Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Your brother sounds like a complete retard. I hope you told him that.
Pretty confident his IQ is WAY higher than yours. And no, I will not tell him what you scribbled down.
Pretty confident his IQ is WAY higher than yours. And no, I will not tell him what you scribbled down.
By the way, ask Dr. Retardedfuk how many deaths from other causes are being put down as the Chinese Virus to fudge the #’s.
By the way, ask Dr. Retardedfuk how many deaths from other causes are being put down as the Chinese Virus to fudge the #’s.
I can see you are in melt-down mode. Here is a suggestion. Instead of staying cooped up in a structure, you call a residence, go outside and take a long walk amongst hills, sunshine and fresh air like I can. It should subdue your vindictive thoughts.
I think it is a good time to point out the particular and peculiar nature of this problem and its wildly eerie effects on the psychological state of all of humanity. While if one is healthy and protected ( and if you aren't in the front lines) then the virus feels more like a nuisance rather than the strange existential threat it represents.

While people aren't panicking overtly which is mainly due to the fact it doesn't affect children in general as much as vulnerable populations there is a creeping sense of dread as reports are coming in that it can affect some younger people more than first reported. In my state an infant just died from the virus. The CDC ( I am no fan of the overrated Dr. Fauci) continues to adjust things to more cautionary levels daily which begs the question why didn't they implement this stuff when the virus first broke out where it would have been most effective?

But beyond that the social isolation requirements this pandemic creates real family anxieties as the grandchildren can't spend time with their grandparents etc. and this sense of dislocation is very disturbing.

The sense of normalcy and continuity has been (we hope temporarily) broken in ways we have never experienced. Schools and the majority of businesses are closed. They were all open during World War II here in the states. Even during World War II MLB continued albeit a bit gutted, as did college football and the US Open tennis was played too. Now we have an utter and complete sports blackout and without a firm starting date for when things will return. The fact we don't exactly know when things will get back to normal creates even more anxiety. There are concerns a window may open but could get closed again if the virus shows a whiplash affect later in the year?

Because this virus outbreak requires passivity and retreat
it creates an extra layer of distress for our masculine impulses. While it is easy for me to say this given the atrocities, carnage and death of war at least there are moments when there is release like when gains are being made when a town is captured or the enemy has been wiped out. I don't need to lecture people on the need for men for release and what is lacking in this current grim specter is a good outlet for release.

I remember back when with 9-11 fresh in our thoughts ( and after a very brief pause sports roared back during that time) I believe it was the first Spider-Man movie and there was a scene when the villain Green Goblin threatened NYC and people lined up on a bridge for resistance and one guy bellowed something to the affect of "you mess with one of us you mess with all of us." Like so many Americans I was royally pissed off at those puss hole Saudi terrorists and that act of defiance in the movie hit home for many people.

But this pandemic ( although I think China should pay a big price for introducing this grim reaper sucker into the world) doesn't allow us that kind of pissed off release. Everything is in mute mode. Even loved ones don't get a chance to say goodbye to those who succumb to the virus. This is a major psychological hurdle that humanity is ill equipped to deal with since familial bonds are intrinsic to being human.

But we plow on in the hope that sooner rather than later this nightmare passes. I applaud the front line medical people dealing with this enormously tricky deeply unnerving problem.
I can see you are in melt-down mode. Here is a suggestion. Instead of staying cooped up in a structure, you call a residence, go outside and take a long walk amongst hills, sunshine and fresh air like I can. It should subdue your vindictive thoughts.
Here’s my suggestion to you:
You and your brother can go to hell for all I care.
1,000,000 documented cases = >5,000,000 actual cases
31,000 dead

Mortality rate = 0.62% NOT A PANDEMIC

People like “Westside” and his retarded “doctor” brother should be condemned for fear mongering.
1,000,000 documented cases = >5,000,000 actual cases
31,000 dead

Mortality rate = 0.62% NOT A PANDEMIC

People like “Westside” and his retarded “doctor” brother should be condemned for fear mongering.
I see you are stilled cooped up! :campeon:
By the way, ask Dr. Retardedfuk how many deaths from other causes are being put down as the Chinese Virus to fudge the #’s.
Vs how many countries aren't reporting accurately like 3rd world shitholes and China. China lost around 21 million cell phone users recently. I'm sure a lot of it is because of financial reasons but I don't trust their numbers for one minute. This many people don't just die from the flu in this short of time span. The flu doesn't overwhelm hospitals like this. There's 51 thousand deaths at the moment, not 31k. That's 5 percent. If you just want to make up numbers to prove your point then whatever. The death rate on closed cases is 20% right now. Experts have already factored in the fact that many people have gotten it without being tested an estimated the death rate is around 2 to 4%. The Spanish flu was around 2.5%. There's no way to get the numbers exact. The seasonal flu is .05% to .1%. If you want to say 5 million, that's still 10x higher than the flu.

