Commercials we HATE!!!!

Unz markets itself as alternative media from the right and left, so it's to be expected that they're not always going to be on "our side." Their articles are usually interesting and thought-provoking, even if I disagree with some of them.

Exactly, and most of the articles tilt right, with many discussing racial issues that almost no other site will touch, at least none with a sizable audience. The comments are also left wide open. It's basically an aggregation site, the best one imo.
Exactly, and most of the articles tilt right, with many discussing racial issues that almost no other site will touch, at least none with a sizable audience. The comments are also left wide open. It's basically an aggregation site, the best one imo.

Look at some of the anti-white bile in the comments section that even merges into fetishism, borders on trollsome in absurdity, hardly a quicker way to get "red-pilled" :lol:.

Unz Review is host to many of these pseudo-intellectual commentators bubbling with vitriol for revenge over real of perceived historical trouncings and humiliations by the white man, a fascinating window anyway. As I've said, the best "accelerationism" is an accelerationism in the statement and openness of anti-white attitudes, the plain statement of anti-white attitudes has no real consequences but allows whites to be more aware of the situation they are in. I have seen even completely unaware white people get provoked by it.
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The Unz Review leans heavily toward race realism and also has lots of articles criticizing Zionism and Jewish power, even though the site owner Ron Unz is himself Jewish. I have a lot of respect for him as he's wealthy and doesn't need to have a site like this and undoubtedly takes a lot of heat for it. Any intelligent and open-minded person can get red-pilled by reading the many excellent articles carried by the Unz Review.

There are trolls on every site that allows comments; it's been a constant battle to keep them off CF, but sites like Unz allow a lot of back and forth between proponents and opponents. His site, his choice. Certainly racial activists can make use of the Unz site to post links, mention other sites, and just plain advocate for their point of view.

Quickly scrolling down the Unz site now, I don't see a single article that can be viewed as anti-White. There are articles dealing with politics and economics that aren't race-oriented. I enjoy such variety in my reading. I find sites where every article reads like every other one with no deviation to be boring. I don't pigeonhole myself as adhering to any particular "ism" and enjoy reading non-leftist non-communist viewpoints on a wide variety of topics. That's what's still great about the internet, there are countless sites catering to all kinds of tastes.
I saw the abridged version of this (with just the homosexual cross-dressing men of color) during a football game last weekend. I immediately turned off the tv and left it off for a week.
I pretty much hate every commercial as they are all pretty made by Nation Wreckers and or their minions. The mute button is my friend when I watch sports now. Usually opt for music or a podcast instead of caste drivel.
Every single commercial on tv is black or non-white actors, or interracial crap. The corporations are signaling that they view non-whites as the future and are trying to lock in the non-whites as loyal customers. In other words, the corporate power and corporate bribes of our government officials are almost 100% behind white replacement. Not that we didn't know this already, but this is the most blatant it's ever been.
Every single commercial on tv is black or non-white actors, or interracial crap. The corporations are signaling that they view non-whites as the future and are trying to lock in the non-whites as loyal customers. In other words, the corporate power and corporate bribes of our government officials are almost 100% behind white replacement. Not that we didn't know this already, but this is the most blatant it's ever been.
Yes, absolutely. About 85% of commercials I see now are as despicable as the worst ads we’d post in this thread 5 years ago. It is to the point that seeing an ad with a normal White couple is as rare as a unicorn. Every commercial is some totally ridiculous and unbelievable mixed race couple. More and more White wimpy men with hideous black, brown and Asian (never attractive) women. It’s gotten to the point that my wife points it out to me, when in the past I would rant about it and she thought it wasn’t a big deal.
Yeah the more we document the globohomos and their anti White agenda, the more they ramp up the propaganda. Getting progressively worse.
Yes, absolutely. About 85% of commercials I see now are as despicable as the worst ads we’d post in this thread 5 years ago. It is to the point that seeing an ad with a normal White couple is as rare as a unicorn. Every commercial is some totally ridiculous and unbelievable mixed race couple.

At this point the percentage of couples in advertisements who are White and heterosexual is probably less than 10%.

More and more White wimpy men with hideous black, brown and Asian (never attractive) women. It’s gotten to the point that my wife points it out to me, when in the past I would rant about it and she thought it wasn’t a big deal.

That's an interesting observation about White male/non-white female couples in advertising, and quite true. Typically, except for certain individual actors assigned to "villain"/"buffoon" roles (and those clown roles are always individuals, never couples), everyone in a commercial is photogenic. The company is using them to sell a product, trying to make them appear cool, as people who should be emulated/admired, etc. But in these couples, the White men are always unmanly-looking wimps and the women are always ugly and usually fat. It stands out even to the casual observer because these are people who clearly look like losers, but are not playing the "loser" role in the ad - they're supposed to be the "role model" product user that the watching consumer is supposed to copy.

