Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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The globalist snake Fauci criticizes Trump. The media narrative now is that Trump should have acted sooner when he acted quickly and reasonably. Trump has done a great job as a leader during this travail, his only mistake is once again surrounding himself with enemies like Fauci.

Top doc Fauci admits lives could have been saved if US had shut down in February – but there was ‘pushback’

Trump is in a damned if you do/damned if you don't position with the media. Either way he would of been criticized. If he had shut down the US in February everyone would be blaming him for overreacting thus causing the economic issues. If he had shut down international travel from China he would of been labeled racist. I do agree 100% with you on Trump's handling of the crisis - he acted at the right time and the death projections have gone done astronomically from Fauci's initial 2million prediction - we may not even see 200,000 deaths which is what he dialed his prediction down too. Fauci is a CDC shill - a bureaucrat MD with an agenda who leans left on the political spectrum. At least now we are seeing the political left in this country show their true colors for everyone to see - painting the pandemic in anyway to fit into their agenda - socioeconomic/racist/attempt at a powergrab etc than actually wanting to protect the people. That video I posted by Dr. Shiva gave a alot of great info on how Fauci is tied into Big Pharma and how the pharmaceuticals make their money.
Michigan just became the 3rd state to ban the sale of seeds. The governor also says you cannot travel tommorow even to families house. This is an attack on all of our freedoms.

People need to wake up before the US is turned to socialism/communism very quickly. Things are happening so fast.

It's biblical guys. For those that believe, trust in God & Jesus. For others just prepare for the worst as we might see world wide food shortages very soon.

Good luck to all of us!
Hopefully the mitigation orders will be lifted by the 4th of July, so we can celebrate our Freedom!! o_O
Saw this opinion piece the other day from a New Hampshire pol site. Interesting take:
Isn’t That Interesting

We may have sheltered in place a little too long…

The Coronavirus started in Wuhan, isn’t that interesting. Did you know that the distance from Wuhan to Shanghai is 537 miles? The driving distance from Wuhan to Beijing is 720 miles. Did you know the driving distance from Wuhan to Milan is 6,724 miles? The flying distance from Wuhan to NY is 7,497 miles. Isn’t that interesting.

There is little effect of Coronavirus in nearby Beijing. There is little effect in Shanghai. That’s curious. All business areas of China are now safe. That’s interesting. There are many deaths in Italy, Europe, Iran, European countries and USA. There are significant disruptions nearly worldwide. What does China know that we ought to know?

India is locked down but all the cities of China are open. China has announced the opening of Wuhan today. Not a single leader in China has tested positive for the coronavirus. The Coronavirus has its origin in the city of Wuhan in China. The virus is now reaching every corner of the world. The virus did not reach China’s capital Beijing 720 miles down the road. It did not reach China’s Economic Capital Shanghai, located 537 miles down the road. Isn’t that interesting.

Economic impacts…
The coronavirus is ruining many economies around the world. Many countries have undertaken closures of their borders. Trade is grinding to a halt. The action is an attempt to contain and control the spread of Coronavirus. Many thousands have lost their lives. Millions now have the disease. Governments are locking billions of people in their homes. Many countries are placing their citizens on lock down. China isn’t under lock down. Isn’t that interesting.

The order in Paris is closure, New York closure, Berlin closure, Delhi closure, Mumbai closure and Tokyo closure. Those cities are not in China. The world’s major economic and political centers are experiencing closure. But Beijing and Shanghai are open. Why is that? There are no coronavirus significant effects seen in either Chinese city. There were some cases but the virus had no real effect on Beijing and Shanghai. Isn’t that interesting.

Beijing is the city where the leaders of China live. Many of their military leaders live there too. There is no lock down in Beijing. Isn’t that interesting. Shanghai is the city that runs China’s economy. It is the economic capital of China. Shanghai is where many of the rich people of China live. It is home to many major industries’ headquarters. There is no lock down here. There is no effect of the Coronavirus there. Isn’t that interesting.

