Commercials we HATE!!!!

I’ve been noticing this Marxism-encrusted commercial for the “McDonald’s Dollar Menu” recently. The ad features an Asian-looking mystery meat, a friendly Negro with requisite watermelon grin, a little Chinese waif, an Arabic-looking female and a “Hispanic” female. Presenting, for your optical pleasure, a portrait of “McMarxism”…


CAPTION: Cancerous Cretins Crave Corporate Calories

For the sake of appeasing the “racially conscious” folks who might be viewing this digital excrement, there was ONE white person chosen for this nauseating production…that being a Northern European blonde woman who sits playfully upon a crimson couch, laughing as a male Negro “steals” one of her delicious McNuggetts…


CAPTION: McDonald Mudshark – Ideal Employment of “White Tokenism”

Almost every single corporation in the West (US, Canada, Europe, Australian/New Zealand) is rigidly devoted to promoting diversity, multiculturalism, globalism, Cultural Communism/Marxism, and they're constantly reminding us that “race doesn’t matter”…yet they’re the ones who invest billions of dollars (reaped from white consumers) to rigorously study racial demographics and adjust their business model to more effectivley pander to whatever non-white creatures are more likely to purchase their product or service (you know, with whatever money is left over from their welfare checks, SSI, burglaries, and drug transaction profits). In fact, one could make a strong argument that big corporations hold far more clout with concern to “empowering” the countless enemies of the white race (Zionists, non-whites, sodomites, female chauvinists, career women, etc) than government agencies.

In the 1980’s and 1990’s, I’d estimate that approximately 1/3[SUP]rd[/SUP] of every TV commercial would feature a single non-white character. This trend continued into the 2000’s, but seemed to have been shifted into overdrive during the past 10 years. In today’s advertisements, no matter the product, non-whites will, at times, be more prevalent than whites. Like when the NFL’s model Casteon Franchise, the Pittsburgh Steelers, dropped to a record-low 8 whites on their 53-man roster several years hope is that they “go all the way” with these commercials and make every single character black, brown, Hispanic, Asian, Arabic, Indian, Polynesian, mixed, handicapped, or an obvious homosexual. At the very least, it would be an interesting social experiment to see if the dunce-cap-sporting DWF’s actually take notice. I think they might, but as is the case with most problems faced by whites, they’d have no medium for which to voice their opinions (or a person in the media or government that would care) if by some chance they could actually articulate a sense of racial consciousness.



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Whites should get the clue, as it's blatantly obvious at this point, that McDonald's is extremely anti-White. Boycotting them should be the absolute minimum effort taken against them. Also, no self-respecting White person should willfully eat this chemical and poison laden "food". You'll live a healthier and longer life without this garbage. Leave it for the blacks and other non-Whites to consume. Heck, the affletes have so much "upside" that obesity has never stopped them from getting scholarships so why not throw in some Diabetes and Cancer as well.
This commercial perfectly fits the modern agenda.

Breadwinning businessmom away on a trip? Check.
Stay at home dad eager for leader-wife's approval? Check.
Wimpy and worthless dad failing miserably at raising her kids? Check.

New Tinder dating app ad.


The vid.

I’ve recently been noticing this commercial for “Sandals Emerald Bay” in which a young, interracial couple is seen sauntering down a serene ocean shoreline. The blonde prostitute, accompanied by a Negro male, seem lost in each other’s love. Arms around waists, hips only millimeters apart, and faces festooned with big, fake, Cultural Marxist smiles as the Jewish director, seated behind the camera, receives a rush of blood to his scrawny penis whilst gazing upon the deviant “art” he’s created...


CAPTION: Mud Shark Returns Home to the Sea


What “target demographic” was this maggot-infested fecal matter intended to cover, anyway? I mean, these two repugnant little “lovebirds” are presumably on their “honeymoon,” but how many white prostitutes are actually marrying their unattractive, impotent, imbecilic, irresponsible, jobless African sperm donors and being “wined and dined” on fancy vacations to Caribbean islands? I’d estimate that less than 5% of mulatto children have parents that are/were married to one another. Usually, the Jew-herded, beastiality-craving white prostitute is simply impregnated, they either break up or the Negro goes to prison, and the prostitute and her white, Cultural Marxist “family” (normally the grandparents) raise the hideous little twerp until it reaches puberty, turns its back on the vile whites who guided it through life, and invariably begins to discover and express its “black side” (dropping out of school, welfare, drugs, gangs, murder, theft, rape, illegitimate children, prison, etc).


