Commercials we HATE!!!!

New race mixing PSA with a box of cereal in the background

this will air during the super bowl

New race mixing PSA with a box of cereal in the background

this will air during the super bowl


General Mills' war on white people will backfire. We still hold the vast majority of buying power in this country. Yes, there are a lot of DWFs, but only a small percentage are True Believers in Cultural Marxism. The rest are just followers. By doubling down on their anti-white venom, General Mills will provoke the Moderate White Man who will see that commercial and say, "Gee, there's no place for me in their vision of the world." What may have remained blissful ignorance with a less in-your-face ad will turn into awareness and anger. It's also interesting to note that there's no place for black women in that vision - not darker skinned black women, anyway - and the only place for White Woman is the Black Man's Concubine - a position that most white women find thoroughly revolting. The censorship of negative comments toward this commercial and the relentless promotion and pimping of positive remarks are a desperate attempt by the Marxist elite to hide the fact that not only is there a strong backlash to this kind of propaganda, but that backlash is coming from regular white people - doctors and lawyers, businessmen and blue-collar workers, engineers and pilots. We are getting "interracial fatigue" (along with negro fatigue, gay fatigue, and tranny fatigue) from all the race-mixing ads, 95% of which are the hopelessly hackneyed BM/WF combo, being shoved down our throats. Just like everyone hates those stupid sob stories that are always run during the Olympics, the only people who actually like this garbage ad are black males (Muh Dik! White Wimminz!) and degenerate, perverted white liberal cuckold losers.
General Mills' war on white people will backfire. We still hold the vast majority of buying power in this country. Yes, there are a lot of DWFs, but only a small percentage are True Believers in Cultural Marxism. The rest are just followers. By doubling down on their anti-white venom, General Mills will provoke the Moderate White Man who will see that commercial and say, "Gee, there's no place for me in their vision of the world." What may have remained blissful ignorance with a less in-your-face ad will turn into awareness and anger. It's also interesting to note that there's no place for black women in that vision - not darker skinned black women, anyway - and the only place for White Woman is the Black Man's Concubine - a position that most white women find thoroughly revolting. The censorship of negative comments toward this commercial and the relentless promotion and pimping of positive remarks are a desperate attempt by the Marxist elite to hide the fact that not only is there a strong backlash to this kind of propaganda, but that backlash is coming from regular white people - doctors and lawyers, businessmen and blue-collar workers, engineers and pilots. We are getting "interracial fatigue" (along with negro fatigue, gay fatigue, and tranny fatigue) from all the race-mixing ads, 95% of which are the hopelessly hackneyed BM/WF combo, being shoved down our throats. Just like everyone hates those stupid sob stories that are always run during the Olympics, the only people who actually like this garbage ad are black males (Muh Dik! White Wimminz!) and degenerate, perverted white liberal cuckold losers.

The best way to combat this type of stuff is with your buying power. I will make sure that no General Mills products are on my family's shopping list from now on. If enough people start to do this they will stop with their crap. Look at the politically correct dirtbags at A & E, as soon as they realized that their politically correct stance to suspend the father from Duck Dynasty for stating his personal beliefs in an interview backfired, and they stood to lose millions of dollars, those liberal scumbags immediately re-instated him. So you are right if enough people get fed up with the multicultural crap being craned down our throats and punish them financially by not buying their products they will stop.
The best way to combat this type of stuff is with your buying power. I will make sure that no General Mills products are on my family's shopping list from now on. If enough people start to do this they will stop with their crap. Look at the politically correct dirtbags at A & E, as soon as they realized that their politically correct stance to suspend the father from Duck Dynasty for stating his personal beliefs in an interview backfired, and they stood to lose millions of dollars, those liberal scumbags immediately re-instated him. So you are right if enough people get fed up with the multicultural crap being craned down our throats and punish them financially by not buying their products they will stop.

