Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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I think you're right, we're testing a ton. Right now my state has twice as many negative tests as positive.

20 out of 1000 is actually 2 percent. This is around what many scientists believe the actual death rate is. For comparison, the Spanish flu death rate was estimated to be around 2.5%. It's not a problem until a massive amount of people are infected at the same time. The seasonal flu is around .05% to .1%. so for every thousand there is 1 death. So in order for this to be as mild as the flu, it would have to mean an additional 40 million people have caught covid 19 without testing, being that the death total is over 40k right now. While 2% doesn't seem high, the Spanish flu wound up shutting down the economy because of so many people being sick and dying.

Let's hope these anti malaria drugs can help. I'm a little confused as to the support of them on here though. The studies are based on small sample sizes and based on some people's logic, "those people would have recovered anyway". It can also be deadly for some people with preexisting health conditions, mostly those with heart problems, the same people that are vulnerable to Covid 19.

Yes. I do need to throw a penalty flag on myself. I had two deaths stuck on my mind because that is the number of deaths on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. My bad. I'm about 75 miles from New Orleans. There are some reports that we are two weeks behind them. The travel corridor from the coast to New Orleans is pretty well used.

The anti-malaria drugs may or may not be a solution. But even if they cut the rate of deaths marginally, I'm for their compassionate use.
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Read an article in the Gateway Pundit about Dr.Vladimir Zelenka. He claims to have treated 450 to 500 patients when the anti-malaria drugs and with the anti-biotic drug z-pack. He is treating people from the village of Kiryas Joel. He claims none has died, none intubated, and only has 3 people with pneumonia. Hydroxy chloroquine seems to be at least part of the answer.
Read an article in the Gateway Pundit about Dr.Vladimir Zelenka. He claims to have treated 450 to 500 patients when the anti-malaria drugs and with the anti-biotic drug z-pack. He is treating people from the village of Kiryas Joel. He claims none has died, none intubated, and only has 3 people with pneumonia. Hydroxy chloroquine seems to be at least part of the answer.
Also from the Gateway Pundit, here is how (((they))) really feel and think about those of us who are not one of them (just check out the last name of the terminated NY hospital executive):
Richard Maddow is wrong again. What else is new? That guy is always showing himself to be an idiot. But it is fun to watch him and his Leftist loonies fail... I just wish more folks knew the games they play. Richard always has a very miserable and dejected look on his face:

CBS Caught Pushing Fake News

CBS News was caught using footage from an Italian hospital while trying to depict the coronavirus conditions in New York City last week.

On March 22, SKY News showed footage of a hospital in Bergamo, Italy, the city that has been hit hardest by COVID-19 in that country. On March 25, CBS News used that same video footage while describing the conditions on the ground in New York City with a headline that read, "America's Epicenter: New York Now Accounts For More Than Half Of New U.S. Cases."
Not surprising at all. It now becomes a question of when are they even telling the truth, and then "Why?".
CBS Caught Pushing Fake News

CBS News was caught using footage from an Italian hospital while trying to depict the coronavirus conditions in New York City last week.

On March 22, SKY News showed footage of a hospital in Bergamo, Italy, the city that has been hit hardest by COVID-19 in that country. On March 25, CBS News used that same video footage while describing the conditions on the ground in New York City with a headline that read, "America's Epicenter: New York Now Accounts For More Than Half Of New U.S. Cases."

Thank you Don. This is more media driven than anything. They had a hashtag on twitter 2 days ago. Film your hospital and emergency room. People did and most of them across the nation and around the world were empty. We are being lied to.
I don't know what to think. Some say it's a hoax or an overreaction. Others say it's serious and could kill millions. The government has lied so much in the past that you can't believe anything they say, even if it's true. My own doctor says it's a real, serious threat, but maybe he's mistaken.

It seems to me, if we err, it should be on the side of caution. So let's wear masks, glasses, wash our hands and keep our distance. Let's hope it blows over soon...
I don't know what to think. Some say it's a hoax or an overreaction. Others say it's serious and could kill millions. The government has lied so much in the past that you can't believe anything they say, even if it's true. My own doctor says it's a real, serious threat, but maybe he's mistaken.

It seems to me, if we err, it should be on the side of caution. So let's wear masks, glasses, wash our hands and keep our distance. Let's hope it blows over soon...