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"What “target demographicâ€￾ was this maggot-infested fecal matter intended to cover..."

Selling stuff is strictly secondary. The Vampire-controlled media and advertising agencies have miscegenation and homosexuality on the fast track in their quest to destroy the hated host population - and they are geniuses at what they do. If you had told an American in 1954 that by 2014 negroes would have been sold as desirable sex objects and husbands for white women, and homosexual sex perverts would have been sold as perfectly normal and the greatest thing since sliced bread, they would have fell over laughing. The late great Dr William Pierce observed that a young woman from the 1950's would rather it be thought that she was having sex with her pet dog than a negro.
All the white boys have long blonde hair and look feminine. The main one literally looks like a girl.

Thrashen, I'm a new member and I love your work in this thread. Ive seen this commercial a couple of times lately and thought about breaking it down, but I can not duplicate your skill in this department. Would you care to give this one a shot?

The CDC has come out with a set of vile PSA's on HIV that are polluting the airwaves

Last night during the World Cup festivities, I noticed this unbelievably-offensive commercial for “Hotwire.Com.” The ad features a middle-aged, male homosexual couple (with traditional queer-lisp enunciation) discussing their experience booking a hotel. They make an illusion to their “anniversary coming up,” and the fact that their “in-laws agreed to take care of our kid for the night.” The one ****** mentions how he’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep, “it’s all about sleep.” This perturbs his annoyed sodomite partner, who utters “it’s not all about sleep,” an obvious reference to his desire to have sexual intercourse in the hotel room. Video…

[video=youtube;0BaOAJsBPRw] ESlf4x9-lHaZoU0QK[/video]

Over the past 5 years in particular, the efforts exerted by Cultural Marxists to attempt to normalize homosexuality have been astounding. Soon enough, all corporations will engage in “****** tokenism,” and all commercials, movies, and TV shows will include a homosexual character. Like the endless media lionization of Negroes (and other non-white weaklings who need to be artificially propped-up by Corporate-Government Complex) over the past 30-40 years, these sodomite characters will be given top billing and will be universally portrayed as the wittiest, the most intelligent, the strongest, the toughest, the funniest, the best looking, and the most agreeable when contrasted against all others.

It took many decades for “Joe Six Pack” to be desensitized to seeing Negroes polluting his neighborhood, his profession, his TV screen, his radio airwaves, his music, his athletic arenas, his elected officials, and even his genetic code...but it happened, “ziegel um ziegel,” because Marxists have but one admirable talent -- they never surrender.
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Last night during the World Cup festivities, I noticed this unbelievably-offensive commercial for “Hotwire.Com.†The ad features a middle-aged, male homosexual couple (with traditional queer-lisp enunciation) discussing their experience booking a hotel. They make an illusion to their “anniversary coming up,†and the fact that their “in-laws agreed to take care of our kid for the night.†The one ****** mentions how he’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep, “it’s all about sleep.†This perturbs his annoyed sodomite partner, who utters “it’s not all about sleep,†an obvious reference to his desire to have sexual intercourse in the hotel room. Video…

[video=youtube;0BaOAJsBPRw] ESlf4x9-lHaZoU0QK[/video]

Over the past 5 years in particular, the efforts exerted by Cultural Marxists to attempt to normalize homosexuality have been astounding. Soon enough, all corporations will engage in “faggot tokenism,†and all commercials, movies, and TV shows will include a homosexual character. Like the endless media lionization of Negroes (and other non-white weaklings who need to be artificially propped-up by Corporate-Government Complex) over the past 30-40 years, these sodomite characters will be given top billing and will be universally portrayed as the wittiest, the most intelligent, the strongest, the toughest, the funniest, the best looking, and the most agreeable when contrasted against all others.

It took many decades for “Joe Six Pack†to be desensitized to seeing Negroes polluting his neighborhood, his profession, his TV screen, his radio airwaves, his music, his athletic arenas, his elected officials, and even his genetic code...but it happened, “ziegel um ziegel,†because Marxists have but one admirable talent -- they never surrender.

