Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Trell Kimmons just did 6.45, the 5th all time performance.. his PB is 9.95 2 years ago, and did a semi-final in Daegu last year.. He was touched by God this year and will do a sub 9.9 this year for sure..

These are altitude assisted times.
Excuse me with my speech. Not central to the topic. But I want to respond to elispeedster.
I only want ask you a question. Are italians most intelligent and creative people in the world? Only besause we have the majority of culture in the world? Or we are lucky because Italy is in a geographical position, so we were influenced from Greece, north Africa and the rest of Europe? This is a magical position. But is a mix from geography and culture... for me the same for athletics. Athletics is a cultural phenomenon. Is not a need for survival.
People all over the world is to survive their environments. Why Andean do not win in the middle distance? They lives in high monuntains. And why not people from Alps. I'm from this region. Culture and only culture. You gotta give me a proof of the studies on the differences between different peoples. The races do not exist.
Why Europeans are stronger than white Americans? Yet for the majority of Americans have European ancestry.
Why? Tell me.

I agree with your points, but the reality is, there are differences between the races and to deny that is being close minded. Sub Saharan Blacks, on average, are slightly built differently than the average Caucasian and Asian. You can see it clearly - longer limbs, shorter trunks, higher hips...There are many Whites built this way too (but not as much s sub saahrans): Leamitre has the classic long leg, short torso, with all else being equal - speed of movement, power etc...the longer limbed has a 'slight' advantage. When I say long limbed, I do not mean in height, but proportion.

You can see differences among Blacks - West African are more muscled than East Africans, and it is why you dont see many, hardly any great sprinters from Kenya, Eithiopia, and any Long Distance runners from Nigeria, etc. Whites, fall in the middle which is why I think Whites are more proportioned - not the fastest, not the slowest, a good mix of stamina and strength, and i also think this is a reason why there are more Whites in elite military forces that require a good combo of stamina, speed and strength (sorry to throw off the subject)...

Lemaitre's average 60 times this year is due to conditoing; His coach does not uses modern techniques as far as I am concerned. And it has nothing to due with PED's. I managed to bench press 350 and squat 475 in my younger days all from hard work and good training. Lemaitre is capable of naturally running 6.45, 9.80. 19.5 if he had the right conditioning. His bad start of a sprint is lack of power and strength, not due to his height. Olympic weightlifters have almost equal 10-20 meter dash time as elite sprinters because the 1st 10-20 meters is more power/speed (think of the force generated that a plane uses at take off, even though the take off is slowest of the the actual flight).
Lemaitre does not have this power because he is not conditioned correctly. You can see the lack of this power around his weak appearing shoulders, upper back, and hip flexors. This is my opinion.
Excuse me with my speech. Not central to the topic. But I want to respond to elispeedster.
I only want ask you a question. Are italians most intelligent and creative people in the world? Only besause we have the majority of culture in the world? Or we are lucky because Italy is in a geographical position, so we were influenced from Greece, north Africa and the rest of Europe? This is a magical position. But is a mix from geography and culture... for me the same for athletics. Athletics is a cultural phenomenon. Is not a need for survival.
People all over the world is to survive their environments. Why Andean do not win in the middle distance? They lives in high monuntains. And why not people from Alps. I'm from this region. Culture and only culture. You gotta give me a proof of the studies on the differences between different peoples. The races do not exist.
Why Europeans are stronger than white Americans? Yet for the majority of Americans have European ancestry.
Why? Tell me.

I am of Southern Italian heritage so yes we are creative and Intelligent :)....

Compare the body structure of the Andean with short legs to a longer legged Kenyan. With all else beng equal, the longer limbed Kenyan with the higher center of gravity and hips will be better, even if it is only by 1 second, that 1 second is the difference from a Winner to Loser, from Millionaire to 5 figure Athlete. There is a difference.

Without showing me the color or face of an athlete, I would easily identify the race of a subject just by examining the body structure. It is so obvious. Culture cannot change DNA that has been groomed for thousands of years. Look at Chrisotphe's build - long legged, short trunk, but if you look at him from the side or behind, you will see his hips do not tie high into his lower back, or protrude out as much like most West Africans (ie. American, Jamaican Blacks). Christophe has a Long limbed European body type. There is a difference. That small difference is 9.89 vs 9.92

PS: Which Europeans are Stronger than White Americans? The best Power lifters are American, and almost all White. Olympic style Weightlifting is more technique, and is developed earlier in Europe than America. Strong Americans play Football, Wrestle, etc.

here we go again more pseudo science:faint2::faint2::faint2::faint2::faint2::faint2::faint2::faint2::faint2: give it a rest guys and get back to athletics and not , [ with the greatest of respect] andean goats or goat stealers:deadhorse:
Are you kidding? There are no differences among us. Same ancestors, as you say.

