Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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At work, 4 more came down with it. Their ages are btwn 45-54 years old. I think next week I will be wearing the N95 mask provided to me by my brother. I think if any of the newest victims at my work go down, as in dying, it may be a sign to just retire and ride this out at home.

My two cents Westside, get out of dodge pronto and leave your stuff behind. While most younger healthier people can fight it off there is still a random nature to this sucker where some unlucky soul like this perfectly fit 40 year old athletic man who died the other day even after they plied him with all the trial anti viral drugs that are being discussed in the news now.

Have to admit I am impressed you have a medical doctor brother. I never see doctors in public. They must travel in a different sphere. Ha.

Like seeing the forest through the trees I see a glimmer of optimism. I predict it will be under control by the time college football season gets underway. It won't fully go away until a vaccine emerges but that won't be another year plus away. However below are the reasons we could kick this by the fall or summer even.

1-The warmer weather probably well help mitigate it to a certain degree. Since it is a new virus no one knows for certain but most viruses struggle in hot humid weather. Tomatoes on the other hand like it.

2-Social distancing and less movement is showing that it slows the spread. The American public in general are being good soldiers. Many recognize that by exposing someone they might endanger their neighbor. A Jesuit priest last night put it best. If you know you have it and don't take precautions you risk giving it to someone and that is immoral.Trouble is the store clerks at the grocery store are not following protocol which isn't surprising. Trying to keep people six feet away from everyone is practically impossible. But I noticed the clerks weren't even trying to keep their distance among one another and customers who ask them a question.

3-Since those that have recovered have an immunity to it for a year or much longer their antibodies might prove beneficial to people who now have it. Plus those that have fully recovered if charted properly can go back into public with no worries.

4-While there are some anti viral drugs and other treatments being tested I think by another month or two something will emerge ( probably out of the blue) which will tamp down this virus into say a very bad flu category ( no rush in hospitals) which will enable things to get back to "normal" as long as the miracle drug is available to those who need it.
What about natural immune boosters? Well probably won't make a difference but then again where would there be a full study? Vitamin C is an obvious choice and you can take a lot of it without worries. Vitamin D? Silver was being talked up but then the authorities slammed it. You have to watch the dosage. I was looking for zinc lozenges but they are scarce in this environment. There is garlic, Echinacea, Goldenseal and Olive Leaf among others. Most are safe in certain doses but check closely. Some may counteract or worsen certain conditions so don't just start popping pills without reading about the precautions. Stay hydrated with plenty of water. That is good advice at any time. Stay away from those damn energy drinks and sugary stuff.

I started wearing a mask in public and noticed a lot of people doing the same. I don't wear a mask when I go outside for exercise though. I have zero money and am in no position to frivolously by a T shirt that I like that reads "stay the F away from me." Still even Cuomo sounded a bit more optimistic today so despite the tsunami like effect that will rampage during April we aren't looking at World War II level horrors. Remember it has only been less than a month when the sports world stopped cold so a little more patience and people doing the right thing and following protocols things will turn around. Sure there is an uncertain nature to this nasty thing and one can't completely rule out some of the more grim forecasts. I'm not there though.
While you hide under your bed, petrified of catching a cold, totalitarian government is ramping up their tyranny. The Constitution has been shredded. I’m currently trying to determine which states or countries have rejected this nonsense. I refuse to be enslaved.
I live here in flyover country, and the Wuhan virus numbers are relatively low since who cares about the midwest anyway in the east and west coast power communities. Still, I drove by three local hospitals in Eastern Jackson County (Kansas City) and they were pretty empty. Far fewer than the normal amount of vehicles in the lots since all "un-essential" procedures have been postponed to make room for the flood of coronavirus patients that have yet to arrive.

Out and about, everyone looks petrified. In the grocery store everyone steers a wide path around each other and most are wearing masks. It's surreal. I asked about a dozen people if they knew anyone that had the virus, or worse yet, died from it. Not a single person to whom I spoke answered in the affirmative. See how easy it is to get the sheeple in line? We're screwed.
At work, 4 more came down with it. Their ages are btwn 45-54 years old. I think next week I will be wearing the N95 mask provided to me by my brother. I think if any of the newest victims at my work go down, as in dying, it may be a sign to just retire and ride this out at home.
See what I mean? For the average healthy person under the age of, say 60, it literally is a cold. Or maybe the flu if your body reacts poorly to it. Either way it's not anything out of the ordinary FOR THE AVERAGE HEALTHY PERSON. So Westside here is ready to dive deep into his sterilized bunker because four people caught it. They will be fine. In fact, since their immune system will have defeated the virus, they will actually be healthier as they will have a better baseline for say, CoVID-20. But it's better to panic, destroy the economy, have a huge spike in suicides and death from other diseases that affect the newly homeless and impoverished.

