Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Only 3 days till Lemaitre races. This Wed. could be the day we have all been waiting for. Especially Charlie.
I'm pumped for this meet. If he could go sub 10 before Berlin, imagine how confident he would be. I hear he wants to break the World Junior Record in the 100. It is by Darrel Brown who ran a 10.01 a few years ago. I think this kid can do it. He can go all out and he won't have to run rounds like he did at the Euro Junior Champs. That is what makes his 10.04 even more amazing. That it was done with 3 races in 2 days and with virtually no wind. Wow is all I can say.

If all goes right this week, he will dip under that magical barrier. My only fear is that he doesn't get hurt doing it with 2 weeks until the World Champs. Let's just think positive and see what happens in a few days. Come on Christophe. You can do it.

Show them why the whole world will soon be calling you.

PEPE LE FLEW!Edited by: white lightning
According to this article, Christophe will not be racing on Wednesday. He will instead race this Friday at Castres over 200 meters. This should guarantee him a huge new p.b. over that distance. Hie p.b. right now is only 20.68! He will smash that. Here is a nice little interview from a few days ago. Christophe didn't even take up athletics until he was 15 years of age. Simply amazing. They will probably make a movie about this kids life some day. He is a superstar and one of my favorite sprinters on the planet. Here is the article. by: white lightning
I guess we will have to wait for Berlin for a new WJR in the 100. I'm guessing 20.13 this friday. anyone have any predictions?
I will be more conservative. He hasn't trained much for the deuce this year so I think he will go around 20.25 - 20.40 or so. I would love for him to go faster as long as he doesn't get hurt. This race Friday won't matter if he gets hurt pushing too hard. I want a fast time but to tell you the truth, I'm scared of him getting injured. I would have been much happier to see him go for a sub 10 and the world junior record. He will have a chance to break it however either in Berlin of in a meet after the World Champs. He has to get this record.

We have so many nick names for Christophe. I'm going to add one more.

great video!
white lightning said:
We need a translator on this board that knows French. Great video by the news station in France. You guys will enjoy it either way.

Ok, I really hope some of you guys will stop talking about Christophe (and the french) with the word "frog" because it's a offence for us even if you father is Napoleon

Here is the translation :

It starts saying he has a 3m stride , he is faster than Tyson gay at the same age. He is World, european junior champion and european recordman, he is a premature sprinter. His friends in the relay called him "Lemaitre blanc"= "The white master", because his name means the master.
Christophe says he did some collective sports before (soccer...) and the coaches said he was very fast, so he decided to start track and field and did a test on 50 m/ 60m which confirmed he was very fast.
After he says if someone would have told him he would be in the French team, he would have been very happy and suprised.
After the girl says he has askinny physical appearance but he is very fluid when he runs, he does not stop lowering his records. For his relay team friends, it's a revelation.
Ronald Pognon (9'99) says he is nice, he is very good, he is calm andmysterious , he says when he was 19 he was 10'54 and did after 9'99 so he thinks Christophe can do better. He says it's important for Christophe to stay focus, to have his family closed to him.
After the girl says Christophe is always in good mood, he always does some jokes, the relay coach says he is natural, he does not put preassure on himself, he adapted himself very easily in the french relay team. After the 10'04 the coachtold him to not change, to stay the same, to not change mentally.
After it finish saying the next race will bein Berlin but she forgot he will run on the 5th in Castres for a 200m.

Edited by: jphoenix001
thanks for the translation!
Thanks J Phoenix glad to seee he got some good coverage
Thank you my friend. We like having you here. Any guy from France is ok with us. I really appreciate you taking the time to translate that. Please come here as often as you like. The vast majority of posters here are great just like yourself. It is like what albinosprint said. We just have pride in our heritage, culture and traditions like others do from all around the world.

Christophe seems very humble. I can just tell that he is a great guy. It is a nice change because some sprinters come off as arrogant and rude. I like a little bit of that but it can go overboard. Good luck to Christophe on Friday. Have a good week my friend.
white lightning said:
Thank you my friend. We like having you here. Any guy from France is ok with us. I really appreciate you taking the time to translate that. Please come here as often as you like. The vast majority of posters here are great just like yourself. It is like what albinosprint said. We just have pride in our heritage, culture and traditions like others do from all around the world.

Christophe seems very humble. I can just tell that he is a great guy. It is a nice change because some sprinters come off as arrogant and rude. I like a little bit of that but it can go overboard. Good luck to Christophe on Friday. Have a good week my friend.

