Commercials we HATE!!!!

Every single large corporation without exception is fully on board the communists' anti-White genocidal agenda:

14 seconds in "What is Truly Scandinavia?"

"Absolutely nothing."

That's all I could stomach.
Every single large corporation without exception is fully on board the communists' anti-White genocidal agenda:

Truly evil. I made it to 22 seconds. ONLY White nations of course.
Big Brother Emanuel Goldstein aka George Soros t/n Giorgy Schwartz aka Youtube censored the video.

This thread was started eight years ago. Now it's rare to see an advertisement in the USSA or USSK that doesn't feature negroes or negresses. What happened to the other "minorities"? There are hardly any, if any, ads with Asians or American Indians or Mexicans, Congo pygmies, Australoids, Sanid Bushmen. How come? They don't turn on the media controllers like a big bull negro or welfare queen in full charge (and me without my Nitro Express elephant gun...never leave home without it!)?
Big Brother Emanuel Goldstein aka George Soros t/n Giorgy Schwartz aka Youtube censored the video.

This thread was started eight years ago. Now it's rare to see an advertisement in the USSA or USSK that doesn't feature negroes or negresses. What happened to the other "minorities"? There are hardly any, if any, ads with Asians or American Indians or Mexicans, Congo pygmies, Australoids, Sanid Bushmen. How come? They don't turn on the media controllers like a big bull negro or welfare queen in full charge (and me without my Nitro Express elephant gun...never leave home without it!)?

Gotta disagree with you there. It's astonishing how many Asians are in commercials now. Also more and more Indians, the two groups being imported in huge numbers as an overclass to replace White professionals, just as hispanics were brought in to displace the White working class.

Blacks are the clear majority race in commercials, a noble and brilliant magical race, but notice how many commercials now have at least one Asian (except where the cast is all black). Whites, especially White men, are now the token minority. More and more ads have no White men in them at all.
Gotta disagree with you there. It's astonishing how many Asians are in commercials now. Also more and more Indians, the two groups being imported in huge numbers as an overclass to replace White professionals, just as hispanics were brought in to displace the White working class.

Blacks are the clear majority race in commercials, a noble and brilliant magical race, but notice how many commercials now have at least one Asian (except where the cast is all black). Whites, especially White men, are now the token minority. More and more ads have no White men in them at all.

I stand corrected. I don't watch telavivavision and have apps that censor out youtube commercials so I'm no expert. I too cannot praise the negro race enough. They are almost perfect in every way, brilliant and magical indeed. Handsome and beautiful too.

The founders of the USA, not a Congoid or Talmudist or Buttplug or Mexican or east indian amongst them. Must be racism, except that word wasn't even invented until 1933.

Jew York Times and their "Truth" commercials are disgusting. Here's one stirring up the White Guilt for Slavery..

Things have always been bad in the advertising industry but now they're worse than ever. Politically neutral commercials have become the exception, while SJW hatemongering has become the norm.

This "Commercials We Hate" thread keeps getting longer and longer, while the "Commercials We Like" thread hasn't been updated in a long time. Really says a lot.
Jared Jewelry commercial...beyond nauseating:
Jared Jewelry commercial...beyond nauseating:

It doesn't get more jewish than that. A commercial for a (((diamond dealer))) pushing miscegenation with a trio of singing negros. Lol. At least the vampires are coming out of the shadows. They don’t even try to make their agenda subtle anymore.
It doesn't get more jewish than that. A commercial for a (((diamond dealer))) pushing miscegenation with a trio of singing negros. Lol. At least the vampires are coming out of the shadows. They don’t even try to make their agenda subtle anymore.
Exactly. I don't "worry" at all whatsoever in the slightest about the "Jews" anymore. Their shamelessness and sin against all that is good and the rest of humanity and especially Christ, who is God incarnate (The Word/Logos) is going to be their undoing. Just like it has throughout history. We are going to win. Period.
It doesn't get more jewish than that. A commercial for a (((diamond dealer))) pushing miscegenation with a trio of singing negros. Lol. At least the vampires are coming out of the shadows. They don’t even try to make their agenda subtle anymore.