Coronavirus China’s gift to the world?
Beijing and Shanghai are the provinces adjoining Hubei where Wuhan in located. The virus from Wuhan reached every corner of the world, but the virus did not affect Beijing and Shanghai… Another thing going on worldwide is market values have fallen by almost half. In India also the Nifty has gone from 12 thousand to 7 thousand, but the share market of China was at 3000 and the decline is to about 2700. Isn’t that interesting.

Was the Coronavirus is a bio-chemical weapon of China? Did China use it to carry out an economic attack? China now has this virus under control. Do they have the antidote/vaccine? Why are they are not sharing with the world? Are they looking for a sales opportunity or are they looking for military advantage? Maybe they want both. We can be sure they will do whatever whenever it is in their best interest to do so. You can take that to the bank.

Hollywood stars, Australia’s Home Minister, Britain’s Prime Minister, Britain’s Health Minister, Spain’s Prime Minister’s wife, Canada’s Prime Minister’s wife, and Britain’s Prince Charles, etc., etc., etc., have contracted the Coronavirus. But not a single political leader in China, not a single military commander in China tests positive for Coronavirus. Isn’t that interesting.

Just askin’…
And who have you heard ask questions about these curiosities? Isn’t that interesting… It is time to wake up and smell the coffee people… Wake up and smell the coffee.
Great find FootballDad! Let's spread this article around!

When the virus first started spreading I saw a lot of chatter on twitter from blacks about how they were superior and were not being affected by the virus - The "We Wuz Kangs" mentality. Now more and more I am seeing articles that are trying to make the virus essentially racist because it is disproportionately affecting black and brown people in America. I found Malcolm Jenkins post pretty cringeworthy - using the same method he did with the whole Toucan Kneeling thing - trying first to praise the armed forces before attacking the supposedly racist US Govt. This time he thanks the MDs, RNs, healthcare workers etc before launching the same attack. In both of these attacks he never once brings up the lack of accountability within the black community. We are seeing the same type of nonsense in Chicago and DC - no mention of underlying conditions, not practicing social distancing, drinking alchol/smoking weed and cigarettes which could all be contributors. According to Jenkins all of the blacks are the "essential workers" that are being exposed. Give me a break. Just goes to show how the far-left will turn anything into playing the race card. He was noticeably silent when all of those Italians were dying though wasn't he?

Before I knew the stats concerning blacks I read an article (maybe I saw it on CF) explaining why blacks don't trust the government and the health care institutions. The author of the article had throw in the Tuskegee study was just for good measure. I could see the purpose was to excuse blacks' lack of due diligence. I think at one point blacks in Louisiana considered themselves invulnerable to the virus (White man's problem).
Rex on Totalitarianism:

Facts about Covid-19

Published: March 14, 2020; Updated: April 12, 2020
Languages: CZ, DE, EN, FR, ES, HBS, HE, HU, IT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, SI, SK, TR
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Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. (Regular updates below)

“The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” Albert Camus, The Plague (1947)