Of course, we who are redpilled know the answers - the (((producers))) behind the ads want to show lots of "diversity," but at the same time are afraid to antagonize one of their biggest crybaby/snowflake/coward contingents - black and brown males who would chimp out like the weak-ass bitchboys they are if they saw "hot" women of their race in a commercial with good-looking White men. (((They))) figure, "hey, if the actors are uggos, the black/brown males won't mind."
While blacks are now the super-majority in advertising, Orientals have also become ubiquitous. And don't look now but here come the Indians (not the ones who fought the Cowboys.) The latter two groups are being imported in very large numbers to replace Whites in STEM jobs and medical fields, particularly doctors in the case of Indians. It's nothing short of astounding how many Indians are now in the U.S., and Lowe's lets us know they're huge NFL fans:

I’ve noticed the Christmas high end perfume products ads are all-white. Odd since if there is any one who needs odor masking help it’s people of color.
That Lowe's ad displays typical progtard ignorance and arrogance. Sikhs are a small minority in India, and they and the majority Hindus hate one another. Add the Muslims into the mix and you have the real India's perfect shi'ite-storm of religious jihad and rage.

But to the white libtards who produced, directed, and funded that commercial, all Indians are interchangeable brown oppressed people just waiting for their white liberal savior to rescue them.
That Lowe's ad displays typical progtard ignorance and arrogance. Sikhs are a small minority in India, and they and the majority Hindus hate one another. Add the Muslims into the mix and you have the real India's perfect shi'ite-storm of religious jihad and rage.

But to the white libtards who produced, directed, and funded that commercial, all Indians are interchangeable brown oppressed people just waiting for their white liberal savior to rescue them.

Ha ha. So true. And I suspect the ethnics sense the ignorant pandering.
I’ve noticed the Christmas high end perfume products ads are all-white. Odd since if there is any one who needs odor masking help it’s people of color.
I've noticed this too. High end products, or products that need to maintain a high end image, require association with whites. Deep down, even darkies know that whatever is white is desirable and higher class.
I've noticed this too. High end products, or products that need to maintain a high end image, require association with whites. Deep down, even darkies know that whatever is white is desirable and higher class.
All non-whites want what is white. White women, white neighborhoods, white inventions. All while claiming racism, the fact of hte matter is that deep down non-whites have intense self hatred and jealousy of whites. This is why they will never leave us alone. They will never remove themselves into their own societies and self-segregate. They hate us but will follow us wherever we go. They will always prey upon their white hosts.
They will never remove themselves into their own societies and self-segregate. They hate us but will follow us wherever we go.

That basic truth was the motivation for my signature. All non-whites love the inventions we've come up with to make life easier, but very few of them love us as a people.
in the below advertisement, you will see a “person of color” who was A) abandoned by her non-White biological family, B) taken in and raised by a White family as their own, C) usually the only non-White participant in her sporting event of choice and accepted by her peers from the start, BUT D) only wants to encourage people who look like her ... while completely eschewing the group who made her success possible. you really can’t make this stuff up, nor would this ad be made if it were from a pro-White perspective.

The worst one out now for me has to be the gymnastics Uber eats one with Simone Biles and some weird looking GRIDS doofus in a girls leatard talking in a high pitched squeal. The commercial would actually be semi stomach-able if it was just Biles hawking for the delivery service but this “guy” just destroys it

There was a great Twitter exchange on the commercial I came across today:

The worst one out now for me has to be the gymnastics Uber eats one with Simone Biles and some weird looking GRIDS doofus in a girls leatard talking in a high pitched squeal. The commercial would actually be semi stomach-able if it was just Biles hawking for the delivery service but this “guy” just destroys it

There was a great Twitter exchange on the commercial I came across today:

The worst one out now for me has to be the gymnastics Uber eats one with Simone Biles and some weird looking GRIDS doofus in a girls leatard talking in a high pitched squeal. The commercial would actually be semi stomach-able if it was just Biles hawking for the delivery service but this “guy” just destroys it

There was a great Twitter exchange on the commercial I came across today:

LOL ! Yep, this commercial pisses me off when it comes on tv and my kids are watching. I immediately mute or turn channel. These people are ******* sick. Good to see some pushback against this insanity.

I don't follow gymnastics at all, but isn't she the one who got special treatment to make the Olympic team because they wanted diversity? I forget.
Sports betting has come to Michigan. That has opened the door to sports advertising, and that door is open wide. There are commercials for the local sports books every few minutes. Every half ass local celebrity has been hired to pimp one betting service or another. Bally purchased the local Fox Sports TV or at least paid to have their name on everything. In a society where so many people have issues controlling themselves, I'm sure large scale access to gambling is going to be a good thing. But don't worry, each commercial has a disclaimer and a phone number you can call to get "help". So it's all good.
Nation Wreckers have successfully purged White Men from commercials over past few years. Been discussed numerous times here, but it's so in your face now you can't help but notice. Every single time.
Nation Wreckers have successfully purged White Men from commercials over past few years. Been discussed numerous times here, but it's so in your face now you can't help but notice. Every single time.

They're not exactly subtle about the agenda anymore. No deviation is permitted, not even for a single advertisement. Ideology trumps everything, including ratings and profits.
They're not exactly subtle about the agenda anymore. No deviation is permitted, not even for a single advertisement. Ideology trumps everything, including ratings and profits.

Agreed, now they're just gloating in their victory.