Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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To again warn humanity about the dangers of 5G. It's been killing animals everywhere and humans are gonna start dieing very quickly from it. Wuhan China was first place to have 5G in the World. Italy, Spain and many other places have it. It's going in everywhere. The 5G is far more dangerous than corona virus. The vaccinations will make you even more prone to die from the emf radiation. Please guys. Do not bring this into your homes period. We will have it everywhere soon but at least stick with 4G Phones, Modems and Routers. 5G cannot pennetrate your home walls. It can only get it to make you sick if you bring the devices into your houses. Yes we will have to live with it everywhere else which is a crime, but at least at home we can be safe. There are also vitamins to help protect against emf radiation.
You do realize that "400 million billion deaths" is a number some 50 million times the population of the entire world, don't you? Your fearmongering posts are becoming more ludicrous by the day.

I thought his prediction of "400 million billion " was hilarious. I needed a good laugh. I assume he meant 400 million but forgot to delete the billion but it was still funny.

He does seem pessimistic. I hope he's wrong....
Way to go, shutting down virtually the entire private sector of the economy. It will also probably cause the political demise of Trump:

Goodbye V-Shaped Recovery: Morgan Stanley No Longer Expects Return To Normalcy Before End Of 2021

Two weeks ago, when the first dire Q2 GDP forecasts emerged which were however followed by hilarious V-shaped recovery assumptions for Q3 and onward, we said it's only a matter of time before the banks throw in the towel on a V-shaped recovery as the full devastation of the Covid depression emerges.

We didn't have long to wait.

In a report from Morgan Stanley's chief economist Ellen Zentner, the bank has not only surpassed both Goldman and JPMorgan in sellside gloom for how bad the Q2 depression will be, now expecting a massive 38% collapse in GDP, but more troubling for all those who believe the economy will recover overnight with a snap of the fingers, Morgan Stanley now sees "a shallower rebound in 3Q, and we do not see activity returning to its pre-virus level until the end of 2021."

The reason: "The evolution of economic activity will be a function of how quickly the number of coronavirus cases peaks as well as how quickly social distancing measures are rolled back and how quickly consumer and business sentiment recovers such that at least somewhat normal economic behavior can resume."


With this dynamic in place, MS now expects the US economic recovery will be more drawn out than previously anticipated, marked by a deeper drop into recession and slower climb out. The bank has revised down its expectation for 3Q GDP growth accordingly, and now look for a 20.7% annualized bounce in GDP in 3Q (Exhibit 2). Although that looks like an elevated quarterly growth number, off of such a low base our forecast implies that the level of real GDP in 3Q will recover back only 35% of the lost output in the first half of the year.


Reflecting Morgan Stanley's loss of hope in a V-shaped recovery, the level of real activity in its forecasts remains below its 4Q19 level until the end of 2021: a sharper loss of real GDP compared with the 2008 recession (Exhibit 4). Still, the bank isn't completely apocalyptic and expects that the rebound in economic activity should be quicker this cycle compared with 2008 when activity did not return to its 4Q 2007 level until the second quarter of 2011. We give the bank another week before it gives up on this particular optimistic view.


Finally, there is unemployment, which Morgan Stanley expects will peak at a ghastly 28% in late 2020.

Disruptions to economic activity and closures of nonessential businesses have increasingly weighed on the labor market. In the past two weeks alone we have seen nearly 10 million workers file for unemployment benefits, indicating that upcoming employment data on payroll growth in April and through the second quarter is likely to be deeply negative.

For the second quarter as a whole, we expect this will lead to a sharp rise in the unemployment rate to an average of 15.7% (Exhibit 6), the highest among records dating back to the 1940s. That builds in an assumption of cumulative job losses of 21 million in the second quarter, with a peak in the unemployment rate at 16.4% in May. In our bear case scenario, job losses amount to almost 40 million in 2Q, driving the unemployment rate up to 25%, and further economic weakness in 3Q20 leads the unemployment rate to drift up further to a peak of 28%, and the unemployment rate remains persistently higher over the forecast horizon in this scenario.

The pattern of job losses will largely follow the GDP pattern, although we do foresee some long-term job losses persisting over our forecast horizon. That may be particularly the case among small businesses (<100 employees), which BLS data indicate comprise more than 55% of total employment. We expect that payroll employment will begin to expand in June 2020, but will remain 2.7% below its pre-recession peak at the end of 2021. Nevertheless, that would feel like a stronger recovery compared to the persistent labor market weakness seen in the 2008 cycle (Exhibit 7).


And that's what the second great depression looks like.
I see Trump Administration pushing the states less affected by the virus to open up for business fast after the end of April.
I see Trump Administration pushing the states less affected by the virus to open up for business fast after the end of April.

