Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Yeah, and Shirvo got pulled in a race with the big boys while Lemaitre led from start to finish in a race with juniors. Shirvo had a lousy coach and Lemaitre has a good one.

The rocket will be looking for redemption in the 200. I wish they were both running.
While Pickering reminds me a little of Shirvo. Lemaitre reminds me of Allan Wells. The only difference is that he is even faster. They are both long and lean. Christophe and Ramil have the type of body that future sprinters are probably going to need to compete with the Bolt types of the world. Just like in other sports, the guys are getting bigger, stronger and faster.

Watching Lemaitre and Guliyev run is a thing of pure beauty. Poetry in motion. I can't wait to see this posted on They have been blocking so far. Maybe by tonight or tommorow. I saw the medal ceremony and it made me get teary eyed. What a day for our guys. It's too bad Andrew Robertson of GB didn't get the bronze as he had the same exact time as his teammate. Great show by him as well.

Christophe may not be compteting in the French Nat'l Champs this weekend, but he will still be the talk of France. Way to go Pepe Le Flew!
great news!

look at the way their legs perform the running movement. Both appear to have neutral foot and ankle rotation and the knees pull straight through. This has gotta have benefits regarding running injury free.
now he is coming close to sub 10 i am thinking about Woronin's 10.00.I still don't understand why a 9.992 is a 10.00 according to iaaf and not a all mathematics it would b rounded to where it is the most close to so a 9.99
they always round up. if it was 9.991 it would be 10.00. I know, it stupid, but thats how they do it.
It's not that enjoyable from that angle. The only thing I like about this angle is when they go by the finish line, you can really see how fast they are running! Most people don't realize how fast a 10 second 100 meters is. They are probably going 25 miles per hour and up. Very fast indeed. You can see how excited Christophe was when he won. It would have been alot closer if Ramil got a better start. I'm so happy for Lemaitre. I can see them toasting him from the local pubs all the way to the eiffel tower. It's too bad he's not racing next weekend in Germany in the 100. Ramil will be there. by: white lightning
albinosprint said:
they always round up. if it was 9.991 it would be 10.00. I know, it stupid, but thats how they do it.

I really hate how so any black football players get a rounded down 40 time instead of up like a lot of whites get. If a black player runs a 4.46, he's often called a 4.4 guy, but if a white player runs a 4.46 he's either called a 4.46 guy or a 4.5 guy. The double standard sickens me. I realize this isn't universal in football, but it is common and it is wrong.
now that's a good clip.

he took only 42 strides to do that (Ramil 45). Must have some strength.

22 strides to cover the final 60 so he must approach a 3 metre stride for a little while at peak speedEdited by: mastermulti
here's a picture of a fully mature WELLS, W/L

he was an amateur body builder in his teens and really built those thighs. The shoulders and upper torso are something too!
He was an instigator of athletes running into their mid 30's and held the 35+ 100 WR for some years

WellsEdited by: mastermulti
spectator, good find!
Wow. The video was excellent quality. That is almost as good as being there. The one thing I noticed is that Ramil needs to work a little on his drive phase. Even in his 20.04 race over 200 meters, he didn't go out very strong. If he can nail his starts consistantly, Ramil will go sub 10. The same thing goes for Lemaitre. It would great to see how happy Christophe was. Pumping the hands and showing everyone he is the best junior sprinter in all of Europe over 100 meters. It was very classy of Ramil to wait a long time to congratulate Christophe. I love both of these guys. These are the moments I live for and we ain't seen nothing yet compared to what is to come in the future. Please stay healthy guys and dominate track for a very long time. Help to change stereotypes and bring more kids like yourself into track.

What a day. Tommorow should be almost as good. I can't wait. I think I will have to drink a little white lightning wheat beer tonight to celebrate! WOW. I'm still in shock. I love it!
I love it. Some of the media and the fans around the world are starting to pay attention and respect Christophe Lemaitre. They say he may even be the answer for Usain Bolt. That is high praise and very rare to here about a white sprinter. He deserves all of the accolades. This kid is a star and he's only going to get better. Here is a link to the article. by: white lightning
He says he can and will go faster in Berlin. I love the confidence. You have to be that way or why even step on the track against the best sprinters in the world? Within a year our two if not sooner, Christophe Lemaitre is going to be feared by his fellow sprinters. If not feared, he will definatley get the respect he deserves. He should be a future olympic medalist. I see him running 9.80's in the future. Even in the 200 he will be dangerous. He is like a Wallace Spearmon with better speed in the 100! Straight to the top Christophe. Stay hungry and keep working hard to be the best in the world someday. Yes I did say the best. I want him to go after Bolt! Here is the link to the article. by: white lightning
Very impressive. He will break the 10 second mark like the breeze!!!!!
Lots of potential to improve. No one hit wonder here.
best part of the article

"By 40m the race was as good as over but, unlike Bolt, there were no celebrations until he was past the line"

Ya, I like that article too Albinosprint. That author held nothing back, except for that Bolt is a likely cheat. I just can't wait to see what Lemaitre will do in Berlin.

My one concern for both Ramil and Christophe in Berlin is how well they will handle the heats. You can't really take it easy like they did today. You got to be running 10.1/ 20.2 to make the finals, and then put up an amazing time on top of that. I hope they are ready for rounds, I already know they are sub 10/20 sprinters.
Here is the Top 10 white 100m sprinters for this year, with the Japanese sprinters thrown in for good measure.

1/ Christophe Lemaitre 10.04
2/ Ramil Guliyev10.08
JAP-Masashi Eriguchi10.07
JAP-Naoki Tsukahara10.09
3/ Fabio Cerruti10.15
4/ Tobias Unger 10.18
5/ Stephen Schwab10.19
6/ Arnaldo Abrantes10.19
JAP-Shinji Takahira10.20
7/Emmanuale DeGregorio 10.21
JAP-Shintaro Kimurav10.21
JAP-Shogo Arao 10.22
8/ Criag Pickering10.23
9/ Simeone Collio10.24
10/ Maurizio Checcucci 10.26
JAP-Shigeyuki Kojima10.26
It truly is the age of the tall sprinter. The two tallest guys are at the top of the list.
It's already been well noted about Lemaitre's upside.As evidence look at the video of yesterday's final.Admittedly an absolutely lightning quick reaction to the gun,but notice the line down the lane.He's slightly off-balanced to his left(not absolutely detrimental but can add fractions to a sprint),and then bows to the right side of the lane even so much as to be hugging the line on the right at the finish line...far from the perfect straight line we pine for. Even more importantly notice the huge spinal undulation this could be cleaned up tremendously,I'm not saying I like a michael johnson-like posture;for most that too far extreme in the other direction,but a little more ergonomic upper body form would be devastating in time improvement.Add in minimal wind-aid,the competition not being way over his head(at this time),and the wearing down of heat-work...this young man is easily with-in striking distance of top-of-worldclass in the not that distant future...he could easily been our first sub-ten today.
Good evaluation. He will be the first white medal contender in the 100 since Allan Wells.
There are few guys question both Lemaitre and Guliyev over at The good thing is that several people have defended them. One guy even brought up Bolt and how they don't question him. Both of these kids are clean as can be. That makes even more people angry. How can a skinny white guy run that fast? People will have to realize that what they thought was impossible is possible. Not only will these kids go sub 10, they will go into the 9.80's range eventually. Not to mention that they should both go sub 20 as well.
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