Shamelessness blitzkrieg on parade. The sodomite revolution is there intentionally to destroy what's left of anything pure, honorable, and most of all, normal. There is no more vile, hate-filled people on the planet than these perverts.
Homoerotic garbage appeals to 3% of the population and disgusts the other 97%. Ad creators are so out of touch with the mainstream population that it's like we're two separate species.
Shamelessness blitzkrieg on parade. The sodomite revolution is there intentionally to destroy what's left of anything pure, honorable, and most of all, normal. There is no more vile, hate-filled people on the planet than these perverts.
What is this targeted ads for the gay ghettos of major urban markets. Thank god all of the homos where I live are closeted. What I don't get is why an ad like this isn't on some kind of gay specific show, nobody else would care for sodomite humour even though this was funny in a Seinfeld sort of way.......:frusty:
I’ve been noticing this Marxism-encrusted commercial for the “McDonald’s Dollar Menu†recently. The ad features an Asian-looking mystery meat, a friendly Negro with requisite watermelon grin, a little Chinese waif, an Arabic-looking female and a “Hispanic†female. Presenting, for your optical pleasure, a portrait of “McMarxismâ€â€¦


CAPTION: Cancerous Cretins Crave Corporate Calories

For the sake of appeasing the “racially conscious†folks who might be viewing this digital excrement, there was ONE white person chosen for this nauseating production…that being a Northern European blonde woman who sits playfully upon a crimson couch, laughing as a male Negro “steals†one of her delicious McNuggetts…


CAPTION: McDonald Mudshark – Ideal Employment of “White Tokenismâ€

Almost every single corporation in the West (US, Canada, Europe, Australian/New Zealand) is rigidly devoted to promoting diversity, multiculturalism, globalism, Cultural Communism/Marxism, and they're constantly reminding us that “race doesn’t matterâ€â€¦yet they’re the ones who invest billions of dollars (reaped from white consumers) to rigorously study racial demographics and adjust their business model to more effectivley pander to whatever non-white creatures are more likely to purchase their product or service (you know, with whatever money is left over from their welfare checks, SSI, burglaries, and drug transaction profits). In fact, one could make a strong argument that big corporations hold far more clout with concern to “empowering†the countless enemies of the white race (Zionists, non-whites, sodomites, female chauvinists, career women, etc) than government agencies.

In the 1980’s and 1990’s, I’d estimate that approximately 1/3[SUP]rd[/SUP] of every TV commercial would feature a single non-white character. This trend continued into the 2000’s, but seemed to have been shifted into overdrive during the past 10 years. In today’s advertisements, no matter the product, non-whites will, at times, be more prevalent than whites. Like when the NFL’s model Casteon Franchise, the Pittsburgh Steelers, dropped to a record-low 8 whites on their 53-man roster several years hope is that they “go all the way†with these commercials and make every single character black, brown, Hispanic, Asian, Arabic, Indian, Polynesian, mixed, handicapped, or an obvious homosexual. At the very least, it would be an interesting social experiment to see if the dunce-cap-sporting DWF’s actually take notice. I think they might, but as is the case with most problems faced by whites, they’d have no medium for which to voice their opinions (or a person in the media or government that would care) if by some chance they could actually articulate a sense of racial consciousness.

Non Whites disproportionately buy fast food. I remember when I lived and worked in the ghetto part of Toronto and when they had half priced Tuesday the KFC down the road had line ups that blocked the store entrance and the sea of humanity was largely non White and obese. In fact the line up was so long I assumed it was a soup kitchen giving out free chow.
Here in Lost Angeles, Mexifornia, every fast-food chain except for two hires basically nothing but blacks and/or Latin American immigrants. The two exceptions, the two that actually hire white people, are Chik-fil-A and In-N-Out. Both are also pro-Christian. I'm not religious, but I can appreciate the fact that pro-Christian often (not always) means closeted pro-white.

Plus, the food's a lot better!
Homoerotic garbage appeals to 3% of the population and disgusts the other 97%. Ad creators are so out of touch with the mainstream population that it's like we're two separate species.
Of course the whole campaign is to de-sensitize that vile 97% into acceptance and then embrace of the queer lifestyle. It worked amazingly well with blacks, and has worked great for the sodomites as well. Who would have thought in 1990 that scarcely over 20 years later *** marriage would have such high acceptance?
I've seen this one quite often in recent weeks. Taco Bell is a serial offender on this thread with "Hurricane Doug" and their commercial lionizing Nate Robinson while dissing white males. Here's their latest promoting race mixing with some brown guy.

Freethinker what I took out of that ad is that the guy sees the woman for what she could be wife,mother,etc. And she seems only interested in his food lol
I've seen this one quite often in recent weeks. Taco Bell is a serial offender on this thread with "Hurricane Doug" and their commercial lionizing Nate Robinson while dissing white males. Here's their latest promoting race mixing with some brown guy.