That's right. Y'all spread the word about boycotting "Queerios" & all "General Shills" products. Make them pay for pushing that vile garbage!
As cited by several posters in the CF “Superbowl” thread, this commercial for “Coca-Cola” is the utter epitome of the scourge that is Multiculturalism. Video…


Indians, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Negroes, and whites may have their linguistic divergences, but all “Americans” are united by a deep affection for this brown, battery-terminal-cleaning corporate elixir. Yes indeed, from the rural white man riding a horse through the Rocky Mountains, to the two Mexican girls eating popcorn at the movies courtesy of EBT, the Indian woman drinking Coke in a car, to the gaggle of liberal white surfers, to the inner city Niglets rollerblade-tapdancing, to the nice white family on vacation at the Grand Canyon, to the Arabs eating a restaurant, to the Jews peering out a window, to a Muslim woman wearing a Burka, to an Asian swimming, to a breakdancing Jamaican. In a boiling vat of turd-brown and snot-yellow hues, the inclusion of these fine gentlemen was my personal favorite…


CAPTION: Koka-Kola Kik3s

Then, to complete this picture perfect, All-American folly (and so the Twitter Sycophants can affix their tongues into the dingleberry-ridden anal crevice of Corporate Marxism), Coke tosses in “#Americais Beautiful” for good measure. Those who created this commercial refer to America as “beautiful” because they are so thoroughly winning the cultural war. I wonder if they viewed this nation so favorably in the 1930’s, 1940’s, or 1950’s? No, those were the “bad old days” where men were permitted to be masculine, women were encouraged to be feminine, homosexuals kept their sexuality a deep secret, the nation was 90%+ white Europeans with little inter-cultural conflict, crime was low, cities were clean and safe, immigrants were appreciative and assimilated, social programs and hand-outs weren’t needed, industry thrived, pre-marital sex was universally frowned upon, the leaders of Christianity and Catholicism weren’t Negro-loving, child-raping villains, the education system had yet to be infused with anti-white rhetoric, all branches of government were much smaller and held less power over the populace, the nation wasn’t in debt (nearly as bad), and Jewish-owned television networks and Hollywood weren’t hell-bent on destroying all things that were white and good.

But, silly me, I must be mistaken…because a soda company articulated that “America is Beautiful!”



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What a crock of cultmarx cr@pola! For starters, we've the slack-jaw'd, jude looking pansy. Next, the pasty pantywafer is attemptIng to be "cool" by wallowing in the cesspool ghetto with a gaggle of untermenschen. Finally, there's the voice-over (& "cameo") by Poop Logg...the dope puffin', p0rn producing, rap is crap spewing piece of vile filth. Typical ad "formula" for das juden von Madiscum Avenue.
Men, I know the Marxist's in the media want to portray white males as stupid and childish, but this goes way beyond that. A white man wetting some arabs crotch in the mens room? Another white man in only a baby diaper, under a bridge? Even from ESPN this is shocking.
I am a Marxist! my hero Karl Marx will live on!!!! Hugo Chavez...why, oh why did you have to die!!!!
What a crock of cultmarx cr@pola! For starters, we've the slack-jaw'd, jude looking pansy. Next, the pasty pantywafer is attemptIng to be "cool" by wallowing in the cesspool ghetto with a gaggle of untermenschen. Finally, there's the voice-over (& "cameo") by Poop Logg...the dope puffin', p0rn producing, rap is crap spewing piece of vile filth. Typical ad "formula" for das juden von Madiscum Avenue.

when Dixie destroyer speaks people listen! I sure do!
Trashen, serious question...sorry man, I'm just a dumb old white guy not up on my white 'history'.....who is the good looking(insert sarcasam) white gentleman in your handle picture? seriously, this guy scares me and I AM white! pic from the 30s or something?

As cited by several posters in the CF “Superbowl†thread, this commercial for “Coca-Cola†is the utter epitome of the scourge that is Multiculturalism. Video…


Indians, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Negroes, and whites may have their linguistic divergences, but all “Americans†are united by a deep affection for this brown, battery-terminal-cleaning corporate elixir. Yes indeed, from the rural white man riding a horse through the Rocky Mountains, to the two Mexican girls eating popcorn at the movies courtesy of EBT, the Indian woman drinking Coke in a car, to the gaggle of liberal white surfers, to the inner city Niglets rollerblade-tapdancing, to the nice white family on vacation at the Grand Canyon, to the Arabs eating a restaurant, to the Jews peering out a window, to a Muslim woman wearing a Burka, to an Asian swimming, to a breakdancing Jamaican. In a boiling vat of turd-brown and snot-yellow hues, the inclusion of these fine gentlemen was my personal favorite…


