Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Boris Johnson going into the ICU from the (doomsday hyped virus) is too much of a coincidence for me to believe. Same thing with Rudy Gobert briefly touching the microphones and then getting tested positive for the disease days later. The same test that supposedly takes 7-10 to get a result during that time period.

Boris shaking hands with the Corona patients was no accident. Either he is in on it, being forced to repent to the puppet masters, or poisoned? Nothing makes sense about this crap. These tearful press conference apologies that every strong willed person in the public eye ends up doing are really starting to make more sense to me now though.

Also of note his replacement is Jewish. The next 2 in line after that are Paki/Indian/Arab not sure but they arent natives.
The media narrative vs. real life footage. You decide who's lying:

The media narrative vs. real life footage. You decide who's lying:

Well, I've got it on good authority from many posters here who lambasted me for my earlier posts that this is a crock, the man-on-the-street footage is the work of provocateurs. People are dying by the thousands in NYC an NJ, so many that they are going to pile them up! Hospitals are overrun, lines stretching to the next borough! There. You have my take. All praise to CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo and others. The hard-working journalists who are risking their lives to bring us the truth! So deadly that one *cough* and it's all over.
Well, I've got it on good authority from many posters here who lambasted me for my earlier posts that this is a crock, the man-on-the-street footage is the work of provocateurs. People are dying by the thousands in NYC an NJ, so many that they are going to pile them up! Hospitals are overrun, lines stretching to the next borough! There. You have my take. All praise to CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo and others. The hard-working journalists who are risking their lives to bring us the truth! So deadly that one *cough* and it's all over.
Lol! Thanks FootballDad!! Oh wait, I forgot to thank Satan's tireless crews at all the aforementioned msm networks! All hail!! Lol!!
Governor Cuomo now admitting Hydroxychlorophine has proven to be effective so far in treating COVID19 patients. No Sh*t! The lying MSM will now be hard-pressed to vilify Trump on this. It seems every time they try to bury Trump, it blows up in faces. LOL
Fascinating interview here:

I just discovered Dr Siva recently and from what I have heard from him so far has been impressive. This was another great interview with him and very telling.
I don't have time to watch all the videos being posted here and other places as many are pretty long, but it's encouraging that they're out there. What's even more encouraging is seeing the large number of views for them. There's clearly a significant number of Americans who have zero faith in the political and media establishment and turn to alternative sources for their information. If this group of people can somehow be loosely organized they (we) could have a huge influence. As it is, I think the cumulative total of the large and growing amount of alternative info out there is already forcing the PTB to end the shutdown sooner rather than later.
That Dr. Siva video is really interesting. I don't usually trust those Indian Guru/Yogi types as they are great scammers. Nor is this guy particularly trustworthy either, but the connections between the various organizations, motivations, funding issues leading to compromised academics, big pharma’s role in all of it. This really makes a lot of sense, it would be great to hear him debate a swamp creature on these issues. If we don’t know how the CDC, WHO, big pharma, governments interact we will stand no chance at figuring out who is responsible.

He does a good job of smearing China, Fauci, and Bill Gates all in a fair way. Those white house briefings would be 100X better with these type of questions than bimbo’s either insulting the president or plant’s praising him. He does leave out the (((usual suspects))) all together and maybe thats the genius of his contributions.
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Speaking of Bill Gates and his fellow slithering cronies, was this all planned out ahead of time? It sure looks like it. You guys be the judge:

A doctor from New York has a couple of interesting videos.

Speaking of Bill Gates and his fellow slithering cronies, was this all planned out ahead of time?

Ofcourse it was.

So World Bank issued “pandemic bonds” in 2017 with an interest rate of 12% that were set to mature in July 2020, with one catch: If “coronavirus“ became a pandemic - and in 2017 they called Coronavirus by name - then investors would lose all their money

What are the chances for this to be a coincidence? I would say 0.0000
Terrifying if true, I’m calling it fake news for now though. Not the killing of people, but the burning them alive screaming part. They probably killed dissidents, but why the sick in this manner?
What's most troubling is that this is war propaganda, the kind of demonization of the "other" that occurs in the lead-up to conflict. Hitler was capable of any and every evil and no one would dare state otherwise, same with Saddam, Assad, Maduro, and even Putin to a certain extent. None have any redeeming human qualities. It's the same template followed over and over again.

Unfortunately too many Americans still readily swallow propaganda portraying Washington's endless array of foes as subhuman. Even pro-White Americans are more and more being portrayed this way.
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I don't want World War III either. I don't think anyone does. China has been up to alot of bad things though. They have even bought up so many american media companies. They own tv stations and youtube, twitter, and other social feeds. They are pushing Chineese Propaganda 24/7. Russia not so much but China is a big problem. Whether we want war or not, I think they want it. They want to rule the world. You can see by the way they treat their people. That is why the NWO loves them. It's the testing country for world domination and control.
Hey maybe we should bring back the original name for this thread - The Racial Aspects Of Coronavirus. This from today's Antifa News aka The NY Times -

Black Americans are being hit especially hard

Figures from several U.S. states and cities show a disturbing trend: The coronavirus is disproportionately infecting and killing black people.

In Louisiana, about 70 percent of the people who have died are African-American, though only one-third of the state’s population is black. Around Milwaukee, where 27 percent of residents are black, African-Americans who test positive outnumber whites two to one. Chicago is a bit less than one-third African-American, but black people account for 72 percent of the virus-linked deaths.

There’s no reason to think the virus discriminates. Rather, the racial disparities in who is getting sick and dying reflect entrenched inequalities in American society.

African-Americans are less likely to be insured, more likely to have existing health conditions and more likely to be denied testing and treatment than people of other races, public health experts say. Black Americans are more likely to use public transportation, live in rented housing and hold jobs that can’t be done from home — all pointing to more frequent contact with strangers, and therefore more risk of infection.

“If you walk outside and see who is actually still working,” said Elaine Nsoesie of Boston University’s School of Public Health, “the data don’t seem surprising.”

Put at risk by policy: Our colleague Nikole Hannah-Jones, who writes about race for The Times Magazine, notes in an extensive Twitter thread that many of the states with the largest shares of black residents — those in the Deep South — also refused to expand Medicaid.

And they have been slow to order social distancing measures: South Carolina’s statewide order, one of the least restrictive, takes effect Tuesday evening; those in Alabama, Georgia and Florida have been in place only a few days.
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Hey maybe we should bring back the original name for this thread - The Racial Aspects Of Coronavirus. This from today's Antifa News aka The NY Times -

Black Americans are being hit especially hard

Figures from several U.S. states and cities show a disturbing trend: The coronavirus is disproportionately infecting and killing black people.

In Louisiana, about 70 percent of the people who have died are African-American, though only one-third of the state’s population is black. Around Milwaukee, where 27 percent of residents are black, African-Americans who test positive outnumber whites two to one. Chicago is a bit less than one-third African-American, but black people account for 72 percent of the virus-linked deaths.

There’s no reason to think the virus discriminates. Rather, the racial disparities in who is getting sick and dying reflect entrenched inequalities in American society.

African-Americans are less likely to be insured, more likely to have existing health conditions and more likely to be denied testing and treatment than people of other races, public health experts say. Black Americans are more likely to use public transportation, live in rented housing and hold jobs that can’t be done from home — all pointing to more frequent contact with strangers, and therefore more risk of infection.

“If you walk outside and see who is actually still working,” said Elaine Nsoesie of Boston University’s School of Public Health, “the data don’t seem surprising.”

Put at risk by policy: Our colleague Nikole Hannah-Jones, who writes about race for The Times Magazine, notes in an extensive Twitter thread that many of the states with the largest shares of black residents — those in the Deep South — also refused to expand Medicaid.

And they have been slow to order social distancing measures: South Carolina’s statewide order, one of the least restrictive, takes effect Tuesday evening; those in Alabama, Georgia and Florida have been in place only a few days.
More blacks are dying due to being undisciplined in doing what one needs to do in not getting COV19, namely social distancing, staying away from large groups, etc. They are not changing their normal habits during these times. They are also undisciplined in what they put into their bodies, which leads to poor underlying health conditions. I Never will forget the obese blacks waddling around looking for help after Katrina. Poor diet and lifestyle lead to poor health conditions, high blood, diabetes, obesity, poor heart conditions, and bad lungs. The COVID19 loves to decimate individuals like these. Yet the Jew York Times will never mention this.
Hey maybe we should bring back the original name for this thread - The Racial Aspects Of Coronavirus. This from today's Antifa News aka The NY Times -

Black Americans are being hit especially hard

Figures from several U.S. states and cities show a disturbing trend: The coronavirus is disproportionately infecting and killing black people.

In Louisiana, about 70 percent of the people who have died are African-American, though only one-third of the state’s population is black. Around Milwaukee, where 27 percent of residents are black, African-Americans who test positive outnumber whites two to one. Chicago is a bit less than one-third African-American, but black people account for 72 percent of the virus-linked deaths.

There’s no reason to think the virus discriminates. Rather, the racial disparities in who is getting sick and dying reflect entrenched inequalities in American society.

African-Americans are less likely to be insured, more likely to have existing health conditions and more likely to be denied testing and treatment than people of other races, public health experts say. Black Americans are more likely to use public transportation, live in rented housing and hold jobs that can’t be done from home — all pointing to more frequent contact with strangers, and therefore more risk of infection.

“If you walk outside and see who is actually still working,” said Elaine Nsoesie of Boston University’s School of Public Health, “the data don’t seem surprising.”

Put at risk by policy: Our colleague Nikole Hannah-Jones, who writes about race for The Times Magazine, notes in an extensive Twitter thread that many of the states with the largest shares of black residents — those in the Deep South — also refused to expand Medicaid.

And they have been slow to order social distancing measures: South Carolina’s statewide order, one of the least restrictive, takes effect Tuesday evening; those in Alabama, Georgia and Florida have been in place only a few days.
Perhaps the NY Times could just state the obvious for once. On average, African Americans don't possess the intelligence of white people. Therefore they are more likely to have difficulty following directions and implementing habits into their lives to keep them from getting infected by the virus and passing it along. It's the same reason they commit more crime, perform poorly in school, eat poorly, have more health problems...the list goes on. It's the giant elephant in the room that the left wants to pretend isn't there.
I've seen lots of blacks and mestizos walk out of public restrooms without washing their hands. I rarely see a white person do that. This is one explanation of why they are harder hit. They're not doing the things they're supposed to.
BBC News - Coronavirus: Twitter boss pledges $1 billion for relief effort

He's obviously not Jewish. You'd never see Soros, Bloomberg, Zuckerman, Brin or Page donating a billion to a cause unless it's to create trouble (Soros funding the Ferguson riots) or unless it benefits ONLY the so-called Chosen.
I haven't seen a single chemtrail since the national lockdown started. With little air traffic, the machinations of those spraying the skies on a regular crisis might become too obvious if continued.
Haven't ever thought about chemtrails one way or another. This would seem nearly impossible to cover-up if you worked in the aviation field. If you believe in them, then its worth looking into though.
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