It seems like the people dismissing deaths like it's nothing are the same ones being hostile and attacking their fellow Whites. Like I've said before it's funny how we want to chastise others for participating in groupthink but become hostile when someone on here thinks differently. I thought we were on the same team but I guess not. No wonder we've made such little progress in exposing the caste system. I thought having a little compassion for our fellow brothers is one of the things that seperates us from the savages but people act like caring about massive amount of deaths is a bad thing. Yea 50k isn't a bunch in the grand scheme of things, but that number just keeps growing. A week ago it was at 20k, and the week before at 8k.

My state has about 3,000 positives out of 15000 tests, so that shows this hasn't reached its full potential. Perhaps you would like to wait for the death toll become higher like the Spanish flu? Which shut down the economy anyway.
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Vs how many countries aren't reporting accurately like 3rd world shitholes and China. China lost around 21 million cell phone users recently. I'm sure a lot of it is because of financial reasons but I don't trust their numbers for one minute. This many people don't just die from the flu in this short of time span. The flu doesn't overwhelm hospitals like this. There's 51 thousand deaths at the moment, not 31k. That's 5 percent. If you just want to make up numbers to prove your point then whatever. The death rate on closed cases is 20% right now. Experts have already factored in the fact that many people have gotten it without being tested an estimated the death rate is around 2 to 4%. The Spanish flu was around 2.5%. There's no way to get the numbers exact. The seasonal flu is .05% to .1%. If you want to say 5 million, that's still 10x higher than the flu.

It seems like the people dismissing deaths like it's nothing are the same ones being hostile and attacking their fellow Whites
Dwid, my brother also mentioned the loss of 14 million Chinese activated cell phones. In China, the people rely on cell phones much more than us, if that is possible. Why did these phones suddenly become deactivated? Its kind of unreal for Johnny U to go on a rampage and disparage me and my brother who is a successful doctor. I still believe CF is site whereas fellow Whites support each other. Of course, we are going to have different opinions. I hope my brother's projections are wrong. Johnny U must be having a terrible day right now. No one on CF is my enemy.
Dwid, my brother also mentioned the loss of 14 million Chinese activated cell phones. In China, the people rely on cell phones much more than us, if that is possible. Why did these phones suddenly become deactivated? Its kind of unreal for Johnny U to go on a rampage and disparage me and my brother who is a successful doctor. I still believe CF is site whereas fellow Whites support each other. Of course, we are going to have different opinions. I hope my brother's projections are wrong. Johnny U must be having a terrible day right now. No one on CF is my enemy.
I’m fine, just sick of reading your disinformation and not afraid to call you out on it. Your source is your “doctor” brother. You can F right off with that crap.
Dwid, my brother also mentioned the loss of 14 million Chinese activated cell phones. In China, the people rely on cell phones much more than us, if that is possible. Why did these phones suddenly become deactivated? Its kind of unreal for Johnny U to go on a rampage and disparage me and my brother who is a successful doctor. I still believe CF is site whereas fellow Whites support each other. Of course, we are going to have different opinions. I hope my brother's projections are wrong. Johnny U must be having a terrible day right now. No one on CF is my enemy.
Yeah the Chinese thing is suspicious. Somebody sent me this link saying that China released this disease on purpose but I'm at work and I don't have time to read it right now. I hope it's an overreaction but at the rate we're going we'll be at 100k pretty soon, so the higher projections don't seem too far-fetched

And yeah it is a stressful time for us all regardless of what we believe. From what I've read some of the deaths of younger healthy men had one thing in common, too much stress and lack of sleep so hopefully those that are stressed out can find a way to relax
Yea with your fat mom in the back of my coupe. Even she says your brother is a retard.
That would be completely impossible. My mother passed away in 2010. May I suggest you see an exorcist.
I'm not going to lock this important thread, so the insults need to stop. Flaming is not allowed and so it ends here.

The truth is that no one knows with certainty what the truth is about this virus and how dangerous it is or isn't. So let's keep exchanging our opinions and links and do it without insults.
I think for everyone it's important to err on the side of caution - if getting Covid-19 is not a worry then the economy crashing and potential social unrest should keep you alert and on your toes. As more and more comes it out it sounds like the Chinese state is looking more and more culpable in both covering up the number of cases as well as this virus originating in a Chinese lab rather than some Chinaman who had a penchant for eating bats. The timing of this is very suspicious - the US economy was doing very well, the Democrats march out Joe Biden as their best bet to defeat Trump in November. I try not to get to caught in speculation or conspiracy theories but alot of it does line up with the powers that be afraid of losing their grip on our society. Globalists, billionaires, corporations, the WHO seem to all be allied and concerned more with China than the fate of the West (which they have been slowly destroying since the end of WW2).