CAPTION: Koka-Kola Kik3s

Then, to complete this picture perfect, All-American folly (and so the Twitter Sycophants can affix their tongues into the dingleberry-ridden anal crevice of Corporate Marxism), Coke tosses in “#Americais Beautiful†for good measure. Those who created this commercial refer to America as “beautiful†because they are so thoroughly winning the cultural war. I wonder if they viewed this nation so favorably in the 1930’s, 1940’s, or 1950’s? No, those were the “bad old days†where men were permitted to be masculine, women were encouraged to be feminine, homosexuals kept their sexuality a deep secret, the nation was 90%+ white Europeans with little inter-cultural conflict, crime was low, cities were clean and safe, immigrants were appreciative and assimilated, social programs and hand-outs weren’t needed, industry thrived, pre-marital sex was universally frowned upon, the leaders of Christianity and Catholicism weren’t Negro-loving, child-raping villains, the education system had yet to be infused with anti-white rhetoric, all branches of government were much smaller and held less power over the populace, the nation wasn’t in debt (nearly as bad), and Jewish-owned television networks and Hollywood weren’t hell-bent on destroying all things that were white and good.

But, silly me, I must be mistaken…because a soda company articulated that “America is Beautiful!â€

formerwhitecornerback said:
Trashen, serious question...sorry man, I'm just a dumb old white guy not up on my white 'history'.....who is the good looking(insert sarcasam) white gentleman in your handle picture? seriously, this guy scares me and I AM white! pic from the 30s or something?

Es ist Manfred von Richthofen, der Rote Baron. Didn’t you learn about him en route to ascertaining your “college degree?” If not, he's only one of the greatest, most courageous warriors to ever walk the earth. A man who lived, fought, and died for his blood and his honor. He’s a personal hero of mine and your infantile attempts to insinuate that he’s physically unsightly to such an extent that he “scares you” (what a puerile little eunuch you must be) is amusing in the sense that you endeavored so mightily to “insert sarcasam” (sic). Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with that particular spelling alteration, thus rendering me unable to fully comprehend your enlightenment-radiating commentary.

How humiliating for you and your illustrious “college degree” from Idaho, where you allegedly played cornerback on a Division I football team. Refresh my memory, “Greg,” (which isn’t your actual name) was that the Idaho Vandals or the Idaho State Bengals? Of course, you didn’t actually play for either. Please provide evidence to the contrary at your earliest convenience.

By the way, your original (imbecilic) thread wasn’t “deleted,” you low-IQ paramecium. If wasn't even locked and it can be found right here…

I really hope you aren’t banned, as your world championship-level idiocy, poor grammar and disgracefully-feeble
writing skills are both humorous and fascinating. I urge you to keep posting, as you clearly have the talent to carve out a niche here at CF…perhaps a contemporary court jester of sorts?
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Thrashen, this fool is an embarrassment in every way imaginable. But he's probably not alone in not recognizing the most famous fighter pilot of all time. Mr. formerwhitecornerback is undoubtedly a worthless wigger who's a product of our education system and the cultural Marxist establishment who forbid the celebration and acknowledgement of any and all white achievements.

You want to learn some more today formerwhitecb? Look up Simo Hayha, aka "White Death", another great white warrior from the 20th century.

The Red Baron and White Death, now there's a tandem that no other race can possibly claim as their own, nor can they ever produce such great men of valor and courage.

Do us a favor, and don't ever get married or have children. Take yourself out of the gene pool which will no doubt go down as the biggest accomplishment of your pathetic life.
Saw one today two white nerds stumbling through the desert cool black rapper drives past offers them a ride they think he's a mirage and pass, then they stumble upon cool black rapper's party in the desert and think it's also a mirage then ends with wimpiest white guy trying to hug the cool black rapper.

These advertising "people" are just out in the open about it now.