Freethinker, I’ve seen this commercial for “Taco Bell” many times, also. The reason I didn’t decide to mention it in this thread is because I didn’t believe the woman in the commercial was actually white. She appears to be an Asian/white hybrid of some sort…


It goes without saying that the average, all-American, racially-obtuse dunce isn’t trained to notice when people (with white skin and straight hair) are mixed the way that we are. Thus, they probably see her as white.

And yes, Taco Bell’s advertising is some of the worst, although their status as a “repeat offender” is not nearly on the level of Fiat, Cheerios, Geico (and almost every other insurance company), Subway, etc.


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I'll let you guys decide on the white guys wife, she could be white, but just looking her at her skin tone which could be just because of lighting and combination of her hair, she looks black.

Anyways probably the worst offender since the Fiat 3 BM with 3 WF commercial. Black guy/white wife=smart great guy! White guy/black wife=dumb guy!
This past weekend, I was at a friend’s house helping him with some automotive issues. After working on his truck's suspension for a few hours, we came inside from the garage and his wife made lunch. On the Telaviv-a-Vision playing in the background, she was watching a nature documentary on the channel “BBC America.” As the show went to commercial break, I noticed a preview for a different BBC-produced program called “The Musketeers,” which is apparently some banality-drenched, oversexualized, Cultural Marxist twist on Alexander Dumas’ famous 1800’s novel, “The Three Musketeers.” Guess what? One of the musketeers is a sinfully-ugly mulatto...


CAPTION: “Yo, Imma Buss a Cap in Deez French Niggaz”

Ahh, but this humdrum instance of racial tokenism isn’t without miscegenation-sodden consequences, as the ugly-stick-beaten darkie is the object of desire for one particular blond-haired, blue-eyed white prostitute (is there any other variety presented on TV?)…


CAPTION: “Joan of Shark (Mud)” Seduces Token Black Musketeer

A few seconds later in this 30-second preview, the little slut is seen cozing-up to a full-blooded Negro…


CAPTION: World’s First Mud-Wrestler, Circa 1625

Link to video…

The fundamentalist-Marxist whites and Zionist Jews that produce 100% of television in the West can’t even produce a TV program set in the 1600’s without including a ludicrous superfluity of non-white characters who are not only viewed as “equals” by the white characters (something that is not historically accurate whatsoever), but are considered to be physically attractive to whites of the opposite sex. But what other result could be expected from BBC Television, which is headed by the monstrously-hideous Zio-Yid, “Danny Cohen”...


CAPTION: BBC Bolshevik Bolsters Beastiality

In case anyone was curious, this stereotypically-Shylock cretin (who, like all successful Jews, is a shameless beneficiary of family/racial/tribal/religious nepotism) purloins $5.5 million dollars per year to produce these sort of anti-white drivel...

Cohen will take over from the acting director of BBC TV Roger Mosey.

Cohen took over BBC Three in May 2007 after leaving Channel 4 as the head of factual entertainment and E4. He became controller of BBC One in 2010. He will start his role on 7 May with a salary of £327,800. As a child, Cohen attended a Jewish primary school in north London. He is married to economist Noreena Hertz, great-granddaughter of British Chief Rabbi Joseph Hertz, who once told an amusing tale about evil Nazis using Jewish infants as footballs.

Cohen, Cohn, Kahn, etc. are common names among Jews belonging to the Jewish priest caste, the Kohanim. Special rights and restrictions apply to these in Judaism, and are enforced in Israel, such as not being allowed to marry converts because of the supposed risk of polluting the sacred bloodline.


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Thrashen, take a look at this commercial for The Mill, which is set in Victorian times. It's on channel 4 which is Government run in the UK.


Channel 4's CEO is David Abraham David-Abraham-001.jpg
Here in Lost Angeles, Mexifornia, every fast-food chain except for two hires basically nothing but blacks and/or Latin American immigrants. The two exceptions, the two that actually hire white people, are Chik-fil-A and In-N-Out.

In Texas and Louisiana that Chik Fil A hires a better class of worker (almost exclusively white), and it shows in their cleanliness and courtesy. The staff and clientele operate in an oasis of orderliness. Whiteness. The stuff of authentic, traditional America.
I gonna put a spell on these people: May all persons responsible for these ads be banished to a part of the world where there are no White people for thousands and thousands of miles. :icon_wink:
American Freedom News