Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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adam gemili 10.23

guy's adam gemili ran 3 day's ago in usa at tom jones memorial invitational a amazing pb of 10.23 on a 1.1 wind,and at 200m a 20.70 on -0,2 wind,this guy have a lot of potential,i hope to not happend with him what happend with pickering. 10.23 at 18 years is really impressive and is just first race of season.sure he can go under 10.2, this guy will be next sub 10 white sprinter.
1 day untill the first race!!!! what pronostic you have guy's? i think he will run somewhere to 10.0x,but if he run a 9.9x in his first race would be great!!!
I would like to see a 10.0X for his opener.
I'll go for a 9.95, it's hot today (25 degrees), and his coach said that we can expect a good chrono
friends from france

please guys from france write on the forum what time christophe run,because i think you know first what time he run

the article says that the wind was certainly much stronger than the -1.7 measured officially

but the major explanation is given by Lemaitre; he actually tried to change his "usual" technique, by putting more rythm and shortening his stride, it's the first time that he tries this technique in competition and he's very disappointed ; quoting "I'm going back to what I did: I'll run very wide. So what if I make strides of 3m? at least it worked!"

(NB: he changed his wide stride for a shorter but more frequent stride)
What a nightmare. The wind is negligible. He should be able to run that kind of time into a hurricane. With hail the size of canned hams. Running backwards. While injured. That times not even enough good to win a national high school meet in the US. Or a junior high meet in Jamaica.

Judging from the article, his coach, with those idiotic cones he always puts on the track trying to get Christophe to overthink every step, has all but ruined the best natural sprinter out there. Man, that pisses me off. Christophe is seriously messed up right now. He's mad at his coach, mad at his training, and has probably lost so much confidence.

You guys have seen the training videos, right? Always the stupid little cones on the track, showing Christophe where to step. Do you think Usain Bolt's coach puts out little cones?

He now has exactly one race left to remember how to run. Then he has to go against Bolt, which will absolutely shatter him if he loses as badly as his 2012 times indicate he will.

His coach is a freaking idiot. What a nightmare.
What a nightmare. The wind is negligible. He should be able to run that kind of time into a hurricane. With hail the size of canned hams. Running backwards. While injured. That times not even enough good to win a national high school meet in the US. Or a junior high meet in Jamaica.

Judging from the article, his coach, with those idiotic cones he always puts on the track trying to get Christophe to overthink every step, has all but ruined the best natural sprinter out there. Man, that pisses me off. Christophe is seriously messed up right now. He's mad at his coach, mad at his training, and has probably lost so much confidence.

You guys have seen the training videos, right? Always the stupid little cones on the track, showing Christophe where to step. Do you think Usain Bolt's coach puts out little cones?

He now has exactly one race left to remember how to run. Then he has to go against Bolt, which will absolutely shatter him if he loses as badly as his 2012 times indicate he will.

His coach is a freaking idiot. What a nightmare.


I see video of Christophe doing squat jumps holding 10 pound dumbbells???? My 9 year old neice uses 10 lb dumbbells for her squat jumps exercise in her Jiu Jitsu class! Where is the Hill training? Bolt and Tyson Gay built much of their speed running hills up and down weighted and not. It is basic 101 of speed training.

He is regressing. If he cant run 10.10 at this early stage, no medal, no final, no nothing this olympics. He has not progressed at all.

Leamitre made his best gains right after his tough training in Florida a last year. He needs to shock the body, back off, and watch him make gains. Thats how it is done , especially in the early stages.

Hill training is the best form of exercise to develop explosive speed (the 1st 40 meters) which he clearly lacks.

Carraz cannot teach beyond the local level. It is obvious. he needs to go.

the article says that the wind was certainly much stronger than the -1.7 measured officially

but the major explanation is given by Lemaitre; he actually tried to change his "usual" technique, by putting more rythm and shortening his stride, it's the first time that he tries this technique in competition and he's very disappointed ; quoting "I'm going back to what I did: I'll run very wide.So what if I make strides of 3m? at least it worked!"