  1. According to data from the best-studied countries such as South Korea, Iceland, Germany and Denmark, the overall lethality of Covid19 is in the lower per mille range and thus up to twenty times lower than initially assumed by the WHO.
  2. A study in Nature Medicine comes to a similar conclusion even for the Chinese city of Wuhan. The initially significantly higher values for Wuhan were obtained because a many people with mild or no symptoms were not recorded.
  3. 50% to 80% of test-positive individuals remain symptom-free. Even among the 70 to 79 year old persons about 60% remain symptom-free, many more show only mild symptoms.
  4. The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years and only about 1% of the deceased had no serious previous illnesses. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality.
  5. Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 have proven to be false upon closer inspection. Many of these people either did not die from Covid19 or they in fact had serious preconditions (such as undiagnosed leukaemia).
  6. Normal overall mortality in the US is about 8000 people per day, in Germany about 2600 people and in Italy about 1800 people per day. Influenza mortality in the US is up to 80,000, in Germany and Italy up to 25,000, and in Switzerland up to 1500 people per winter.
  7. Strongly increased death rates, as in northern Italy, can be influenced by additional risk factors such as very high air pollution and legionella contamination, as well as a collapse in the care of the elderly and sick due to infections, mass panic and lockdown.
  8. In countries such as Italy and Spain, and to some extent Great Britain and the US, a serious overload of hospitals, notably by the flu, is not unusual. In addition, up to 15% of doctors and nurses currently have to self-quarantine, even if they develop no symptoms.
  9. An important distinction concerns the question of whether people die with or indeed from coronaviruses. Autopsies show that in many cases the previous illnesses were an important or decisive factor, but the official figures usually do not reflect this.
  10. Thus in order to assess the danger of the disease, the key indicator is not the often mentioned number of test-positive persons and deceased, but the number of persons who actually and unexpectedly develop or die of pneumonia.
  11. The often shown exponential curves of “corona cases” are misleading, since the number of tests also increases exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to total tests either remains constant between 5% to 25% or increases rather slowly.
  12. Countries without lockdowns and contact bans, such as Japan, South Korea and Sweden, have not experienced a more negative course of events than other countries. This might call into question the effectiveness of such far-reaching measures.
  13. According to leading lung specialists, invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is often counterproductive and causes additional damage to the lungs. The invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is partly done out of fear of spreading the virus through aerosols.
  14. Contrary to original assumptions, however, the WHO determined at the end of March that there is no evidence of aerosol dispersal of the virus. A leading German virologist also found no aerosol and no smear infections in a pilot study.
  15. Many clinics in Europe and the US have been lacking patients and some have had to introduce short-time work. Numerous operations and therapies were cancelled by clinics, even emergency patients sometimes stay at home out of fear of the virus.
  16. Several media have been caught trying to dramatize the situation in clinics, sometimes even with manipulative pictures and videos. In general, many media outlets do not question even doubtful official statements and figures.
  17. The virus test kits used internationally are prone to errors. Several studies have shown that even normal corona viruses can give a false positive result. Moreover, the virus test currently in use has not been clinically validated due to time pressure.
  18. Numerous internationally renowned experts from the fields of virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures taken to be counterproductive and recommend a rapid natural immunisation of the general population while protecting risk groups.
  19. The number of people suffering from unemployment, psychological problems and domestic violence as a result of the measures taken has exploded in the US and worldwide. Several experts believe that the measures may claim more lives than the virus itself.
  20. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned that the corona crisis is used for the massive and permanent expansion of global surveillance. The renowned virologist Pablo Goldschmidt spoke of a “global media terror” and “totalitarian measures”. Leading British virologist Professor John Oxford spoke of a “media epidemic”.
See also: The Open Letter by Professor Bhakdi to German Chancellor Merkel.

Below you will find regular, but not daily, updates on medical and political developments.
A couple of questions.
1- A sailor on the USS Theodor Roosevelt has been reported to have died. Does anyone know what race that sailor is yet?
2- If blacks and Latinos are much more apt to get coronavirus, then why is the lockdown so complete? Wouldn't locking down the neighborhood where these people live be more than adequate?
One thing they are doing now is killing off the old white people that are a liability to them now, having worked hard all their lives and fought their "good wars" for them, now they collect social security and Medicare and vote wrong.

Slaughter in the nursing homes and rehab centers and hospitals:

Yeah right, "conspiracy theory". I'm surprised Youtube hasn't disappeared it yet.
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Ohio is the first state to have some courage to start speaking up. Rise up people peacefully and let your voices be heard.

"The Dark Truth About Fauci and Birx, Bill Gates And Globalist Elites
The President Is Racing To Save Lives"


But then why does Trump always surround himself with the very worst of the swamp creatures that he promised to drain - Fauci and Birx, Pompeo, Bolton, Kushner...?