I really need to learn how to find and embed these instead of using run-on sentences to describe them.
Saw one today two white nerds stumbling through the desert cool black rapper drives past offers them a ride they think he's a mirage and pass, then they stumble upon cool black rapper's party in the desert and think it's also a mirage then ends with wimpiest white guy trying to hug the cool black rapper.

These advertising "people" are just out in the open about it now.

I really need to learn how to find and embed these instead of using run-on sentences to describe them.

Hock, I also recently noticed this anti-white commercial from “Fiat,†the Italian car company that not only makes putrid automobiles, but also a dastardly series of odious commercials. Who could forget their “white nerd gets berated by hot chick†ad several years ago…


CAPTION: White Dweeb Mystified by "Beautiful" Bitch

Or this “softcore porn†spot from a few months ago…


CAPTION: Prostitute Solicits Cheap Erections from Mindless DWF's

Or their “pregnant mudsharks in Jamaica†ad, possibly one of the worst advertisements I’ve ever seen…


CAPTION: "1 Driver and 4 Passengers Were Killed in Firey Car Crash in Jamaica Today"

Sorry for the tangent, but it’s critical to chronicle Fiat’s unyielding desire to portray white women as flesh trophies and sexually-promiscuous whores, to castrate, demean, and humiliate white men, and to promote miscegenation and interracial relationships. So anyway, the commercial I noticed the other day involved two white “human punch lines†walking in the desert, thirsty, helpless, pathetic, and squeezing their sweaty socks for hydration…


CAPTION: Blond Buffoon - Is There Any Other Sort?

Suddenly, a car of “hot†white prostitutes (with token Negress) zooms past, laughing at them. I suppose these skinny little twerps with 5 lbs of makeup, baby-sized tits and prepubescent boy asses are supposed to be “sexy†or something [yawns], as is the case with all young white women featured on the Jewish-monopolized Talmud-a-Vision…


CAPTION: "Like, Come On Girls, Let's Like, Pretend We're Having Fun in This Tiny Car!"

Shortly thereafter, the “hotties†depart down the desert road and another Fiat, carrying another heckler, mercifully arrives. This time, tis gangster rapper, “Puff Daddy†[shudders instinctively from typing that flamboyant faggot’s name] with his young, white prostitute in tow. He offers our friends water, but they’re hysterical from dehydration and decline…


CAPTION: Mouth-Breather, Puff Dildo

Sometime later, the boys happen upon a desert soirée, hosted by the Negro/******, Puff Dildo. Natch, the party features a potpourri of yuppies, hipsters, blacks, and more white whores than you can shake a stick at. Oh, gosh, those Hollywood Heebs are such under-qualified, artless, hackneyed nepotism-beneficiaries that their dullness even shines through when concocting some decadent fantasy. White Buffoon #1 and #2 believe the “Fiat Party†is authentic and wander off. Puff Dildo then utters: “You definitely gunna die now!†The death of two white men (Fiat’s only customer base whatsoever) is humorous, huh? Well, that “punchline†wasn’t enough to effectively end this trite advertisement, so White Buffoon #2 hugs P. Dildo and yells: “I wanna take Diddy with men!†To which the ostentatious black twerp responds: “Don’t do dat!â€


CAPTION: Aryan Clown Deifying "Cool" Black Rapper



I fundamentally detest Fiat and hope for their demise.


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Or their “pregnant mudsharks in Jamaicaâ€￾ ad, possibly one of the worst advertisements I’ve ever seen…

The worst I have ever seen. I'm not sure how they could top that one. Anyone who doubts the messaging would have a hard time talking his way around it. The thing is that lots of ordinary people notice it, don't really like it, but are afraid to be offended by it. They are sort of resigned to it. They know that revulsion is what they are feeling, but guilt takes over, or they fear the metaphorical 15 yard penalty. That depresses me.
Hock, I also recently noticed this anti-white commercial from “Fiat,â€￾ the Italian car company that not only makes putrid automobiles, but also a dastardly series of odious commercials.

Not surprising considering FIAT is jewish:

:censored:Damn!Didn't know Juventus was firmly under Jewish control.The filthy rats are everywhere!

Oh,and the reason for this is some wealthy Italaian family(the Agnelli's) chose to destroy themselves by mixing with jews.

This creepy jew,John Elkann owns Juve:


His father's wiki page is interesting too.