(NB: he changed his wide stride for a shorter but more frequent stride)

You cant force frequent strides. Frequent strides wil come when the strength and power to weight ratio is high. Christophe is not strong, and is not training for power. He needs to focus on running hills. HEavy and constant. Uphill training wil build his stride rate faster than anything else and it wil be permanent. That combined with his natural stride length wil make him run faster than ever. HIS COACH DOES NOT KNOW
Well if really the wind was around 4 or 5 m/s headwind, is not very bad time.
Lemaitre is slim so a big headwind can to make that he get that time.
I remember that in Daegu final 100m, he made one of his worst races of the year with -1.4 m/s.

So no problem, he will be ready soon and he will get sub10 again, but the people should to understand that this year is almost impossible sub 9.9, in my opinion.

In the european championship he will run only 100, because 200m in stockholm has very short curve.
He will get gold medal there easily, nobody can to get sub10 in europe.

In the Olympic Games he should to run only 200m.
He have to spend all his energy in 200m, because he can to get 19.7 giving all in 200m, and this time would be probably bronze medal very close with Dix(Bolt and Blake are very far).

To run in 100 in OG in my opinion would be stupid, to spend a lot of energy in several rounds, for nothing.
Runners like Bolt,Blake,Gay(if is healthy),Powell and another runners that can defeat to Lemaitre like Gatlin,Thompson,Bailey,..a lot of runners for fight, is to lose the time to run in 100 in London really.
The last year was very rare with injuried Powell,Gay,Bolt DQ and another runners in very bad shape.

But in olympic year the people usually to train very hard, so i hope that Lemaitre does not run in 100 in OG and yes in 200m where a medal is very possible :becky:
My thoughts on todays result. I was also very dissapointed. I will put it like this. There is a saying in life. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! He was already running consistant sub tens. He is the first white sprinter to do this. Many speed training coach's will tell you that the quickest way to increse your speed in the 40, 60 or 100 is to increase your stride length a little. It's actually easier to run faster that way than to do it the old fashion way with better power to increase your stride ratio. Christophe has an amazing natural stride that is the same as Bolts despite him being a little shorter than him. You don't change this ever. He is not over striding. It is natural. His coach made a big mistake messing with his stride. Especially to do it in an olympic year! You don't experiment this close to the London Olympics!

Like many of you said, he should have been building strength through free weights, plyometrics and hill running! I hope they can fix this as soon as possible so that this summer isn't a waste. He is far too talented to ever run a 10.40! If he doesn't as least break both of his personal bests this summer, then it is time to move to a professional coach. I love Caraz but he doesn't have all of the skill sets to take Christophe to the highest levels. At least get some assistant coaching to help out. Build his strength, plyos and hill running. Barefoot running in the grass is also very helpful. Good luck Christophe. We all love you here at this board. We only want the best for you.
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wtf with you homies

he do a bad race in first race on a hurricane and now is a stupidity to run 100m in london,homie a olympiad is once on 4 years,not in every year,maybe his coach is a mother****er but with that coach is the fastest white man!!!other better coah dont even dream to get with a white sprinter a 9,9.we will se him in rome in may with bolt and powell,still i think he will get a high 9.8 this year and he must run 100 in london because can be a unic experince!!!!
I should to remember to everybody that if Lemaitre want to get sub 9.9 he should arrive at 60m sub 6.5 and i see it in this moment almost impossible.

His final is around 3.42-3.44 in his best races in the last 40m.
His best time at 60m line is 6.50 when he got 9.92 but it was with +2.0 m/s.
His other best time is 6.52 in his 9.96 time with normal wind +0.9(i dont have his splits in his two 9.95 but i imagine that around 6.51-6.52)

So if Lemaitre want to try sub 9.9 he should to be around 6.45-6.47 at 60m, is it possible?i repeat, in this moment very very hard i see it :undecided:
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Sounds like his coach fundamental misunderstands sprinting, the studies show swing time is not a significant factor, all elite sprinters have basically the same swing time the differences in speed arise from force generated when the foot hits the ground and how rapidly it can be developed which is expressed as stride length and contact time. Christophe has the natural turnover ability, he has the levers and neurological characteristics to express high levels of force rapidly what he needs is two things more strength(force production) and a little bit more relaxtion and consistency with his arm stroke. Shortening is stride is incredibly stupid.