But we can't go back to "normal" for at least three months, that would be "lives for money". No, lives for lives. The cure is going to be many times worse than the disease. Couldn't be more convenient for those who wish to control us.
All of the numbers that we are seeing, the ones posted above by CovidCrisis, Charles Martel and others are the ones being fed to us by the (((usual suspects))). Yet even on this site they are parroted as gospel. Where are the intrepid New Yorkers providing live footage of the overflowing waiting areas at the local hospitals? Where are the investigative journalists who are verifying that it was indeed CoVID-19 that killed each individual, and that they wouldn't have died of whatever else ails them?

There are no investigative journalists, and no intrepid folks in "high casualty" areas apparently. We all just swallow what comes our way on the alphabet networks and cower in our corners. This country, the world is lost. Get ready for your Globalist overlords. Glad we have people like Covid to properly condition us so that we can toe the line and help usher in the Greatest Depression and the death and destruction that will result.

Oh believe me, I don't trust Western Mainstream Media at all, not one bit, I know they are liars. I also don't trust Western Governments (the American Government in particular has a standard record of being dishonest, whether we are discussing Bin Laden assassination, JFK assassination, Waco Siege, 9/11, Sandy Hook etc.). I will agree with you that these institutions have very little credibility.

However for you to suggest that this crisis is not happening, or the death #'s are fabricated or being exaggerated is quite ridiculous to be honest. You have media all around the entire world not just in the West reporting on this, and there exists thousands of anecdotal stories of someone who knows someone who had it, or had it themselves, or died from it. If you google search you can literally see hundreds, maybe thousands of Doctor interviews or statements where they discuss treating patients in relation to this virus. Do you mean to suggest that these thousands of people, spread all over the world are in on some sort of conspiracy to over exaggerate the pandemic? Come on man, that doesn't make any sense. One of the users here, Westside even is dealing with an outbreak at his workplace.

There is nothing staged or fabricated about this crisis. This is a legitimate plague. And the reality is that plagues happen and are a normal occurrence on this planet and throughout human history. Further, plagues will always kill the backwards portions of society.

I will agree with you that the way it is presented, particularly in the aftermath will lend itself to media biases.

But the suggestion that the deaths are fake or the crisis is fabricated or exaggerated is just crazy and bordering on insanely delusional.

Will this crisis be used as a political weapon by the left in America and Europe? Absolutely. And the portrayal of this crisis will be suited to that agenda. But that doesn't mean it's "fake". This is really happening.

Please take my comments respectfully they are not an attack on you personally and of course each man is 100% entitled to his own opinion.
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I would encourage everyone here to just stick to the evidence we currently have. We know the virus is not nearly as deadly for people under the age of 60 as the statistics speak for themselves. Now there will always be some rare cases of young healthy people dying from illnesses that they otherwise shouldn't die from, that just happens unfortunately. But, these are outliers and shouldn't be used to make general arguments for or against anything. This virus is not a hoax and it is not made up or fake. I personally know people caring for covid patients as I work in the medical field. We have learned a lot over the past month and will continue to learn how to treat this virus and how to keep patients from needing ventilators in the ICU as that's where things will become overwhelmed the most. ICU's aren't designed to treat hundreds of patients and it doesn't take much to fill them to capacity. It's also worth noting that sometimes there isn't enough trained staff in the ICU to take care of all the patients either which can be an issue, especially if staff start getting sick as well. There is some promising news about medications like chloroquine, especially when used in combination with zinc and zpacks, but we don't have the studies needed to say for sure yet. All we have is anecdotal evidence of doctors, which does count for something in my opinion. It seems like the virus is peaking here in the US right now and we knew this would happen. We have tested over 80 thousand people in Washington state alone and 93% have tested negative. I have to imagine well over a million people have been tested nation wide which probably makes us the most tested nation in the world and that's a good thing! The case mortality rate looks to be anywhere from 1-5% in most nations, with some like Italy looking at 10%, but remember there are undoubtedly many people who probably have/had the virus and didn't get tested so the case mortality rate may be lower although we will have to wait and see how it plays out. Just use a little critical thinking guys and stop the infighting, we are all supposed to be brothers united.
But the suggestion that the deaths are fake or the crisis is fabricated or exaggerated is just crazy and bordering on insanely delusional.

Will this crisis be used as a political weapon by the left in America and Europe? Absolutely. And the portrayal of this crisis will be suited to that agenda. But that doesn't mean it's "fake". This is really happening.