Obviously it was just a provocation. As the hypothesis of a greater intelligence and creativity of the Italians. Only a provocation. Not reality. But there aren't white US athletes at the international level in the long jump, in the triple jump, in speeding. Instead there are Europeans, Australians, South African whites, etc.. Just to give examples. Why?
About long and short legs, you talk about numerical averages of anthropological measurements. But the reality and the peoples around the world are more diversified. Also inside them. Is Michael Johnson long legged?

hey ... lisa D "how you doin" !!!!:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::preggers::preggers::preggers::preggers::preggers::preggers:
I've said it before and I will say it again. I don't like this decision. I think that he could get a medal in both events. He also needs to realise that if anything goes wrong in one event(example Bolt last year at world champs), he could still have a chance to medal at the other distance. I also hate it because the 100 is the premier event in the world of sprinting. No one ever says the 200 winner is the worlds fastest man. I hope he changes his mind. This is probably also because of his poor form indoors this season. It's not too late to fix those minor problems. He needs to run both distances to continue his legendary career. Just like Allan Wells and V. Borzov!
in the audio file in the link he says that they will take the decision at the last moment with his coach, it doesn't bother him "to double" he took this decision back in Barcelona, and he also says that the olympics are once in four years and he will put his whole energy to get a medal.

my feeling is that he will do BOTH:

if he does a sub 9.9 BEFORE the Olympics, he will run the 100 for sure, but if there are 5 or 6 guys far ahead from him in the hundred, why risking twice finishing 4th or 5th?
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what you think?

hi people i am new on this forum.i am a big fan of track and field,and a big fan of christophe lemaitre and jimmy guy's think vicaut can go under 10 seconds this season?he progress much in last few years.and maybe a prediction,how fast you think will run lemaitre this season?my prediction is 9.85-9.88 for this season,and maybe a 19.6x in good condition.

hi guy's,what you think about adam gemili?he is fast for his age, last season (17 years) he run 10.35 in a legal time and a 10.23 on 2.6 wind.i think he will be no1 british sprinter,this season i predict a 10.2x on a legal time,and maybe a 10.1x on a maximum 3m/s wind.
Welcome to the board Raul. First off, these questions should probably be posted in another thread like 2012 Outdoor Season. I will start a new thread since the indoor season is over. Jimmy V. in my opinion will proably get down to about a 10.00 flat this season. He has a chance to go sub 10 but he just had an injury so we will have to see.

Adam Gemelli is very talented as well. The kid hasn't even run track but for only a few years. He is a natural and he probably will be one of thier best sprinters in the near future. I don 't think he will do it this season but I hope your right. I just think he needs a little more time for his body to mature and continue to develop. Don't forget about Richard Kilty. He ran a 6.61 indoors this season but has mostly just been training for this summer. I think he will get into the 10.20's to 10.30's range this year and maybe even faster. He is only 21. I also am probably the only one on the planet that hasn't given up hope on Pickerng. I hoping for him to be in the best shape of his life and with his new paleo diet, he just might. He skipped indoors and should be ready to hopefully shock and amaze some people with his return to form.
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craig pickering

craig was a very talented guy,honestly i dont think he will get his form to 2007,but who knows?he was a hope,but honestly i dont think he will make a big chesse,i like his style and i want to get in a good form and maybe a 10.0x.
LEMAITRE first race of this season will be against of Usain 'insaine' Bolt and Asafa Powell,i think lemaitre can this season to be better than Powell,last seanson Asafa run just one time under 9.9, if lemaitre adjust a little his start and drive phase,he can beat 30 year old asafa.and maybe at rome a 9.8x from Christophe lemaitre.Usain is untouchable and in my opinion he will win everything this year.
if lemaitre adjust a little his start and drive phase,he can beat 30 year old asafa.