A glimpse:

"A recurring theme in his books is the history of the Jews in Italy, their centrality to Italian history,":mad2:

Elkann was born in
New York City, to a wealthy and influential family. His Italian Jewish mother, is from the influential Turinese Ovazza banking family, while his father was a French Jewish industrialist, the Chairman of Dior and the President of the Consistoire Central Israélite de France, responsible for appointing the Chief-Rabbis of France.

Yes, the story of the takeover is interesting. Initially Gianni Agnelli (the patriarch of the family) chose his nephew Giovanni Alberto Agnelli as his heir. But hise dies from a rare form of cancer in 1997, only 33 years old. Then the probable heir became Gianni Agnelli's only son Edoardo (who in 1986 was a member of the Juventus board, and had a keen interest in football). However, Edoardo had strong ties with Iran and was a convert to Islam, so one day in 2000 he wass found "suicided" under extremely misterious circumstances. Supposedly he stopped his car on a highway viaduct and plunged to his death from almost 80m, appearently without any reason. No official autopsy was ever done and the case was hastily closed as a suicide by the Italian police. The Italian "regime" press went out of their way to portray Edoardo like an unstable person, but according to people close to him - he was an intellectual, spiritual and lucid person. There are persistent (and credible) theories that he was murdered by Mossad, to avoid that the control of Italy's most important industrial conglomerate (FIAT) falls into the hands o an "Iran-friendly" CEO. Edoardo is considered a "Martyr" by the Republic of Iran, who even produced an interesting documentary on his life and death. So, with the two "Italian" heirs out of the picture, the Jewish "Elkann" branch of the family had a free reign and is now safely in control through John Elkann. FIAT is now increasingly divesting from Italy and moving operations elsewhere, turning their once mighty Turin headquarters increasingly into an empty shell. Rumors are that, should the remaining "Italian" Agnellis try to reassert their control over the family posessions, their life might be in danger.
Juventus FC is just a relatively small (although very well known) piece of the Agnelli's properties which are huge and estimated at tens of billions of dollars.
Hock, I also recently noticed this anti-white commercial from “Fiat,†the Italian car company that not only makes putrid automobiles, but also a dastardly series of odious commercials. Who could forget their “white nerd gets berated by hot chick†ad several years ago…


CAPTION: White Dweeb Mystified by "Beautiful" Bitch

Or this “softcore porn†spot from a few months ago…


CAPTION: Prostitute Solicits Cheap Erections from Mindless DWF's

Or their “pregnant mudsharks in Jamaica†ad, possibly one of the worst advertisements I’ve ever seen…


CAPTION: "1 Driver and 4 Passengers Were Killed in Firey Car Crash in Jamaica Today"

Sorry for the tangent, but it’s critical to chronicle Fiat’s unyielding desire to portray white women as flesh trophies and sexually-promiscuous whores, to castrate, demean, and humiliate white men, and to promote miscegenation and interracial relationships. So anyway, the commercial I noticed the other day involved two white “human punch lines†walking in the desert, thirsty, helpless, pathetic, and squeezing their sweaty socks for hydration…


CAPTION: Blond Buffoon - Is There Any Other Sort?

Suddenly, a car of “hot†white prostitutes (with token Negress) zooms past, laughing at them. I suppose these skinny little twerps with 5 lbs of makeup, baby-sized tits and prepubescent boy asses are supposed to be “sexy†or something [yawns], as is the case with all young white women featured on the Jewish-monopolized Talmud-a-Vision…


CAPTION: "Like, Come On Girls, Let's Like, Pretend We're Having Fun in This Tiny Car!"