Things have certainly gotten weirder on this planet in a hurry, and I thought it was already far too weird before!
Health Worker Says EVERYONE Who Dies Has "Corona Virus" on their Death Certificate

Health Worker Says EVERYONE Who Dies Has "Corona Virus" on their Death Certificate

I keep hearing this over and over. That no matter what causes someone's death they are classifying them as Covid 19. It might have something to do with the fact that the hospital will get paid 3,900 dollars for every CV death from the gov't. Ruckman's Law: "If it don't make sense there's a buck in it".
Mark Dice examines the media coverage and bias as regards President Trump and the coronavirus pandemic.

An interesting point about this virus is it's brought up the 10th Amendment again. Governors are in opposition to federal guidelines. Very interesting that anyone would want to bring this subject up. I guess they're banking on the overall stupidity of the American people.
An interesting point about this virus is it's brought up the 10th Amendment again. Governors are in opposition to federal guidelines. Very interesting that anyone would want to bring this subject up. I guess they're banking on the overall stupidity of the American people.
This entire lockdown is possible because of the ignorance and stupidity of the Amerika 2.0 populace. Here is a short article showing how the 1st Amendment has been completely rolled by government overreach and ignorant compliance by the people:

Your Fears Don’t Trump My Rights
My very rough estimate as to who completely buys into the fear porn and who is skeptical or outright opposed is by seeing who is wearing a mask and who isn't. Just got back from the grocery store and the number of DWFs wearing masks is now up to about two-thirds.
My very rough estimate as to who completely buys into the fear porn and who is skeptical or outright opposed is by seeing who is wearing a mask and who isn't. Just got back from the grocery store and the number of DWFs wearing masks is now up to about two-thirds.
There is NO WAY that I would be out wearing a stupid mask. Around here it's roughly 50/50 mask to mask-free.
I've seen plenty of people with masks in my area. Chuckle to myself, at how scared people are. Fear Porn is the perfect term.
My kind of leader

Belarusian Leader Bucks Coronavirus 'Psychosis,' Plays Hockey

“It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees!” said President Alexander Lukashenko, who hit the ice for a weekend hockey game.

by Matthew Bodner

While officials from Montreal to Moscow have placed populations under some form of lockdown designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus, one man continues to hold firm to the notion that the rest of the world has lost its mind: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

“It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees!” Lukashenko told a Belarusian television reporter Saturday when asked whether the coronavirus could stop him from hitting the rink for a propaganda-filled hockey game.

“Me? Why? I don’t understand. There is no virus here,” Lukashenko said, gesturing around the arena. “This is a refrigerator, it is the best thing for your health. Sport, especially on ice, is better than any antiviral medication. It is the real thing.”

Both Lukashenko and his nation, Belarus, have played second fiddle to their much larger, and much more powerful neighbor: Vladimir Putin’s Russia. The two nations have a loosely controlled internal border and shared customs space — undermining his claims to sovereignty.

Lukashenko for weeks now has downplayed the threat of COVID-19. Instead of preparing his nation for the worst, he has routinely and openly questioned the world’s response to the virus, using the word “psychosis” to describe the global response several times since early March.

Young fans react during a Belarus soccer match on March 27. Longtime Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko is proudly keeping soccer and hockey arenas open even though most sports around the world have shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic.Young fans react during a Belarus soccer match on March 27. Longtime Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko is proudly keeping soccer and hockey arenas open even though most sports around the world have shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Meanwhile, he has made a point of keeping factories, stores, cultural and sporting events open. The Belarusian Health Ministry has reported just 152 cases of the coronavirus. Neighboring Russia reported 1,836 as of Monday.

Two weeks ago, he insisted that Belarus has survived worse than the novel pandemic hitting the world. Saunas, vodka and tending to the fields were the best remedy for those who fear the spread of the virus, he said.