This 'IF' will determine Lemaire's 100m future.
If he improves his drive phase he can be a medalist at all the major world events.
If he doesn't he will just be a finalist.
I'm sure he and his coaches know this, so I'm hoping we see some real improvement this year.
I'd like to see him put on a few pounds of muscle and start getting more 200/400 than 100/200. His thing is his speed endurance, the 400 would enhance that side of his game. I don't see him running with the Jamaicans/Americans in the 100m. He could be a real threat in the 200m however as we saw. White sprinters have always been more competitive in the 200m, CL is no exception.

The 400 as more of tool for his 200m sprinting, not saying he's running with the elite in that event. A 44.8-ish seems about right.
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i dont think lemaitre is a 400 m sprinter,maybe he could be a 400 m sprinter but he is 100/200m sprinter.he has to much talent for 100m,you can train easily start and drive phase then pure speed.if you are a good starter and a sprinter with a good drive phase but without a good pure speed,you will be just a mediocre sprinter,good at 60m but not even close to 100.a good exemple is dwain chambers,he has a 6.42 pb at 60,wich make him second fastest athlete at 60m but at 100m just a 9.97.i think is better to be a sprinter with a high level of pure speed and with little problem at start and drive phase,then to be a good starter but a mediocre level of high speed.
usain 'insane ' bolt me ass
one of biggest cheats and media whores going and dont even glorify the fanny

if last year is anything to go by , the peds are not working as well as used to
but time will tell , alot more chance of been beaten over 100m
and the fact that so many other sprinters are now on the exact same peds as jamaicans
that the field is alot more level but still largely black unfortunately.
with the use of SARMS the younger you are the more to be gained from them
and how young you are when start using them ,obviously assuming well into maturity .
so have to look no further than younger training partner .
alot of this high intensity work over 400m for shorter sprints
is more to do with gains to be had if using SARMS

and even aerobic endurance alittle but of no real benefit for sprints
why these times are possible in 200m .
so want to maximise this possible speed endurance by doing afew more
high intensity over distance workouts in off season .
why see gay , powell , et all , doing all out 400 m races as part of training where never see
many short sprint athletes doing before .
need to be limited so as to not effect top speed obviously .
dont even see need to do , as alot of gains will come anyway from endurance over 100,200m
but jamaicans must be doing them for reason .

so you need to get off this should he do 400m conumdrum
that heard on many boards before due to these said athletes
competing over 400m during off season ,
WITH PEDS LIKE SARMS and god knows in future .
as the various systems are mainly producing one type of top sprinter who
will usually be in position to avail of them to enhance the myth as the times
in 200m now easily surpass befores .

Also why doesnt SARM use translate into 400 m
as of to date no proof of it been used over 400m
as the benefits are to about to 300m mark
and then you die due to lack of nessary aerobic and lactic thresshold
requirements of event . is only reason can think of.
with new drugs involving various aerobic pathways start to
be used again in this event then will signal increase in 400m times .
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alot of this high intensity work over 400m for shorter sprints
is more to do with gains to be had if using SARMS

and even aerobic endurance alittle but of no real benefit for sprints
why these times are possible in 200m .
so want to maximise this possible speed endurance by doing afew more
high intensity over distance workouts in off season .
why see gay , powell , et all , doing all out 400 m races as part of training where never see
many short sprint athletes doing before .
need to be limited so as to not effect top speed obviously .
dont even see need to do , as alot of gains will come anyway from endurance over 100,200m
but jamaicans must be doing them for reason .

so you need to get off this should he do 400m conumdrum
that heard on many boards before due to these said athletes
competing over 400m during off season ,
WITH PEDS LIKE SARMS and god knows in future .
as the various systems are mainly producing one type of top sprinter who
will usually be in position to avail of them to enhance the myth as the times
in 200m now easily surpass befores .

Also why doesnt SARM use translate into 400 m
as of to date no proof of it been used over 400m
as the benefits are to about to 300m mark
and then you die due to lack of nessary aerobic and lactic thresshold
requirements of event . is only reason can think of.
with new drugs involving various aerobic pathways start to
be used again in this event then will signal increase in 400m times .

Ah..I was a sprinter and yes once I began running the 400 my 100/200 did improve. Everything over a 60 is about speed maintenance/endurance. That ability to sustain/maintain a higher % of you max. The 400m adds strength/endurance to your game. There is no doubt about it.

I don't talk about any athlete being on drugs without proof. Black sprinters were more than holding their own long before PED's.

I'm not here to slam black athletes. I'm wanting the white athletes to step it up.
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