I hope so. A lot of businesses should be open now and practicing "social distancing" just as post offices and grocery stores are by having customers stand six feet from each other. Restaurants for example could be open while making sure there are empty tables between those tables who have diners. Forcing a total shutdown of so many businesses when "essential" ones remain open with social distancing is going to be devastating to the economy and many millions of Americans the longer it goes on.
I hope so. A lot of businesses should be open now and practicing "social distancing" just as post offices and grocery stores are by having customers stand six feet from each other. Restaurants for example could be open while making sure there are empty tables between those tables who have diners. Forcing a total shutdown of so many businesses when "essential" ones remain open with social distancing is going to be devastating to the economy and many millions of Americans the longer it goes on.

Not only restaurants but also bowling alleys and churches to name a few places. In bowling alleys you could have people bowl on every other lane. At church people could be 6 feet apart in the pues or just every other row of bench seats. The powers that be have decided who will make money and who will go broke and out of business. Most will not be able to come back depending on the length of this stupid
overreation of govt and attack on everyones rights. Will the people ever wake up. I think many are starting to wake up and realise who the enemy is or maybe I'm wrong. I hope people wake up.
32,088 new cases in the US today. 1,320 dead so far today in the US, the most of any country in the world.

Because of the enormous number of new cases, there will probably will be over 2000 a day dying by next week.

Most of the deaths have been in the big cities. Detroit now has a lot of new cases, so there will be many dying there next week.
32,088 new cases in the US today. 1,320 dead so far today in the US, the most of any country in the world.

Because of the enormous number of new cases, there will probably will be over 2000 a day dying by next week.

Most of the deaths have been in the big cities. Detroit now has a lot of new cases, so there will be many dying there next week.
A large number of deaths will be due to the lack of ventilators.
You know this whole Coronageddon Crisis was largely preventable!

That should be a hard pill to swallow for Western Nations. Western Nations had literally months to close borders and restrict travel from China but chose not to do so (for liberal reasons of literally wanting to appear nonracist in the case of Italy, or an outstanding commitment to a "progressive" open borders policy). In contrast Eastern European and Asian countries closed borders weeks before the EU or North America and predictably, it's now the EU and North America that is getting wrecked from this disease.

Then Western Nations discovered that due to reliance on international trade, they don't have the necessary supplies (ventilators, ICU Beds, masks, etc.) to treat their citizens, and what's more they are unable to quickly manufacture them because all the manufacturing is done in China! So, many of these European nations (Italy, France, Spain, UK) are now ordering necessary supplies from Asia.

China actually stands to profit from this. Think about that for a second.

To make matters worse, Western Nations, USA, France, UK, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain and so on, due to a shortage of medical equipment are now discussing how to ration ventilators. So if there are 2 sick patients, and only 1 ventilator. Who gets it?

There are various articles in American and European mainstream media discussing this and one of the hallmarks in their policy of rationing medical equipment is a commitment to support diversity and not discriminate based on race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation and the like.

The reality here is that there will be a sense of overcompensation involved in treatment of patients and a desire to appear anti-discriminatory. Just like in Italy, the medical staff will bend over backwards to appear non-discriminatory.

I spoke weeks ago of a likely discrimination involved in treatment of COVID-19 as an explanation for why males die at a rate of 2 times more.

The West is lost and is really killing itself and maybe on some level that's exactly what should happen. There was a time, many years ago, when the medical industry in USA, Canada, and Europe was heads and shoulders above the rest of the world but that is no longer the case today and statistical data would actually suggest Asia and parts of Eastern Europe have a medical infrastructure that is more self-sufficient and able to treat this disease. Russia for example has 2 or 3 times the amount of ventilators per capita as USA and 4 or 5 that of France, UK, Canada. Asian countries have also dealt with the crisis much more effectively. South Korea had cases earlier than almost any European nations but has been able to slow the virus spread and treat it at a more successful rate than any European nation (S Korea has only a few hundred deaths an overall deathrate of 1%, compared to Italy or Spain or France who all have thousands of deaths near or over 10% and the kicker is S Korea had the virus earlier . Explain that to me?)

There is an evolutionary theory that when plagues occur it kills the worst of civilization and the weakest. It is no surprise then that this plague is no different! Perhaps on some level these nations that are hardest hit deserve it and should look in the mirror for asking who's responsible.

You could essentially draw a precise correlation between how liberal a nation is and # of deaths. Perhaps that is evolution working its own magic .
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Where are you finding these videos White Lightning? The extreme narcissism to be walking down the beach with a selfie stick doing a video is one thing. Then you take that to a whole new level of walking by woman and children saying we are being poisoned ( even if 100% true) why would a normal person do this in public?