Shortly thereafter, the “hotties†depart down the desert road and another Fiat, carrying another heckler, mercifully arrives. This time, tis gangster rapper, “Puff Daddy†[shudders instinctively from typing that flamboyant faggot’s name] with his young, white prostitute in tow. He offers our friends water, but they’re hysterical from dehydration and decline…


CAPTION: Mouth-Breather, Puff Dildo

Sometime later, the boys happen upon a desert soirée, hosted by the Negro/******, Puff Dildo. Natch, the party features a potpourri of yuppies, hipsters, blacks, and more white whores than you can shake a stick at. Oh, gosh, those Hollywood Heebs are such under-qualified, artless, hackneyed nepotism-beneficiaries that their dullness even shines through when concocting some decadent fantasy. White Buffoon #1 and #2 believe the “Fiat Party†is authentic and wander off. Puff Dildo then utters: “You definitely gunna die now!†The death of two white men (Fiat’s only customer base whatsoever) is humorous, huh? Well, that “punchline†wasn’t enough to effectively end this trite advertisement, so White Buffoon #2 hugs P. Dildo and yells: “I wanna take Diddy with men!†To which the ostentatious black twerp responds: “Don’t do dat!â€


CAPTION: Aryan Clown Deifying "Cool" Black Rapper



I fundamentally detest Fiat and hope for their demise.

I got a rental car last year and it turned out to be a Fiat 500. What an unbelievable POS!

I never watch the jewandnegrovision but I was just in a situation where I had to watch it constantly - idiotic "reality shows" - Amish - ha ha - mafioso - phony motorcycle gangs - moonshiners (I didn't know they still had moonshiners since prohibition) - all committing their crimes - but forgetting there is a big camera crew following them and it's on nationwide tv - 3 hour science - ha ha- shows on how mermaids and megalodons are scaring people and killing actors pretending to be on fishing boats...and commercials! - almost all starring magnificent negroes - just like the ones you meet in real life - yeah right - including that Fiat thing with the pathetic little fat white guy trying to hug the magnificent negro who goes, "don't do that" - and they repeat them over and over and over and over. My God!

This is what came from letting the hate-crazed talmud cult take over our mass media.

Israel Shahak: "The media is not just a means of communication. It is the lifeblood of a nation."

And the Vampyre is sucking dry the lifeblood of the nation.
The Philosopher said:
Oh,and the reason for this is some wealthy Italaian family(the Agnelli's) chose to destroy themselves by mixing with jews.

This creepy jew,John Elkann owns Juve:

Philosopher, many thanks for deducing Fiat’s “Smoking Yiddish Gun.” I should have instinctively known that the omnipresent “rootless enemy” would be dutifully positioned in their rightful vocation…devotedly instilling anti-white sentiments into their grotesque corporate advertisements. Below is an article about the owners of Fiat, the vile Elkann family, and their Semite Supremacist leanings…

ROME — At a time when Europe again faces the ugly specter of anti-Semitism, an adviser to the Italian government who travels in this nation's most sophisticated circles has written a very personal testament about being Jewish.

Alain Elkann's simple message: The Jews will not fade away.

"If many don't like us, it's not our problem, we don't have time to lose, we have to move ahead with our history," Elkann writes in his new book "Mitzva."

"The obstacles don't scare us, rather they strengthen us and make us more obstinate. We have the right and the duty to be ourselves given that we are born this way."

Writer Alain Elkann answers journalists' questions during the presentation of his latest book "Mitzva" at the foreign press headquarters in Rome, in this Oct. 20, 2004 file photo. At a time when Europe again faces the ugly specter of anti-Semitism, with cemeteries and synagogues attacked, Elkann has written a very personal testament about being Jewish with a simple underlying message: the Jews will not fade away.

Elkann is a privileged observer. He is a writer, an adviser to the government of Premier Silvio Berlusconi and was married into Italy's most powerful family — the Agnellis of the Fiat auto empire.

He is now divorced from Margherita Agnelli, daughter of the late charismatic Fiat chairman Gianni Agnelli, but their eldest son, John Elkann, 28, is vice chairman of Fiat and the heir to the dynasty.

Elkann's book launch last month drew a mixture of celebrity and power that few can match, bringing together Gianni Agnelli's sister, Susanna; Gianni Letta, Berlusconi's right-hand man; a distinguished Rome rabbi and a leading Italian Roman Catholic bishop.

Even those credentials, however, weren't an insurance policy. A few days later, Elkann found the tires of his car punctured. Jewish cemeteries and synagogues also have been attacked and human rights groups have warned of a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe.

"It happened. I can't say for sure there was a connection to the book, but it happened," Elkann said in an interview in his office in the Italian Cultural Ministry, indicating he would not be intimidated.