He needs to train with a better coach.
Sounds like his coach fundamental misunderstands sprinting, the studies show swing time is not a significant factor, all elite sprinters have basically the same swing time the differences in speed arise from force generated when the foot hits the ground and how rapidly it can be developed which is expressed as stride length and contact time. Christophe has the natural turnover ability, he has the levers and neurological characteristics to express high levels of force rapidly what he needs is two things more strength(force production) and a little bit more relaxtion and consistency with his arm stroke. Shortening is stride is incredibly stupid.

He needs to train with a better coach.

actually, the swing time is similar not only amongst sprinters but average healthy humans.
Power with each step is what Lemaitre is lacking. His training videos showing him struggling to bench press 120 pounds, and squat jumps holding 10 pound dumbbells is sad and almost mind boggling. A natural sprinter with good training should be able to bench press 1.5 their bodyweight and squat close to double. This is very achievable. Christophe should transfer his studies to a good American university and join the track team and learn power training.

Hill training is one of the easiest most important exercise one can do to develop power speed for the 1st 40 meters. NFL players use this exercise constantly while wearing weighted vests and parachutes tied behind their backs to knock off tenths of seconds of their 40 yard times.... Also as WL mentioned, barefoot grass and sand running can help the feet propel the body forward with each step during a race. This is very popular training of the Jamaicans.

Leamitre has the natural speed and stride. He has no power speed, it is whey he has not progressed in the 60 meters. and this is all due to his training. Carraz was never a olympic athlete, and nor has ever trained one. Kudos to him to introducing us to Lemaitre, but he should not be coaching him anymore.
actually, the swing time is similar not only amongst sprinters but average healthy humans.
Power with each step is what Lemaitre is lacking. His training videos showing him struggling to bench press 120 pounds, and squat jumps holding 10 pound dumbbells is sad and almost mind boggling. A natural sprinter with good training should be able to bench press 1.5 their bodyweight and squat close to double. This is very achievable. Christophe should transfer his studies to a good American university and join the track team and learn power training.

Hill training is one of the easiest most important exercise one can do to develop power speed for the 1st 40 meters. NFL players use this exercise constantly while wearing weighted vests and parachutes tied behind their backs to knock off tenths of seconds of their 40 yard times.... Also as WL mentioned, barefoot grass and sand running can help the feet propel the body forward with each step during a race. This is very popular training of the Jamaicans.

Leamitre has the natural speed and stride. He has no power speed, it is whey he has not progressed in the 60 meters. and this is all due to his training. Carraz was never a olympic athlete, and nor has ever trained one. Kudos to him to introducing us to Lemaitre, but he should not be coaching him anymore.
Similar to boxing a non international level coach can only take you so far. He needs to at least be training with the French national coach or maybe an American coach not linked to drugs. Too many of the US coaches are linked to PEDS that it's not worth training in their group or getting your name sullied with them. By the way does anybody know what the temperature was for the race?

After watching the video, Ill give Christopohe the benefit of doubt (He still needs better coaching and trainer)...but no way was that wind -1.7... Looking at the final, the runners shirts and shorts, and trees, where flapping very rapidly. That had to be closer to -4.0

SHUT UP !!! Pierre Carraz is a very good trainer !

christophe need to change his wide stride for a shorter but more frequent stride if he wants to be faster ! it's logic !


do you know track and field or not ?

his trainer knows he does !

christophe will run under 9,85 et under 19,60 in 2012

sorry for my bad english !

wait next sunday, christophe will run on 200m ! respect pierre carraz
there is no need to wory

Season openers are not always great, as i recall last yer nesta carter opened with a 10.3 and a week later ran a 9.9 100m, Lemaite is experimenting with technique which is a god thing, it is better to work on technique when in a meaningless race instead of a olympic final. We will see in what shape he is next week when he runs the 200, for now all we know is that he still has a lot to wok n regarding his technique because his speed is thee it;s not like it dissapeared.In hindsight this may be a good thing, it will motivate him and make him rethink maybe possibly change his coach,i've been saying this for a long time, world class athletes need world class coaches
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