Also pro tip here, if you are planning on a slow rolling apocalypse. Living it up at a Mexican beachside retreat ( although awesome at first) would be about the stupidest place to survive. Those poor people are going to turn on you so fast when the little bit of law and order that exists breaks down. Rightfully so too, no matter how delusional this guy is to think that these guys are his brothers. He actually said this. Jose isn’t going to serve you and Maria is not going to “service you”, they are going to beat your self righteous bitch@ss and split your gear.

Also I thought it was weird how the ex-executive for the phone company didn't know how to pronounce the 2nd biggest company. You'd think that they would say the competitions name daily for years straight.
I spoke weeks ago, before anyone else, about a likely gender discrimination involved in treatment of COVID-19 for an explanation of the question "why do men die at a rate that is 2 times higher?".

Suffice to say, in times of crisis it is usually men who forfeit their lives whether we are discussing a plague, a war, or Titanic or other catastrophes. There is a social discrimination in place which prioritizes women's lives and if you look at the proposed frameworks for rationing medical supplies in the West when faced with shortages, you can see what I'm talking about.

Women will be treated first.

*To prove my point* on gender discrimination in respect to COVID-19 Patients, consider this: According to men have an overall COVID-19 global deathrate of 2.8% of all cases, women of 1.7% of all cases. Men and women tend to become infected at a similar rate, but men die more. So according to that number, men who contract COVID-19 are just under twice as likely to die as women, because 1.7+1.7=3.4, and men are at 2.8%, so a man is just under twice as likely to die as a woman. HOWEVER, in nations such as Italy, where medical equipment such as beds and ventilators needs to be rationed and Doctors need to choose out of 2 patients which 1 gets the 1 available ventilator, that ratio changes and men actually become more than twice as likely to die than women. Of course, the situation in Italy is Doctors have a shortage of equipment and needs to choose which patients receive the ICU Beds and life saving ventilators. This article: suggests men make up more than 70% of deaths in Italy to women's 30%, which means men in Italy are MORE than twice as likely to die as women, which is more than the global ratio.

The CONCLUSION from that is that when Hospitals are faced with decisions about which patients to save with a limited number of beds and ventilators., they typically will treat women first.

It will be impossible to prove biases on a racial level as the data will never be available on a racial case basis like it is for gender, but I would also suggest that there are likely racial biases in treatment depending on where you are. For example, in Italy a tremendous desire to appear nonracist contributed to open borders even after the virus entered Italy in the first place. I posted a source in the thread specific to Italy, but members of Italian healthcare even admitted on CNN no less that a racial bias or desire to appear nonracist contributed to not closing the borders and further spreading COVID 19. This same racial bias will also be observed in treatment. As in, Doctors will want to be as diverse as possible in making these decisions.

Ultimately if you are sick and need a ventilator, and it's between you and 1 other person. The Doctor decides.

Keep in mind that as Western Nations ration scarce medical beds and ventilators it will be prioritized for women and in such a way to appear diverse and inclusive. Moreover Western Nations have pretty much confirmed that through frameworks for rationing ventilators that have been published on mainstream media.

Many Western media sources guidelines for rationing ventilators are based on a policy of non-discrimination and inclusivity, NOT on actually saving lives. Even in terms of age, they are not supposed to necessarily give younger people the equipment (though in most countries that would be common sense, because they have a greater likelihood of surviving and recover quicker, allowing someone else to be treated).

Technically, if you read Western nations' guidelines for determining which patients to treat in event of a medical equipment shortage such as ventilators, even patients with bad health, disabilities, and a small likelihood of surviving should receive the same level of treatment as someone in good health and with a much better chance of survival. This desire to be inclusive, and non-discriminatory is backwards and will end up killing more people. The West is prioritizing liberalism at the expense of rational decision making, just as the case with keeping the border open despite knowing China had an infectious disease problem.

The goal in the West is diversity.
When the goal should really be rational decision making which saves lives.

But the West has been entirely irrational since this crisis started. As I said: Evolution fixing humanity's problems, the unintelligent will die and that's how a plague always goes historically, maybe this virus will take the entire Western world out, on some level maybe that's what is meant to happen and it could happen depending if the virus mutates next year. I'm assuming the vaccines will also need to be ordered and sent in from China? (Lol).
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Gentlemen, The die is already cast with so many people. Obviously, there's a new strain of flu going around. But it is for the most part only people who are old and have led/lead unhealthy lives who are affected. All anyone has to do is look at most Americans and you can more or less figure their lifestyle. Those who lay around and eat and drink to excess and watch TV and are extremely fat and those who are like waifs through only eating sparingly and foods not tending to give correct nutrient foods are liable to get this virus. The 3rd world "immigrants" are a very sickly group as well. Once again, all you have to do is look at them and you can see they're sub-par people. My wife and I are old but we never lived like 90% of our peers. We're always moving one way or another. I might die of this virus but it will probably be something traumatic that triggers it like I get run over by a car and as my body is fighting my injuries, the opportunistic virus jumps on me and finally kills me. Then they'll say it was Covid-19 that did me in.
Fauci is a long time Hillary supporter and friend of the demonic witch. Is he actually a Hebrew gentleman too? Where is the black doctor, Ben Carlson? I thought he was touted as the greatest doctor since Socrates. Why isn't he up there standing next to Trump instead of Fauci? And why aren't those guys at the Trump public announcements making a good example for us by standing 6 feet apart and wearing face masks? Trump always surrounds himself with the worst of the swamp dwellers, like Fauci, Pompeo, formerly Bolton, and of course his son in law, a close friend of Netanyahu of Israel , from 666 Fifth Avenue (666 is the Devil's number). I thought he said he was going to "drain the swamp".