“The tractor will heal everyone,” he said, “the fields heal everyone.”

Lukashenko’s folk remedies for COVID-19 fall well in line with assurances issued by other post-Soviet leaders. Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, president of Turkmenistan, consulted his own writings on his nation’s plant life and declared a cure to be found in a local herb.

In his own way, Putin has also downplayed the threat of the virus — insisting for weeks that the situation was well under control. But Putin began an about-face last week in a national address asking Russians to stay home.

Lukashenko seems to have been unfazed by Putin’s admission that the situation is more serious than it first appeared.

“This psychosis has crippled national economies almost everywhere in the world,” Lukashenko said while touring a factory Friday. “Even the Russian Federation that is similar to us has started closing businesses.”
My kind of leader

Belarusian Leader Bucks Coronavirus 'Psychosis,' Plays Hockey

“It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees!” said President Alexander Lukashenko, who hit the ice for a weekend hockey game.

by Matthew Bodner

While officials from Montreal to Moscow have placed populations under some form of lockdown designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus, one man continues to hold firm to the notion that the rest of the world has lost its mind: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

“It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees!” Lukashenko told a Belarusian television reporter Saturday when asked whether the coronavirus could stop him from hitting the rink for a propaganda-filled hockey game.

“Me? Why? I don’t understand. There is no virus here,” Lukashenko said, gesturing around the arena. “This is a refrigerator, it is the best thing for your health. Sport, especially on ice, is better than any antiviral medication. It is the real thing.”

Both Lukashenko and his nation, Belarus, have played second fiddle to their much larger, and much more powerful neighbor: Vladimir Putin’s Russia. The two nations have a loosely controlled internal border and shared customs space — undermining his claims to sovereignty.

Lukashenko for weeks now has downplayed the threat of COVID-19. Instead of preparing his nation for the worst, he has routinely and openly questioned the world’s response to the virus, using the word “psychosis” to describe the global response several times since early March.

Young fans react during a Belarus soccer match on March 27. Longtime Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko is proudly keeping soccer and hockey arenas open even though most sports around the world have shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic.Young fans react during a Belarus soccer match on March 27. Longtime Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko is proudly keeping soccer and hockey arenas open even though most sports around the world have shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Meanwhile, he has made a point of keeping factories, stores, cultural and sporting events open. The Belarusian Health Ministry has reported just 152 cases of the coronavirus. Neighboring Russia reported 1,836 as of Monday.

Two weeks ago, he insisted that Belarus has survived worse than the novel pandemic hitting the world. Saunas, vodka and tending to the fields were the best remedy for those who fear the spread of the virus, he said.

“The tractor will heal everyone,” he said, “the fields heal everyone.”

Lukashenko’s folk remedies for COVID-19 fall well in line with assurances issued by other post-Soviet leaders. Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, president of Turkmenistan, consulted his own writings on his nation’s plant life and declared a cure to be found in a local herb.

In his own way, Putin has also downplayed the threat of the virus — insisting for weeks that the situation was well under control. But Putin began an about-face last week in a national address asking Russians to stay home.

Lukashenko seems to have been unfazed by Putin’s admission that the situation is more serious than it first appeared.

“This psychosis has crippled national economies almost everywhere in the world,” Lukashenko said while touring a factory Friday. “Even the Russian Federation that is similar to us has started closing businesses.”

While sports are everywhere shut down they actually held a kickboxing show the other night in Belarus, but with no audience except for those directly involved. Alexander Ustinov was one of the sponsors. The video was online. My ancestral background goes back to Belarus, tho it was part of Russia then.
Check out the pictures to this link of a big-time protest in Michigan, following an angry one in Ohio, both organized by patriots, not the far-left which is who usually takes to the streets. White Lightning posted a video of the Ohio protest in post #562:

Lockdown-Backlash Begins: Angry Crowd Surrounds Capitol, Demands Michigan Governor Reopen Economy
American Freedom News