Once the virus dies down it will be interesting to see how much pressure the rest of the world applies to China to allow countries to have complete and unfettered access to China to investigate the origins of this disease. This pandemic has the potential to damage the current world order especially if the countries around the world collectively pressured the Chinese. Doubtful that it will happen but it is something worth speculating over.
Good thoughts for consideration:
Some possible good news.

According to a doctor the use of hydroxychloriquine is "the beginning of the end of the pandemic. It's been found to be effective. Start watching video at :50. If you're interested in gold watch the video from the beginning.

Some possible good news.

According to a doctor the use of hydroxychloriquine is "the beginning of the end of the pandemic. It's been found to be effective. Start watching video at :50. If you're interested in gold watch the video from the beginning.

Let's hope that's true!
Discussion of a USA Today article that promotes Communism, er, um, "Collectivism" (as it's called in the write-up) and why the ussa will not have victory over the virus, since we won't do what takes. All hail satan, their Lord and Master at USA Today:
As of April 2, worldmeter stats have more than 50,000 people dying from COVID-19 A.K.A. China Virus A.K.A. Wuhan Flu A.K.A. Yellow Fever A.K.A. Coronageddon. (Coronavirus + Armageddon = Coronageddon).

Approximately 1,000 persons are dying from the disease per day in Italy and Spain and more than 500 persons are dying per day in France and UK. USA daily deaths have also surpassed 1,000. It may be possible that next week, USA reaches 10,000 or even 100,000 deaths per day.

Italy has reported the most deaths of any nation (more than 13,000) and relative to their stated case total has a deathrate of 11%. However, there is new speculation coming out of Europe that these deathtolls may be significantly understated as it only records those who have died in hospitals. Entire villages, towns, and old age homes in Italy are being wiped out and those #'s are not included in the stated deathtoll because these persons were not tested and did not visit a hospital. This article discussed 20 or so deaths from an Italian old age home that were not counted. Source:

There is also widespread speculation that China is understating the death toll associated with this virus and many Chinese citizens and media members within Wuhan are claiming 50,000 deaths in the Province alone.

Some experts on TV are saying there could be as many as 40 Million Deaths from Coronageddon.

The economy is taking a proverbial shellacking as well, as more people are now unemployed in the USA than at anytime in recorded human history. The actual rate of unemployment right now as we speak is about 50%. Stock markets have consistently posted some of the worst days in recorded history and it's clear this is not just a "recession" but this is a depression and we are watching a total societal collapse. Every single industry you can imagine is going to need a taxpayer funded bailout after this or totally close up shop. KFC and Taco Bell have asked for a taxpayer funded bailout to resume operations after Coronageddon. Burger King may be closing its doors.

We're still waiting for the overpriced N95 masks coming in on the boats from China. No idea when they'll arrive. GM and Ford also blatantly price gouging fellow Americans on the prices for ventilators. Not sure if ventilators are also coming on the boats from China.

We're into some serious stuff here boys and the wheels are falling off the Pontiac so to speak. It's all rolling down the hill like burning poop from here. 400 Million Billion Possible Deaths (Deathrate 50%+) and Endless Taxpayer funded Bailouts it is a total societal collapse! And it's a math problem anybody can work out on a McDonalds napkin! 50,000 deaths now, Italy and China hiding it, we're looking at Millions dead here men don't believe the propaganda on CNN!
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You do realize that "400 million billion deaths" is a number some 50 million times the population of the entire world, don't you? Your fearmongering posts are becoming more ludicrous by the day.
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Deaths per day continue to rise in many countries, France had 1400 die yesterday. In the USA, 968 died on Thursday and there are 29,874 new cases in one day!

USA, UK, Spain, France and Italy are the worst hit right now.

Those countries with the most new cases the past few days will have the most deaths in a week or so.

Click on "yesterday" for Thursday's numbers.
Finally, I know someone who knows someone who has the Corona virus....and they are 750 miles away in New Orleans. I still don't know anyone personally who has the virus. There are only 16 cases in my county and no new cases in the last two days.
Here in NC there have been 1857 cases and only 16 deaths. That's 8.6 tenths of 1 percent. In other words not even 1 percent of the cases have resulted in death.
Good news for North Carolina. Anyone else with these kinds of numbers in their state?
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