The 54-year-old Elkann describes himself as a "wandering Jew."

His French father and Italian mother fled Nazi and Fascist
persecution in Europe and met in New York, where he was born
. But he went to school in Turin, Italy, and his religious memories center on Yom Kippur services at a synagogue in Paris, where his father headed the Jewish community.

"One fasts in a sign of repentance and it is significant that it is actually a sad day that unites all the Jews of the world, even those who are neither religious nor believers," he writes. "What does Yom Kippur mean to me? It means feeling Jewish. And what does it mean feeling Jewish? It means feeling myself."

"Mitzva," a title referring to the commandments Jews should follow, contains some highly personal touches. No, he doesn't feel saddened that his children, baptized as Catholics, don't join him on Yom Kippur. What is fundamental, he says, is love between parent and child.

Yet he wonders whether his children were saddened that he didn't take part in their religious festivities. "I preferred to live my own solitary Judaism, in secret," he says.

He also recounts saying the kaddish before his father's grave with his second wife, who is also Catholic, and marveling that the two of them "mix our religions in an absolutely natural way."

Italy's leading newspaper, Corriere della Sera, called the book "a little diary that touches on big themes."

Time and again in the 88-page book, Elkann gets back to the problem of anti-Semitism and the minority position of Jews in a country such as Italy where, he pointed out in the interview, the word "Christian" is often used to mean human being.

Recalling that his parents fled Europe ahead of the deportations to death camps, Elkann says "racism unfortunately remains rooted, and growing again in Germany, France, Italy. In Turkey, bombs exploded in a synagogue while faithful were praying."

He even acknowledges thinking that "it would be easier not being Jewish, just finish it and become Catholic like the others around me."
"But then something deep, a hidden pride always led me to resist the temptation ...," he writes.

He also says he is impressed by the liveliness of Rome's tiny Jewish community, which numbers only about 15,000 but dates itself back some 2,000 years. In what has become a recent tradition, the city has set aside part of Piazza Barberini, a major square near Via Veneto, for a Hanukkah menorah this holiday season.

Sales of the book are "going well" and it is now in its third edition, said Isabella D'Amico, a spokeswoman for the publisher, Bompiani. There are plans to translate the book into German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
"Being Jewish," Elkann writes, "is nothing special. It is the human condition of a few men and women who are equal to everybody else" and just "want to be left in peace."

This article seems to meet every standard of modern media with concern to Judiasm…

1. Repeat the term “anti-Semite” ad nauseam. Check.

2. Recite a tale in which some Goyish brute took their “anti-Semitism” too far and “slashed your tires.” Naturally, nobody can substantiate the story accept for the dubious accuser and if the alleged “crime” actually occurred, it could have been related to something else entirely. Check.

3. Reference Nazi Germany in a damning manner and whine about some atrocity you suffered as a result of that long-defunct regime. Check.

4. Mention the scourge of “racism against Jews” among white Christians and white Catholics, but ignore the fact that you married into a filthy-rich, white Catholic family and your own book mentions that “all Jews should unite” (based upon their racial ethnicity), whether they are religious or not. Could you imagine the explosive, militant reaction that Jews would have to an “all whites should unite” campaign? Check.

5. Portray Jews as “victims” and “minorities” despite the fact that you (and most of your brethren) were born rich, married richer, and have lived a life of extreme privilege. Check.

6. The ridiculous sense of hypocrisy to suggest that Jews have the right to “not fade away,” but whites cannot share such a desire for their race. Check.


CAPTION: Whiney Yid-***, Alain Elkann

werewolf said:
I got a rental car last year and it turned out to be a Fiat 500. What an unbelievable POS!

Yes, I do plenty of mechanical work on the side and I’ve heard that “Fiat,” “Mini,” and “Range Rover” are the absolute worst car manufacturers in the Western world in terms of quality, reliability, customer satisfaction, ease of maintenance, etc. Naturally, all of these cars are also tremendously expensive.
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Yes, I do plenty of mechanical work on the side and I’ve heard that “Fiat,â€￾ “Mini,â€￾ and “Range Roverâ€￾ are the absolute worst car manufacturers in the Western world in terms of quality, reliability, customer satisfaction, ease of maintenance, etc. Naturally, all of these cars are also tremendously expensive.

