Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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I am wanting you to **** right off ,
troll elsewhere.

where else am i going to complain about black athletes than
on such a pro athlete site .
it is nessary as alot of black athletes are the poison in modern day
athletics .and also preventing the emergence of lots of white athletes
be it directly or indirectly due to a system that is set up to cater largely for them .
am i not going to complain about this .
**** off ya fanny

proof my ass , the times are proof enough , and ruining the sport for me
and for honest athletes that dont have a hope of competing without aids .
the blantant dishonesty and many other flaunting of values is reason
enough to compalin .

And also takes away from your top end speed , assuming not juiced to gills .
and black athletes in sprints have been holding there own ever since emergence of widespread
steroid use from early 1950's in american system. blah , blah , blah ,
granted jesse owens was abit of a standout but no other real standouts till late 50,s ,60,s
and onwards .

and oh forgot, **** right off .
Last edited:
I am wanting you to **** right off ,
troll elsewhere.

where else am i going to complain about black athletes than
on such a pro athlete site .
it is nessary as alot of black athletes are the poison in modern day
athletics .
proof my ass , the times are proof enough , and ruining the sport for me
and for honest athletes that dont have a hope of competing without aids .
the blantant dishonesty and many other flaunting of values is reason
enough to compalin .

I don't troll, I simply tell it as it really is. Look back over the history of sprinting, tell me what you see?
Here's a new article about our favorite 100/200 meter sprinter on Yahoo!
Great article!

I love the dumbass that commented and said he won't even make it there and that 200 people have run just as fast. I looked it up, only about 30 people have run faster in the 100 meter, and about 12-14 have run faster in the 200, if saw correctly. Looking at the list alot of names repeated so I could be off.

I think there are about 30 guys to have run sub 10 since 2006.

why so much people have a bad opinion about black athletes.why if a black athlete is good he is on steroid's but when a white athlete is good he is clean?why a big and a rich country like germany cant create a top sprinter?german sprinter are white,why they cant make a top sprinter.why a guy like stefan schwab or blum cant go under 10 second?why tobias unger pb is only 20.20(is german record for 200m) white sprint live only by exceptions.i say people must think 2 times when want to say all black sprinters are on steroids.i am a white guy from romania,i love my race,i dont want to be black,but i can say without mistakes black are better in sprint,of course white can be good at sprint to,but just that athlete who is very talented and who have a very good genetic,rest of them will be a 10.2 sprinter,a mediocre time,next sprinter who will break 10 seconds barrier will be adam gemili,in maximum 4 years,and maybe ramil gulyev.
I love the dumbass that commented and said he won't even make it there and that 200 people have run just as fast. I looked it up, only about 30 people have run faster in the 100 meter, and about 12-14 have run faster in the 200, if saw correctly. Looking at the list alot of names repeated so I could be off.

Only 10 people have run both the 100m and the 200m faster than Lemaitre in their entire careers. He did his best times in the same year and at the young age of 21. Likely only two or three can claim that. All with a "natural" physique - he is very special.
European record's

guy's what you think,can lemaitre break european record at 100m and 200m? at 100m record is 9.86,i think if lemaitre have good condition he can run this season faster than 9.86,and at 200m 19.72,last season lemaitre run a 19.80 on a 0.8 wind,so i think a 19.70 is more than posible,i think a 19.70 is probably.

guy's when christophe lemaitre will have first outdoor race in this season?i read he will run in rome on 31 may with bolt and powell,on 30 may is my birthday so i want from christophe to make me a nice present,a 9.8x will be the best present for me :D.he will run in april?
people,christophe lemaitre have a official page of facebook- christophe lemaitre officiel is his page!!! we can write him mesage,i write him one,i hope to answer me :D
first race

christophe first race will be in 28 april at his athletic club,3 weeks from now,hope for a good result.
yohan blake 9.90

blake run a 9.90 in 14 april in kingston on a +1.6 wind.preety impressive for first race.Christophe today will give a interview in exclusivity at rtl about 100 days from olympics game, at 14:00.
I was reading another update on Christophe and his training. According to some people in his camp, the times he has been running in practice sessions have been eyepopping. I hope this is true and I don't see why they would lie. Lemaitre is going to be in the best shape of his life for the Olympics and I can't wait. I really want to see him get into the 9.80's this year and into the 19.60's to 19.70's over 200 meters. Basically he needs to go out and set the European Records over both distances. The time is now! VivaLeFrance. Viva Lemaitre!
I was reading another update on Christophe and his training. According to some people in his camp, the times he has been running in practice sessions have been eyepopping. I hope this is true and I don't see why they would lie. Lemaitre is going to be in the best shape of his life for the Olympics and I can't wait. I really want to see him get into the 9.80's this year and into the 19.60's to 19.70's over 200 meters. Basically he needs to go out and set the European Records over both distances. The time is now! VivaLeFrance. Viva Lemaitre!
Can you post any details on the sources? some links or training times would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)
this is an interview made yesterday by Lemaitre for the radio,
basically he says that he's in a good shape, and continuing his preparation to be ready for the olympics. about his training times, he just says that during his last sessions he made (quoting)"some interesting chronos"..
Funny how much he's interested in athletism
Q:what are the memorable things you remember about the Olympics..
A:I have never really watched (..) I saw Michael Jackson on the internet LOL
tyson gay 200m-out

tyson gay will not run at olympics 200m,a good news for lemaitre.First race at his home club in 28 april is close,i hope he will win with a good time(sub-10 seconds),for first race that will be a good result.

all training time will be hand timed !!!! its usual practice by coaches . sub ten for lemaitre should not happen so early especially in luke warm france in april, as opposed to 25 degress high humidity jamaica ( blake is juicing anyway)
lemaitre must this season to run under 9.9,if he want to get a medal at london,will be dificult because much athlete will give their best,but dont know what can happend,maybe some of them will injury or tested positive,but for lemaitre a 9.8x is necesary before olympics for a good moral,and a 9.8x in final will be very good.
7 days

i forgott to say-7 days untill first race!!! will be at his home club,but there he will not run against other top sprinters.guys let's make bet or something like that,who think he will run in this race a 10.2x,who think will run 10.1x,10.0x or 9.9x. i think first time will be a 10.0x. what you think guys?
I will start the guessing with time of 10.03 as long as the conditions are good.

I will be shocked if he doesn't get into the high 9.80's this year. You can quote me on that!
guy's you saw his fb page? Is cool because he update regulary,we can now how is his training and when he will race and other things.for 200m what you say guys?a 19.7x in the final will be a good result,a 19.6x will be fantastic but i dont know if he can run 19,6x this season,but with good condition's and a good race is not impossible a high 19.6x.i cant wait his first race,if is good condition and he run somewhere to a 10 flat, 9.8x will be just a matter of time.good luck lemaitre, the 'maitre' of 100/200 metre :D.
walter dix 9.85

walter dix ran few day's ago a 9.85 on a 2.4 wind and sunny weather (perfect condition) mike rodgers was second with a 9.97 and emelize from niger third with a 10.08, a preety good result for dix,but he must ran a 9.85 on a 1.0 wind not on a 2.4 wind if he want to be there for a medal in london,anyway that nigga have potential to get a medal in london,but i hope lemaitre will beat him.guy's what you think,can bolt to beat world record on 100m or 200m? i think london 2012 100m will be the fastest 100m race of all time,bolt can run a low 9.5 if dont get injury.
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