I agree. Stay safe guys. I just personally wouldn't recomend anyone take the test or vaccination. It's up to you and your families but you couldn't force me to take it. No thanks.
There is one guy at work who has it. He is young and strong. I checked on him a couple of days ago. He and his girlfriend (RN) who also has it, says he is feeling better. The moment I find out someone dies from it between the ages of 21 -60 yrs old at my work, is the day I call for the retirement for deliverance!
Although I'm probably on the same page as you are in this massive misdirection campaign, this doesn't tell me much. "Coronavirus" is just the name for a family of pathogens, like "influenza" covers many, many strains. CoViD-19 is just one of 19 that we know about. SARS and MERS are also coronaviruses. As one expert says, roughly 13-15% of all "flu" cases every year are actually due to coronaviruses.
I don't know what to think. Some say it's a hoax or an overreaction. Others say it's serious and could kill millions. The government has lied so much in the past that you can't believe anything they say, even if it's true. My own doctor says it's a real, serious threat, but maybe he's mistaken.

It seems to me, if we err, it should be on the side of caution. So let's wear masks, glasses, wash our hands and keep our distance. Let's hope it blows over soon...

That's my position as well. I lean to it being real. Videos of people in the hospital trying to breath are chilling.
Is there any verification and more details for this??

Connect the dots. Bill Gates is worth over 100 million dollars. He had a speech on Ted Talks which airs on About 2 years ago in this speech he talked about how
we need to depopulate that planet. The crowd gave him applause as he talked about how they want to kill miilions of people. Look up Eugenics and the whole Eugenics Movement
which has been around for a very long time. They have worldwide Eugenics Conferences every year with Millionaires and Billionaires from Bankers, CEO's and Politicians figuring
out how to depopulate the planet quicker. Look up the Georgia Guidestones to see what they want and it's written in 11 languages and was erected in Georgia 40 years ago. They all
want us to die alot quicker. From Ted Turner to Gates to Musk and countless others. This includes our leaders. They want the population of the earth reduced to around 500,000. Look
up vacinations Gates gave to Africa and many other countries that killed 100',000s of thounsands of people and in India where Gates even made thousands paralyzed for life and they
were only kids. Bill Gates also stepped down from Micosoft to be in charge of the Vacinations including for the Corona Virus. They also want to chip us and go to a cashless society. I have
things about all of this. I hate to say it but it's alot like the movie the matrix. We are NEO. You can stay asleep and take the blue pill like most or take the red pill and go down the rabbit hole.

Since you are a beliver, everything in the bible is happening before our eyes. Even the millions of locusts over in Africa and the middle east right now. In some places they have ate half of
all the crops and they can't get rid of them. Do an internet search and you can verify this. Not trying to scare people. Just trying to wake people up and warn people.
I was reluctant to do this but if you guys are ready to see the truth and be shocked start with this channel. Watch as many videos as you can while you can. These videos don't stay
up too long and get deleted. Other truthers create new channels and try to repost them. I like Don am not sure about the Q Movement. It may or may not be true. Part of it is true but
there is so much disinfo out there. TV is complete garbage and the internet has both truth and lies. That is how they keep us off guard.

To everyone here. Please watch this channel and learn the truth now while you still have a chance. Thanks and I hope we make it through this. We need a revolution.

Not sure what they are showing in that video. Even in normal times hospitals have crowded parking lots and interiors. The video where the lady standing in front pushed her hand into the camera - next to her on the wall is a sign saying Private Property No Trespassing. An active hospital wouldn't have a sign like that. It may be a closed hospital that is in the process of being reopened. The vid of a Brooklyn hospital waiting room is undated.
My brother who is an MD says the government is low balling the death rate of 200K in four weeks. My brother says it will be closer to 1 million. Even 50K dying from this with no vaccine is huge.
My brother who is an MD says the government is low balling the death rate of 200K in four weeks. My brother says it will be closer to 1 million. Even 50K dying from this with no vaccine is huge.
Your brother sounds like a complete retard. I hope you told him that.
Why is New Orleans' coronavirus death rate 7 times New York? Obesity is factor...

This is what I think is close to what is happening. Americans by and large are in very bad health and something like this is going to really effect them badly. Interesting that so many people in the south are so overweight. In my youth, I remember them as mostly being thin (not waif like as you see so many young men today) and what we called, "raw boned." But that's what's at the bottom of all this death. All people have to do is change the way they live and they'll be fine.
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