Thank you White Lightning.

I have to add something about christophe.

First , about his training. Christophe trains 4 times a week. Last year he trained only three times. That's a big difference which explains his progress. It's very important to keep in mind he is still a student so a training session last just 2 hours. Next week, he will have 5 trainings a week (an adult program), so it's sure he will progress.

Second, technically Christophe is really less good than Ramil. Ramil is pretty impressive technically for his age. I think Chrsitophe is faster, he has more potential but he is less technical. We can see the difference on the Novi Sad video how he moves the shoulders comparate to Ramil. that's also why Ramil is better on 200m because, for a 200m you need to be very good technically because of the bend. To be honest Christophe sucks in the bend. I don't expect better than 20'50 for Wednesday.

Another thing very important is his mind. As I said, he is always better in emulation. But what is amazing with him is his aims. He never speak about to be a sub-10. He cares about to be in final in Berlin, to make a podium. For other white sprinters, the challenge for them was to be the first sub-10, it's almost more important for them than to have a medal. For Christophe his aim is to win, he does not care about the time. He just knows one thing : if he is first, the time will follow. That's important because when you run only for the time, you will have more chances to run in bad mind condition and to not perform.

And finally, everybody arround him likes him, I mean he came in the french relay and he was fastly adopted because he is nice, he does not take the things seriously. He has good people arround him which is very important. It's why he is self-confident, but not arrogant. I'm almost sure he knows he will go under 10s but does not care because for him it's just a step.

He refused recently an offer from Lagardere Paris racing which is the biggest and richest track and field club in France (he could have been very well paid) because his environment and friends are too important for him (and finally his self-confidence).

No doubt he will go under 10 and probably under 9'9.
Another great analysis. Thanks my man. One question for you. Do you know Christophe personally? Are you guys actually friends. I'm just curious. Either way, we love having you here and you are the caste reporter for France. We have Australia covered and also Belgium, Denmark and the US off course. We need more people from all around the world to keep us posted of their countries stars. I am on the Lemaitre band wagon. I am one of his biggest fans. How could anyone not like this guy. It also says alot about Ronald Pognon to give Christophe credit. He is also great for France and hopefully he will get back on track soon.
No unfortunately but I know some people who know some people etc.... and finaly I get interesting information which is after always confirmed in the media.
I can't figure out why I can't just post the link to the lemaitre youtube channel? Oh well. This takes you to a video there. Any guys from Caste who are members of youtube should sign up for the videos. Let's support Christophe. Subscribe to the channel and add the site to your friends. Berlin is only 2 weeks away![/URL]Edited by: white lightning
its done! now we need rocket to start a youtube channel.
white lightning said:
Another great analysis. Thanks my man. One question for you. Do you know Christophe personally? Are you guys actually friends. I'm just curious. Either way, we love having you here and you are the caste reporter for France. We have Australia covered and also Belgium, Denmark and the US off course. We need more people from all around the world to keep us posted of their countries stars. I am on the Lemaitre band wagon. I am one of his biggest fans. How could anyone not like this guy. It also says alot about Ronald Pognon to give Christophe credit. He is also great for France and hopefully he will get back on track soon.

A bit information from the netherlands.Guus Hoogmoed is not so fast anymore pr 10.15 but this year only 10.45.we had a 16 years old that runned 10.8 100 meter is now 18 and switched to 400 meters runs a 47.09 in 2 years training 400. And 21.4 200 meter his name is Dennis Spillekom.and we have like 10 guys in the age group 16-19 years that runs Bram Peters,Adrain Rijken,Joeri Jaegers,Koen van Erve,Stijn Ram,Maxim Ouwendijk,maartijn Hoogendam and some more.
thank you for the update waterbed! if he ran 10.8 at 16, it would have been nice to see him stick with that, but 47.09 is not bad for a 18 year old.keep us posted on him.
I was reading master's last analysis,and for the most part if this is accurate I am more impressed with lemaitre.I have always felt that a sprinters first objective should be to win,nevermind the timing. I for one have gotten sick of the obsession with the clock,it has only added another psychological/sociological hurdle.If we win the times will have to be there eventually, and the attitude of "I'm going to win" is the only one to have when take your marks. However a big red flag went up with me. The desire not to sacrifice teenage relationships for success. I'm not saying a person should not be well balanced in all aspects of life,but all of us in our youth probably put too much emphasis on our peer groups often times at the expense of our families and long term goals. It is the time in life when it is our tempted greatest by our peers.The reason why bells went off for me.Is that I remember interviews with Shirvo's father after his 10.03 in '98 and he said something to the effect that Matt would never sacrifice his friends and socializing for sport,and I thought right then that he didn't have the mental make-up to succeed at the most elite levels.I don't think there is much excuse for Shirvo,I think he rested on his laurels of unbelievable natural talent and enjoyed his considerable fame down under while not sacrificing some of the most temporal things...but such is youth.
At the end of the day, you want the kid to be happy. If he gets stuck in neutral at some point or go backwards like Craig, then he can make some changes. I realize that being young is very special. Your learning about yourself, friends, ladies, the world, etc. I wouldn't want him to give up everything just to go sub 10 or beyond. Eventually I would like to see him give a bigger committment but not until down the road. Let him enjoy school & friends for now. As long as his family, friends and fellow athletes support him, he should be ok. How can we complain. Look at what he has accomplished with only 4 years of running track and average form at best plus no drive phase. The sky is the limit with Christophe! He just has to make sure he has his priorities in order.

