Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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It's good to have you here swampfox. I can tell you have been a track fan for a long time. We like that here. The more knowledgeable posters, the better. There are some really good races of Wells on youtube. He was amazing and it's still hard to belive he didn't hit the sprints until his late 20's! I loved his unusual training methods like boxing. It really worked great. He is a legend.

I'm sure he approves of Lemaitre. He has been waiting for a guy from Scottland or England to take it to the next level. He was high on Nick Smith around 5 years ago but he never panned out. Christophe is a guy everyone can love. He just has the boyish face and he is a really nice guy with incredible talent. I belive that over the next decade or so, Lemaitre will acheive some amazing things. I can't wait!
I hope Lemaitre gets his sub-10 soon.
Now that he is so close, it will be best that he put it behind him right away, so the pressure to bring it doesn't build and become a psychological barrier like it did with Shirvo.
More importantly, I hope he breaks the 10 flat barrier while winning a race.
I don't want him to break 10.00, while finshing 6th or 7th at the Berlin finals, because it then will just be a footnote/after thought to championships and Bolt and whatever time he runs.
I would much much prefer he runs in the French National Championships or some other major meet that he wins AND breaks 10 flat. Then the whole story can be about him.
that would be nice, but I'll take him breaking 10 in the final at Berlin even if he is dead last. the kid is only 19 for Christ sakes! PUMPED!
I'll take it anyway I can get it. I agree with jacknyc however that the longer you go, the more of a mental thing it becomes. Part of Craigs problem is breaking 10.14 for the last 2 years. It doesn't make sense other than his form. I was told a long time ago that Shirvo got aussie plates that said sub 10 after his 10.03! I've never been able to confirm this but I heard it from a couple of different people. The pressure did get to Matt Shirvington. No doubt about it. Christophe is a different type sprinter however. I can't see anything stopping him outside of a career ending injury. The sooner he does it, the happier I am. I want him to concentrate on going sub 9.9 because that is where the medals are at. Let's get the 10 second barrier out of the way as quickly as possilbe.Edited by: white lightning
Despite Bolt breezing to a ridiculous 9.69- the Silver at last Olympics was 9.89 and the Bronze was 9.91. I think that a 9.9 flat would continue to medal sometimes at the Olympics. Bolt looks almost untouchable right now, but if they can get the PEDs out of the sport a 9.9 flat should make the medal stand the great majority of years. Heck, even a 10 flat might medal at the Olympics without PEDs involved.

I honestly believe that both Lemaitre and Guliyev (if he can work on his drive phase) will both go sub 10 and have a chance to push toward 9.9 and some medals. Both these guys seem to react to the gun better than Pickering as well. Go Christophe! You are quite "Taboo" with your stereotype shattering!
What really gets me is that a 10.1 or 10.2 is still very quick.It is world class in fact.Tough J. you make a good point that silver and bronze were around 9.9 and that is with the PED factor.It is possible that a clean sprinter could match that. One of the problems I have is when I see guys who can pull a sub10 out of their pocket as they wish and even after running heats can pull a sub 9.9 or lower almost as easy,and go to the next meet and duplicate it...give me a break!Some perspective ther have been 19 guys (legal at this point) that have been sub 9.9. Over half of them are gone. There 4 sub 9.8 guys 3 are active 2 are 99% certain to be dirty the other I think is 50/50.We have had atleast 8 guys that if luck(and yes luck plays a factor in this objective sport) that could have already be sub 10.How would the playing field be different w.o. PEDs and a little luck.
albinosprint said:
that would be nice, but I'll take him breaking 10 in the final at Berlin even if he is dead last. the kid is only 19 for Christ sakes! PUMPED!
Of course I'll take the sub-10 anyway it comes. But it would be best if it happened while winning a race. Then his accomplishment would get some attention, and reach some of DWFs that are so often mentioned here.
Otherwise, if it happens while he is finishing somewhere back in the pack, nobody will notice except us and some other serious track fans.
I don't know much about sprinting, but when they take someone's medal away for doping, do they also take the time away. I guess what I'm asking is when Bolt is found out, will his 9.69 disappear? I don't understand why the governing bodies don't thoroughly test these obviously juicing blacks before and after every race.
Assumimg Collio's 10.06 is legit (haven't seen it on the official season's lists yet), here is an update of the Top 10 white 100m sprinters for this year (with the Japanese sprinters thrown in for good measure.)

1/ Christophe Lemaitre 10.04
2/ Simone Collio10.06
3/ Ramil Guliyev10.08
JAP-Masashi Eriguchi10.07
JAP-Naoki Tsukahara10.09
4/ Fabio Cerruti10.15
5/ Tobias Unger 10.18
6/ Stephen Schwab10.19
7/ Arnaldo Abrantes10.19
JAP-Shinji Takahira10.20
8/Emmanuale DeGregorio 10.21
JAP-Shintaro Kimurav10.21
JAP-Shogo Arao 10.22
9/ Criag Pickering10.23
10/ Maurizio Checcucci 10.26
JAP-Shigeyuki Kojima10.26
It depends on what the athlete admits to. If he or she states that it was a one time thing than that time is erased. If under pressure or a sudden case of honesty hits the athletes than they can erase times that went back years before the failed test.
jacknyc said:
Assumimg Collio's 10.06 is legit (haven't seen it on the official season's lists yet), here is an update of the Top 10 white 100m sprinters for this year (with the Japanese sprinters thrown in for good measure.)

1/ Christophe Lemaitre 10.04
2/ Simone Collio10.06
3/ Ramil Guliyev10.08
JAP-Masashi Eriguchi10.07
JAP-Naoki Tsukahara10.09
4/ Fabio Cerruti10.15
5/ Tobias Unger 10.18
6/ Stephen Schwab10.19
7/ Arnaldo Abrantes10.19
JAP-Shinji Takahira10.20
8/Emmanuale DeGregorio 10.21
JAP-Shintaro Kimurav10.21
JAP-Shogo Arao 10.22
9/ Criag Pickering10.23
10/ Maurizio Checcucci 10.26
JAP-Shigeyuki Kojima10.26

I really wish the European Championships were this year!
We could see all these guys go at, and we would probably see a sub 10 from Lemaitre, plus a clean sweep of the medals by whites. That hasn't happened in awhile.
Good point nyc. I couldn't agree more but for one or two guys to make the finals in Berlin would be just as good. Let's see what happens next weekend. I wish Lemaitre was going to be there going against Ramil next Saturday. If these guys could get a sub 10 before Berlin, they would have so much more confidence. It is a huge mental barrier as we have seen for decades. Guys have had the potential ever since the Borzov days but for various reasons, it has never happened. We are about to see history very soon in my opinion. I can't wait to pop that bottle of champagne!
Thanks for the info, white is right.
I didn't see the question or I would have answered. Thanks. Tim Montgomery was stripped of his world record in the 100 when he admitted to the steroid use. There are so many cheats but the testing doesn't ever seem to keep up with the new types of designer steroids, hgh,epo, and other things like gene modification. Some of these sprinters will risk life and limb to be the fastest in the world. You saw what happened to Flo Jo. Very sad. It could happen to some of the current sprinters. Just like alot of bodybuilders, they are putting massive amounts of substances in their bodies. It will catch up with them later on. Some even inject the drugs met for horses!
I want to give an honest analysis of Christophe Lemaitre. He is a stud sprinter and he will go sub 10. That is the good part. Here is some of the things he needs to work on. One, Christophe just like Ramil needs to get a true drive phase. He rises up within 10-20 meters. He never stays low and drives like he should. I have never seen anything quite like it. Two he needs to learn to stay in the middle of the lane. As was said in a previous post, he tends to drift from side to side. If he just corrects these two things, he goes 9.95 at least already. The fact that he can run that fast with no wind and virtually no drive phase in phenomenal. His top speed is off the charts. His ability to maintain that speed is off the charts as well. His max v.o. is amazing. It's also known as speed endurance.

All I'm saying is just like with Pickering, they have alot to work on with Lemaitre regarding his form and sprinting style. Not to mention him getting stronger which will only help him. Especially with staying healthy as running these type of speeds is hell on your body. As we have said before, the sky is the limit. Times in the 9.80's shouldn't be a problem. He may go faster than that. I just pray to God that this kid can stay healthy and him and his coach can work on those things.

Christophe Lemaitre is a freak of nature. Never in my life have a seen a kid so skinny that could run as fast as he does. It's like he is shot out of a cannon. This kid is going to be known everywhere soon. He may also just like Wariner, Bolt, and Gay help to put more fans in the stands. Christophe will race again before Berlin. Hopefully he can go sub 10 in his next race.

One last thing. He would have won the French National Champs running backwards. Ronald Pognon won in in a very average time of 10.39! Christophe ran faster than that in the semis running into a strong wind. He would have been national champ if he would have ran there. I'm glad he ran at the Euro Junior Champs because that is a once in a life time opportunity. He will never forget it and either shall I.

Count me in as one of this kids biggest fans. Keep it up Christophe. You are the man.

That is why I call you.........Pepe Le Flew...........!Edited by: white lightning
He's going to do for sprinting what the Klitscko brothers did for boxing.

I'd be proud to have him come over and f'ck my wife. I'd go in to the kitchen and make him a sandwich while he was doing it.
Your funny. I used to be a sprinter as well, does that count?
Just joking bro. What ever you do, don't let your wife read this. Lol.
W.L. I think your analysis on Lemaitre is spot on, but it only makes me more hopeful finding all these flaws in a great race. You made a comparison earlier of He and A.Wells I would like to make another one from the past...Mennea. Lanky, long-striding,If he could clean up his form(mennea was very smooth) I can see him falling in that line. But it is no contradiction, because of his youth and potential to put extra muscle on his frame he could convert to a power runner.
I noticed in the Final the last 30m his head was bobbling back and forth. there is allot of movement in his shoulders. you can see it on YouTube in the sloMo reply. with the head movement and the lane wondering his form looks erratic. what's crazy is even without fixing these issues, we might see this kid under 10 this year. his top end and maintenance are great, and his deceleration is negligible. it's going to be great to see what these young guys can do.
Just to let you guys know way ahead of time. Christophe Lemaitre will have one more shot at a sub 10 before Berlin. He will be racing at a small local meet in France on August 5th. It is the 2009 Castres Meet. This will 100% be his last race before the world championships in Berlin. He needs plenty of rest to recover for the multiple rounds he will have to run. Christophe is as confident as ever from everything I have heard and read. Why wouldn't he be? He is predicting a sub 10 soon and a place in the finals in Berlin. This would be incredible. Were behind you all the way! I know that everyone here is pumped to see him run again. August 5th. Mark it on the calendar!
No start lists for another week or so but I will keep you posted. I do think he proved that he can run fast regardless at the Euro Junior Champs. Other than Ramil, no one in that race was even in the same ball park as far as talent. I sure wish he could get a 200 in as well to improve his p.b. It is way too slow. He would smash it!
Lemaitre is officially on the French team to Berlin in the 100m.
He is not running the 200m there.
I'm glad he is not. He is not strong enough yet to handle running both events. It would take too much out of him and he probably wouldn't final in either event because of the fatigue. I will go out on a limb. Barring an awful start, I see him making the 100 meter finals in Berlin. If he does, it might be one of the greatest achivements we've seen in years with him only being 19! Good luck Christophe.
there is a good chance he will make it. He is going to have to consistently run good time. there will be no rome for error. He can do it!
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