Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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I'm with you on that race jacknyc. Count me in. I would have to be there and what a race it would be.

As far as Lemaitre. A talent for the ages. The kid is a beast. I love the way he bounced back from his last race. Talk about making a statement. His 3rd junior french record just this season. There is still more to come from this man/child! Way to go Christophe. Viva La Lemaitre!
There has only been one legal sub 10 by a junior sprinter. It was done by MLF of England. I belive it was also at altitude. So if Lemaitre and Guliyev can go sub 10 this summer, they will be in the history books. Not even Bolt went sub 10 by 19 years of age. Christophe Lemaitre needs to line up against Bolt in Paris next week over the 100. It could be just what the kid needs to run a sub 10! Imagine the publicity if he does it.

I want to see both Guliyev and Lemaitre both go sub 10/sub 20 soon. It's probably too much to ask for this summer but you never know. Guliyev is right there already. Lemaitre just needs to put a perfect race together. These guys are inspiration for every white sprinter on the planet.
white lighting, 19 yr old Yohan Blake just ran 9.96, but he trains with Bolt so I'm sure he had help from the PEDs. I do think Guliyev will be the first to sub ten, but who knows. I really hope these young guys shine in Berlin.
Lemaitre will be sub 10-10 for sure this year not sub 10 and not sub 20. Guliyev is pretty close to be sub 10 and sub-20. these guys have the same physical aptitude (6'3 for the french 6'2 for the azi).

Look at these picture Christophe is as almost tall as Usain Bolt (6'5).

His problem is his pace, he needs to improve that.

When he will do it, he will be very very fast.

His stride is 2m50, Bolt 2m65.

He won't run in Paris, he will run for the french championship the week-end after, if the weather is ok he will improve his PB because Christophe is always better with concurrence, for his 10'17 he was alone. And he willl run against Mbandjock (10'06 ) and Pognon (9'99).

For Bolt it's normal he did not run sub 10 because he did not run 100m at that time. Usain Bolt is still for me the best sprinter ever and I like him. He did 19'93 at 17, if he would have run a 100m at that time he would have done less than 10 for sure.

Edited by: jphoenix001
I just watched the video. He literally destroys the whole field. This kid is so skinny that I am amazed at the power he develops. He is a tall, lean, sprinting maching! Christophe has very nice form. His potential is incredible as he continues to grow into his body. With Lemaitre, Herring, and Guliyev, all three guys are very skinny. It goes to show that you can run fast without looking like a body builder. It shows that they are clean and just naturally gifted sprinters. Something idiots like Jon Entine declare is impossible. We will rewrite the books and shut up the critics. The youth movement has only begun. Now if only a certain kid from England can get back on track!Edited by: white lightning
And he is late with his training because he was hurted (he did not run 3 weeks)

Normally he should run at least 20'3/20'4 for the 200m and 10-10/10-15 for the 100m, his coach said that and Pierre caraz (his coach) is a very skilled coach, at each time he announced a time, Christophe did it.
WL you got a link for the race? I'm going to check youtube for it.
found it! he looked great. stayed relaxed, ran them down and had a great lean! at the start it looks like he is too bunched up in the blocks. other then that, this kid is good!
Christophe and his coach know what they are doing for sure. I still wish he could have raced this Friday in Paris though. He backed out of the meet to be safe but he was slated to run in the 100 against some really big names in front of a huge audience. It would have been special. I'm not going to question the decision however because the French National Championships and the World Championships are so much more important. Here is to him going sub 10.10 at the weekend after next. This kid will continue to shock the world. He is that good!
Here is a better video of the 10.17 race from We should really post some comments supporting this kid. He needs to know that their are alot of fans out there. This is one french who can fly. Frenchfly. Lol. Here is the link. by: white lightning
Man does this kid have great speed endurance. It almost seems as if he is running all out the whole way. That is impossible but he maintains his speed really well.
Christophe won the 2009 European Junior Championships in the 100 today. He won the gold medal in a new European Junior Record of 10.04 with 0.2 wind. This is amazing. I'm speechless. What a performance. This kid is going straight to the top! Congratulations to Pepe Leflew!
thats a 9.93 with 2.0 wind! got this feeling he is going sub 10 in Berlin.
The only bright side to this is that my bro still has a chance to be the first white sprinter to go sub 10! This is probably Craigs last chance to be the first to shock the world! Can he do it is the question? In a few hours, we will know as he might have to run a sub 10 just to advance to the finals. Either way, I hope Craig can at least throw down a new personal best time. Good luck Pickering!

As for Christophe. He doesn't need wind or any help what so ever. If only he hadn't run 3 rounds in 2 days. Lemaitre would have probably already broke 10 seconds. Even a negative wind might not have stopped him. The sky is the limit. Congrats Christophe!
Wow I thought you guys were smoking Crystal when you talked about these times for a 19 year old...
What was the weather like? Was it humid? The ghost of Guy Druit inhabits this guy!
I'm so happy right now. Nothing that happens the rest of the day can take the smile off my face. Enjoy this moment gentlemen. What a day.

There is only one thing that scares me. Shirvo ran a 10.03 at 19 and never improved. I can't see anyway of that happening again but we have had so much bad luck. I just want Christophe to blow threw that barrier along with Ramil.

What excites me about Christophe though is that he is a complete sprinter. He runs both the 100 & 200 meters. Lemaitre also has that very huge stride that almost every supestar sprinter has. This kid can go so much faster. He will have an excellent chance to make the medal stand by London. He might even final in Berlin. I love this kid. He makes me so proud!
I am so happy Christophe won in 10.04. He is improving so fast and has so much potential. He is the white Usain Bolt. This may be the fastest a white man has ever covered 100 meters besides Shirvo in the Commonwealth Games.

I am just so happy.
Christophe is now my new wall paper on my computer for a while. He deserves everything. This kid has worked so hard to achieve his dreams. A young kid from France with the All-American Boy Next Door Face. He will be famous and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Keep it up Christophe! All the way to Berlin!
you got to remember white lightning, Shirvo was very advanced for his age. he didn't have much to improve on. he was like Bolt at 19, fully developed and already had a good start and form. there was not much more for him to tweak. don't get me wrong, he should have broke 10, but I think the fame and pressure got to him. as for Pepe & Rocket, they have allot to build on. both are thin and are running on pure talent. there is allot more resources to tap out of these two.
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