The diamond racket is a Jewish monopoly. It's hubs are New York, Tel Aviv, and Amsterdam. Diamonds are actually a fairly common mineral. They move small mountains of it around South Africa with bulldozers. The Openheimer family runs the diamond racket in S.A. Them and their fellow talmud cultists, like "Uncle" Joe Slovo, ANC leader, were instrumental in turning over the once great first world country to the black savages.
And not to forget the old Jake from State Farm was a guy that was thought to be the secret mistress of the husband by the suspicious wife who "caught" him on the phone. She said something like, "She sounds hideous" and the husband replied, "Well, "she's" a guy, so..." mocking his wife's ignorance and unjustified suspicion of said husband.
Wellllllll, we could never have that in today's politically correct world!!! Why? Because there's no difference between a guy and a girl and if the guy did choose to be a girl who's to say they're nuts or especially who's to say that they sound hideous in their deep masculine voice?!

PC brains are poison in the world today.
Does it get any more American than getting tested for another strain of SARS originating in Asia, at a Wal Mart, while grabbing an ice cold Pepsi

  1. EYe6WVzWAAoMa4J
All these commercials feature all different shades of nonwhite people. The marketing dept for every single company that can afford to make commercials that reach a national audience are in on this. It's absurd.
Kyler Murray and Tim Tebow's new commercial stinks. Showing it every commercial break during CFB.
The ad agency in charge of the new Rakuten ad made an error in their new interracial marriage holiday commercial. Rakuten is one of those bogus shyster affiliate marketing cash back tech companies that make working class people jump through hoops to feel like they are saving money (which usually amounts to pennies or dollars) on things they don’t need

Situated directly behind the “white” male when the camera pans to him is a menorah. As we all know only white Christian men and women should partake in this. Jewish people should not to preserve their heritage. Obviously the casual observer would never catch this but IMO a gaffe nonetheless

Well worth a read:

Condition Red: Your Visual Displacement Is Now Complete

Every single commercial seems to push a non-white racial angle. It's obvious to anyone who is paying attention. Blacks and miscegenation are the new normal for the twisted deviant useful idiots that come out of college with their Talmudic blessed marketing degrees. There is no individuality in marketing - it's all to promote an agenda. Irish Spring currently has a commercial featuring a black guy "leading the pack", GAP is now a multicultural hodge podge - when I was a kid in the 90s the Gap was for preppy white kids, the latest Old Navy commercial is just bizarre and proof that being normal is the new counter-culture. For a red-pilled individual it's easy to see right through the ads to see what they are trying to do.
Well worth a read:

Condition Red: Your Visual Displacement Is Now Complete

An Unz article that isn't HBD asian and jew worship :aplastao:. Of course I am exaggerating but the Unz Review has a tendency to publish many pieces like that; it's important to note the targetting of white males, white women may be objectified but their portrayal is far preferable to white men's and they are sometimes still depicted as strong, attractive, cunning and intelligent etc. due to being women, but to be fair plenty are portrayed as dumb conquests for nonwhites as well.
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There was a gradual increase of the number of blacks in commercials beginning in the late 1960s and continuing ever since. About ten years ago Asians, particularly Asian women, started becoming commonplace in advertising. A few years ago Indians joined them along with homosexual couples. Hispanics are trickier because they're a linguistic grouping not a race or even an ethnic group, so they're still relatively rare. Once Trump was inaugurated, blacks quickly became the majority on commercials and advertisements while White men have been all but fazed out.

Blacks used to disparagingly refer to their presence in media as being "tokens." Now White men are the tokens, when seen at all. Edmund Connelly's article is a good summation of where things currently stand.
This thread is gold in documenting the in your face replacement propaganda.

As I type, even Bass Pro has an all black family. LOL. They want Whitey gone, sadly half the white populace openly embraces it. While the rest have no backing to stand up for themselves for fear of being doxed.
Unz markets itself as alternative media from the right and left, so it's to be expected that they're not always going to be on "our side." Their articles are usually interesting and thought-provoking, even if I disagree with some of them.

A brain study would show that reading articles from alternative sites like Unz stimulates the more advanced parts of the brain, while reading trash like the Jew York Slimes stimulates only the most primitive, reptilian parts of the brain. "Mainstream" media outlets like JYS, Washington Compost, USA TooGay, CNN, etc. have devolved to what's essentially political pornography for leftists.