Fiat and the British cars imported into the USSA have had a bad rep for reliability and repairability for as long as I can remember.
I noticed this commercial for ESPN’s “Sportscenter†a few days back, but it appears to have debuted about six months ago. The premise involves headcase Negro point guard, Rajon Rondo, conducting a meeting for upcoming ESPN programming. As the staff meeting concludes, long-time ESPN anchors, Steve Levy (Jew) and John Buccigross (Goy) marvel at the size of Rondo’s hands, presumably an overt reference to the omnipresent “black penis lie.†Buccigross makes a grave error by shaking Rondo’s hand, thus comprehending his own physical “shortcomings†when compared to the cool NBA Negro. The resulting “hilarity quotient†rises meteorically when the white man’s hand is contrasted against that of the black superhero…


Oh dear, the ausschließlich-Jüdisch producers of this commercial forgot to properly tailor Buccigross’ suit sleeves, which are baggy and clearly don’t fit the white child they paid to shake hands with Rondo. Boy, Jews are even wildly inept in the specific inclinations (denigrating white men) of their spiritually-bereft lives for which they hold a fervid passion.




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Theres a Dr William Pierce audio where he talks about the problem being ALL jews. He explains why.

He mentions how its a tiny minority of jews (media owners, pressure groups) doing the destructive work but the majority of jews provide the racial / tribal infrastructure to make that possible and how the jewish community agrees with everything the jew media supports. for example the jew media supports gay agenda. if you google the jewish communities stance on that, you'll be shocked to find out they re against boys scout banning gays.

My point is it helped me calm down. I no longer get pissed off at anti-White commercials because I know the problem is ALL jews and not just the ones in the advertisement industry.
The other night, I noticed this caustically anti-white commercial for “Crestor,†which is apparently another in the veritable cornucopia of venom-impregnated prescription drugs that “may help lower cholesterol,†but also feature a comically-ghastly rolodex of common side effects. As if their vile drug wasn’t enough of a blight to perpetrate upon white Americans, the fine Yarmulke-fitted folks in their advertising department found the need to also humiliate and racially disgrace the white men who purchase their products. As we’ve all observed and noted countless times, this enraging, malicious, and completely counterintuitive (yet somehow still effective, thanks to…well, you know) corporate sales model has become nothing short of an American marketing tradition.

PREMISE: A white family consisting of a generic-looking “everyman†daddy, a Jewish-looking mommy (the actress’ last name is Roszell, go figure), and their pencil-necked waif of a teenage son are seated around their “Automatic Jewish Brainwave Machineâ€â€¦


CAPTION: Imbecilic “Father†Blemishes Family Portrait

As the psychologically-comatose wife and effete son emit a bemused gaze towards the TV, Father Dearest has a World Championship Level Dumbass grin slathered upon his all-purpose-white-guy façade. A burly and far-too-articulate-for-a-Negro black male doctor (Dr. Jamal Tyroneous Jackson-Brown, M.D.) complete with Ebonics-free linguistics and oh-so convincing physician accessories (white dress shirt, tie, stethoscope, etc)…


CAPTION: Weiss und Dumm wie Bohnenstroh*

*Notice the stoic nature of the educated black doctor perfectly contrasted against the utter clownery of the “white†human-disgrace prancing about the room.

Upon hearing the “good news†about Crestor, the unadulterated ****** of a “white†“male†“father†suddenly explodes with unbridled jubilee, and begins celebrating in a multitude of infantile and belittling ways (screaming, dancing, even donning a foam finger)…


CAPTION: Crestor Capitulates to Cultural Communism

Predictably, wifey and ***-boy roll their eyes, furrow their brows, and haven’t an atomic particle worth of respect for this characature's inexplicable behavior.

[video=youtube;1wVE35fg7Ug] [/video]


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Well I'll give it to Honey Maid, they are the first to ever actually go actually diverse, most of it is just black male white female diversity that they try to offend us with.
i never eat Taco Bell and their 35% real beef (per the USDA's charge against them) anyway, but this commercial is just more reason not to:
