Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Turn off the tv. Quit listening to anything mainstream guys. Think for yourself and question everything. Do not believe what the mass media is telling you.
This is my question exactly. I watch zero tv news and yet I listen to top and bottom of the hour "news" headlines that come on the radio in the night sometimes. Not a damn peep about this drug. No hope, no talk of it, no optimism, not even discussed at all, and never mentioned. This is all to obliterate any hope in people. A possible cure or at least a means of controlling the virus so those infected can recover is totally ignored or poo-pooed and vaguely mentioned as if it's a months and months away back burner snake oil remedy. The media is deserving of everyone's hatred.
Almost every show on FoxNews props it up. And its hope to treat COVID19.
Almost every show on FoxNews props it up. And its hope to treat COVID19.
Well, good then. That is some positive news. I hope and pray it continues.
Almost every show on FoxNews props it up. And its hope to treat COVID19.

While the rest of the corporate media sneers and calls it "snake oil." Mainly because they don't want anything positive to happen before the November election. These next few months are going to make or break Trump politically. He's either going to be a triumphant "war-time president" who led the country in defeating the "invisible enemy" or he'll take so much blame if the current lockdown and alleged pandemic goes on and on that even Biden's corpse will be able to defeat him by the election.
See how easy it is to get the sheeple in line? We're screwed.
It already dawned on me when I saw them fighting each other over toilet paper and hoarding years supply of it. Actually watching them line up like cattle for black friday and getting into bloody brawls over 20% off deals.
While the rest of the corporate media sneers and calls it "snake oil." Mainly because they don't want anything positive to happen before the November election. These next few months are going to make or break Trump politically. He's either going to be a triumphant "war-time president" who led the country in defeating the "invisible enemy" or he'll take so much blame if the current lockdown and alleged pandemic goes on and on that even Biden's corpse will be able to defeat him by the election.
Also, OAN (One American Network ) upstart network is also talking up the malaria and Zpack drugs up as well.
Looking at the Drudge Report now, we see the following two headlines: "Poll: Majority Will Stay Home Even if Lockdown Lifted." Just above it is this headline: "DEFAINT [sic, should be defiant]: Despite stay-at-home orders, 6 out of 10 are still on roads..."

So which is it? That's just one tiny example of the endless bombardment of (dis)information that the fake news media generates non-stop every day. I need to at least monitor what's going on because I'm an editor, but at this point the best way to go is just ignore the media onslaught and limit it to several minutes a day and spend the rest of the time pursuing family activities, relationships, hobbies, etc., and tune out the fear porn.
Drudgereport has flipped the script. No longer a viable conservative site who supports Trump or the conservative movement. Its quite the opposite. It peddles in sensationalism and stories to disparage, minimize and condemn Trump and what's left of the conservative movement. I view it out of habit but knowing it has aligned itself with the ((enemy)).
Pres. Trump's chloroquine drug combo, after early reports by doctors of it having an almost a 100% cure rate, and essentially ending the whole virus pandemic, it has - correct me if I'm wrong - totally vanished from the news!
Perhaps it's being kept to save wealthy old Jews?
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Perhaps it's being kept to save wealthy Jews?
Its based on small sample sizes, so if this killing 2% or roughly 1 out of 50, doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be exactly 1 out of 50. So a few hundred improving, doesn't exactly mean they would have died without it. They did not include control groups to compare treated versus untreated patients. Researchers called the reports anecdotal, and said the lack of controls made it impossible to determine whether the drugs worked. However there's currently clinical trials going on so we'll see shortly. The FDA has approved it for off label use of Covid 19 it's not exactly like they're denying people, but we may see a shortage due to the high demand.

There's a couple that died " self medicating" because they saw their fish tank cleaner contained chloroquine....
The hydroxychloroquine drug/lack of support or a big time push to give it to patients is troubling to me. At this point the evidence may be antecodal but I feel their is something to it. The fact that it is not being widely discussed or used right now reeks to me of politics and/or an agenda that is being pushed. Here is a hit piece on Trump from the NY Times (via yahoo) and I apologize for linking to the story but you can tell by the article title it is a politicized attack on Trump. Trump at least lays out a common sense argument - Fauci seems reluctant to push it as a potential treatment. I feel that if Trump had not touted the potential of this treatment then Fauci/CDC would all be pushing it. They are more scared if this ends up working and saving lives which will help Trump's re-election bid. Big Pharma and the leftists will be big losers which is why they are scared of pushing this drug out as a potential treatment. Just my .02
Former Wladimir Klitschko opponent Derrick Jefferson has COVID-19 is on life support.

Tom Dempsey died today because of this virus, I remember reading about his exploits as a boy in a football history book. Dempsey had half a foot and a stub for an arm but he could kick the ball with great velocity.

His former NFL record kick was viewed as nearly untouchable until the post modern kickers evolved into strong non soccer players and 50 yard kicks became fairly routine for the better kickers.

Here's a story about his career.........
The hydroxychloroquine drug/lack of support or a big time push to give it to patients is troubling to me. At this point the evidence may be antecodal but I feel their is something to it. The fact that it is not being widely discussed or used right now reeks to me of politics and/or an agenda that is being pushed. Here is a hit piece on Trump from the NY Times (via yahoo) and I apologize for linking to the story but you can tell by the article title it is a politicized attack on Trump. Trump at least lays out a common sense argument - Fauci seems reluctant to push it as a potential treatment. I feel that if Trump had not touted the potential of this treatment then Fauci/CDC would all be pushing it. They are more scared if this ends up working and saving lives which will help Trump's re-election bid. Big Pharma and the leftists will be big losers which is why they are scared of pushing this drug out as a potential treatment. Just my .02

That's what I was referring to above when I mentioned the fake news media calling it "snake oil," with the idiot couple who took it unsupervised and died being given as "evidence." Either Carlson or Hannity (maybe both, I've been watching Tucker's show in particular quite a bit during this alleged pandemic) showed clips of the usual leftist hacks on CNN and MSNBC attacking Trump for promoting hydroxychloroquine as a possible cure or something that can at least alleviate some of the symptoms.

Your comment about Big Pharma being a loser is what I've been thinking as well. In a scenario where life returns close to "normal," it's likely that various players like Big Pharma will profit enormously, while other interests and well-heeled individuals will be buying up the assets that are currently being rendered dirt-cheap.
Perhaps it's being kept to save wealthy old Jews?

Using it on the "important people"?

Trump was touting it. Does he ever even mention it any more? Does anyone ask him about it?

In China there were constant images of the bedlam in the hospitals and around the city of Wuhan. The photos i've seen on You tube purport to show the US hospitals, but so far I haven't even seen one with many people, including the one in Elmhurst, Queens, NY, but oddly they were only filming the side street and not the main entrance, but still i didn't see much going on in the side street and I didn't see any sick people going down that side street to the front of the hospital. TV did show one very busy hospital in NYC with beds pushed close together and the staff working so hard - except it turned out that "NYC" hospital was in Italy. The US media lying to the us, hard to believe!

My friend lives nearby but right now she's out of state. I'll talk to her later and ask her if she knows anything about the hospital situation in Queens. She's a doctor too, but not a human doctor, an animal doctor, a vet,
Turn off the tv. Quit listening to anything mainstream guys. Think for yourself and question everything. Do not believe what the mass media is telling you.
Bingo. Interestingly, recently, before this lunacy got going, I had a sweat shirt made up that says exactly that - "Question Everything." I had one made up for each of my siblings - two sisters and a brother.
Bingo. Interestingly, recently, before this lunacy got going, I had a sweat shirt made up that says exactly that - "Question Everything." I had one made up for each of my siblings - two sisters and a brother.

Are you making any more of them? I'd like one and I'll pay for shipping. Not kidding. It's sort of my motto, especially now.
EDIT: I read your post wrong. I misread that YOU made them. Sorry, bro. Carry on.
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Most of the people whose deaths are being attributed to Covid-19 actually died of pneumonia, tuberculosis, influenza, or of being put on a ventilator when in fact they were suffering from lack of oxygen and the ventilator made it worse. The death numbers from the globalist media should not ever be believed.
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