I do understand your point swampfox. I just hope he can do both with out getting too distracted. My biggest fears are either him partying to much or chasing ladies too much. Both things are easy to do at 19 years of age. They need to keep him on track so he can acheive his dreams of being on the medal stand in the olympics.
Make a channel for Ramil albinosprint. Anyone can do it. Star Wars already has a channel and so do I. You can have two channels if you have two different email accounts. Ramil Guliyev deserves one. Someone step up and create a channel for him so that he doesn't get overlooked. Then we can all subscribe to it. He deserves the same praise that Lemaitre is getting. They are both superstars of sprinting!
swampfox said:
What really gets me is that a 10.1 or 10.2 is still very quick.It is world class in fact.Tough J. you make a good point that silver and bronze were around 9.9 and that is with the PED factor.It is possible that a clean sprinter could match that. One of the problems I have is when I see guys who can pull a sub10 out of their pocket as they wish and even after running heats can pull a sub 9.9 or lower almost as easy,and go to the next meet and duplicate it...give me a break!Some perspective ther have been 19 guys (legal at this point) that have been sub 9.9. Over half of them are gone. There 4 sub 9.8 guys 3 are active 2 are 99% certain to be dirty the other I think is 50/50.We have had atleast 8 guys that if luck(and yes luck plays a factor in this objective sport) that could have already be sub 10.How would the playing field be different w.o. PEDs and a little luck.

This is a very thoughtful post- great analysis. As of a two weeks ago when I checked -69 men have run a wind legal- FAT- sub 10 and all were of west African heritage except Patrick Johnson (half Irish/half Aboriginal- I would say it helped to have the diverse genetics from both parents backgrounds-not just his Aboriginal side. And he ran it on a very fast track in Japan anyway.) I wouldn't hesitate to say that more than half of the men who have gone sub 10 got some "help" (PEDs). I am 90+% confident that Asafa and Bolt are dirty. Mo Greene I'm probably about 90+% confident as well, with the Heredia steroid dealer connection and considering his "consistent" freakish times. More sub 9.9s than anyone I believe.

I agree Swampfox: Tyson Gay, I have some suspicions but I'm probably 60/40 that he's completely clean and I'd give him only a 20% chance or so- tops- that he's on steroids (I liked how he openly volunteered for the intensive Pilot program and his anti-doping rhetoric. The fact that Balco damaged U.S T+F so much and destroyed the careers and reputations of Marion Jones and Tim Montgomery- and put them behind bars- is a big deterrent in the U.S- but much less in Jamaica. If Gay is cheating- it's probably HGH and maybe only in the off-season. I personally think he realizes it will be tough to permanently get away with steroid use and that he has more to loose from steroids than gain. Just look at Marion Jones.)

A few of you guys are saying openly that Christophe can not only break 10, but very well might eclipse 9.9 with his natural talent- the great majority of us think he's clean. So...How can we be 100% confident and slander Tyson Gay as dirty for running a 9.77?

Here's my question. If Christophe runs a 9.87 and wins Bronze at the 2012 Olympics and Gay ties his PB with a 9.77 for Silver, is it not possible for one clean "freak" to be 0.1 seconds faster than another clean freak? That's a mere 0.98 meters apart at the finish running that speed. Just playing Devil's advocate for this scenario, but is it not possible for the fastest clean black man of all time to be 0.1 seconds faster than the fastest clean white man of all time?
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