Another black doctor made the Swine flu vaccine. Most US deaths came from the Swine Flu vaccine and not Swine Flu!

I'm pro-Asian, I like Asians, I their food - I'm the white boy chopstick champion! - but this one here, not good, not good at all. So that's why there are no proper face masks and other essentials available!

All of the numbers that we are seeing, the ones posted above by CovidCrisis, Charles Martel and others are the ones being fed to us by the (((usual suspects))). Yet even on this site they are parroted as gospel. Where are the intrepid New Yorkers providing live footage of the overflowing waiting areas at the local hospitals? Where are the investigative journalists who are verifying that it was indeed CoVID-19 that killed each individual, and that they wouldn't have died of whatever else ails them?

There are no investigative journalists, and no intrepid folks in "high casualty" areas apparently. We all just swallow what comes our way on the alphabet networks and cower in our corners. This country, the world is lost. Get ready for your Globalist overlords. Glad we have people like Covid to properly condition us so that we can toe the line and help usher in the Greatest Depression and the death and destruction that will result.
At work, 4 more came down with it. Their ages are btwn 45-54 years old. I think next week I will be wearing the N95 mask provided to me by my brother. I think if any of the newest victims at my work go down, as in dying, it may be a sign to just retire and ride this out at home.
All of the numbers that we are seeing, the ones posted above by CovidCrisis, Charles Martel and others are the ones being fed to us by the (((usual suspects))). Yet even on this site they are parroted as gospel. Where are the intrepid New Yorkers providing live footage of the overflowing waiting areas at the local hospitals? Where are the investigative journalists who are verifying that it was indeed CoVID-19 that killed each individual, and that they wouldn't have died of whatever else ails them?

There are no investigative journalists, and no intrepid folks in "high casualty" areas apparently. We all just swallow what comes our way on the alphabet networks and cower in our corners. This country, the world is lost. Get ready for your Globalist overlords. Glad we have people like Covid to properly condition us so that we can toe the line and help usher in the Greatest Depression and the death and destruction that will result.

Good questions. And why the total news blackout on the chloroquin drug combo that was, if true, said to be almost a 100% cure?

Investigative journalists in the US? Surely you jest. The US mass media is totally and carefully and methodically controlled, everything - tho right after 911 there was a very brief period of chaos and some real news slipped by the censors, like the four part FOX tv special about Israel spying and their connection to the 911 attacks, but it was quickly memory holed. It used to be here:

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All of the numbers that we are seeing, the ones posted above by CovidCrisis, Charles Martel and others are the ones being fed to us by the (((usual suspects))). Yet even on this site they are parroted as gospel. Where are the intrepid New Yorkers providing live footage of the overflowing waiting areas at the local hospitals? Where are the investigative journalists who are verifying that it was indeed CoVID-19 that killed each individual, and that they wouldn't have died of whatever else ails them?

There are no investigative journalists, and no intrepid folks in "high casualty" areas apparently. We all just swallow what comes our way on the alphabet networks and cower in our corners. This country, the world is lost. Get ready for your Globalist overlords. Glad we have people like Covid to properly condition us so that we can toe the line and help usher in the Greatest Depression and the death and destruction that will result.

One of the fear tactics employed by fake news outlets and sites like Drudge (which has regressed in recent years to piece of you know what status) is to run a headline every time a public figure is diagnosed with coronavirus. The latest is the piggy singer Pink. Quite frankly, who cares? Now if Pink dies from it, that's news. But she won't, and for her and just about everyone else who gets it outside of the elderly and the already sick, it doesn't need to be ominously publicized as if they've come down with a disease that's 100% fatal. The fearmongering has caused most people to lose whatever abilities they have to discern between propaganda and reality.
While you hide under your bed, petrified of catching a cold, totalitarian government is ramping up their tyranny. The Constitution has been shredded. I’m currently trying to determine which states or countries have rejected this nonsense. I refuse to be enslaved.
American Freedom News