Please take my comments respectfully they are not an attack on you personally and of course each man is 100% entitled to his own opinion.
At no point have I ever said that the CoVID-19 virus doesn't exist or that it's not dangerous. I have stated this repeatedly in my previous posts, if you've bothered to read them. What I'm saying is that it is being overblown for reasons that shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Perhaps you should review some of my previous posts where I show for instance how many deaths this year from say, malaria, or even the seasonal flu. Sure, this is a particularly dangerous coronavirus (one of many), but only for a small segment of the overall population.
See what I mean? For the average healthy person under the age of, say 60, it literally is a cold. Or maybe the flu if your body reacts poorly to it. Either way it's not anything out of the ordinary FOR THE AVERAGE HEALTHY PERSON. So Westside here is ready to dive deep into his sterilized bunker because four people caught it. They will be fine. In fact, since their immune system will have defeated the virus, they will actually be healthier as they will have a better baseline for say, CoVID-20. But it's better to panic, destroy the economy, have a huge spike in suicides and death from other diseases that affect the newly homeless and impoverished.

But we can't go back to "normal" for at least three months, that would be "lives for money". No, lives for lives. The cure is going to be many times worse than the disease. Couldn't be more convenient for those who wish to control us.

Hey so are you guys on lockdown in Missouri? Are gyms and restaurants closed. Here in NJ pretty much everything is closed except for grocery stores and restaurants for takeout only. This is going to put a lot of businesses into bankruptcy. They are even charging people with misdemeanors who have house parties or gatherings.
My overall take is NOT that it doesn't exist, or it's fake. It's a real malady, and it is particularly dangerous for the older population with other underlying ailments. The real danger is what happens AFTER. A destroyed worldwide economy will result in FAR more deaths than the coronavirus, and it's not even close. But everyone says that we must sacrifice our jobs, livelihoods and future to "save lives". Anyone who thinks that shutting down the economy is going to save lives is insanely delusional. The few we save will be lost in multiples. Suicide rate is already spiking, but who cares? Those are mostly white males, we have to get rid of them anyway.
Hey so are you guys on lockdown in Missouri? Are gyms and restaurants closed. Here in NJ pretty much everything is closed except for grocery stores and restaurants for takeout only. This is going to put a lot of businesses into bankruptcy. They are even charging people with misdemeanors who have house parties or gatherings.
Yes. Everything besides "essential" businesses are closed. We are advised to "shelter in place". Some are calling for complete lockdown, with fines for venturing out for anything but groceries. It's scary stuff. The number of small businesses (and the jobs with them) that will go is going to be staggering if we keep this up for too much longer.
CovidCrisis Im going to tell you what most every skeptic already knows about the media. Its only owned by a handful of corporations worldwide. Ever notice how Fox, ABC, NBC can go to their affiliate station in Europe, Australia, Asia etc.? Don't let the brand names fool you when they are all under the same umbrella Worse yet ots not even true competition between the 6 MNC’s.

This thing could be a cold, bad flu, deadly bio weapon, 5G, fluoride, or an inter dimensional boogie man. Its hard to tell because the media are all liars, same with the top levels of government. If you told the truth as a news agency they would shut you down, sue you, or Arkancide you within a week.
Fauci is a Hillary supporter. You have to sign in to a site to watch the video:

WHOA! Dr. Fauci in 2017: President Trump Will Be Challenged By a "Surprise Global Disease Outbreak" (VIDEO)

Come again?

Back in 2017 at forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University Dr. Fauci made an interesting statement. Fauci told the audience the Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak.

That was quite a prediction considering it was back in 2017!
Some small businesses near my home have already closed down and declared bankruptcy.

I was out today, the supermarkets still have as many customers as ever.

Some young South Asians here are ignoring the two meter rule and approaching older white people closely and sometimes even cough, just to scare them. One young brown guy approached me closely in the supermarket today and, upon seeing that I was worried, he laughed in my face.
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Some small businesses near my home have already closed down and declared bankruptcy.

I was out today, the supermarkets still have as many customers as ever.

Some young South Asians here are ignoring the two meter rule and approaching older white people closely and sometimes even cough, just to scare them. One young brown guy approached me closely in the supermarket today and, upon seeing that I was worried, he laughed in my face.
Yea that happened to me with the laughing and I said "it's not for my protection it's for yours" and I started coughing. Their face changed quickly lol
What is even scarier is we have no idea when this ends. When this all began a few weeks ago I thought maybe a month. Now they are saying June or July. That is like 3-4 months. I have read about a few suicides here in NJ, people jumping of bridges and shooting themselves over losing their jobs. How much longer can the government completely shut the economy down. I read that some people may be immune and those people could potentially go back to work.
Here's one of the victims. Let's err on the side of caution here.

