Every single large corporation without exception is fully on board the communists' anti-White genocidal agenda:
Every single large corporation without exception is fully on board the communists' anti-White genocidal agenda:
Big Brother Emanuel Goldstein aka George Soros t/n Giorgy Schwartz aka Youtube censored the video.
This thread was started eight years ago. Now it's rare to see an advertisement in the USSA or USSK that doesn't feature negroes or negresses. What happened to the other "minorities"? There are hardly any, if any, ads with Asians or American Indians or Mexicans, Congo pygmies, Australoids, Sanid Bushmen. How come? They don't turn on the media controllers like a big bull negro or welfare queen in full charge (and me without my Nitro Express elephant gun...never leave home without it!)?
Gotta disagree with you there. It's astonishing how many Asians are in commercials now. Also more and more Indians, the two groups being imported in huge numbers as an overclass to replace White professionals, just as hispanics were brought in to displace the White working class.
Blacks are the clear majority race in commercials, a noble and brilliant magical race, but notice how many commercials now have at least one Asian (except where the cast is all black). Whites, especially White men, are now the token minority. More and more ads have no White men in them at all.
Jared Jewelry commercial...beyond nauseating:
Exactly. I don't "worry" at all whatsoever in the slightest about the "Jews" anymore. Their shamelessness and sin against all that is good and the rest of humanity and especially Christ, who is God incarnate (The Word/Logos) is going to be their undoing. Just like it has throughout history. We are going to win. Period.It doesn't get more jewish than that. A commercial for a (((diamond dealer))) pushing miscegenation with a trio of singing negros. Lol. At least the vampires are coming out of the shadows. They don’t even try to make their agenda subtle anymore.
It doesn't get more jewish than that. A commercial for a (((diamond dealer))) pushing miscegenation with a trio of singing negros. Lol. At least the vampires are coming out of the shadows. They don’t even try to make their agenda subtle anymore.
Well worth a read:
Condition Red: Your Visual Displacement Is Now Complete
Well worth a read:
Condition Red: Your Visual Displacement Is Now Complete