border skirmishes with India too and led to a bizarre alliance between democratic India and the totalitarian USSR. This alliance also had a double headed defense with India and the USSR being allies against the puppet controlled Pakistan which had a series of military led governments that were perpetually overthrowing corrupt civilian led governments but had US military hardware and moral support.
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