Just an observation that might not be totally accurate but not everyone is sucking you know what during this crisis. You think toilet paper companies are suffering or other companies like Purell, Clorox and other ones that sell products that are indicated for use during this outbreak? Booze companies are soaring. Some companies are swimming in it right now.

Here is what I noticed. While there were a few items on sale like pasta and things a lot of staple items were not on sale. I noticed the fresh asparagus was also on sale ( I love asparagus) but like the apples etc. that are on display without being bagged I am in no mood to buy veggies or fruits that are just sitting out there totally exposed.

Most always you can find the one or more of the following on sale: Bagged fresh vegetables, frozen veggies or the least appealing of the lot canned vegetables. Guess what? Apart from a bagged cauliflower I could not find any veggie mentioned above on sale. This was a first. Usually one of the above varieties would be on sale but not this go around.

I regret not buying toilet paper when I had a chance a couple of weeks ago when the clerk quoted me the price of an arm and a leg. I refused on principle. I always buy toilet paper when it is on sale but I am not forfeiting my life to fork over a gold brick for it.
I have to rely on bottled water and Poland Spring decided to raise their price all of a sudden. To think it was near 99 cents not too long ago it is now 1.49 gallon. It is called price gouging and I cant imagine any consumer is happy with that.

The Oregon governor just offered some ventilators to New York for rental. That is what is called teamwork during a time of crisis. What are these piss hole companies and their collaborative grocery stores doing to help the cause of dead in the water unemployed former working stiffs like myself? How about a cork up the ass.

Speaking( see above posts) of annoying selfish ass wipes pulling stunts, everyone was trying to follow the rules except for this one loud mouth black chick who was brazenly hogging the middle of the aisle and talking loud and spewing the store while on her gigantic I phone. I can't tell you how much I wanted to block her ass pile driver style full speed into a wall 30 feet away.
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Just two countries, France and USA, recorded over 1000 deaths today.

Italy's death rate per day has declined by over 20% now.

What's chilling is the number of new cases in the USA every day now: 34,196 today.
See what I mean? For the average healthy person under the age of, say 60, it literally is a cold. Or maybe the flu if your body reacts poorly to it. Either way it's not anything out of the ordinary FOR THE AVERAGE HEALTHY PERSON. So Westside here is ready to dive deep into his sterilized bunker because four people caught it. They will be fine. In fact, since their immune system will have defeated the virus, they will actually be healthier as they will have a better baseline for say, CoVID-20. But it's better to panic, destroy the economy, have a huge spike in suicides and death from other diseases that affect the newly homeless and impoverished.

But we can't go back to "normal" for at least three months, that would be "lives for money". No, lives for lives. The cure is going to be many times worse than the disease. Couldn't be more convenient for those who wish to control us.
Dad, I did not say that I am ready to dive into the bunker. But....if one of those guys dies from it, then yes, I will consider retiring and riding it out at home. I am just reporting "real news" at my work on the west coast. BTW, one has just developed pneumonia and in the ICU! He is 45 years old Asian guy and was in great shape. He worked a floor above me. No fear-mongering, just giving you guys real scoop.
Good questions. And why the total news blackout on the chloroquin drug combo that was, if true, said to be almost a 100% cure?

This is my question exactly. I watch zero tv news and yet I listen to top and bottom of the hour "news" headlines that come on the radio in the night sometimes. Not a damn peep about this drug. No hope, no talk of it, no optimism, not even discussed at all, and never mentioned. This is all to obliterate any hope in people. A possible cure or at least a means of controlling the virus so those infected can recover is totally ignored or poo-pooed and vaguely mentioned as if it's a months and months away back burner snake oil remedy. The media is deserving of everyone's hatred.
WW, see my above post.
This is my question exactly. I watch zero tv news and yet I listen to top and bottom of the hour "news" headlines that come on the radio in the night sometimes. Not a damn peep about this drug. No hope, no talk of it, no optimism, not even discussed at all, and never mentioned. This is all to obliterate any hope in people. A possible cure or at least a means of controlling the virus so those infected can recover is totally ignored or poo-pooed and vaguely mentioned as if it's a months and months away back burner snake oil remedy. The media is deserving of everyone's hatred.

Pres. Trump's chloroquine drug combo, after early reports by doctors of it having an almost a 100% cure rate, and essentially ending the whole virus pandemic, it has - correct me if I'm wrong - totally vanished from the news!
You're not wrong. It's ignored, intentionally of course. This is what "they" want to ignore and shelve away.
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